Anal Without Condom

Anal Without Condom


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Posted on November 5th, 2015 by Brian F. in Ask an Expert, Featured, Youth Blog. No Comments
In our “Ask an Expert” blog series, researchers from the IMPACT Program answer questions from LGBTQ youth. This month’s expert is Dr. Brian Feinstein, a clinical psychologist and a postdoctoral scholar at the IMPACT Program.
Question: If I wash beforehand, is it ok to have anal sex without a condom for protection?
Answer: Good question! Using condoms is a great way to protect yourself and your partner from sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. If you’re thinking about having anal sex without a condom, then there’s a lot to consider. However, decisions about condom use should not be based on whether or not you’ve bathed. Even if you bathe before or after sex, you’re still at risk for STIs/HIV. Keep in mind that condoms aren’t the only way to protect yourself. There are biomedical HIV prevention methods, such as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) – click on the links to read previous blog posts about PrEP and PEP!
So, is it ever okay to have condomless anal sex?
The truth is that it’s never 100% safe. People are actually more likely to become infected with HIV from a serious partner compared to a casual partner [1]. This is because people are more likely to have condomless sex with a serious partner. Also, many people who are HIV-positive don’t know that they have HIV, so they stop using condoms in relationships because they think that it’s safe. Even if someone tells you that they’re HIV-negative, it’s possible that they haven’t actually been tested, that they were tested before the virus was detectable, or that they’re not being honest.
Also, some people assume that their relationship is monogamous (both partners only have sex with each other) without talking to their partner about it. If you don’t talk about it, then it’s possible that your partner could be having sex with other people, which would increase your risk. Some guys also think it’s okay to have condomless anal sex if they’re the insertive (“top”) partner. Although receptive (“bottom”) partners are at higher risk, you can still become infected with HIV as the top. Finally, some people think condoms aren’t necessary if both partners are HIV-positive. However, if they have different strains of HIV, then they can still transmit their strains to each other and make their health worse.
Even though it’s never 100% safe to have unprotected anal sex, there are steps you can take to be as safe as possible.
Building trust requires continuous communication and regular testing.
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Medical Information Disclaimer: The IMPACT Program does not intend to provide specific medical advice, but we may provide website visitors with information to better understand their health and risk factors for specific diseases. The IMPACT Program urges you to consult with a qualified health care provider for diagnosis and answers to your personal health questions.
[1] Sullivan, P. S., Salazar, L., Buchbinder, S., & Sanchez, T. H. (2009). Estimating the proportion of HIV transmissions from main sex partners among men who have sex with men in five US cities. AIDS, 23, 1153–1162.
Cover Photo: Shawn Latta, “Condoms,” 2007
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Had anal sex without a condom...
Anon as this is very personal and embarassing!

My boyfriend and I tried anal for the first time today. We have been together for over a year and he is my only partner... but we didn't use a condom. We have both been checked for STDs recently and are completely clean. Is it ok to have anal without a condom with a regular partner? I washed and everything before we did it!
Yes its completely fine. my gf and i do it all the time, and never wear a condom. He should probably wash his kn*b afterwards, thats all. Why would you wear a condom? you're not going to get pregnant and it feels miles better for both partners without one.

I guarantee thousands of people will say the opposite though, without having the slightest clue what they're talking about. I bet we get at least one moron claiming the semen can "drip" from one hole to the next and get you pregnant. thats a stupid urban myth.
[QUOTE=Anonymous]Why would you wear a condom? you're not going to get pregnant and it feels miles better for both partners without one.QUOTE]

condoms arent just about stopping u get pregnant, they protect both of you from infections and such. If u do have anal sex, dont go from one hole to the other (soz to be so blunt) the germs from ur arse can get into ur vag which can create massive problems. Dont worry urself about it too much, ull only ur strees urelf out, ive had anal without him wearing a condom before (just kind of happened), if u plan to do it again id advise wearing a condom jsut to avoid germs gettng wear u dont want them.
(Original post by Anonymous)
Why would you wear a condom? you're not going to get pregnant and it feels miles better for both partners without one.QUOTE]

condoms arent just about stopping u get pregnant, they protect both of you from infections and such. If u do have anal sex, dont go from one hole to the other (soz to be so blunt) the germs from ur arse can get into ur vag which can create massive problems. Dont worry urself about it too much, ull only ur strees urelf out, ive had anal without him wearing a condom before (just kind of happened), if u plan to do it again id advise wearing a condom jsut to avoid germs gettng wear u dont want them.
even still if you switch holes you put bacteria into the vajayjay. it is hot though, hence the temptation.
(Original post by Anonymous)
Yes its completely fine. my gf and i do it all the time, and never wear a condom. He should probably wash his kn*b afterwards, thats all. Why would you wear a condom? you're not going to get pregnant and it feels miles better for both partners without one.

I guarantee thousands of people will say the opposite though, without having the slightest clue what they're talking about. I bet we get at least one moron claiming the semen can "drip" from one hole to the next and get you pregnant. thats a stupid urban myth.
(Original post by ***amy***)
It's not about pregnancy, it's about getting infections. Bacteria up her bum can infect your penis etc.. your decision though.
(Original post by Anonymous)
Lol. no it can't. another urban myth. Just wash it afterwards, you'll be fine.
(Original post by ***amy***)
I agree the getting pregnant is an urban myth though, just silly.
(Original post by ***amy***)
Er no it's not an urban myth, happened to my friend's boyfriend who always washed afterwards.

I agree the getting pregnant is an urban myth though, just silly.
(Original post by soundboy)
I've heard that it might not be an urban myth, because potentially you can *** in the stink and it will leak (outside) into the pink, but I couldn't see this happening myself unless you lied in a a certain position for a while afterwards.
(Original post by Anonymous)
just make sure you're nice and deep...

(Original post by Anonymous)
"my friend's" boyfriend?

I'm pretty sure its extremely rare, I've never heard of it before, and its never happened to me in over 6 years of pretty regular unprotected b-sex with various gfs.
I managed to get a UTI from unprotected anal sex - that wasn't much fun.
(Original post by Anonymous)
I managed to get a UTI from unprotected anal sex - that wasn't much fun.
Someone who caught chlamdyia is calling me naive? the, black, pot, kettle, calling, please rearrange.

You can also get run over by a bus every time you leave the house, but it doesn't mean we should never open the back door, now does it?

Just driving down the shops is statistically far, far more dangerous than having unprotected anal with a long term girlfriend (and a lot less fun as well).

I'm in my 20s and I don't know a single person who wears a condom for any sex with their boy/girlfriend. Its just completely unnecessary. When I was young and naive, I might have found this strange myself.

Honestly, if you're sleeping with some skanky ho you met at the club, you shouldn't be putting it anywhere without about 5 condoms on and a fully protective body suit.
Keep anon please.

I have unprotected Anal sex quite often & I don't have a steady b/f either (as bad as it sounds) & tbh I've been very lucky in the fact I haven't had any issues for doing so.
Ok I do usually ask for the guy to wear a condom if he's going up my rear but on numerous occasions after they have withdrawn out of me & i've stood up, ive had *** "oozing" out of my back passage, so either they've never put it on in the 1st palce or its split during it.
Also if its dark & I'm outdoors (like on a night out) then its even harder to see what hes doing behind me I guess.
As for infections, if he pulls out & then goes up your front bum, then that isnt good, also, if he has a wee straight after doing it & then washes himself then he shouldnt have any problems.
(Original post by ~beccalou~)
Keep anon please.
[QUOTE=~beccalou~]Keep anon please.


looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oool

this just made my day
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