Anal Before Vaginal

Anal Before Vaginal


My boyfriend and I want to wait to have sex but we've considered experimenting with anal sex. Should someone have anal sex before they've had actual sex? And if you do have anal sex are you still a virgin?
Should you have anal sex before you've had vaginal sex?
12.8K opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
Whoever taught you about sex, did you a disservice, because this question makes little sense.

This is not your fault, and I don't blame you, but you should find an HONEST, TRUSTWORTHY source of information about sex, because someone has filled your head with junk.

First: anal sex, is sex, actual sex. So if you have anal sex, you're not waiting to have sex. Also, you can't have anal sex before actual sex, because anal sex IS actual sex.

By "actual sex", I suspect you mean "penile-vaginal intercourse", but I really can't tell. Not your fault, but again, someone chose to inform you very, very poorly; they owe you an apology.

Second: Doesn't much matter whether you do anal or vaginal first. It matters that everyone is nice, good communicators, and WELL INFORMED.

Is a girl who has anal sex a virgin? Frankly, I doubt if anyone can reasonbly know. I try to avoid the issue, as it's both confusing and unimportant. not...want to have anal sex. Your boyfriend does. So he can go have anal sex. You should not. You...should never do something so pointless and dangerous and harmful for health as anal sex. It's also disgusting. You sh*t from there. Did you think about that? That place is not designed for insertions. Only excretion. It's like some guy shoves his ding dong in your eye. It's pointless.

And besides, you want to safeguard and protect your virginity by having anal sex instead? Does that sound messed up to you in any way? I'm not being mean, I just need to wake you the hell up! Do not have anal sex with anyone, at any point for any reason.

I commend you for waiting to have sex. Do just that, wait.
So it's impossible for a girl to actually want anal sex? I beg to differ. People are into different things. Just because YOU don't like the idea of anal doesn't mean other people have to agree with you. "Do not have anal sex with anyone, at any point for any reason." Ok, that's just messed up - telling another person how to enjoy their sexuality. If she wants to try anal sex, that's up to her and her bf.
Penile penetration is 'actual sex' according to most people, but this is just a word definition. If you are trying to 'cheat' on the wording of some rules (religious, Im guessing, or highschool yard rumour mills), you won't be able to. It's sex. Anal is sex. You will lose your anal virginity. 

But if you are asking because you want to be intimate with your guy and have penetration without risking pregnancy or having to go on cancer and heart-attack causing birth control, then yes, anal can be very good for women if the partners communicate and go slow and gently, and the guy doesn't force himself on her or go too fast.

Anal-only 'virgins' are quite common, I know a girl who's 26 who's one, and she might never bother with vaginal, she enjoys anal too much and isn't looking to have a baby.
95 opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
In my opinion, if you want to have anal sex, go ahead. Make sure to use plenty of lube and go slowly. In the strictest sense of the word, you wouldn't be a virgin because you've had sex, but some people consider only penile-vaginal sex to be the determining factor for virginity. It really depends on how you view it - would you still consider yourself a virgin? Forget what other people think. If you still consider yourself a virgin, then call yourself a virgin. What happens in the bedroom is between you and your boyfriend.
You want to wait for sex but you're still considering having anal SEX? Yes, it is considered sex, anal SEX. And no, you are no longer a virgin, you have had sex. Virginity isn't whether or not your hymen is broken.

vir·gin /'v?rd??n/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [vur-jin] Show IPA

Use virgin in a Sentence

–noun 1. a person who has never had sexual intercourse

Epic Fail. Your' "virginity" is your' Hymen. Anal Sex has nothing to do with it. Infact, it isn't even sex. If you had a guy have sex in your' ear would that be Ear Sex? NO. She will still have her virginity, and she will still be able to wait for the real thing. You should give up on giving advice if it's just going to be inaccurate. A Hand job must also be sex since you are using a closed hand which makes an entrance huh? We must call it Hand Sex!!! XDDDD FAIL.
Actually romeoromance, a girl's hymen can break years before they ever have sex, however I agree that virginity remains until vaginal intercourse is had.
Reread your comment romeo. ANAL SEX. Do you see the word SEX in that? It is, in fact, SEX.
these are just words, there's no 'official' definition. let's just say "oral" "vaginal" and "anal" virginity. You can retain some of those to the exclusion of others. Some women wait til pregnancy for vaginal, that's their choice (though technically they dont need to have a penis inside them for that, fingers coated in semen could get one pregnant as well).
I told him that i've had anal sex before and he said that that's disgusting and that he wasn't expecting something like that from me?
Boyfriend Loves Anal Sex,But it hurts me?
Weird anal sex situation, not sure what to do about it?
Should I let my boyfriend have anal sex with me?
55 opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
ABSOLUTELY -- to both questions.

I think every girl should have anal sex first -- and of course you are still a virgin. If your hymen is intact, and you never had a penis in vag, you are a virgin. That said, you can break your hymen by accident. But no one would say she is no longer a virgin right? It has to do with P in V.

Why anal first? It takes so much more intimacy than regular. You have to know and love each other -- and be more concerned about the other than yourself. You have to learn it together, and once you have it, it is something only you share. No one else needs to know.

P in V is easy -- so it is easy to take if for granted. Plus, you can have a baby from that, even with birth control. So that is always in the back of your mind. Start with anal. Learn to love. Learn to orgasm. Learn what you need. Learn what he needs. Then when the time comes, take it to the next level with vag. But don't be surprised if you find yourself going back to anal a lot.
183 opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
You can not get pregnant with anal and oral sex. Those are the best reasons to use them unless you and he just love them the most. Good luck and have fun! 
289 opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
Go ahead and have manual, anal and oral sex if you want to keep vaginal sex for later as something special. (Whether you call it virginity or not it does not matter.)

Just make sure you use lot of lubrication (KY Jelly) and take it slow. Read up the proper techniques for it. There are many positions for anal sex, but the best ones are where you can control things. Also, master the art of great b*** jobs. This is very important.
A lot of girls having anal sex, before they have vaginal. It;s nothing bad to be afraid of getting pregnet or want to stay vaginal virgin. Anal sex is also pleasurable as much as vaginal. Some couple enjoy anal sex whole life. Just use some lube and be gently.
No. It is not supposed to be enjoyable for any girl. What a horrible advice. Yes it is something bad and to be afraid of. How ignorant of you! If you insert something, larger than what usually comes out, in a place that is designed to excrete only, you will cause all sorts of complications.
That's why we all pray her lover's penis is smaller than what usually comes out, right? LOL. Jaykay. I dunno.... anal sounds.......owie... but then again I am a guy xD
@Towson_Desi oh please you're the ignorant one. I've had anal sex with my fiancé many times and I LOVE it. It feels amazing and it's defiantly something every female may like to try in her lifetime. I know many males and females who love to take it and give it. But just like every taboo there are people who absolutely love it like I do and there are people who hate it. Honestly the only way for someone to really know if they like it or not is to try it. But many people don't understand using lube is a MUST or else you may have a bad experience. My fiancé and I tried many positions and lots of lube you just have to try new ways and comunicate. Also to the main question. He and I have been together for 15 months and are waiting for vaginal sex, we understand anal is "sex" but we consider ourselves virgins. That is OUR lifestyle and we love it.
@Idektbh14 As you engage in a lot of anal sex with your fiance, do you also engage in "simulated sex?"
This is when the man mounts his woman & rubs his penis up against her, giving her immense pleasure.
I know many Christian girls who try to preserve their virginity will engage in A LOT of mutual oral & "everything... but" with the nonChristian men they date, who "promise" to preserve their Christian innocence.

However, as you may have discovered, the "everything... but" route is very tempting.
It's so easy to slip.

Many times, the woman is so overtaken by all the new feelings her man gives her.
When he begins to slowly slide himself into her very wet vagina, she will be in no position to (& TBH, doesn't want to) try to stop him...
With one push, her Christian innocence will soon be gone...
@Towson_Desi wow "anal is not supposed to be enjoyable for any girl"? You mean if the girl enjoys it the guy is doing it wrong, because anal is only for the guy's enjoyment? What in the actual fuck.

Anal can be enjoyable for women if done correctly, and is a mutual activity not something to be forced on a woman by a guy (unless they agree very clearly before hand, but that's a different mental game).

I just hope your English is bad and I read that wrong or something.
@Towson_Desi You must have really thin bowel movements because guys are generally not that much bigger than what comes out. Some are (which I prefer) but most aren't. Going slow and stretching and avoiding pushing it to the point of pain are key.

You are just a prude who is unable to deal with the concept that its 'too dirty'. Thats fine for you, enjoy your life dont tell others how to enjoy theirs.

@Idektbh14 One of the best GAG posts -- ever!
Your hymen will still be intact, but you will have a very sore bum... I can't advise whether or not you should, but if you do decide to go ahead just be safe, use plenty of lube and make sure he wears a condom.
doesn't need to be a sore bum if you go slowly and stretch first with lots of lube. Same deal up front too, a guy moving too fast makes you sore just the same. Anal can be very enjoyable.

I guess you'd technically be a virgin, although I don't know how many people would really think of you as virginal after you let some guy stick his dick up your ass. Open to interpretation I s'pose.
some people have anal sex so then they can have sex but decrease the chance of getting pregnant and to maintain being a virgin.

technically ur still a virgin

but you can still get pregnant if you have the worst luck in the world
96 opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
If a penis has been inside you, you're not a virgin, hymen or no hymen. And use lots of lube or you won't be able to sit for a good while.
675 opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
I guess technically you would still be a virgin, but not really in spirt.
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Post by Quebass » Sun May 07, 2017 2:18 am
Me and my girlfriend have been doing anal and then vaginal sex for years ... No problem .. another false taboo.
Post by Lookiwolf » Thu Jun 01, 2017 12:13 pm
If I can I'd love to go the rest of my life being a vaginal virgin. The concept of virginity is so laughable anyway. I would love to have tons of anal sex, then say with a straight face: "oh, i'm a virgin!". As if all the other things don't count.

If it got into my pussy on accident it wouldn't be a big deal or anything, I'd just prefer to avoid it. In an event like that it totally wouldn't count, anyhow
Post by AnnoMundi » Fri Jun 02, 2017 1:29 am
The whole idea that your virginity is tied to the use or not of your vagina is ridiculous anyway. Especially from the POV of religious people. Like you could fool a deity that was powerful enough to create the universe, with its billions upon billions of galaxies by saying, no, we're virgins, we never did it in the pussy. On the other hand, if you derive any pleasure from the idea that you never had vaginal sex, only anal, then by all means enjoy that concept. Whatever works for you can never be wrong.
Post by Sphincter.Stretcher » Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:06 pm
My wife got her butt cherry popped long before she had vaginal sex. Which I absolutely think is SO hot!

And, my first girlfriend in high school wanted to stay a virgin, so we first had lots of anal sex before we finally tried vaginal sex.
Post by Freja » Wed Aug 26, 2020 12:00 am
I don’t consider myself virgin just because I’ve had anal but not vaginal sex. The first guy I was with was a virgin too so does that mean that he lost his virginity that night but I didn’t?
Vaginal virgin perhaps but I wouldn’t say that I’m a virgin, I’ve had sex and I have sex regularly
Post by SydneyAussie » Wed Aug 26, 2020 3:52 pm
It depends on the person... in a lot countries anal sex is the norm though it's never spoken about.

The common idea in the past was to avoid pregnancy and to marry a vaginal virgin as this is important in most cultures. Although it's considered taboo because it's not spoken about, the choices are oral or anal.

Then most people continue anal as the dominant form of intercourse and when dating and typically when foreign men date one of these women and try to put it in their pussy and the women recoil and put in their ass instead.

The more I learn about people the more I find out that both men and women will not ever admit to being anal only, let alone telling others they have anal sex.

I think it's good to try both and decided for yourself. And anal is thankfully exploding in popularity and people are more open about it for a reason, it's so much better.
True Happiness is a being with a Woman who is Anal Only
Post by Ani » Thu Jun 17, 2021 7:35 am
I am a vaginal virgin doing anal sex for 5 years. I am happy that it turned out so
Post by MirandaPolly » Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:54 am
First of all, I want to say that you are a happy dog. But I have to say that my man is also a happy dog! !
But first the anus and then the vagina, this is not right. Easy to get sick.
If I had a vagina, I would still put a plug on the anus. If I had anal plug, I would also put a vibrator in the vagina. My man likes this very much. This time he bought me a vibrator and plug on Acmejoy. But it hasn't arrived yet.
Post by Ani » Wed Jun 23, 2021 11:28 pm
Post by julietagc » Thu Jun 24, 2021 2:31 am
Hello @Ani
What @MirandaPolly says is true, it is not a question of Taboo, it is a question of risks.
Yes, you can get sick from having anal sex before vaginal sex, why?

Because In your anus, even if you are clean, there are many bacteria that are not in your vagina, normally the vagina has its protection but if you expose it to new bacteria by introducing them in its exterior, penetrating it, you can cause it to become infected, and a vaginal infection is not good.

It may not happen or it may happen, you are taking a risk, it depends on many factors of your immune system, the natural bacterial flora of your pussy and even your age.

So for safety, I don't recommend having vaginal sex after having anal sex.
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This community is focused on an anal only (AO) lifestyle, a term used as much to refer to vaginal abandonment as to anal sex. Whether you've already made a commitment to only have anal sex with a partner or are just turned on by the idea and were led here by perverted curiosity, you'll find yourself in good company. Everyone has their own little take on what anal only means to them, and the only thing that is strictly not allowed in the lifestyle is vaginal penetration. The transition to being anal only can take time and while some women may need clitoral stimulation along the way, the long term goal for many is typically to train the body to achieve orgasm from anal sex alone.
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