Anazctec and Aztec Mythology

Anazctec and Aztec Mythology


The reciprocal influence of different mythologies in pre-Columbian societies: what does anaztec mythology draw from? Can it be connected to the exogenous?

Since the last Streaming of Nagassa and Owl we have discovered something more about the Anaztec, that population that would develop thanks to the relationship with the exogenous and in particular the shaper an advanced technology, before disappearing or better to be reduced until almost disappearing.

It's well known that the different mythologies of the South American pre-Columbian populations, influenced each other and I wondered if even the anacztec mythology could have been in some way or if it is the anaztecs who have influenced the mythologies we already know, with stories related to the relationship with the exogenous and its presence on earth.

If the Aztec mythology was the one closest to the Anazteche vicissitudes we could make an interesting parallelism between divinity and exogenous. Moreover, in Aztec mythology, it is the different deities that dispense man's techniques and technologies (just think of agriculture and corn).

Moreover, what is even more interesting is that Aztec mythology is linked to number 13 more than other pre-Columbian mythologies with the 13 paradises (or superior worlds) in which stars, planets and above all the divinities themselves reside. We see these deities from the most important to the least important.

There are many versions and studies so those to follow may not be precise or may be chosen so that they best suit what we already know about the exogenous.

  1. Ōmeteōtl ("Two Gods") is a name sometimes used to refer to the pair of Aztec deities Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl, also known as Tōnacātēcuhtli and Tonacacihuatl. Ōme translates as "two" or "dual" in Nahuatl and teōtl translates as "god".

This concept of "dual" divinity brings to mind other examples in other religions: the same Janus of Greek mythology with his faces or more simply eastern Taoism. It could be the father of all exogens, in Aztec mythology of 4 different gods (exos?):

According to Aztec mythology, in fact, it was from Prometheotl that other 4 important deities were formed:

  1. Tezcatlipoc was a central deity in Aztec religion, One of the four sons of Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl, he is associated with a wide range of concepts, including the night sky, the night winds, hurricanes, the north, the earth, obsidian, enmity, discord, rulership, divination, temptation, jaguars, sorcery, beauty, war and strife. His name in the Nahuatl language is often translated as "Smoking Mirror" and alludes to his connection to obsidian, the material from which mirrors were made in Mesoamerica and which were used for shamanic rituals and prophecy.

I like how many elements of Aztec culture seem to naturally connect to our adventures and experiences with exotic matter and Prime Artifacts. The obsidian used to make the mirrors, the foresight, the smoking mirror that evokes how we see the portals in the scanner,smoking masses in which we can see a reflection of the art present in that place. There is no specific reason to link it to the N'Zeer except the blue of the night, some depictions in which the color blue is predominant or more simply because it is in conflict with the next divinity:

Quetzalcoat, literature whose name comes from the Nahuatl language and means "feathered serpent". Quetzalcoatl, is the Aztec god of wind, air, and learning, wears around his neck the "wind breastplate" ehecailacocozcatl, "the spirally voluted wind jewel" made of a conch shell. Quetzalcoatl was related to gods of the wind, of the planet Venus, of the dawn, of merchants and of arts, crafts and knowledge. He was also the patron god of the Aztec priesthood, of learning and knowledge

In this case, the connection we can make is with art and craftsmanship as well as with knowledge. We know that shaper can influence artists or suggest knowledge and do things that would otherwise be impossible. In this case in the representations the green colouring is dominant because of the snake that is the animal associated to it.

One of the legends associated with this deity tells how he would be deceived by Tezcalipoc who made him drunk and do things of which he was ashamed abandoning his people with the promise to return and bring with him a new golden age.

Tlaloc, As supreme god of the rain, Tlaloc is also a god of earthly fertility and of water. He was widely worshipped as a beneficent giver of life and sustenance. However, he was also feared for his ability to send hail, thunder, and lightning, and for being the lord of the powerful element of water. Tlaloc is also associated with caves, springs, and mountains, most specifically the sacred mountain in which he was believed to reside. His animal forms include herons and water-dwelling creatures such as amphibians, snails, and possibly sea creatures, particularly shellfish.

Connected to the water Taloc can be associated to the Undine. This theory is more consistent if we think that
“In Aztec cosmology, the four corners of the universe are marked by "the four Tlalocs" which both hold up the sky and function as the frame for the passing of time.“ and that ”The rain that was beneficial to the land was burnished with jade crystals and likely represented the type of rain“

Huitzilopochtli is a deity of war, sun, human sacrifice, and the patron of the city of Tenochtitlan. He was also the national god of the Mexicas, also known as Aztecs, of Tenochtitlan. Many in the pantheon of deities of the Aztecs were inclined to have a fondness for a particular aspect of warfare. However, Huitzilopochtli was known as the primary god of war in ancient Mexico. Since he was the patron god of the Mexica, he was credited with both the victories and defeats that the Mexica people had on the battlefield. The people had to make sacrifices to him to protect the Aztec from infinite night. He wielded Xiuhcoatl as a weapon, associating him with fire.

If there are a fourth different Type of Exo this will be Huitzilopochtli and can be associated to the red color, as opposed to the water of Tlaloc. In his description we find the concept of "infinite night" that could be a sota of reaching the Darsana Point. The battle against the exogens that Nemesis is fighting could actually be a cover to eliminate all the others and make them dominate a fourth type where in their universe they have not managed to do? In the rest of the tessellation nemesis is characterized by a red color.

What do you think about?

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