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What many people do not know is that the erection is a passive action. In fact, when men do not have erection, the penis makes an effort: the smooth muscles of the arteries at the base of the penis must stay contracted, in order to impede the blood filling the penis. (In fact, most aphrodisiacs, including Viagra, contain a chemical(s) that relax these muscles).
No wonder dead people can have erections. A death erection (also named "angel lust") is a postmortem erection happening when the man dies vertically or face-down and the corpse remains so.
When the body is dead, the smooth muscles of the arteries relax (in fact, die) but this is not enough: the blood cannot enter the penis as the heart no longer pumps it, creating pressure for entering the penis' vessels. In the dead body, only gravitation acts on the blood. This means that the blood accumulates at the lowest point of the body, provoking a swelling of the dead tissue; the upper located part of the body discolors, leaving the dead body's lividity. In the mentioned cases, the blood enters by gravitation into the dead penis, causing an erection.
When a person is hanged, the blood will accumulate in its lower part: legs and feet. If the legs are filled with blood, the blood in the waist can causes an erection, entering the penis's erectile tissue. As long as the blood is not clotted, the body must stay in that position to maintain the death erection.
Death erection can also be provoked by a traumatic death, especially asphyxiation (like in strangulation or hanging), being induced by an arousal which, of course, have very little to do with sex, accompanying the final spasms of the nervous system, and in this case ejaculation may take place. Some link this to brain or spinal cord injuries caused by the noose, as priapism in living men has been associated with such conditions.
On war time, death erection made an excellent war trophy, a method of humiliating the enemy by displaying their posthumous copulating organ.
Hanged women too can present a corespondent to this, translated trough engorged labia and vaginal discharges.
Other rapid or violent deaths too can cause angel lust: bullet wounds to the brain or large blood vessels or poisoning.

December 24, 2018


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What do Lord Byron, Christopher Reeves and John Dillinger have in common?
A man is born with an erection and dies with an erection and in between those two events he will average about 15 to 25 erections a day during the course of his life. 
Angel Lust is also referred to as a “Death Erection”, an involuntary response that occurs at the time of death, particularly if that death was a violent one, although it’s not always the case. Some men who have died with this condition were: Lord Byron, Christopher Reeves and John Dillinger. There was also a reference to this in the book/film “The World According to Garp”, when T.S. Garp finds out from his mother that his father was a comatose man with a terminal erection who was mounted by his mother. After she had her way with him, his last dying words according to her were: ‘good’. Then he died!
So what is the symbolism here? Our Life Force Energy, or Shakti Energy is also our sex energy. And in particular in the case of men can manifest in an erection during challenging or traumatic life experiences. That is because our sex energy is not always an erotic reaction but a survival instinct. Which is a reason why rapes occur during wartime and in prison. The rapist isn’t especially in a romantic mood; instead they feel threatened in some way and so must act on it by subjugating another. 
But let’s switch from this depressing subject to one that is more enlightening. That being Death. WHAT?! You say? Dear Reader, before you get your panties in a knot or worse still, unsubscribe from this blog. Just hear me out. Read this with no judgement.
The French call ejaculation ‘Le Petit Mort’, ‘The Little Death’. That’s because every time a man ejaculates in the conventional manner they do experience a form of Death 2.0. The erection represents a desire to spread their seed before exiting this plane of existence permanently and at the moment of ejaculation, all functions stop for a plot second. A bit like a sneeze. Just like flowers will increase their pollen production before withering away, we want to make sure that we leave a lasting imprint on this earth.
Women also experience a similar phenomenon at the time of death such as expulsion of blood or fluids form the vagina. But let’s face it, a dead guy with a giant boner is defiantly more spectacular and attention grabbing. 
Understanding the cause and effect of this function can also help us to raise consciousness and awareness as it relates to the relation between our Mind, Body and Spirit. If we understand that our energies are cyclical, that they ebb and flow as a result of a multitude of variables. Then it’s easier for us to harness and re-harvest this energy in a safe and efficient manner.
Through the practice of Tantra it’s possible to allow this energy to flow unencumbered while at the same time giving the person better clarity of thought and more stamina. That’s because these techniques not only work with the endocrine system of your body, but also your Mind and Spirit. After all, the are all interconnected! 
Many men, in particular younger ones, are constantly plagued by sexual thought that can cause unnecessary distractions during the course of the day. They find that if they self pleasure themselves or engage in sexual activity upon waking, that they can experience higher levels of concentration and more productivity during the course of the day. This is only a half measure. By practicing techniques such as the Kriya Asanas, Pranic Breathing and The Orgasmic Meditation©, it’s possible for them to be in better control of their faculties, thus elevating them to a state of Higher Consciousness. 
This Wholeness will help to unite and balance our polarities, allowing us to experience a healthy detachment that make us the observer in this journey through life’s transitions and preparing us for the inevitability of the final transition of life.
Would you like to learn more about the techniques covered in this post? Please contact me personally by email: Looking forward to hearing from you!
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Working at the Crossroads of Life and Death
1. Dead bodies can APPEAR to have hair and finger/toe nail growth.
This is moreso a technicality. The hair and nails don’t actually grow, but when the body begins to shrivel away (after decomposition), the skin shrinks back, exposing more hair and more finger/toe nails.
Your muscles relax and anything that you may or may not have been holding in will come out.
Normally, dead bodies experience algor mortis (cooling of temperature) immediately following death. In some cases, the body temperature will actually rise for about two hours after death before it begins to cool. This phenomena is called, “post-mortem caloricity.”
While there are exogenous facts that cause decomposition (perhaps worms, flies, cats), much of the body’s decomposition occurs endogenously … the bacteria, acids, etc. within our own body live on and have a glorious feast on their deceased host.
Also called “angel lust” or “death erection”, some dead bodies can actually have an erection. Although rare and usually cause by swift and violent manners of death, priapisms do occur. In fact, crucifixion victims often had angel lust, which means Jesus may have died with a death erection. Per Leo Steinberg there are a number of Renaissance crucifixion paintings that depict Jesus in such a manner.
When you die, your body will turn all sorts of pretty colors. Soon after death, gravity will pool the red blood cells to the part of your body that’s closest to the ground. If you die face down, your face will get all reddish. If you die on your back, your back will turn all pretty shades of crimson. Eventually (unless the deceased is embalmed), those colors will stain skin they’re touching (embalmers call this “postmortem stain”).
If a women dies while still pregnant, the eventual gases from decomposition in some cases push the deceased fetus out in what’s called a “coffin birth”.
This is extremely rare. And usually only occurs in the smaller muscles. Out of the thousands of bodies my family has seen, only one still had muscle movement after death. The deceased’s fingers were twitching “like he was playing the piano”.
When a deceased person is moved and there’s air in his or her lungs, they can moan and groan. If the deceased says, “I’m not dead yet” well, they’re probably not dead (Monty Python reference).

This entry was posted by Caleb Wilde on November 14, 2014 at 8:53 pm, and is filed under Death . Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0 .You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.
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“Akon, the notorious rapist and serial killer, has finally been brought to book. This was after he was arrested, and multiple evidences showed he was responsible for the gruesome death of miss Jane Alade. He has been sentenced to death and just executed by hanging. This should serve as a lesson to people, who choose to thread in the path of evil. My name is Cenah Odogwu, reporting, for OGC news.” The light skinned TV presenter, stated.
“Thank goodness. The hands of justice has finally caught up with him.” Callie, satisfied with the final execution of the rapist, commented. She and Ava have been following the case up since they heard of Jane’s death.
“Callie look! He has an erection.” Ava, pointing to the TV, exclaimed and giggled.
“Why did you choose to look at that part of him?” “Your mind is too dirty.” Her twin brother, Alex, teasing her, looked at her with contempt, while she eyed him.
“A leopard never looses its spot. Once a rapist, always a rapist.” Callie commented.
“Who knows? Maybe he wants to rape the Angels in heaven again, or probably devil in hell. We never can tell where he will end up in.” Ava said and they laughed.
“Hey you girls are missing it. It’s just natural for him to have an erection.”
“Really? Tell me more Alex.” Ava said.
“The erection you noticed is referred to as rigor erectus or angel lust . It is a form of priapism observed in the corpses of men who have been executed, particularly by hanging.”
“Why and how does it happen?” Callie asked.
“Dead men have erection as a result of sudden loss of autonomic control at body regions distal to spinal cord injury. The reason can also be attributed to the pressure created on the cerebellum by the noose of the rope. At the same time, it is characterized by discharge of urine, mucus or prostatic fluid.” Alex explained.
“Wow! I’m hearing this for the very first time.” Ava commented.
“It’s obvious sis. Gravity also exert an influence on rigor erectus. Especially since blood pools to the lower part of the body. You should also note that it doesn’t only affect men but also women. Their clitoris or labia can get engorged if subjected to such condition.” He continued.
“Does it happen only to a person who has been hanged?” Ava asked.
“No, it can also occur to people who get shot in the head. The main thing is that it is characterized by a swift and sudden death.” Alex added.
“Way to go, smarty pants! You’re so intelligent.” Callie who was impressed, stated.
“How did you learn that again? I don’t remember us ever being taught in school.” Ava asked her brother.
“Maybe next time, you spend your time reading articles and watching documentaries instead of admiring guys that don’t even notice you.”
“I’m gonna kill you before mum gets back.”
Angry Ava screamed and chased him while he giggled and ran away.
“Come back here!” She shouted again.
Writer: Ogunmola Hannah
University of Medical Sciences, Ondo State, Nigeria
Wow this is a powerful piece. “Learning never end”. More grace to the writers
Wow, first time I’m hearing this. Thank you
This is creative and informative.
I must also commend the brevity.
Well done!
This was really insightful…. It’s a bit to funny to imagine…. But i have a question… Since dead men get erection does that mean there are active sperms there that can get a woman pregnant?
Or the erection is just a gravitational pull?
In my own opinion, in a normal dead person, a discharge can be found near the penis of the corpse. However, that results from just passive seeping of fluid from prostate gland. That is termed leakage and not ejaculate.
But in such a case like rigor erectus, fluid comes out from the penis not just passively, but as a result of erection. Therefore, it should have a little bit of sperm in it.
Especially in cases where there’s leftover sperm in the urethra, it mixes with it, producing prostatic fluid with active mobile sperm.
It should be noted however that sperms die few minutes outside a dead man’s body, making it unviable if not collected immediately.
Think about this though, who will ever try to go near a hanged criminal to get sperm to make babies?
In other cases though, sperm can be extracted from the dead body for artificial insemination. This must be within a period of 24 hours though to preserve the viability of the sperm.
Wow, this is a very interesting piece to read, informative too. The style of writing is amazing as well. Welldone.
Before I gained admission into the university, I decided to pay a visit to the mortuary at the General Hospital because I wanted to confirm if I had the “mind” to study medicine (or any medical course peradventure was offered admission into medicine department).
I recall how naive I was when I asked the mortuary attendant to see the corpses. He was shocked and asked me why. I explained myself to him, and he laughed.
He then called one of the staff, who took me to a corner where one of the corpses was being dried. I wasn’t satisfied with wh
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