Anal Is Disgusting

Anal Is Disgusting


Anal Is Disgusting
what I really don't get is this male fetish and american sex culture of anal sex. first of all, the d*** gets feces on it which is just distasteful. second, there's the females complain of pain from this act. i just feel this act is flithy, intercourse is suppose to be about penis and virgina. how is anal different from gay sex? are men who are into doing this to women have some kinda gay sex tendency? is there some kinda weird fetish for male practitioner of this or is this just some intercourse alternative to avoid pregnancy? as a straight male, I just find the whole concept flithy. how many straight men are into this practice in general? anyone have any idea?
Do you feel anal sex is disgusting and repulsive?
Well what is normal or clean (as opposed to 'filthy'), anyways? Our feelings about sex, I would argue, are the product of how we were brought up, past experiences and cultural norms than a moral absolute. And sure, you can argue that penile-vaginal intercourse is absolutely normal and right because it's necessary for procreation but that doesn't make other types of sexual contact 'filthy' by default. How is it different than gay sex? Easy: the man inserts his penis in to a woman's anus, therefore it is heterosexual. Gay sex is gay because both partners are male, not because they're "doing it in ass". Men who enjoy anal aren't weird or gay. The anus simply provides a different sensation to the penis than a vagina does and some men enjoy that. By that logic, you might as well say that masturbation is gay. After all, you're touching a cock. EWWWWW! While it's true anal sex can be painful for the receiving partner, if it's done properly and with care it shouldn't be painful. With practice and patience, anal sex can be very pleasurable for a woman. Who are you (or anybody else) to tell someone that their sexual preferences are filthy? As long as nobody is being victimized, both partners are consenting and it's a special expression of love, how is it wrong? For the record, I'm not really into anal at all but I'm open minded about sex and I think there's nothing wrong with it.
Some people find sexual practices that are more "forbidden" to be more exciting and can lead to sexual gratification. Also, I'd like to point out that the anus has and internal and external rectal sphincter separating the rectum from the sigmoid colon (lowest part of large intestine). I know this because I'm a Human Physiology student. Basically it means that until the body gets the involuntary urge to defecate, feces are not stored in the rectum. (But you should still wash after anal sex, or any sex for that matter) The common complaint of pain by female (or male) recipients is due to lack of care/practice or a rushed attempt. Unlike the vaginal canal the anus is made of much more delicate tissue, as Zarlus said, it can tear if not careful. That is why care, patients, and lots of lube are necessary. Although this can be considered p*rn by some, its a very informational video emphasizing the slow delicate process required for proper anal sex. link
I am not completely closed to anal sex,the only thing putting me off and making me quiver when thinking about it is when I watched the Ava Devine anal has scarred me. I see nothing wrong with anal sex though.If you're going to have anal sex,you HAVE to understand,poop comes out of there.If you prepare correctly with enema and shower,then there is a possibility poop could end up on the penis,but you have to understand that and accept it.And you wear a condom. It is a misconception that you can not get pregnant from anal sex.Yes you can.It has happened but it isn't rare.There are time when it "drips" or leaks down but it isn't common obviously. And it's different from gay sex because the male generally does the female.They want the tight's a different sensation than vaginal sex.It's still with a girl,they still like to grab the chicks boobs and rub her clit.
Bleh, I would never do that myself o.o; I couldn't D= AND TO THINK--should something erm, tear there, you have to go to the doctor... Try explaining that one ;D ~I find it icky too, and I told my boyfriend, never ever--and he just nodded and said that he wouldn't ask anyways because well... it's kinda gross xD I agree with you!
Yeah I really do. The butt is not meant for a penis.
Let me say this! Anal sex is a perversion for something right, I mean the ideal penis to vagina penetration. God's ideal plan for sex remains plain and fulfilling but as quoted in the Bible, "See, this alone I found, that God made man upright, but they have sought out many schemes."
I don't think so, no. I mean, it obviously can be, however it doesn't need to be.
I like anal. There's a certain spot that makes me squirt everytime. Of course I make sure I'm cleaned up in there before the D goes anywhere else. Ha! But I don't prefer it over p*ssy.
Some people really like it, both giving and receiving. Personally, I don't. I'll just stick with a vagina.
That is one place where my penis just isn't supposed to go. End of story.
Yeah I think we should bring back laws against sodomy, without any distinction between same-sex or hetero-sex couples. Anal sex is unhygenic.
cant stand it, why would you f*** a poop chute when you could have a warm, soft, tight, p**** ?
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From your perspective, seems everything boils down to opinion. the bible saids gayness is wrong but american society have tolerated that nowadays. some if not all religions challenges gayness, who is to say these authorities are absolutely right? my position was that of opinion rather than law. but it seems that open-mindedness can get so extreme that no line would be drawn.
I beleive somethings aren't about open-mindedness(not refering to anal sex). incest and polgamy can be argued to be OK too as long as everyone consents and no ones get hurt right? so why does the US have a ban on the two? some things are about striking the common sense as wrong by majority so laws are enacted like against murder and swindling. its not always about open-mindedness.
Thanks for the insight. this may be just a preference matter but the whole flithiness of having my penis come in contact with ass hole with or without condom is enough of a turnoff for me to abstain the act.
Um no offense,but who are you to call people sickos because they like anal sex?
Ok I take it back. I'll just call it a different perference or something.
OK but watch Sarah Shevon and Chastity Lynn. MUCH nicer prolapse loving.
Great honest answer! Can you help the girls and describe how he hits that spot? I know every girl is different, but you never know who you will help out. I find froggy == not doggy -- often works. The girls is on all fours, head down, ass up (this is after extensive foreplay of course). The guy stands over her -- like playing leap frog. He comes down and into her asshole from above -- this angle / -- instead of straight in regular doggy like this ---->. It has worked wonders. The other one is she has one knee on a chair or bed. The LEFT one. He can get really deep, but when it comes time to orgasm for her, he does NOT go in and out. Rather, he just grinds on her ass, and she pushes out with her hole and back with her butt. Like you are glued together, and the grinding is what moves the penis inside. There are others, but those work. O ya. Also, her lying flat on her tummy. But she has to use her anal muscles --- anal kegels.
Thats what I'm talking about. so why the hell are some sickos into the practice?
Really cyrus? you know you wanna f*** ME up the ass x
I got the idea of anal sex before ever reading or hearing about it. For me, it was oral sex that I didn't get. Why would any put their mouth "down there"? yet it is taken for granted and way more common than anal though some poll says 25% of women have tried anal. It can be fun for both if done right and cleaner than you think. I've come around on oral and love giving and receiving. You should read some books and sites before calling people into anal "sickos".
I guess if you can get used to doing ass hole with a woman, gay sex can start to look hot too. what's the difference between doing a man in the ass and doing a woman in the ass? who needs p**** when you can have ass? lmao! beside it a free speech country. I can say crossdressing is freaky. you are free to disagree.
"I guess if you can get used to doing ass hole with a woman, gay sex can start to look hot too. what's the difference between doing a man in the ass and doing a woman in the ass?" LOL Really? Here's a question for you. What's the difference between kissing a woman and kissing a man? If you can answer that then you have the answer to you own question.
It's only nasty if the girl didn't clean out her butt hole. But if the girls p*ssy isn't tight then anal it is. I just so happen to enjoy both.
Picture this. she feels so exhilerated then the urge to defecate comes and a load of s%^& pumps out onto his cock. holy cow! lmao!
The p-spot ! its like a g- spot in your ass , and the muscles in your ass feel good when theyre stimulated , combine this with clitoral stimulation which is in an easy place during the doggy position you can come pretty hard x
Great, great comment. Listen up girls. Voice of experience...

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Why is anal sex disgusting?

Why is anal sex disgusting?

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People often say, 'The arse is for pooping.' Some even use that as an 'evidence' to 'prove' that you should not have anal sex.

Well, the penis is for peeing though. Why is anal sex disgusting but vaginal is not?



It's not disgusting if the rim and the bin is clean.





misc tells that

if the woman hasnt cleaned it properly
its game over




Do you really want to know? I'll PM you and tell you if you really want to know. It's not something I know how to verbalise appropriately for the general TSR public, meaning the only explanation I can think to give is the straightforward kind with no sugarcoating whatsoever.



I suppose urine is less gross than poop? Some people worry about pooping when the guy pulls out too, which is a pretty disgusting thought

Tbh most of the girls I know aren't against anal sex for that reason, it's more because they worry about it being painful



Because it's been a taboo in many cultures for thousands of years?
Sodom and Gomorrah and stuff



( Original post by Vixen47 )
Do you really want to know? I'll PM you and tell you if you really want to know. It's not something I know how to verbalise appropriately for the general TSR public, meaning the only explanation I can think to give is the straightforward kind with no sugarcoating whatsoever.



( Original post by clh_hilary )
People often say, 'The arse is for pooping.' Some even use that as an 'evidence' to 'prove' that you should not have anal sex.

Well, the penis is for peeing though. Why is anal sex disgusting but vaginal is not?





( Original post by Precious Illusions )
Some people worry about pooping when the guy pulls out too, which is a pretty disgusting thought



( Original post by clh_hilary )
People often say, 'The arse is for pooping.' Some even use that as an 'evidence' to 'prove' that you should not have anal sex.

Well, the penis is for peeing though . Why is anal sex disgusting but vaginal is not?



( Original post by King Leonidas )
It's not disgusting if the rim and the bin is clean.



( Original post by Mequa )
It's not unknown for the recipient to fart too when the guy pulls out. Might be a bit embarrassing for a woman, especially if it's a loud and smelly one and she doesn't know the guy that well.



( Original post by 419 )
people lie



( Original post by tehforum )
misc tells that

if the woman hasnt cleaned it properly
its game over




( Original post by Vixen47 )
Do you really want to know? I'll PM you and tell you if you really want to know. It's not something I know how to verbalise appropriately for the general TSR public, meaning the only explanation I can think to give is the straightforward kind with no sugarcoating whatsoever.


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