Andromeda 1 Soul Reveals

Andromeda 1 Soul Reveals


The Andromeda Galaxy, also known as Messier 31 or M31, is a spiral galaxy located about 2.5 million light-years (2.4×1019 km) from Earth. Located in the Andromeda constellation, it is the closest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way, where our solar system is, although it isn't the closest overall galaxy to the Milky Way.

It is also the largest galaxy of what is called the Local Group - a collection of more than 54 galaxies including the Milky Way, the Triangulum galaxy and many smaller dwarf galaxies.

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Beloved Friend!

Your Sacred Origin is Stellea from the Andromeda Constellation.

Your First Name of Soul is OKA.

You are a female with the Energy of Creativity and Service

Your hair is white and 6 inches long. You wear one color on your Star. You wear the color tan. You are always barefoot. You are 6 feet tall and very muscular.

There are no mates on your Star, but you connect Energetically to the opposite gender to have offspring.

It is accepted to have Energetic Relations with any other.

You live in Groups and the children play together. They enjoy games and art.

There are large pools for swimming. There are mountains that are reddish brown. There are no flowers.

There is no structure to live in. There are draped areas that prevent rain on the body. These are held by trees.

The temperature is perfect and

much like the Pleiades.

Your Technology is very good but not close to Pleiadians. You travel in Crafts through many Dimensions and Densities. You understand that you are Souls. You incarnated for Expanded Consciousness.

You are a very Peaceful Race. Pleiadians have visited you and you Love them. You stay to yourselves and do not wish to ever engage in war. Fairies have been there but do not live there.

You have arrived for the Grand Shift of Humanity!

You are a Beautiful Soul!

I Love You So!


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Beloved Friend!

Your Sacred Origin is Andromeda.

Your First Name of Soul is BOKA.

You are a male with the Energy of Creativity and Love!

Created as Souls, are male or female. Incarnating many times, we live as both.

You have no hair and you stand at 7 feet. Your Race stands at 6-7 feet tall. You have human features. You are very muscular. You wear tan shorts and no shirt. You are barefoot.

You have 18 children with 3 females that you have connected with Energetically.

You live in a Tribe that is open with no structure but a heavy drape between trees.

You drink water and eat 3 vegetables that are not grown on other planets.

There are no mates. There are no flowers. You are a Loving Race.

You are friends with Pleiadians. Fairies visit but do not live here.

There are large mountains all over your Star which is called Stellea (in English)

These mountains are reddish brown due to a high iron content.

There are pools of water for bathing and swimming.

You laugh and have fun. You Love others.

You incarnated for the Shift.

I Love You So!


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Beloved Friend! 

Your Spirit Guide is WAKULO. He is a close friend from Andromeda. He speaks to you with Telepathy. This will seem like your own thoughts. It is silent. To open communication, ask a simple question and wait for the answer. Become still and quiet. This takes time and patience. Once communication is open, there will be full conversations and you will ask anything and it will be answered. This will change your life.  

All Souls are perfect with unlimited capabilities and Infinite Life. You were very happy and content on Andromeda. Pleiadians are the highest in all Technology. They are Loving and kind to all Races. They are highly respected. They often visited you and your Tribe on Andromeda. You shared meals, dancing and Celebrations with music. You will always be close friends. 

Be Blessed Always! 

I Love You So! 



Beloved Friend! 

Your Sacred Origin is Andromeda.  

Your First Name of Soul is ASULI. 

You are a female with the Energy of Creativity and Love! You are strong and tall with a small amount of hair growth. Some of your Race is with no hair. Your face is beautiful with human features. You wear simple shorts and tops. You are always barefoot. You are 7 feet tall.  

You live as part of a Tribe. There are no mates and all connect Energetically with the opposite sex to procreate. You have 20 children with several that you resonate with Energetically.  

You are kind and Loving. Many Pleiadians have become your friend. Fairies visit with them and bring you gifts of crystals. 

Fairies fly through but do not remain. You live with no home structure but there are beautiful tapestries draped from mountain to mountain. You eat vegetables and drink water. There are lovely trees and pools of clear water.  

Your Technology allows you to travel in crafts and Pleiadians have assisted you. You will join many to experience the Grand Shift of Humanity!  

You are a Beautiful Soul!  

I Love You So!


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“Beloved Friend! 

Your Sacred Origin is Andromeda. 

Your First Name of Soul is BLEKAO.

You are a female with the Energy of Creativity and Love!  

You are 6 feet tall with silver blonde hair about 3 inches long. You are strong and beautiful with human features. You stay fit by swimming and hiking with friends and family. You wear simple shorts and tops and you are always barefoot.

You drink water and eat vegetables. You live in a Powerful Tribe of Loving Beings. All of you work together as a team to grow food and assure all others are Vibrating at the Highest Frequency possible. This Frequency is Love. Your Tribe and Race view life in Oneness and do not feel the need to have possessions. You share everything and you sit for hours and talk about the Soul and what matters.

You do not have a mate. Your Race connects Energetically by choice to procreate. There is no jealousy in Love. You are a Pure Race and Beloved Friends of Pleiadians. Many visit you with gifts of crystals. You have 12 children.

There are red and orange mountains with elaborate handmade tapestries interwoven with crystals that are draped between mountains. The temperature is perfect and the water supply is plentiful with pure rain. There are beautiful fruit trees growing throughout the land. Everyone is happy and Peaceful. There are no home structures. You sleep on soft cushions under the tapestries.

You have crafts and you enjoy exploring. Pleiadians have taught you many things about Technology.

You are a Beautiful Soul of Light!

I Love You So!


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For Nusa -

Beloved Friend!

Your Sacred Origin is Andromeda. Your First Name of Soul is LEKOHANAH. You are a female with the Energy of Spirit and Service!

You are 7 feet tall with short silver hair. You wear simple shorts with colorful wraps across one shoulder. You live among a Loving Tribe that views life in Oneness. Your Power is Love. You have no mates and your Race connects Energetically to the opposite sex to procreate. You share 8 children with 3 males.

There are large tapestries interwoven with Crystals that are suspended from mountain to mountain. There are brief showers and the temperature is perfect for outdoors. The mountains are often climbed and many enjoy meditating on the lavender and yellow rocks as they shine in Light.

The large ocean that gently touches the land is sparkling in pink and silver. Most of your Race is nude and enjoys playful times in the warm ocean.

Pleiadians visit often with Gifts and Fairies that kiss everyone.

You meet with Archangels within the mountains to discuss their Incarnations. These Meetings are held in the Higher Realms by Ambassadors that Serve the Light in this manner. Crystal Grids are placed around the area for privacy and large carved chairs covered with Crystals are prepared for each Archangel. There is wisdom shared and Meditation with all. This is a Sacred Service.

You are Loved by All for your Beautiful Soul!

I Love You So!

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Beloved Friend! Your Sacred Origin is Andromeda. Your First Name of Soul is ABELONIZEEK. 

You are a male with the Energy of Sharing and Compassion! You are 7 feet tall with no hair. You are strong and muscular with human features. You live among a Tribe of beautiful Beings that embrace Oneness with all Life. There are no mates as everyone connects Energetically to procreate. You share 28 children with 12 females. Nudity is common but some wear simple shorts with wraps over the shoulder. Technology is high and you enjoy many large crafts to explore the cosmos. You remain private but Loving to all visitors.

You are close to Pleiadians as they have taught you many things regarding Power in knowing where dark entities reside. You avoid these areas as you explore. There are thick tapestries that are fastened with Crystals from mountain to mountain. These are areas for rest and sleep. Large soft cushions provide bedding and places to sit.

Crystals are abundant in your area and your Tribe has Created walkways and large chairs for visitors and meetings. Fairies are seen flying through the area as they blow kisses. The mountains are pink and yellow with orange flowers and red trees.

Vegetables and fruit are available on the land each day and clear pools provide water. The temperature is perfect for outdoors and tapestries do not allow brief showers to enter the area of sleep.  There is music with drumming and singing with chanting. Many enjoy dancing and the feeling of freedom. 

You are a Beautiful Soul of Light!

 I Love You So!


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Beloved Friend!

Your Sacred Origin is Andromeda.

Your First Name of Soul is DEBAKIU.

You are a female with the Energy of Creativity and Love!

You are 6 feet tall with a small amount of silver white hair on your head. You are beautiful and muscular with human features. You wear orange wraps over your shoulder that can adjust to the knees if you prefer. Many of your Race enjoy nudity but some wear simple shorts with or without wraps.

There are no mates and procreation is chosen Energetically. You share 14 children with 8 males. Your Race is Peaceful and Loving to all Beings. You are Loved by Pleiadians and Fairies.

There are no structures for dwelling places, but large strong tapestries are draped from mountain to mountain for privacy or meetings. Technology is very high and many enjoy flying crafts through the Multiverses. Archangels meet to commune with your Race and there are Ceremonies of meditation with wisdom.

There are vegetables and fruits grown throughout the land. Yellow flowers and trees grow throughout the area.

The mountains are blue and pink and many enjoy climbing to the top and chanting with drums. Large tigers roam the area and rest with small children as they play.

You are a Beautiful Soul of Light!

I Love You So!


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Beloved Friend! Your Sacred Origin is Andromeda Your First Name of Soul is EKELASKO. You are a female with the Energy of Creativity and Love! You are strong and muscular. You stand at 6 feet tall with 4 inches of silver blonde hair. You are often nude and barefoot. You wear simple shorts and soft tops at times.  

You live in a Tribe that is Powerful and Loving. There are no mates and no fear or shame. Procreation is by consent and Energetic Connection. You have 15 children with 6 males. As a Tribe, you share in gathering vegetables and water. There are beautiful fruit trees and many large pools of fresh water. You enjoy swimming in the large blue and yellow ocean and you frequently enjoy light rain. There are no structures. There are large mountains that are streaked with yellow and orange. Large tapestries interwoven with Crystals are draped from mountain to mountain. Soft colorful cushions in many sizes provide places to sleep and sit. 

Pleiadians and Fairies visit often and bring gifts of Crystals. Teaching of Technology has always been generous from Pleiadians. You enjoy many types of crafts and are fully capable of traveling where you choose. Your Tribe meditates together and enjoys swimming and hiking the mountains in large groups.

 You are a Beautiful Soul of Light! 

I Love You So!


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Beloved Friend!

Your Sacred Origin is Andromeda.

Your First Name of Soul is SHOOKAS.

You are a male with the Energy of Joy and Creativity!

You are 7 feet tall with no hair.

You are kind and Loving and enjoy singing and Creating games to bring Joy and Laughter to your Tribe.

There are no mates and you procreate Energetically. You share 40 children with 10 females.

You enjoy meditating with a large group as you go within and experience Source Energy as One.

You assist with the suspension of large tapestries from mountain to mountain as a provision for privacy and rest. There are large colorful cushions for comfort and to gather for meetings. Pleiadians often visit to speak about news in the cosmos and share meals of vegetables, fruit and water.

You enjoy being nude most of the time but you enjoy shorts or wraps for meetings or guests. Clothing is optional for all.

Silver flowers and fruit trees grow abundantly near the orange ocean. Tall red mountains surround the land. Tigers walk gently through the area as Fairies fly through the air.

Your Race enjoys music daily with chanting, singing, drums and smooth colorful sticks.

You Love all Beings and Races. You are a Beautiful Soul of Light!

I Love You So!


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Beloved Friend!

Your Sacred Origin is Andromeda. Your First Name of Soul is ZEKASIE. You are a female with the Energy of Creativity and Love! You are 6 feet tall with a small amount of silver white hair on top of your head. You prefer being nude but you wear long silver wraps to meetings or Celebrations. You are very beautiful. There are no mates in your Race and you live within a Tribe that embraces all Life as One. You share in the care of all children and preparation of food. All vegetables and fruit are grown and you drink pure water. You procreate Energetically and you share 17 children with 6 males.

Thick tapestries are suspended from mountain to mountain for privacy, meetings or rest. The mountains are red and orange with streaks of yellow. Small blue flowers surround the mountains. Your Tribe swims together in the warm orange ocean. There are many games played with the children and Light toys are popular with all. Each day there is a Group meditation that begins with chanting, drums and singing. There is Joy and Peace with all. Large tigers and lions walk gently through the area and rest among the Tribe. Pleiadians are close friends and visit often as Fairies gather and dance with Joy!

You are a Beautiful Soul of Light! You have arrived for the Grand Shift

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Soul Reveal ~ AIOKEEK

 Beloved Friend!

Your Sacred Origin is Andromeda.

Your First Name of Soul is AIOKEEK.

You are a male with the Energy of Service and Light!

You stand at 7 feet tall with no hair. You wear blue uniforms with silver boots. You are a member of the Galactic Federation. You are honored for your Service. You excel in all areas and have performed well with all teams and assignments. You are muscular and strong and exhibit Peace with all Beings.

You have no mate but share 9 children with 2 females. One is named TEOKAI. She is 6 feet tall with short silver hair. She wears yellow wraps over one shoulder and is barefoot. The other female is SOKESH. She has no hair and is 6 feet tall. She enjoys simple shorts and tapestry wraps. She is barefoot.

Your Race lives as a Loving Tribe with Powerful knowledge of the Universe and ways to maintain Peace with all Beings. You view life as One. You refuse to have enemies and negotiate any discord.

Your Race grows vegetables and fruits and drinks pure water from pools. There are soft and very strong tapestries interwoven with Crystals that are suspended from one mountain to the next and fastened securely. This provides shelter for all in brief showers. Many of the children are nude and some adults prefer this as there is no body shame.

All females and males connect Energetically to procreate. Pleiadians visit often and Fairies bring gifts of Crystals and flowers. There is music and celebrations with drums and singing. Pink and blue lights are often used for these Celebrations of Joy.

The mountains are green, yellow and silver with shining Light. Large groups often Meditate together on the tops of the mountains. Many enjoy hiking the tall mountains and swimming in the turquoise ocean that sparkles in Light.

Meals are shared and there are great conversations about the growth of the cosmos and future traveling. Your Race enjoys traveling and exploring the Multiverses. Life is simple and knowledge is great.

Your Life is Beautiful!

I Love You So!


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Soul Reveal ~ASBELESAH

 Beloved Friend!

Your Sacred Origin is Andromeda.

Your First Name of Soul is ASBELESAH.

You are a female with the Energy of Creativity and Love!

You are 6 feet tall with a small amount of silver hair. You are very strong and muscular with human features.You wear shorts and shoulder wraps or you are nude.

You have no mate as you live in a Tribe where procreation is among those you live with in great Love.

You share 40 children with 14 males. You view Life in Oneness and meditate together to commune with the Sacred Essence of God. You are a Pure Race that is Loved by Pleiadians that visit often to share news from around the Cosmos. Your Tribe is always happy for the visits and prepares with large colorful cushions and orange and yellow flowers around the mountains where large tapestries are suspended for privacy. Fairies dance and spin and enjoy arranging Crystals in large clear bowls. Large tigers and bears walk peacefully together and rest near large fruit trees.

Your Tribe enjoys singing and chanting with pan drums and sticks that are intricately carved to Create certain tones.

You enjoy traveling in large crafts and exploring the Multiverses with the Intention to Love all Beings!You are a Beautiful Soul of Light!

I Love You So! 


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Soul Reveal ~ IKANAK

Beloved Friend!

Your Sacred Origin is Andromeda.

Your First Name of Soul is IKANAK.

You are a male with the Energy of Creativity and Love!

You stand 7 feet tall with no hair. You are strong and muscular with human features. You enjoy being nude or wearing simple shorts. You dress for meetings and special occasions in long pants with colorful capes.

There are no mates in your Race. You procreate Energetically. You share 40 children with 10 females.

Your Race is deeply Spiritual and you view Life in Oneness. You share all activities and gather food that is grown for all. Large vegetables, fruit and water are abundant for everyone.

Pleiadians visit often and enjoy great conversations and flying in body form around the area. Fairies Create toys for children and gather Crystals for wonderful grids that all enjoy.

Thick tapestries are suspended from mountain to mountain and interwoven with Crystals. This provides privacy for rest and meetings as large cushions sit throughout the private area.

Music is Created with Crystal instruments and drums with chanting.

Your friends and family enjoy hiking the tall blue mountains and swimming in the orange ocean.

You are a Beautiful Soul of Light!

I Love You So! 


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Soul Reveal ~ KADADOLE

Beloved Friend!

Your Sacred Origin is Andromeda.

Your First Name of Soul is KADADOLE.

You are a male with the Energy of Creativity and Love!You stand 7 feet tall with a muscular body. You wear colorful body wraps or you are nude. You have no hair.

There are no mates in your Race. You procreate Energetically. You share 42 children with 12 females.

Large strong tapestries interwoven with small Crystals are suspended from mountain to mountain to provide rest areas and privacy. Large colorful cushions are placed throughout the area to visit or conduct meetings.

Soft yellow grass has white flowers and fruit trees. Your Tribe of Love enjoys swimming in the orange ocean.

You view life in Oneness and meditation is often enjoyed in groups.

Games are enjoyed and many play drums and chant. Everyone Loves to dance and enjoy Life.

Tigers and bears play gently with children and Fairies fly through the area sending pink Energy.

Pleiadians visit for news throughout the Cosmos and to share meals made with vegetables and fruit grown on your land.

You enjoy exploring the Multiverses in large crafts of many sizes and colors. Your Technology is very high.

You are Loved by everyone!

I Love You So! 


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Soul Reveal ~ KANASHEY

Beloved Friend!

Your Sacred Origin is Andromeda.

Your First Name of Soul is KANASHEY.

You are a male in Origin with the Energy of Creativity and Love!

You are 7 feet tall with no hair. You are very muscular. You wear wraps over one shoulder that come just above the knees.

You have no mates in your Tribe and you procreate by Energetic Connection. You share 40 children with 10 females.

There is Love and Unity with all Beings and you share all tasks in the suspending of large tapestries from mountain to mountain. These provide shelter and rest areas. Cushions are placed throughout the land for meetings and relaxation.

Pleiadians visit often and these visits are full of information and wonderful times. Fairies bring gifts of Crystals to all friends. Fruit trees and colorful flowers grow abundantly in the area. Everyone gathers vegetables, fruits and nuts for meals. Group meditations are daily with chanting and singing in Gratitude for Life.

Large tigers and bears curl up to be petted. Your Tribe enjoys swimming daily in the warm blue ocean.

Life is wonderful and there is Peace in your life.

You are a Beautiful Soul!

I Love You So!


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Soul Reveal ~ MACADOE

Beloved Friend!

Your Sacred Origin is Andromeda.

Your First Name of Soul is MACADOE.

You are a male with the Energy of Creativity and Love!

You stand 7 feet tall with no hair. You enjoy being nude or wearing simple shorts.

There are no mates in your Race. You procreate Energetically with females you resonate with as you live. You share 43 children with 6 females.

Your Race views life in Oneness and you meditate together to feel the Love of Source Energy.

Thick tapestries interwoven with Crystals are suspended from mountain to mountain. This area provides a private place to sleep or have meetings. Pleiadians often visit to share meals and discuss changes throughout the Multiverses.

Children play games and pet large bears and tigers. Swimming in the large lavender ocean and hiking tall red mountains are methods to stay fit. You grow vegetables and fruit and gather them together for wonderful meals and fellowship.

Your Race enjoys singing and dancing as flutes and pan drums are played.

You enjoy flying in large crafts to attend Celebrations with many Races following meetings of the GF. For these occasions you dress in elaborate colors with capes and robes.

You are a beautiful Soul of Light!

I Love You So! 


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Soul Reveal ~ SEAKEAK

Beloved Friend!

Your Sacred Origin is Andromeda.

Your First Name of Soul is SEAKEAK.

You are a female with the Energy of Creativity and Love!

You stand 6 feet tall with a circle of silver hair on top of your head. There are tiny jewels in a circle around your head. You are very beautiful with human features. You are strong and muscular and enjoy shorts with drapes over the shoulder or being nude. There are no mates in your Loving Tribe.

Your Race views life in Oneness and you understand the Sacred Essence of Source. You meditate daily with others to Commune with the Presence of One.

You are Loved by Pleiadians who enjoy visiting and sharing news and Technology. Your Race enjoys exploring and your crafts are high in all Technology required for safety and speed. Fairies dance and spin and Create Light toys for the children in your Race.

Large tigers and white lions play Peacefully together beneath tall yellow trees surrounded by white flowers.

Procreation is done Energetically and you share 15 children with 5 males.

Thick tapestries interwoven with Crystals are suspended from mountain to mountain and soft cushions are provided for rest and meetings. Vegetables and fruit are abundant and gathered for meals shared outdoors with music played by many that enjoy drums and chanting. 

You are a Beautiful Soul of Light!

I Love You So!


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Soul Reveal ~ ZEPAKAINOS

Beloved Friend!

Your Sacred Origin is Andromeda.

Your First Name of Soul is ZEPAKAINOS

You are a female with the Energy of Creativity and Love!

You stand 6 feet tall with very short silver hair. You are strong and muscular with human features. You enjoy being nude or wearing short gowns or shoulder wraps to the knees.

There are no mates in your Race. You procreate Energetically. You share 16 children with 10 males.

There are thick tapestries interwoven with Crystals that are suspended from mountain to mountain. This is an area where all rest and enjoy meetings on large soft cushions. There is Love and Unity with all.

You and your friends enjoy swimming in the vast orange ocean and playing with large lions and tigers.

Vegetables and fruit of many kinds are grown and gathered by everyone. Meals are shared as music is played with drums and chanting. Everyone meditates together to feel the Sacred Source Within.

Pleiadians visit often for friendship and to discuss changes in the cosmos. You visit Pleiadian stars and bring gifts of flowers and crystals. You and your friends enjoy large crafts with ample room for extended traveling.

Fairies fly through the area and spread Frequencies of Love!

You are a Beautiful Soul of Light!

I Love You So! 


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Beloved Friend! 

Your Sacred Origin is Andromeda. Your First Name of Soul is SHOLESKI. You are a female with the Energy of Creativity and Love! You are 7 feet tall with short white hair. You enjoy being nude as clothing is optional. You also wear colorful drapes over one shoulder to the knees. You dress in elaborate apparel for meetings. You enjoy gowns with jewels when visitors from other Races visit. There are no mates in your Race and you procreate Energetically. You share 65 children with 12 males. 

Your Race views life in Oneness and you gather in groups to meditate and feel the Presence of Source Within. You plant and gather vegetables and fruit with friends and family. Large flower gardens are enjoyed by everyone. There are tigers, bears, monkeys and horses that are enjoyed by everyone. Thick tapestries interwoven with Crystals are suspended from mountain to mountain for privacy and rest. Large colorful cushions are placed throughout the area for meetings and discussions. You enjoy swimming in the vast orange ocean and painting beautiful pictures of landscapes and animals.

Your Race enjoys many Crafts with high Technology with families and those that are members of the GF. Fairies fly through the air emitting Frequencies of Love! You enjoy incarnating with other Races to become part of a Human Family! You have arrived for the Grand Shift!

I Love You So!


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