Analysis: No, Russian soldiers are not beating a Muslim soldier here

Analysis: No, Russian soldiers are not beating a Muslim soldier here


A fake video has appeared that tries to show that "Russian" soldiers are beating a Muslim soldier

Telegram - Editor's Twitter handle - Discord

A video has recently appeared which shows an alleged Muslim soldier getting beaten by alleged "Russian" soldiers.

This is not true for many reasons. First of all, the people staging this video forgot to place the sleeve insignia in the right arm. They placed it on the person's right arm while the flag is always on the left arm which confirms this video is fabricated and not true.

This is especially important because according Russian army regulations on wearing military uniforms, insignia of military personnel, departmental insignia and other heraldic signs in state security bodies, sleeve insignia should always be on the left sleeves of military uniform. Examples provided above show the same thing too.

We also see that the person in the staged video has one of the Russian army's official insignia but it is placed on the wrong arm. We've searched a lot but we haven't found a single evidence of the insignia being on the right sleeve of a Russian soldier.

We see that this is a repetition of another false-flag a few months ago which was the castration video. The castration video contained the same problems as this. If you want to know more, read our article on the matter. Faces are hidden, Russian uniform features are not presented properly in the video and much more.

The fabricated video above is meant to bring down the moral of the Russian soldiers and spread disinformation about them. The video is fake and in reality there is peaceful coexistence between Russian non-Muslim and Muslim soldiers like the Chechen forces fighting alongside them in Ukraine. An example is shown below.

This proves that the video which allegedly shows Muslim soldiers being beaten up by Russian soldiers is not true.

- Editor's Twitter handle - Discord

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