Амины — Википедия

Амины — Википедия

Амины — Википедия

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Амины — Википедия

Основы общей химии. Периодический закон. Химические связи. Химические реакции. Общая характеристика. Ia и IIa группа. IIIa группа. IVa группа. Va группа. VIa группа. Металлы побочных подгрупп. Кислородсодержащие соединения. Азотсодержащие соединения. Амины - органические соединения, продукты замещения атомов водорода в аммиаке NH 3 различными углеводородными радикалами. Функциональная группой аминов является аминогруппа - NH 2. По числу углеводородных радикалов амины подразделяются на первичные, вторичные и третичные. Запомните, что основные свойства аминов выражены тем сильнее, чем больше электронной плотности присутствует на атоме азота. Однако, у третичных аминов три углеводородных радикала создают значительные затруднения для химических реакций. Таким образом, у третичных аминов основные свойства выражены слабее, чем у вторичных аминов. Названия аминов формируются путем добавления суффикса 'амин' к названию соответствующего углеводородного радикала: метиламин, этиламин, пропиламин, изопропиламин, бутиламин и т. В случае если радикалов несколько, их перечисляют в алфавитном порядке. Атомы углерода находятся в sp 3 гибридизации. Для аминов характерна структурная изомерия: углеродного скелета, положения функциональной группы и изомерия аминогруппы. В основе этой реакции лежит замещение атома галогена в галогеналканах на аминогруппу, при этом образуются амин и соль аммония. Знаменитой является предложенная в году Н. Зининым реакция получения аминов восстановления ароматических нитросоединений анилина и других. Она возможна в нескольких вариантах, главное, чтобы в начале реакции выделился водород. Реакция сопровождается разрушением карбонильной группы и отщеплении ее от молекулы амида в виде воды. Этим способом в промышленности получают гексаметилендиамин, используемый в изготовлении волокна - нейлон. В промышленности амины получают реакцией аммиака со спиртами, в ходе которой происходит замещение гидроксогруппы на аминогруппу. В ходе реакции галогеналканов с аммиаком, аминами, становится возможным получение первичных, вторичных и третичных аминов. Как и аммиак, амины обладают основными свойствами, их растворы окрашивают лакмусовую бумажку в синий цвет. В реакции с водой амины образуют гидроксиды алкиламмония, которые аналогичны гидроксиду аммония. Как основания, амины вступают в реакции с различными кислотами и образуют соли алкиламмония. Данная реакция помогает различить первичные, вторичные и третичные амины, которые по-разному с ней взаимодействуют. Соли аминов легко разлагаются щелочами растворимыми основаниями. В результате образуется исходный амин, соль кислоты и вода. При горении аминов азот чаще всего выделяется в молекулярном виде, так как для реакции азота с кислородом необходима очень высокая температура. Выделение углекислого газа и воды обыкновенно при горении органических веществ. Данная статья написана Беллевичем Юрием Сергеевичем и является его интеллектуальной собственностью. Копирование, распространение в том числе путем копирования на другие сайты и ресурсы в Интернете или любое иное использование информации и объектов без предварительного согласия правообладателя преследуется по закону. Для получения материалов статьи и разрешения их использования, обратитесь, пожалуйста, к Беллевичу Юрию. Наиболее выражены основные свойства у вторичных аминов. Слабее - у первичных, и еще слабее - у третичных аминов реакции у третичных аминов затруднены из-за трех углеводородных радикалов. Качественной реакцией для различия первичных, вторичных и третичных аминов является реакция с азотистой кислотой. Учебник Курсы Книги Тесты Вопросы. Личный кабинет. Амины и нитросоединения Белки и аминокислоты. За счет аминогруппы амины обладают Кислотными Амфотерными Основными. За счет аминогруппы амины обладают основными свойствами. Наиболее выраженные основные свойства у Первичных Вторичных Третичных. Ароматические амины получают в ходе реакции. Вюрца Дюма Лебедева Зинина. Качественной реакцией для различия первичных, вторичных и третичных аминов является реакция. С серной кислотой С азотистой кислотой С азотной кислотой С бромной водой. Амины в реакции с водой. Образуют соли алкиламмония Подвергаются полному гидролизу Образуют гидроксиды солей алкиламмония Образуют кислоты. Амины в реакции с водой образуют гидроксиды солей алкиламмония. Отправить тест и посмотреть результат Ваш результат.

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Амины — Википедия

Алифатические амины

Amines are formally derivatives of ammonia , wherein one or more hydrogen atoms have been replaced by a substituent such as an alkyl or aryl group \\[4\\] these may respectively be called alkylamines and arylamines; amines in which both types of substituent are attached to one nitrogen atom may be called alkylarylamines. Important amines include amino acids , biogenic amines , trimethylamine , and aniline ; see Category:Amines for a list of amines. Inorganic derivatives of ammonia are also called amines, such as monochloramine NClH 2. The substituent -NH 2 is called an amino group. Amines can be classified according to the nature and number of substituents on nitrogen. Aliphatic amines contain only H and alkyl substituents. Aromatic amines have the nitrogen atom connected to an aromatic ring. Amines, alkyl and aryl alike, are organized into three subcategories see table based on the number of carbon atoms adjacent to the nitrogen: \\[6\\]. A fourth subcategory is determined by the connectivity of the substituents attached to the nitrogen:. It is also possible to have four organic substituents on the nitrogen. These species are not amines but are quaternary ammonium cations and have a charged nitrogen center. Quaternary ammonium salts exist with many kinds of anions. Amines are named in several ways. Typically, the compound is given the prefix 'amino-' or the suffix: '-amine'. The prefix ' N -' shows substitution on the nitrogen atom. An organic compound with multiple amino groups is called a diamine, triamine, tetraamine and so forth. Hydrogen bonding significantly influences the properties of primary and secondary amines. For example, methyl and ethyl amines are gases under standard conditions, whereas the corresponding methyl and ethyl alcohols are liquids. Amines possess a characteristic ammonia smell, liquid amines have a distinctive 'fishy' smell. The lone electron pair is represented in this article by a two dots above or next to the N. The water solubility of simple amines is enhanced by hydrogen bonding involving these lone electron pairs. Small aliphatic amines display significant solubility in many solvents , whereas those with large substituents are lipophilic. Aromatic amines, such as aniline , have their lone pair electrons conjugated into the benzene ring, thus their tendency to engage in hydrogen bonding is diminished. Their boiling points are high and their solubility in water is low. Typically the presence of an amine functional group is deduced by a combination of techniques, including mass spectrometry as well as NMR and IR spectroscopies. In their infrared spectrum primary amines exhibit two N-H bands, whereas secondary amines exhibit only one. Alkyl amines characteristically feature tetrahedral nitrogen centers. C-N distances are slightly shorter than C-C distances. The interconversion has been compared to the inversion of an open umbrella into a strong wind. In aromatic amines 'anilines' , nitrogen is often nearly planar owing to conjugation of the lone pair with the aryl substituent. The C-N distance is correspondingly shorter. In aniline, the C-N distance is the same as the C-C distances. Like ammonia, amines are bases. Owing to inductive effects, the basicity of an amine might be expected to increase with the number of alkyl groups on the amine. Correlations are complicated owing to the effects of solvation which are opposite the trends for inductive effects. Solvation effects also dominate the basicity of aromatic amines anilines. For anilines, the lone pair of electrons on nitrogen delocalises into the ring, resulting in decreased basicity. Substituents on the aromatic ring, and their positions relative to the amine group, also affect basicity as seen in the table. Solvation significantly affects the basicity of amines. N-H groups strongly interact with water, especially in ammonium ions. Consequently, the basicity of ammonia is enhanced by 10 11 by solvation. The intrinsic basicity of amines, i. In the gas phase, amines exhibit the basicities predicted from the electron-releasing effects of the organic substituents. Thus tertiary amines are more basic than secondary amines, which are more basic than primary amines, and finally ammonia is least basic. Similarly aniline is more basic than ammonia in the gas phase, but ten thousand times less so in aqueous solution. In aprotic polar solvents such as DMSO , DMF , and acetonitrile the energy of solvation is not as high as in protic polar solvents like water and methanol. For this reason, the basicity of amines in these aprotic solvents is almost solely governed by the electronic effects. An industrially significant amines are prepared from ammonia by alkylation with alcohols: \\[5\\]. Unlike the reaction of amines with alkyl halides, the industrial method is green insofar that the coproduct is water. The reaction of amines and ammonia with alkyl halides is used for synthesis in the laboratory:. Such reactions, which are most useful for alkyl iodides and bromides, are rarely employed because the degree of alkylation is difficult to control. Disubstituted alkenes react with HCN in the presence of strong acids to give formamides, which can be decarbonylated. This method, the Ritter reaction , can be used industrially to produce tertiary amines such a tert-octylamine. Hydroamination of alkenes is also widely practiced. The reaction is catalyzed by zeolite-based solid acids. Via the process of hydrogenation , nitriles are reduced to amines using hydrogen in the presence of a nickel catalyst. Reactions are sensitive to acidic or alkaline conditions, which can cause hydrolysis of the —CN group. LiAlH 4 is more commonly employed for the reduction of nitriles on the laboratory scale. Similarly, LiAlH 4 reduces amides to amines. Many amines are produced from aldehydes and ketones via reductive amination , which can either proceed catalytically or stoichiometrically. Aniline C 6 H 5 NH 2 and its derivatives are prepared by reduction of the nitroaromatics. In industry, hydrogen is the preferred reductant, whereas, in the laboratory, tin and iron are often employed. Many methods exist for the preparation of amines, many of these methods being rather specialized. Aside from their basicity, the dominant reactivity of amines is their nucleophilicity. Amines are alkylated by alkyl halides. Acyl chlorides and acid anhydrides react with primary and secondary amines to form amides the ' Schotten—Baumann reaction '. Similarly, with sulfonyl chlorides, one obtains sulfonamides. This transformation, known as the Hinsberg reaction , is a chemical test for the presence of amines. When formed from carboxylic acids and primary and secondary amines, these salts thermally dehydrate to form the corresponding amides. Amines react with nitrous acid to give diazonium salts. The alkyl diazonium salts are of little synthetic importance because they are too unstable. Anilines and naphthylamines form more stable diazonium salts, which can be isolated in the crystalline form. For example, cuprous cyanide gives the corresponding nitriles:. Aryldiazonium couple with electron-rich aromatic compounds such as a phenol to form azo compounds. Such reactions are widely applied to the production of dyes. Imine formation is an important reaction. Primary amines react with ketones and aldehydes to form imines. Similarly, secondary amines react with ketones and aldehydes to form enamines :. Amines are ubiquitous in biology. The breakdown of amino acids releases amines, famously in the case of decaying fish which smell of trimethylamine. Many neurotransmitters are amines, including epinephrine , norepinephrine , dopamine , serotonin , and histamine. Primary aromatic amines are used as a starting material for the manufacture of azo dyes. It reacts with nitrous acid to form diazonium salt, which can undergo coupling reaction to form an azo compound. As azo-compounds are highly coloured, they are widely used in dyeing industries, such as:. Many drugs are designed to mimic or to interfere with the action of natural amine neurotransmitters , exemplified by the amine drugs:. They may also be used to remove CO 2 from combustion gases and flue gases and may have potential for abatement of greenhouse gases. Related processes are known as sweetening. They are skin irritants, especially as some are easily absorbed through the skin. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Amine disambiguation. For other uses, see Amino disambiguation. Not to be confused with Amin , Anime , or Ami. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Collins English Dictionary. Retrieved 28 March Oxford Dictionaries. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. Organic chemistry 3rd ed. Patai, Ed. Smith Patai ed. Journal of the American Chemical Society. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. Synthesis of branched primary amines'. Journal of Organic Chemistry. Nesmajanow Organic Syntheses. Journal of Molecular Biology. Lehninger, Principles of Biochemistry 3rd ed. New York: Worth Publishing. Functional groups. Phosphonate Phosphonous. Selenol Selenonic acid Seleninic acid Selenenic acid Selone. Tellurol Telluroketone. Isothiocyanate Phosphoramide Sulfenyl chloride Sulfonamide Thiocyanate. See also chemical classification chemical nomenclature inorganic organic. Nitrogen species. Categories : Nitrogen compounds Amines Functional groups. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikibooks Wikiquote. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Lower amines are named with the suffix -amine. Higher amines have the prefix amino as a functional group. IUPAC however does not recommend this convention, \\[ citation needed \\] but prefers the alkanamine form, e. Inversion of an amine. The pair of dots represents the lone electron pair on the nitrogen atom. Reagent: potassium phthalimide. Staudinger reduction. This reaction also takes place with a reducing agent such as lithium aluminium hydride. Aza-Baylis—Hillman reaction. Useful for reactions that trap unstable imine intermediates, such as Grignard reactions with nitriles. Hofmann degradation. This reaction is valid for preparation of primary amines only. Gives good yields of primary amines uncontaminated with other amines. Hofmann elimination. Quaternary ammonium salt. Either accomplished with reducing agents or by electrosynthesis. Reduction of nitro compounds. Can be accomplished with elemental zinc , tin or iron with an acid. Delepine reaction. Buchwald—Hartwig reaction. Menshutkin reaction. Tertiary amine. Reaction product a quaternary ammonium cation. Alkenes and alkynes. Ketones and aldehydes. Reductive amination with formic acid and ammonia via an imine intermediate. Eschweiler—Clarke reaction. Reductive amination with formic acid and formaldehyde via an imine intermediate. Schotten—Baumann reaction. Reagents: acyl chlorides , acid anhydrides. Reagents: sulfonyl chlorides. Amine—carbonyl condensation. Organic oxidation. Reagent: peroxymonosulfuric acid. Diazonium salt. Reagent: pyridinium salts, with primary and secondary amines. Reduction of quaternary ammonium cations. Hofmann—Martius rearrangement. Similar to Hofmann elimination. CS 2 and HgCl 2 are used. Thiocyanate smells like mustard. Wikiquote has quotations related to: Amine. Chemical formulas.

Амины. Свойства аминов.

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