An explosion washer

An explosion washer


A pressure washer is a tool for industrial and domestic purposes with broad results in terms of its functionality. You can quickly and accurately clean a wide variety of surfaces thanks to the strength with which you work.

The explosion washer

An explosion pressure washer runs on low pressure water and a pump driven by a motor that generates pressure. The pressure carries the flow of water through the hose to the tip, where there is a gun that expels the liquid through a reduced nozzle at high pressure. This strong discharge cleans the desired space quickly and easily.

This functionality allows a great saving of water, since here the quantity does not count but the force with which the water is operated.

There are three elements that define an explosion washer:

Power: is the force that the machine possesses to produce the pressure and the water flow.

Flow rate: refers to the amount of water that comes out of the pump. If you have more flow, faster work is done, since the force of the flow makes it easier to remove dirt from the treated area.

Pressure: it is the heart of the machine. Some pistons cause the water to reach nominal values. The pressure can be changed by changing the nozzle and thanks to this pressure the working time can be reduced.

It is also important to consider the revolutions per minute, which are the number of revolutions per minute the pump gives. The less revolutions per minute, the longer the pump will have life. For example, a machine of 3600 revolutions per minute will last less than one of 1200 revolutions per minute.

The blast washer works with gasoline, diesel or gasoline. Its design is very useful for those places where there is no electrical connection. Its engine is large and has robustness and quality.

Transmission is the way in which the pump connects to the power source and is divided into two types:

Direct transmission: the pump is connected directly, its duration is shorter since the revolutions per minute are greater.

Transmission motors by belts or pulleys: energy is transported indirectly from the source to the pump by means of the pulley and belts.

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