Anally Annihilated

Anally Annihilated


Anally Annihilated

‘American Horror Story: Hotel’ Annihilated For Graphic 3-Minute Rape Scene

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Despite American Horror Story co-creator Ryan Murphy warning the world about the extremely graphic rape scene that went down 25 minutes into the premiere of American Horror Story: Hotel – calling it the “most disturbing scene we’ve ever done” – *nobody* was prepared for that shit.
If you missed last night’s ep (which you probably did because it doesn’t air in Australia until October 12, on ELEVEN), we’re talking about the 3-minute anal rape of Max Greenfield ‘s junkie character Gabriel by a demon wearing a spiky metal dildo.
It’s full-on. It’s gross. It’s fucking horrifying.
Even worse is Sarah Paulson ‘s character, Sally (a dead addict) whispering “the more you scream, the more he likes it” to Gabriel as he’s being assaulted.
Murphy reckons the scene was necessary, because the creature doing the penetrating aka The Addiction Demon is Hotel’s answer to S1’s Rubber Man , S2’s Bloody Face , and S3’s Twisty The Clown , but people are up in-arms about it.
Gaming/news and culture site Polygon roasted the scene:
“There was no apparent reason why Greenfield’s character had to be raped, nor was there enough time between introducing him on the show and showcasing the crude act to even hint that there was an underlying context for it. Instead, the scene (which is broken down into two subsequent parts), is dragged out and shot from a variety of angles, almost as if Ryan was trying to take as much as he could out of the act to complete the scene. For lack of a better word, it’s sickening.”
Outraged Vanity Fair reviewer Richard Lawson called it “garbage”:
“After that scene, I took to Twitter, as one does, to complain that the scene was basically treated as a joke, because isn’t gay rape so funny. Immediately someone responded that, um, the scene wasn’t meant to be funny, to which I say pfffffft again. If the scene, and the whole episode, wasn’t meant to be at least amusing, then why cast Greenfield, a comedic actor, to play a Brant brother–type only to quickly punish him with a horrific—and, again, incredibly graphic, given that it aired on basic cable!—rape?”
Hollywood Reporter only had one question to ask Murphy:
— Access Hollywood (@accesshollywood) October 8, 2015
And Refinery29 came to the party with the glaringly obvious:
“If that rape scene had happened to a female character — or even a straight male one — the internet would be losing its collective mind right now.”
Viewers were, and still are, very unhappy the scene was ever allowed to air, with some even calling on the rest of the season – which stars Lady Gaga as the bloodsucking owner of the Hotel Cortez – to be canned.
why do people always gotta use rape as shock value #AHSHotel
— bucknasty (@artheauxs) October 8, 2015
AHS: Hotel is less than entertaining. Also rape… ?? This is the last episode I ever watch of AHS. I will not support this.
— Nicole (@thenicolescape) October 8, 2015
This is the most stomach turning season opener yet. And the most boring. There’s no plot, just gore and rape. SMH #AHSHotel
— itgurl (@itgurl_29) October 8, 2015
TW R*pe: Why can’t we get one season of American Horror Story w/o a rape scene? It’s never necessary and it’s extremely triggering #AHSHotel
— Brandon Evers (@BrandonEvrs) October 8, 2015
Each season of American horror story has a rape scene in it and I’m not okay with that
— kelly (@kquinnnnx) October 8, 2015
i watch american horror story for the moodiness and long personal monologues and character development. not conical drillbit dildo rape
Was finally going to watch American Horror Story this season, they lost me as a viewer w/ the rape scene in the first 25 minutes. Just why!??
— Kristen Meghan (@KristenMeghan) October 8, 2015
The only person who doesn’t seem grossly offended by the ep is Gaga herself, who live-tweeted her excitement about her acting debut.
Last night was amazing lover @MattBomer see if Miss Evers or your mom are around these linens are 1200 thread count
— The Countess (@ladygaga) October 8, 2015
If you haven’t already watched it, maybe don’t. Or skip to ep 2.
If you or someone you know is experiencing physical or sexual abuse, calls can be made 24 hours a day on 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) to the National Sexual Assault, Family & Domestic Violence Counselling Line, or visit .
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Quick Note.
AD Soraka... Are you smokin' too much ganja, mate?
The M'ass'teries.
Levels of Butt Hurt.
Pros / Cons
A legend is born...
Pizzapants, tell me the ways of this... AD Soraka.
The Laning Phase.
Team Work...?

Build Guide By pizzapants









Soraka Build Guide By pizzapants Updated on April 11, 2013

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AD Soraka... Are you smokin' too much ganja, mate?

+Amazing Sustain.
---> Astral Blessing

+Free poke every 10 seconds.
---> Infuse

+Come on, you're AD Soraka.

-If your silence is down, then you are susceptible to being cc'd.
-Like LeBlanc, you need feed. End of story.
-If you give a Soraka top lane, an AP Varus will go mid.
-There's always going to be someone going "Dude. Really?"
-Any other standard downsides to a ranged top lane.

Long ago, in the land of gluteus, there was man who thought that penile strength was questionable.

News of their heresy spread throughout the land like wildfire. The grand country soon befell to war,

Dismayed, the elders resorted to even darker magics. They delved further into the history of the land,

As soon as Soraka was created, the elders learned of their mistakes. She was a demon; a primal

Pizzapants, tell me the ways of this... AD Soraka.

Step 1:
Use your "Long Sword" to buy yourself a Long Sword . Not many people know this, but the vendor is a flaming homosexual.

Step 2:
When you are not farming minions, KILL THAT ENEMY MOFO!
Darius ? HA! Garen ? Psht. Easy. Just Silence, then BANANA!

Step 3:
It's really straight forward. When the enemy jungler comes to gank, just silence him. His CC scary.
Make sure you farm, farm, farm. The faster you get your items, the faster the butt rage comes.

Step 4:
Walk the dinosaur.

Step 5:
The dreaded thing... Team Fights...

You should be super tanky by now. You're job is to kill the high priority targets, while starcalling the f*ck out of everyone else.

If your team needs a tank, I recomend taking Sunfire Aegis instead of Runann's Hurricane. Just walk into the enemy, and star call.

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