An hour-long lecture of several parts. ‘’Geopolitics, or stupidity in half with greed’’ Part 1.

An hour-long lecture of several parts. ‘’Geopolitics, or stupidity in half with greed’’ Part 1.

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

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{Vladimir Ulyanov - Lenin was born 152 years ago, on April 22, 1870. During the Soviet Era, 70 years of "work" of the terrorist Ulyanov - Lenin chanted Soviet journalists and false - historians, they were used for selfish purposes dogmatics to justify their power - although his writings are important for understanding all the horrors of what happened in the history of the great territory, as well as modern and future events, especially in our days }

The most valuable material is human brains, and where it is understood, people live in affluence long enough and even without natural resources. Where man becomes a consumable, no technological successes and natural resources provide a guarantee of a permanent political equilibrium and the same constant and confident growth of the well-being of huge masses of the population in the even balance of their decent life according to the modern criteria of the 21st century. 

In particular, the U.S. for many centuries not only never allowed the loss of its most talented citizens, but through emigration and real bounty hunting acquired the best minds of the planet at the price of a little more than airfare, creating their wealth by sucking into itself the best and talented, existing in the world. But nothing is forever under the moon, everything flows and everything changes. Empires collapsed, borders were redrawn, national compositions of the population changed. This happened with the last evil empire of the USSR. For too long a huge territory of 360,000,000 million people reproduced total stupidity, contrary to the laws of human nature, to the end of its sad history rolled to the slurping jaw of Leni Brezhnev, in the last years of his life no longer knowing where to leave the podium 🏟 the speaker about the achievements of the USSR . Yes, that's how empires end, by stupidity, greed and total ignorance. 60 million Russian speakers, or about 50% of the country that now inhabits the country, are scattered all over the world. Soon it will be 150 years of mass exodus of talents from Russia - it is not an accident, but a regularity, stemming from those very meritophobia and meritocide and something else . On the eve of the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was home to 5.2 million Jews, and now 30 times less - exactly the same proportion as in post-Hitler Germany - 16,000 survivors out of 500,000 in 1933 ...

And another important statistic 📊: if in the group of the American population with English, Scottish and German ancestors for one hundred families - seven families of millionaires, among Russian-speaking immigrants - one in five families, or 22% ! Russian-speaking emigrants are in charge and have long come out on top in America in terms of income and education. Sikorsky and in 1979, The Bryna as a prime example of the eras. Breen emigrated to the United States. Mikhail Israelvich became a professor of mathematics at the University of Maryland and soon became a professor. Her mother, Evgenia Krasnokutskaya, got a job as a researcher at NASA. It was barely six years. At school, he preferred math. The dynasty of mathematicians continued. But that's not what this is about today. 

Ukraine working group 2014-gs Ukraine visit march 2014 notes 

It is impossible to judge the subject only by the theoretical calculations of "outstanding" publicists ... It takes more than that. What do you need? We need facts!

DC Leaks hackers have published 2,500 documents ( from the servers of the George Soros Open Society Foundation (OSF) and the International Renaissance Foundation. So what? Is everyone full? 

Journalists with this case were also engaged in the same as with the flu 2020-2021 . A lot of conspiracy theories, not even having read the transcripts, documents, accounting reports published by hackers. 

It has long been a shame for Slavic prostitutes, and now even for distant island sluts have to blush. Professional traditions of impartiality and objectivity, and just ordinary decency have long been forgotten. We take it out of context, we take it aside. 

Perhaps it will also partially shed light 💡 on the affairs of our mournful out of the vacancy with the original secret transcripts. 

Transcripts of speeches are concise thesis, brief, non-literary proposals containing the main thoughts of experts, politicians, officials at meetings with George Soros in Kiev in March 2014. Did DC Leaks hackers probably want to off the billionaire personally? 

During the meeting with U.S. Ambassador George Soros and Pyatt directly discuss the problem that the Right Sector spread by Russian propaganda is actually funded by the FSB and has nothing to do with Maidan. Also in this transcript, the desire of the United States to finance the Party of Regions after Yanukovych's defection is recorded. That is, to put it simply, in reality everything has turned upside down. Russia financed the Right Sector to destabilize the Maidan and create a propaganda picture, and the U.S. took care of the fate of Yanukovych's party. 

These documents can bring to the white sting not only followers of Putin's political imperialism, but also activists of democrats from the Open Society of the Russian Federation. 

Therefore, before the Russian experts once again talk about the fact that Russia is not involved in the problems of Ukraine and will refer to these documents, remember this. At a business lunch of George Soros with representatives of the "Revival Fund in Ukraine", Victoria Sumar or Sumar, depending on the transcription of the translation, reports that by the beginning of 2014 in Ukraine, outside Donbass and Crimea detained about a hundred Russian agents. If we assume that the documents published by the hackers are genuine, it is reasonable to ask why the government in Kiev kept silent about this fact. And if you doubt this information, you should think about the fact that on February 28, 2014 by decree of the acting President of Ukraine Alexander Turchynov Sumar was appointed deputy secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. Moreover, In 1999 Victoria worked as a freelance correspondent for Voice of America radio station in Ukraine. That is, in fifteen years it has grown from a simple leader to one of the key people in the state. And it's no accident. 

These transcripts are not just some brief and monosyllabic sentences of the "villain" Soros secretly managing the world. No. This is a living story and part of the puzzle about which will not tell any media. 

From small individual fragments gathered a puzzle 🧩 in a holistic, objective and extremely hard-hitting picture of the events of the last twenty years in the post-Soviet space. 

The most important enemies of liberal democracy and open societies are secret organizations, behind-the-scenes negotiations and deals. This postulate is here and there and some - who have clearly forgotten. In the breadth of the former evil empire, the word democracy, through the sinister propaganda of prison-barracks values, has long been equated with the word anarchy, although initially in the modern context democracy has a different meaning, namely mutual recognition of rights and freedoms by citizens, which leads to the rule of law and as a consequence of the stable development of society. 

Unfortunately, the liberal old lady of democracy, despite all the efforts of furious believers in it and human rights people, in 2020-2021 turned into a running girl on call . She is mocked by a small but influential group from the former USS, the USSR and financiers. Have as they want, or as they want and have. This phenomenon private American intelligence agency Stratfor in correspondence between employees refers to nothing but "War against modernity." 


At the moment, about 60% of the states of the planet Earth are liberal democracies. Stanford professor Francis Fukuyama and before him Professor Karl Popper of the London School of Economics have found that liberal societies are not at war with each other. Instead, they work for the sake of sharing. That is, as the father of the Singapore Economic Miracle Lee Kuan Yew said: "If you do not trade, you are at war." 

The USSR or Iran, canned and dipped, preparing for war with their collective hallucinations and phobias, the rest of the world globalized. To understand this process, find a Google night map, which shows not only the lights of cities, but also the movement of air, sea transport, as well as communication cables, power grids, railways and conventional roads. You will notice that the countries included in the global market have millions, if not billions, of all kinds of ties with the rest of the world. But Iran, North Korea, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, look like black holes similar to Africa or Greenland. These are the gray areas of civilization. Therefore, if the aliens want to make contact with them, looking from the Earth's orbit, where it is better to land, then in Kishenev or Donetsk they definitely will not fly. 

But in the black holes of the planet also live people and they are offended by the fact that the main traffic of money, communications, transport, goods and as a consequence of entertainment and life, pass by them. Here, for example, Vova, he slept and saw in his dreams Disneyland, and received a vaccination and rating 15% for two years driving on country roads without asphalt. 

This provision is used by professional demagogues. They take entire nations hostage, explaining the backwardness of the conspiracies of the Anglo-Saxons, whites, Jews, world bankers and so on. That is, in simple terms, they try to blame the problems from the sick head to a healthy one, and as you may have guessed, we are talking about the post-Soviet space.

Henry Kissinger in the last chapter of his fundamental work "Diplomacy" admits that the administration of Bush Sr. and then Clinton changed Poland and the Baltics to Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus and Moldova. Simply put, leaving the post-Soviet space to rot in the sphere of influence of the nascent pahanat or in the language of Brzezinski and Soros - the mafia. That is, almost 60 million people ended up in the "no man's geopolitical land" of the Keys . 

 Non-block areas always serve as a seductive tidbit. Yeltsin could not resist this, creating puppet gangster states from Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia. When the process of separatism and fermentation began to move to the Russian Federation, Yeltsin introduced troops to Chechnya. But he also wanted to go to Tatarstan!

A successful special operation in 1995 to overthrow the democratically elected parliament in Belarus, with the support of Chernomyrdin as a mediator, allowed to create the only legitimate puppet people's republic of the UN member. But after that, the Kremlin's luck turned away. 

Despite the fact that the West was well aware that the mafia took power in the CIS, there were no protests because of this. Moreover, Al Gore, the vice president of the United States under the Clinton administration, was only now accused of promoting financial and technical autocracy in Russia in light of a series of wars in the post-Soviet space.

Later, Putin insisted in many interviews that NATO and the EU had no right to expand to the East. And Yeltsin sincerely believed that such national states as the Czech Republic, Slovenia, the countries of the former Yugoslavia, Poland, Hungary and of course Romania with Bulgaria should remain either no man's land, or were in the sphere of influence of Russia. But this is geopolitical stupidity. In Eastern Europe alone, 128 million people live, against 142 million people in Russia. Moreover, objectively, the countries of the European Economic Community at the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union had a greater economic, political, and most importantly scientific and industrial potential. After all, in the end, the EU is attractive precisely because, unlike Russia, every state there is a minority, so decisions are made collectively, according to the consensus. This contributes to the mutual respect of even the smallest members, despite the endless nationalist demagoguery of a number of destructive parties from the 19th century, such as Pegida or the National Front of Marie La Pen. 

It is obvious that 20 years later no one will argue that Poland has achieved much more than Russia in terms of economic development and human potential. Although these countries started from completely different positions. And this caused envy of neighbors, namely Belarusians and Ukrainians. People sincerely did not understand why Poles drive affordable cars, and ordinary residents of the CIS are obliged to pay crazy duties for the right to manage the next German stuff. This question is detailed in the book Pahanath as a political system. 

By leaving 50 million people in countries without resources to their fate, the West has thus laid a time bomb. After all, Russia at all times had enough resources to bribe and finance the right politicians. And as a result, to export the political model of the ploughman to the post-Soviet space. 

The problem with this model is that Russian corruption, no matter how huge it is, is always overrided by a sufficient amount of natural resources. But in such countries as Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova there are no sources of natural fuel of political ploughman. Therefore, the Kremlin had to finance satraps throughout the CIS in order to maintain the status quo with respect to the West and to entertain itself with the idea of having real, not bought allies, such as Belarus or Armenia. 

In fact, it's another stupidity. Despite billions of infusions, both the Rose Revolution in Georgia and the Orange Revolution in Ukraine were successful. Because, as I wrote earlier, revolution is possible where it occurs. The Kremlin, chasing geopolitical greatness, forgot that people want to live with dignity, and not be vassals of the next Kremlin satrap, especially on the official borders of the Western world. 

Therefore, the strange idea of the Kremlin for Russian nationalists to provide the possibility of work for guest workers is just another geopolitical attempt to delay the inevitable economic end of the house of cards called the CIS and the territory of the Russian Federation itself. The explosion will be very sudden and short enough in time ...

Instead of economic reforms, people got the power of former criminals and bandits, as well as the security forces who sang with them. It is clear that such an economic and political system has become not only the subject of Russophobia, but also gradually destabilizes Russia itself. 

If only the Kremlin had taken a different path in the early 1990s, things would have turned out differently. The attempt to drive the peoples of the global world back to the USSR or the projection of the empire, causes rejection and as a consequence the rise of nationalism. This is an important historical paradigm, at least for European peoples. 

Empires, trying to strengthen the power, reluctantly spawned nationalism among the peoples who did not recognize themselves as parts of some political association. This is what happened to Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, France. 

The spring of the peoples of the 19th century gave birth to a lot of new nations that have passed a long way peculiar only to European civilization, namely the Reformation, Magdeburg law, the Renaissance, nationalism, republics and so on. This is what characterizes the European historical community, alien to Russian identity. 

The way the continent now looks is a cast of national uprisings and contradictions of the early 20th century expressed within state borders. Simply put, Europe has won its own and paid a very high price for freedom and democracy, having gone from absolutism, dictatorships, authoritarianism and communism with Nazism to liberal democracy. Unfortunately, this was not understood in the Kremlin. 

Historically, nations have proven to be more resilient than empires. The French and Polish republics were killed and reborn many times. Russian peoples, such as Kalmyks, Buryats or Ossetians, are unlikely to have anything in common with the historical nations of Ukraine, the Baltics or Scandinavia. And the Kremlin doesn't understand that either. No matter how much Trident is rolled into the asphalt, no matter how much the white-red-white flag is forbidden, they will still remain symbols of struggle. European-style nationalism is invincible. Not one empire in history has failed to extinguish this flame, because the next step of such society is liberal democracy, the highest form of development of the state at this time. 

So let's sum it up. To understand the cause of the war in Ukraine, you need to realize the difference in identity and mentality of European and Russian peoples. This difference is expressed in different historical and political experience, as if conspiracy theorists and propagandists did not try to manipulate public opinion in favor of the Kremlin. The main line of confrontation lies between classical Russian imperialism and Ukrainian nationalism of the European type, as a consequence of military invasion and attempted occupation. This is the nature of the global world. You either trade or you fight.

In the geopolitical calculations of Mr. Brzezinski's books, we can get acquainted with the idea that without Ukraine Russia is not an empire. This thesis is very often used by propagandists, justifying the non-recognition of the existence of a neighboring nation. The doctrine of the "Russian world" is not so new. It appeared in the middle of the 19th century under Nicholas 1 at the University of St. Petersburg. And served the purpose of justifying the colonization and Russification of the territory of the former Paspalita Speech (confederation of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) against the backdrop of endless national uprisings. The theory of the official nationality of Count Uvarov was adopted as the official name of the tsarist ideology. It contained a number of conservative plans against the expansion of the ideas of the French Revolution. As you remember, the essence of which was three words: freedom, equality, brotherhood. At the peak of this Uvarov exhibited Orthodoxy, autocracy, ethnicity. 

Later on the basis of these theses was invented a doctrine on the protection of Orthodox from Polish Catholics and Protestants. And so on. What's this all about? And to the fact that even now in the 21st century Russia can not give up the phantom pains of the empire that has not existed for almost 100 years. Therefore, based on such ideology, the West opposes in the same way. After all, any empire is primarily a source of instability. This is known by those who read about the causes of the First World War. 

The world we lived in until 2001 was conceived by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson. It was this man who understood. Europe has played in Real Politic put forward the talking points that are opposed to the ideas of the balance of power and spheres of influence. Namely, that states like people should be subject to law and law. Up to this point, no one had even thought about such a question. 

States had interests, bilateral or more agreements, but they never bore any legislative or moral responsibility to the international community. This idea was so revolutionary that it took another world war to realize. the world can no longer rely on spheres of interest. And the fact that China and the Philippines were deciding the disputed islands in the court of Strasbourg is the best illustration of The Victory of Wilsonianism.

Unfortunately, there are still some political regimes on the planet that do not want to recognize not only the existence of international law, but they are generally unwilling to follow another key aspect of Woodrow Wilson's ideas, namely the recognition of the rights of nations to self-determination and the rejection of colonial claims. The President of the United States was well aware that as long as empires exist, there is nationalism. It is the flesh-and-flesh product of the idea that states have only interests. And the absence of restraints led to the idea that force dictates the right. Therefore, President Wilson dreamed of four world police officers supporting the rule of law and extinguishing conflicts in the bud.

It took the United States nearly fifty years to build a new global world order based on international laws and trade agreements and blocs. Often we have had to and have to clash with the European Allies, for example, because of the status of the Suez Canal and all in order to support the principles of Wilsonism and the new international order. North -2, for example. But while the U.S. was building a global world, 1/6 of the land was still not included in the global economy. And so when the USSR collapsed GDP and the GDP of small Singapore long ahead of the Soviet. Isolation has deprived hundreds of peoples of the future and doomed them to the repetition of the historical processes that took place in Latin America in the mid-20th century. The post of the USSR is Brazil, Chile, Argentina 50-70s combined. 

In 2013, in a little-known interview with Voice of America, Larry Diamond, a stanford university professor and one of the ideologues and participants of the Center for the Study of Democracy and Law Power ( said that organized crime ( had come to power in Ukraine. Usually such statements are used in the geopolitical game, pointing publicly to some problems. The message of the United States was not heard. Moreover, the lawlessness in Ukraine was gaining momentum (read more "Pahanat as a political system") that could not help but alert the West. 

In November 2013, Victoria Nuland, Assistant Head of U.S. Diplomacy for Europe and Eurasia, announced the possibility of organizing a free trade zone from Los Angeles to Donetsk. As stated by the official during her first public appearance at the Atlantic Council of the United States.

"I truly believe that if we, as a U.S. and EU community, can open borders, iron trade barriers, and use what is proposed for this Eastern Partnership, then we will be able to have a larger and more dynamic market from Los Angeles to Donetsk," Nuland said.

So why Donetsk, not Moscow? The fact is that global markets and dynamic development requires one small, but very significant, smallness, namely the power of the law. It is impossible to organize free movement of capital, people, technologies, if the rules of the game for investors will be different from the generally accepted world. Unfortunately, Russia has abandoned the necessary reforms in favor of the mythical Customs Union, as well as support for Iran and the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria. Therefore, apparently, in response, the West decided to include Ukraine in the plan of the trade agreement. This is an old geopolitical trick incomprehensible today to many ATO soldiers, when they are told that they are building a new better Ukraine wherever they want and residents of Donetsk and Luhansk. This technique is designed for decades. To understand the idea, you need to remember South and North Korea, West and East Germany. By the way, the price of the merger in 1989 amounted to 40 billion according to Soros from the book "Crisis of World Capitalism" paid to the Soviet authorities in the form of concessional loans.

In simple terms, the money earmarked for investment in Russia will be sent to Ukraine to make this country a "place of opportunity" as Soros described in his article presented under the transcripts. What does this mean in practice? From Ukraine, international donors will create a kind of South Korea or Poland. That in addition to the economic benefits in the future will draw the entire region into the global economy, whether the Kremlin wants it or not. Brzezinski calls this anchor, stabilizing the region. 

Ukraine is attractive both politically and economically. The ethnic composition is represented by white Christians, which clearly contrasts with the non-Slavic population of Russia and the constantly arriving crowds of Muslims guest workers from Central Asia. Along with the prospects of Ukraine's membership in NATO and the EU, mentioned in the transcripts, it is possible that in 20 years on its borders Russia will have another Turkey.

The reader is probably tired and asks why do we need these Slavic people? 

But the main character is the philosopher George Soros. Yes, Anglo Saxon philosopher, George is not a financier. He is the author of the theory of the refleivability of markets, as well as a critic of market fundamentalism and a revolutionary Marxist.

By the way, George is a Hungarian Jew by the first nationality. And he is not promoting democracy out of a desire to make money. He has enough of them, but rather because he is trying to correct the injustice that separated him as a child with his family. 

His father was captured during the First World War and exiled to Siberia before fleeing at the height of the revolution. George himself, came under Nazi occupation of Hungary. His father, having extensive experience of survival during the revolution in Russia, promptly sold the property and organized the family forged documents. So they were saved, moving from place to place. Then the Nazi occupation was replaced by the Soviet and the family decided that George should leave. Parents for a long time sent letters to London to relatives, until they still agreed to accept the old Soros. So George found himself in the West, and his homeland Hungary after the failure of the revolution of 1956 under the oppression of the totalitarian regime. 

George worked as a janitor in the pool, he came across The Book of Carl Popper "Open Society and Its Enemies." From it the young man learned that Marxism and Nazism are the one thing - totalitarian hateful ideologies. It was at this point, apparently, that Soros found the purpose of life. 

Carl Popper, who inspired George, was also a Jew by nationality, but lived in Austria. He, like Soros, managed to escape, but only to New zealand in 1937. It was there that he began working on the main book of Western political thought in the second half of the 20th century. Apparently, Soros wholeheartedly desired justice, and the return of those times when Hungary was free. So, earning the first millions, George founded the Open Society Foundation.

Those who have read his books will understand that he is not a villain or a tyrant. He is an ordinary man, whose two totalitarian systems stole his childhood and family. Just as the current ploughman in the post-Soviet space continues to steal the future of young people. And he, as a real fighter after a knockdown, got back on his feet and inflicted a crushing backhand to the dictatorships, though he could enjoy the money and revel in the power of many oligarchs to this day.

The next two actors not mentioned in the transcripts are Professors Larry Diamond and Francis Fukuyama, author of "The End of History and the Last Man." They give lectures and trainings at the Center for Democracy and Law Studies at Stanford University. After the death of Carl Popper in 1994, they are rightfully Marx and Engels of modern liberal democratic thought. In fact, they justified the theoretical need to further advance democracy in the world. On the channel of the center in YouTube you can read lectures, as well as see future leaders of civil society from different countries, where there have not been revolutions, but due to the difficult economic and political situation can happen at any time. 

It is necessary to make a retreat and explain the key differences of open society and dictatorship. Perhaps the most important of these is a commitment to common ideals, such as human rights, the rule of law, and liberal democracy. At the peak of a dictatorship requiring support from an individual or ideology. The democratic process has no end because an open society recognizes any beliefs containing error. Simply put, a technically open society is a constant dialogue and change, similar to the flow of a turbulent river, where everything flows only because the issues are subject to discussion and reflection. Or as the famous popularizer of science Carl Sagan said in his book "The World Full of Demons": "Yes science does not claim to be the ideal tool of knowledge. We just don't get the best. Science in this, as in many other things, is similar to democracy. And while science cannot in itself guide our actions, at least it can predict to us what their consequences will be."

The consequences of democracy and the global market are clearly visible from space. Perhaps someday our latitudes will be lit up with night lights like China or Japan.

The Soros Foundations, in the nineties of the twentieth century were reformed into a network of independent institutions called "Open Society" and "Revival." As you can see from the transcripts, the first deal with the development of civil society and its initiatives, and the second purely economic projects and issues. 

Each of the people mentioned in the documents is either an employee of the foundations or someone with whom they cooperated. Soros is not directly engaged in revolutions, as it may seem at first glance. To do this, there are other institutions Freedom house and Canvas. They are directly engaged in training the leaders of street protests, as well as their funding. Apparently, Soros Foundations work directly with activists before and after the revolution. Every Ukrainian journalist or civil servant mentioned in the transcripts, in one way or another, cooperated with the network of foundations, as well as received education in the West. 

It is also worth noting that the organizations led by these people from Soros's point of view are elements of civil society. Although if we dig deeper, then apart from Western education and communication with foundations, and perhaps cia recruitment, they have nothing else to do with it. 

For example, when there was a financial question about the activities of foundations, namely the support of independent journalist Sasha Sotnikov, with hundreds of thousands of subscribers in YouTube, which is also constantly blocked, we involuntarily wonder. 

What do these structures really do? 

Let's remember not such a long-standing scandal with Belarusian NGOs, then several fake environmental organizations received grants from the European Union for their activities. Colleagues on the shop floor were indignant! The money went past the cash register. What's this all about? And to the fact that the journalist of the Ukrainian Truth, Sergey Leshchenko happy in a photo and video in Stanford with Professor Fukuyama and deputy Naem, is now being bullied in the Ukrainian media because of the apartment, the price of some 100,000 dollars which he purchased in the center of Kiev with his wife - an artist. 

In the beginning, such a showdown, I wanted to write off the oligarchs for fighting corruption. Because, the channel of the fugitive oligarch Firtash - "Inter" began to be a journalist so that my mother does not grieve! By the way, Firtash himself U.S. can not pick up, or does not want to take away on extradition for several years. He is clearly abusing Austrian hospitality. And this is despite the existence, articles by Kristina Burdynsky which tells about the adventures of MP Khomutynnik, part-time businessman dissecting the Mediterranean Sea, then on a private yacht, then on a private plane, meeting with sidekick friends - oligarchs. 

And when it seemed that the representatives of the foundations began to wet the enemies of world democracy (so far only in the information field) came a new article - investigation. It features another participant of the secret transcripts of Soros, namely the deputy of the Parliament Svetlana Saleshchuk, a former coordinator and leader of the civil movement "Chesno". That is, a representative of an open society, selected to participate in the program of funds. Former colleagues of this beautiful woman, demand a report, where she took the money lent to the journalist Leshchenko to buy an apartment in Kiev. This information is disseminated through civil society media created and financed by the U.S. Embassy back in 2013, namely Espresso TV and Hromatske TV. But more on that later. 

Apparently, the money allegedly received by Sergei from Svetlana is some missing funds of funds. But it is dangerous to declare it directly, as there will be a lot of unnecessary questions. That's why just now the information has surfaced that saleschuk has an apartment in Kiev worth 500,000 dollars not specified in the declaration. It seems that colleagues in open society systematically strangle the toad, that is, simply put, they are envied.

How in this regard can we not remember the immortal father of the Singaporean economic miracle Lee Kuan Yew and his advice to Indonesian President Gus Duru from the book "Singapore History": "I told him that if he wanted his ministers to be honest, he should pay them so that they could live according to their status without receiving bribes." 

The salaries of officials and ministers in Singapore are tied to private sector salaries. That is, if a person left the business in favor of public service his income did not suffer and he did not feel deprived, wanting to take bribes.

This is the basic idea of a liberal economy that people should enrich themselves. After all, we are not Marxists and we do not need to sanctimoniously portray beggars to maintain power. Therefore, instead of making a good mine at a bad game, we must admit that people in such poor countries as Ukraine will always try to snatch a piece. It is a natural desire. People need somewhere to live and something to eat. Therefore, if money is stolen from funds, then people do not have enough of it. It's as obvious as two!2! Soros himself wrote about this in his books, namely that societies governed by expediency tend more to material well-being than to democracy.

The Austrian documentary "Profi from the Revolution" in 2013, tells about the organizers of velvet coups working in the organizations Freedom House and Canvas. These structures are a direct tool for training professional revolutionaries who receive $1 million in cash at the end of training to support civil society. 

It should be understood that the revolution was not possible to this day in stable states, because liberal democracy before the village somehow regulated relations in society. 

Ukrainian channels like Espresso TV, Hromadske TV, Spilno TV were created on grants from the U.S. Embassy in Kiev. It is an inexpensive but quite effective tool of counter-propaganda of the Russian media. The hackers' documents show that the information channels were originally aimed at an audience between the ages of 15 and 35. Soros' foundations kept records of pro-Russian bots to protect Ukraine's image. 

For example, the list of Twitter PR in Spain:

@abelicc @RequenaPilar @FacuDiazT @ciudadfutura @AsierBlas @FerCastanonS @SalidaPorLaIzq @eraserusia @jaimeaznarblog @PimientaSnchz @geoestratego @jmoraleshdez @CarlosEstebanRD @RuizRamas @RTF2 @EnUcrania @royodovich @novorrusia_news @EHDonbas @jmalvarezblog @UcraniaAlMinuto @errusiarzalea @ANDALUCIADONBAS @Drazmihailovitx @Theorieundprax @javier_parra @liberal_subven @jolch2 @AlejandroRep18 @criss_tm21 @fermont1965 @errusiarzalea @NovorossiaInfo @karusito83 @Guaitafran @GonzaloWancha @SergueiMakarov @xaviercolas @PabVis @RusiaSeMueve @elurra3 @julioteleSUR @ManelAlias @angelferrero @roberthernando @enric_ravello @willymeyerIU @Caninator @Santi7Pueyo

List of pro-Ukrainian accounts:

@jpereztriana @PabloVeyrat @urtziurruti @LeticiaAtenas @cfranganillo @marcmarginedas @Argemino @hermanntertsch @erlik @pmarsupia @juancarlospinov @conucrania @PUTINforDUMMIES

As well as potential partners who did not write about Ukraine in 2014:

@victorlledo @sahagunfelipe @DavidFornies @jordiborras @davidkarvala @albertmartnez @juanlusanchez @iescolar @maxpradera @anaisbernal @kanciller @ExpositoCOPE @BenitoArrunada @78laurablanco @pedroblancoa @gerardotc @PedroMourino


And potential media partners to support Ukraine in Spain:

El Pa;s, @el_pais El Diario.es, @eldiarioes El Peri;dico, @elperiodico Diari Ara, @diariARA La Directa, @La_Directa Radio Klara


The foundations also tightly probed the media space even before the revolution. They were looking for possible information partners. The list of media outlets interested in funds from documents marked:

Vox Ukraine


Maxim 6306946

Nataliia (066) 491-1672

Public TV 


Maxim +38063 6306946

Devin Ackles (with CASE, a TTF grantee, contributes to Hromadske)

Please note that the same person is responsible for the two media.

Political criticism 


Activist Perspective

Recommended by TarasDoroniuk from the Centre for Society Research.


Chronicles of 


Taras Wozniak (editor-in-chief), recommended by Vlad. Old platform, interested authors

European truth 


Recommended by Vlad.

ATR – 


Recommended by Vlad.

Mirror of the Week (Tatiana Silina) 


Recommended by Vlad.

Ukrainian Truth 


Recommended by Inna.

Kiev Post 


Brian Bonner

At the same time, in the elected company of the president of 2019, all channels worked for Poroshenko.

The media is recommended by certain people. For example, Inna is none other than Inna Pidluska deputy. It is difficult to say who Vlad is, but one of the activists is also possible.

Prices for supporting Ukraine in the information war are presented in some documents. So it is easy to judge how much journalists earn not only on the defense of Kiev, but also on the promotion of the Kremlin's ideas.

Politics is a dirty thing, but as they tell whom the war, and to whom the mother is native. A curious file titled "Ukraine and Europe-europe and Ukraine 2015 workplan" contains the text:

Portfolio Title: Debates of Ukraine in Western Europe, $750,000

Portfolio Owner: Donal Mac Fhearraigh

Personal liabilities: Donal 40%, Vlad 40%, Goran 10%, Jordi 10%

Donal Mc Ferre is an employee of the Open Society for Europe Initiative program, coordinating the program of support for Ukraine. The document outlines how reforms should be presented.

The quote: "The emergence of a new Ukraine brings with it the opportunity to revive the European project and reaffirm the ideals of union, solidarity, democracy and peace. A strong, successful Ukraine will prevent the retreat of democracy in the east of the continent. However, this is complicated by the reluctance of some EU actors to accept the Maidan revolution as a democratic and legitimate Ukrainian government. These actors have their own plans related to geopolitical and economic considerations and Russia - hence, it will be difficult to influence them.

But for other groups and individuals, political leftists and various social movements, there may be confusion about the state of affairs in Ukraine. This is caused by a combination of ignorance about facts, Russian propaganda, rambling information of the Ukrainian government, and anti-American sentiments. 

The second group of actors, takes the opinion of individuals, including some traditionally dominant players (e.g. trade unions and some political parties). Emerging groups that have reformatted the political map of Europe (particularly in Southern Europe with M5S in Italy, PODEMOS in Spain, Syriza in Greece) as well as a wide range of liberal NGOs in western Europe.

The Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE - Open Society Initiative for Europe) will carefully discuss issues about Ukraine among this second group of actors by promoting a critical, nuanced voice that offers a different perspective that challenges the widespread belief about the Ukrainian government and civil society. These beliefs have roots in legitimate criticism of the EU's neoliberal policies, geopolitical analysis or Russian disinformation, which downplay the independence of Ukrainian civil society. 

The Open Society Initiative in Europe will promote programmes such as promoting exchanges and partnerships between European and Ukrainian civil society, youth, academia and the media on a thematic basis challenging the monolithic, neoliberal Ukrainian government and the myth of a society devoid of internal debate.

Providing a more complex picture of Ukraine shattering the shallow alliance between left-wing social forces in Europe and repressive authoritarian forces outside the EU."

Simply put, it was planned to feign disagreement with Ukrainian reforms at home, calling them neoliberals to gain support among the radical and left-wing parties of Europe, as a society with the most powerful internal controversy. It is about the same as the simulation of democracy in elections by dictatorial regimes. 

It also reveals how much the Open Society Initiative in Europe planned to allocate funds for the exchange of visits of journalists and representatives of civil society, and specifically from 75,000 to 250,000 USD. The conference of the departments of international relations of key universities cost 150,000 USD, transfers of Ukrainian media - 10 grants for journalists in 100,000 USD, the coalition of support for Maidan among research groups cost another 175,000 USD.

Support for New Ukraine in France in six newspapers, ten audiovisual points, six Internet sites, fifty leaders of public opinion in social networks. $9,000 for 15 days of consultation, with an additional $11,000. Similar support situation in Germany, Italy, Spain and other EU countries.

We must understand that war is an expensive business. The support of the Soros Foundations for the new Ukraine is a drop in the ocean in comparison with the wave of propaganda and lies broadcast by the Russian media. We have yet to find out how much the science fiction series about psychotropic Bandera people cost the budget ...

 Now let's move on directly to the question of who are all these unknown people who participated in conversations with George Soros in Ukraine. Officially, they are, of course, considered members of civil society on the basis that they have collaborated with foundations and studied abroad. That is, if we speak in the language of paranoids, these guys were “sleeping agents”. And that's why.

 An open liberal society, according to the same Francis Fukuyama and his books, consists of associations, unions, parties, communities, communities, and so on. This means, for example, that the club of lovers of VAZ 2107 is the same member of a democratic society as the "Honestly" movement, financed by Soros funds. And purely theoretically, if Zhiguli fans took an organized part in protests against the Maidan or for the Maidan, they would still be part of the internal dialogue. But the opposite happened. No matter how much we revise documents, accounting reports, plans, and so on, we will not find more than one mention of the fact that any exclusively Ukrainian organization that emerged on a voluntary basis and worked outside the system of Putin's or American grants was included in open society projects. Therefore, based on what has been read, we can conclude that such structures are unreliable. That is, it is implied that the understanding of liberal democracy and therefore freedom is monopolized by funds, because from the outside everything looks exactly like that.

 By imposing his exclusion, the vision of democracy through direct communication with the foundations, Soros wants it or not, goes against the ideals declared by Popper, namely, he is engaged in historicization and social engineering. After all, an open society, despite a wide range of organizations included in it, purely theoretically, consists of ALL non-governmental public organizations and interest clubs, and not only those funded by donors. Democratic revolutions roll back precisely because they do not have broad support within states. After all, currency financing in impoverished countries breeds egalitarianism.

 And at the beginning of the book it was already noted that secret alliances, conspiracies, secret societies are enemies of democracy. Instead of buying experts behind the scenes, maybe you should appear in the light of God yourself and explain your position to the masses?

 No one has a monopoly on democracy, much less the ideals of an open society. But as the sad experience of democratic revolutions shows, when activists run out of money, new societies collapse like houses of cards. Because the so-called experts and advisory groups are assimilating budgetary funds, and not doing really useful things. In the transcripts and documents, there is no mention of not one meeting with someone from those to whom the Ukrainian people have delegated powers democratically, but specifically - by the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada. In fact, apart from Tymoshenko and Turchinov, Soros's group has not met with anyone. Why? Because they don't need it. Parallel structures created by foundations ignore the democratic parliament, no matter how awful it may seem. And this is a direct threat to democracy - to pretend that someone simply does not exist. Representatives of civil society trained abroad do not represent Ukraine, because it is doubtful that any of them died in the trenches or stood in the steppe under artillery attacks on the front lines. Instead, two years later, we read about apartment scandals and embezzled grants. Are these the ideals of the French Revolution? Yes, yes, it was not in vain that I remembered Montesquieu, Robespierre, Desmoulins. Can a group of people, funded on a specific basis, represent the entire state? Can people elected on the basis of loyalty to a group of foundations speak on behalf of the nation and democracy? It seems to me that no. Once, similar foundations tried to overthrow even Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore, leaving this deserted island in chaos.

 It is clear that when someone is taken hostage, the police are called. According to the doctrine of US President Wilson, there are four police officers in the world. Today these are the EU, America, China and Russia.
Each of these States must maintain balance and order in their region. It so happened that Ukraine was taken hostage by an organized criminal group, the roots of which lead to the Kremlin. The U.S. and the EU as two police officers intervened in the process and freed people from hostages. It cost a lot of blood, because special operations are very rare. But some of the hostages, who had been under the oppression of the ploughman for twenty years, became infected with Stockholm syndrome and began to justify their own executioners with some messianic ideas. So the war began, whether civil, or interstate, or world. 

However, this does not mean that Ukraine had no representatives of an open society except those who were funded by a network of funds. Therefore, conspiracy theorists and the Russian Federation can safely claim that the secret agency and the world banking behind the scenes paid for the revolution. That's what it looks like from the outside. Some secret organizations, which no one has ever heard of before, consisting of people trained abroad staged a coup for a lot of money. But there is only one aspect to this. If all these people are Liberal Democrats, why has no one ever heard of them and their ideals before? Why didn't they bother to make at least a couple of documentaries about how they are preparing for the revolution, what they are not satisfied with and what they are fighting against? Yes, the visual ranks of ISIL and al-qaeda are more informative than the instructions of the network of foundations. 

What does that mean? This means that we have to collect information bit by bit. Looking for it in the metadata of disparate sources. In fact, to conduct an investigation. 

It is obvious that such structures, first of all, need to think about what their actions look like. Because no matter what intentions drive them, people always meet with clothes. And it is, unfortunately, stained. Mass culture is as important as secret conspiracies and behind-the-scenes encounters. It is time to realize that misunderstanding is born due to lack of information. You don't need to buy journalists, you need to work openly with ALL people. This is called an open society. Because dictatorship is like a snake. Step on the tail, it will sting. So that it does not bite you need to cut off the head ...

List of key members of civil society: 

1. Leonid Finberg (head of the Jewish edition of Judaica);

2. Genady Druzhenko (Hennadiy Druzenko) in 2014 representative of the Institute of Euro-Atlantic Studies, in 2016 the Commissioner for Ethno-National Policy;

3. Vladimir Gorbach institute for Euro-Atlantic Studies; 

4. Vasily Filipchuk (Vasil Filipchuk) lirctor international center for political studies;

5. Svetlana Salishchuk is the coordinator and leader of the Chesno civil movement, a member of the Ukrainian Parliament in 2016;

6. Yulia Tishchenko, Chairman of the Board, Ukrainian Independent Center for Political Studies;

7. Victor Taran, Head of the Centre for Political Studies and Analysis; 

8. Aleksandr Solontay, head of the Institute of Political Education;

9. Natalia Sokolenko ,Natalia Sokolenko) activist of the Stop Censorship movement;

10. Vitaly Shabunin in 2014, Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Council, and in 2016 MP of the Parliament of Ukraine;

11. Natalia Lihachova, Editor-in-Chief of Telecritics;

12. Sergey Leshchenko in 2014, a journalist of Ukrainian truth, in 2016 MP of the Parliament of Ukraine; 

13. Maxim Latsuba (Maksym Latsyba) Chairman of the Civil Society Programme, Ukrainian Independent Centre for Political Studies; 

14. Igor Kolushko, Chairman of the Center for Political and Legal Reforms;

15. Igor Kogut ,Ihor Kohut, Chairman, Legislative Initiatives Agency;

16. Andrey Kogut, member of the National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, an activist of the public sector of the European Maidan;

17. Oleksii Khmara Chairman, Transparency International, Ukraine;

18. Daria Kaleniuk, Executive Director of the Anti-Corruption Centre;

19. Anna Hopko (Hanna Hopko) member of the steering committee, 'Ohmadath' National Children's Hospital in 2016 MP of the Parliament of Ukraine; 

20. Genady Druzenko, an activist of the Maidan medical service, was the Commissioner for Ethno-National Policy of Ukraine in 2016;

21. Irina Bekeshkina, Director, Foundation for Democratic Initiatives;

22. Mustafa Nalem in 2014 journalist Hromatkse TV in 2016 MP of the Parliament of Ukraine.

These people represent the backbone of the so-called civil society in Ukraine. They coordinated financial and other resources to support Maidan to varying degrees. Thus, when you read the transcripts, please note that the draft constitution was proposed by the Soros group and against the wishes of the factions of the Parliament and voted by the majority. Among the deputies who adopted the new constitution were yesterday's representatives of the foundations. Civil society activists voted for the constitution against political affiliation, such as Anna Gopko. That is, solidarity within the network of funds is higher than political solidarity within Ukrainian parties. But about it in the next chapter. Russian President Putin's catchphrase at the G20 summit that "N-N-N-A-A to meet" best characterizes the attitude of the Kremlin elite not only to Ukraine, but also to the entire post-Soviet space. The main geopolitical doctrine of Russia is called "near abroad", according to it all the former territories, which were under Russian colonial rule, are declared zones of residence of compatriots, that is, people born in the USSR. This dangerous and aggressive policy has led to a series of wars and conflicts that have not strengthened Russia. The result of this geopolitical game was the carnage in Ukraine and the economic collapse of the entire region.

The difference between dictatorship and open society lies in attitudes towards people. If the ploughman relies on oligarchs, corrupt officials and so on, the Democrats are betting on an enlightened minority. And while such products of secret deals as Firtash continued to yank the country, the foundations methodically trained young and aggressive democrats, weaving a web of conspiracies from sleeping agents in all areas of state and public life. And as soon as the ploughman stumbled, at the same moment the young liberal piranhas pounced on the rotting carcass, which fell into the murky waters of instability.

In Putin's perception, Poroshenko seems to be as much a puppet as zakharchenko or Plotnitsky. Reading the transcripts it is important to note one exceptional fact, even before the elections Soros knew who would be the president of Ukraine. Despite the fact that the elections were planned only on May 25, 2014. The transcripts clearly state (all important places are allocated bold and stressed) that Poroshenko is an excellent candidate. He works in a transparent business, and there are no mountains of corpses behind him like other Ukrainian oligarchs. Poroshenko took part in the Orange Revolution, worked with Yushchenko, supported in Austria together with the boxer Kiev, he was revered not only by the oligarchs of Ukraine, but also by Russia. It was Soros who demanded that Poroshenko give up his business in favor of a trust fund, which in fact led to the loss of almost 200 million dollars. The downside of Petr Alekseevich is the tendency to take bribes directly on Bankova in the office and exclusively suitcases, lifting and lowering luggage 🧳 on a personal elevator, as well as making voluntaristic decisions without collective discussion. How and why in early March 2014 Soros decided that Poroshenko would be president is impossible to know for sure. But the requirement of funds for full recognition of the election results by other candidates indirectly speaks volumes. 

Mr. Soros also knew before the October 2014 elections that 230 deputies would join the parliament. That is, in fact, he was the architect of the new Ukrainian legislation approved by the Venice Commission and the EU. 

Then in March 2014 it was already known that Deputy Prime Minister Groysman would become Prime Minister of Ukraine after Yatsenyuk. The cabinet of the latter was considered as transitional. Therefore, the grabbing of Yatsenyuk for a causal place on the podium of the Parliament, as well as constant accusations of corruption can have a purely fake staged character. As it was necessary to prepare an information background for the resignation of Yatsenyuk's cabinet. So when Groysman was appointed prime minister on April 14, 2016, Soros knew about it in advance. It should be understood that civil society, brought up by a network of foundations, came to the Rada and adopted at the beginning a new constitution based on clan solidarity. Just like the right prime minister reformer, which, by the way, in the transcripts are described as a good professional.

It is clear that the MPs were aware of all the actions to come in the coming years, as well as the fact that the faction includes influential agents of open society, whose task is to create a new corruption-free Ukraine. Therefore, when Glazyev was broadcasting in 2013 that Kiev would fall under external management, he probably meant that it would no longer be possible to steal billions including IMF credit funds, taking them offshore to Cyprus. Because open society funds will fight corruption. 

Continuation of the lecture follows...

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