Android Theming Variables Glossary: Lists

Android Theming Variables Glossary: Lists

@snejugal, @SventraPopizz, @NeoKio, @AlexStrNik
This part of Android Theming Variables Glossary is about lists.
  • divider sets the color of gray lines that divide items of lists.
  • listSelectorSDK21 sets the color of the ripple effect when you tap a list item. There was also listSelector variable that worked only on Android 4.4 and below and has been removed.
  • emptyListPlaceholder sets the color of placeholder text — the text that you see if there's no content — when you open an empty list. You can see it in Chat screen → Attach — Music if you don't have any music. If you do, you can move them from the Music folder for a moment and move them back after you're done.
The red area shows “divider”, the blue area shows “listSelectorSDK21”, and the green area shows “emptyListPlaceholder”

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