Amputee Penis

Amputee Penis


Dale Marshall
Last Modified Date: January 23, 2021
A penile amputation is the full or partial removal of the penis from the body. It can result from injury, illness or assault, but if the severed portion is preserved, re-attachment is possible with the near-complete recovery of function. In some cases, penile amputation is accomplished through surgery for compelling medical reasons, or as part of a trans-gendering process. Overall, it’s a rare occurrence in modern times.
In earlier times, victorious soldiers sometimes amputated the penises of their vanquished opponents, serving the purposes of trophy-taking and kill-counting, as well as demonstrating the victor’s superiority. Although the practice is reported from time to time even in the course of modern wars, it hasn’t become standard practice.
A surgical penile amputation — a penectomy — may sometimes be called for to deal with certain conditions, always as a last resort. Certain forms of cancer may lead to penectomy, for instance, and in rare cases, improperly performed circumcisions may ultimately result in penectomy. Sexual reassignment surgery, on the other hand, doesn’t generally call for a complete penile amputation, but rather the re-forming of the penis into the components of a vagina. When this is not possible, a procedure called a colovaginoplasty may be called for, which does require complete removal of the penis.
Injury to the penis is the most common reason for a surgical penile amputation. Penile fracture or other injury during sexual relations appears to be the most common form of penile injury, followed by gunshot and stabbing wounds, which occur most often during combat. Accidents during masturbation also account for a significant number of penile injuries. The consensus is that penile injuries related to sexual activity are under-reported because of the potential embarrassment involved, especially in cases of masturbation.
A penile amputation, full or partial, may also be called for in extreme cases of priapism, a painful condition in which an erection won’t subside. Medical literature documents cases of priapism in men taking certain medications together with medications for erectile dysfunction. In most cases such erections can be reversed with less extreme measures, but a complete or partial penectomy may be indicated in extreme situations.
While still quite rare, the most common form of penile amputation is traumatic. Usually a crime of passion, committed by spouses or lovers as retaliation for faithlessness, it occurs more frequently in under-developed countries than in the industrialized West. From time to time, a case will become famous because of some novel element of the underlying circumstances. Toward the end of the 20th century, for example, an American woman named Lorena Bobbit, after what she described as an incident of spousal rape, removed her husband’s penis with a carving knife, and then tossed the organ into a field. The sensationalistic element of this situation was that the severed penis was recovered and re-attached, and her husband later reported that the organ had recovered its full functionality. A penis can be successfully re-attached within 16 hours, or somewhat longer if it is packed in ice.
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Перевести · 27.05.2016 · Most reported cases of self‐amputation were performed at the proximal or peripubic area, and there only one case of self‐amputation at the glans has been reported in Japan. We report two cases of self‐penile amputation at the glans. Case 1: A 31‐year‐old man with no psychiatric disease completely amputated his penis …
Перевести · 23.01.2021 · Penile amputation is the removal of part or all of the penis. A penile amputation is the full or partial removal of the penis from the body. It can result from injury, illness or assault, but if the severed portion is preserved, re-attachment is possible with the near-complete recovery of function.
the glans penis distal to the coro na of the glans penis (Fig. 1). The prepuce was also excised completely. The circumcision had been done in an outpatient clinic by a person who was neither a urologist nor a surgeon and who had inadver-tently caught the glans in the clamp, which resulted in glans penis amputation. The gl ans penis …
Перевести · 02.10.2017 · With a lack of circulation in your penis, you could develop erectile dysfunction and long-term pain while urinating. Or worse: Your penis could actually turn black or blue and the tissue could die,...
Перевести · 14.01.2011 · Penis Amputated Sketch - YouTube. Man wakes up and finds out his penis is gone! Every man's nightmare. Man wakes up and finds out his penis …
Перевести · This is from a band named AMPutee I was in and we played rock and roll. I created this and the next flyer for one of our first gigs, before we had a …
Перевести · 21.09.2018 · Subscribe to Caters Clips: …
Перевести · 27.08.2020 · Richard Stamp, 54, from London, was diagnosed with penile cancer in 2018 and went on to have his penis amputated. He appears in new Channel 5 documentary Shopping for A New Penis.
Перевести · 31.05.2015 · Penis transplants aren't an option, either. Even if I got the guarantee that I was cancer-free, there's only been one successful penis transplant ever, and it's still in the experimental phase. As any amputee …
Перевести · Amputee exercise and rehabilitation equipment. The new Limbar(TM)Has been designed specifically for amputees to assist with strength in the residual limb. It will improve balance increase mobility and decrease the possibility of secondary amputation…
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