An online seminar on the organization of remote audit using the modules "Balance" and "Salary" software complex "UzASBO

An online seminar on the organization of remote audit using the modules "Balance" and "Salary" software complex "UzASBO


By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 14, 2022 PD-128 "On further increasing efficiency of expenses of the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan and improvement of activity of bodies of state financial control" the Ministry of Finance was entrusted to provide methodical assistance to improve skills of employees of internal audit services of ministries and departments, as well as increase the scope and quality of remote audit activities.

In this regard, on November 17-18, 2022 the Ministry held an online seminar on the organization of remote audit using the modules "Balance" and "Salary" of the software package "UzASBO". It was attended by specialists of the Ministry of Finance, the Center of Information Technology and internal audit services of ministries and departments.

The chief of department on work with internal audit services of the State budget department of the Ministry of Finance Azamat Jabborov told about the necessity of remote audit with the help of "UzASBO" complex.

After that Tulkin Khasanov, the head of department of the Center of information technologies of the Ministry of Finance has considered by turn the structure of the modules "Balance" and "Salary" and gave the participants a detailed explanation of the realization of the remote audit by means of the created opportunities.

During the online seminar the problems arising in the implementation of remote audit, and proposals for their elimination were discussed. Also were considered the results of a survey conducted among the staff of internal audit services of ministries and agencies on the processes associated with the software system "UzASBO".

The seminar was held in the format of discussion. The specialists of the Ministry of Finance gave detailed answers to the questions of participants. It was agreed to carry out the similar seminars on the activity of internal audit services in future.


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Ministry of Finance.

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