Ami Mercury Fart

Ami Mercury Fart


Ami Mercury Fart
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After journeying to the dark kingdom, the Sailor Senshi were on high alert being in the land of their foes. But even with their caution, it didn’t take long for them to face their first treat, one that would proof to be too strong for them to handle. The Sailors were practically fighting with one another as Sailor Moon was held back and restrained by her guardians as she became incapsulated by visions that weren’t real. “Sailor Moon get a hold of yourself!” Sailor Venus shouted holding her back along with Sailor Mars and Jupiter as she frantically tried to save her love Tuxedo Mask. “Let me go, I can’t take that chance I need to know that he’s safe,” Sailor Moon pleaded and struggled as her friends tried to stop her best they could. “Sailor Moon…..I…..” The strung out in pain looking image of Tuxedo Mask uttered as they all went still in silence with Moon wide eyed eager to hear. “I…can’t belief how stupid you are hehehe…” The beaten image of her love said before their voice turned twisted and entered a female manic cackle. Suddenly the image of a chained up Tuxedo Mask turned into a blue skinned blonde haired monster woman who shot vines out from her chest at them. “Damn it! It is a monster.” Sailor Jupiter grunted as they all dived onto the ground narrowly avoiding the attack. The monster wasn’t alone though as four other female monsters appeared behind her and revealed there were four other monsters in the same revelling, beautiful style of the first with different coloured skin and hair. “There’s five of them?” Moon exclaimed as they all looked dangerous. “We can’t waste time fighting them, run!” Sailor Mars shouted at them as the Sailors all ran while the monsters laughed. “Go ahead and run, you Sailors will meet your end at the hand of the Doom and Gloom girls!” The leader of the monsters announced at the other girls faded away in the fog behind her. “Darn it, they maybe trying to surround us!” Sailor Jupiter turned and held her ground behind the other sailors. “Wait! Sailor Jupiter!” Sailor Moon pleaded as her and the other slowed their pace ahead of her. “Just go! I’ll hold this one off and cut off the rest from pursuing. Focus on getting to Beryl.” Sailor Jupiter told them as they reluctantly went on as they watched their friend stay behind and gather their energy. She stared down the leader of the monsters who sudden transformed into the image of Jupiter’s love, making her hesitate at first. “huh…No that won’t work on me! Let’s see how well you monsters can dodge lightning! Girls get away from here! Thunder…” She screamed charging her powerful attack. “You stupid Sailor, you should stop being concerned of your friends and worry about yourself!” The leader announced dropping her illusion as Sailor Jupiter was about to release her attack. Unfortunately, before she could release her attack, vines shoot up from the ground around her, binding onto her limbs tightly as the monsters grew out from the earth. ‘Damn it, they were underground. How could I make such a stupid mistake and let my guard down.’ Jupiter cursed herself as she struggled to break free and contain her power. The leader monster shot out her vines and struck her chest as they tightly contained the Sailor and flew her into the sky away from the others aid. “Sailor Jupiter!” Sailor Moon screamed horrified by watching her dear friend be caught in this horrendous state as she ran back trying to help her. “Stay back! Leave me! Your just wasting time! Hurry! Please!” Sailor Jupiter begged her friends to leave her as Moon held her ground not wanting to leave her behind. “Come on, she was willing to make this sacrifice when she chose to hold them off. We can’t let it be in vain,” Sailor Mars told her leader coldly as she forced her to run and get away. “Yes, do leave us alone. It’ll be much more fun and intimate to hunt them down one by one. Now don’t struggle, we’ll make this quick for you hahaha,” The monster leader laughed into Jupiter’s face as she and the other monster girls flowed electricity into her body. “Hehe you’re the fools for using lighting one me. Now I’ll show you what true power feels like!” Sailor Jupiter said confidently as she took in their power and all of her own for one final devastating blast. It’ll cost her life but she can vanquish these monsters and save the others but the monsters didn’t seem worried. “It’s too late for that, we just needed to drop your resistance, now girls!” The leader ordered as she and the women all jabbed their vines into Jupiter’s body and swarmed in encasing her in her bodies. Jupiter cried out in pain as she felt their vines in her body, swarming and seemingly excreting something in her as she lost all strength and was blinded by their bodies on her. “No Sailor Jupiter……” Mercury said terrified as their friends were a too far away to go back and help but Jupiter’s screams could be heard from that far away. “She’s being tortured,” Venus said not wanting to imagine such a terrible faith. “Their trying to get us to turn back. What wretched monsters. What are they doing to her?” Mars gripped her fists tightly in anger while Moon was too horrified to even do anything as she felt horrifically conflicted. Soon Jupiter’s screams went silent as they could see the monsters moving away from their friend, unknown rather she was alive or dead but even from far away they could see she looked different. Sailor Jupiter’s futu was torn off her with just the two bow part remaining. Her body was now covered up in a bikini swimsuit set in her dark green colour. Her gloves along with her boots were still intact but her skin was now a limey green and her hair now let down and styled in a wavy fashion. Sailor Jupiter reopened her eyes after her fiendish assault with her eyes jet black and her tiara now in the same fashion as the Doom and Gloom girls. “Now you are one of us. Hahahaha the first Doom and Gloom Sailor!” The monsters laughed as Sailor Jupiter now looked just like them. Her friends were horrified by their fiendish transformation but she seemed to be okay, until she laughed and stayed in the air with the rest of the monster girls having been released. “I am Doom Sailor Green!” The former Sailor Jupiter proclaimed, abandoning her planetary guardian’s status as she embraced her corrupted monster form. “No…wh……what do we do. They made her as hideous as the rest of them,” Sailor Moon proclaimed at the twisted new form of Sailor Jupiter as she could hardly recognise her. “We keep going like she wanted. Be glad she’s not dead. We can help her by vanquishing Beryl!” Mars bossed her leader as the girls continued to run as the monster girls with their new addition allowed them to flee liking the chase. The Sailors continued to run from the numbered foes until Sailor Mercury stopped in her tracks. “Ami, we need to keep going.” Sailor Venus told her as she could understand how heartbroken she was losing Sailor Jupiter as they all did. “I’m going to hold them off!” Sailor Mercury announced with strength and confidence shocking them all. “Don’t be ridicules, there’s too many of them. They’ll do to you what they did to Makoto,” Moon pleaded to her not wanting to loss another friend. “Exactly.” She responded as they were all silent. “Look, I’m not powerful or dangerous as you all. Let’s be honest, I’m just brains and support when it comes to all of this. They want to corrupt us, not kill us. Even if they change me, I won’t be that dangerous to you all. I’ll buy you as much time as I can so you can get to Beryl. It’s better than them targeting one of you,” She explained to them all as they didn’t want to admit or accept it but as usual Ami’s logic made sense to them. “She’s right, I hate to admit but in our current situation it’s the best thing you can do for us. Thank you Ami.” Mars smiled warmly to her. “They’re coming,” Venus shouted as the monster women were descending down towards them. “Ami,” Sailor Moon said tearing up as she ran in and hugged tightly. “Thank you, please be careful,” She told her not choosing the best words for the situation as Sailor Mercury smiled to her. “Don’t worry, they need me alive. I’ll distract them the best I can. Just promise me you’ll stop Beryl!” She said confidently as she stood her ground as the remaining Sailor Senshi continued on their path leaving her. Ami was secretly terrified about this but it was better than it could have been. They weren’t trying to kill her and at least if she does succumb to them, she won’t have to witness any others getting corrupted. Sailor Mercury turned on her scanner and watched her surrounding the best she could. If she was going to put up a fight and run away she had to find somewhere safe, but the fog was so thick in the area it was hard to see. There was now only one figure walking towards her as they changed shape and Mercury analysed them. It was one of the monster’s in disguise but there was no sign of the other ones. “Sailor Mercury,” Came the sweet voice of her friend Makoto as they approached, looking in their normal Sailor Jupiter look. “I’m so glad you waited for me, come on. Let’s go find the others,” She smiled warmly to her but couldn’t fool her. “I won’t fall for that monster! Sabão Spray!” Sailor Mercury cried out launching an attack on the fake Jupiter. It won’t do much but it can slow them down and allow her to escape flee the best she could from the monsters. Mercury was quick to leap out of the way as sure enough the monster girls attacked from below like with Jupiter, narrowly avoiding their vines. “Come on Ami,” Mercury froze hearing the twisted voice of her once friend as the real, former Sailor Jupiter snuck up on her. “Just surrender and join me, It’s not as scary as it looks and I promise I’ll be gentle with you hehe,” She laughed as the same electrified vines sprouted from her body as Sailor Mercury tried using her water to block. “Now now, a smart girl like you should know water and lightning don’t mix.” Jupiter laughed. “Exactly, sorry Makoto,” Ami said as the moisture from her cold mist soaked into Jupiter’s vines and body. Before the new monster could realise she would be her own downfall, she was electrocuted by her own attack and collapsed to the ground as Mercury focused on the other Doom and Gloom girls. “You think your water can save you? Let’s see how it does against our fire!” The monster leader laughed as she and the other ladies raised their arms and a large fireball begun to form over them. Mercury tried fleeing away from it as her scanner went off as the fire didn’t seem to be real as she felt more confident. Ignoring their attack, she continued to run as they threw their fire, thinking it was fake only as it detonated behind her, Sailor Mercury was shocked to feel the strong heat hitting off her from it. “Wha….what? How can it be hot if it’s just an illusion?” Sailor Mercury questioned as her skin burnt from the attack. “Why don’t you stop running and find out our power hahaha!” The monsters laughed as the spread out and launched their fire attacks at her. There was no where for Sailor Mercury to run as she gathered her power and pushed back their fire attack the best she could with her water extinguishing them. She was completely pinned down as the five monsters continued their fire attacks, slowly approaching her but she was strong enough to keep their fire away. It didn’t matter to her if this was the end or not. She was keeping their attention and if they got close enough she could try freezing and immobilising them and keep them occupied for longer. Only she was soon stopped as arms wrapped around her and pulled her back. “Hehehe, it’s all over Ami.” Sailor Mercury heard as she looked up and was trapped in the clutches of Sailor Jupiter. She couldn’t believe she was so stupid to forget about Makoto as she struggled to get free of her hold, but with her new found monster strength, she was impossible to break from. “Now you’ll get to experience the joy of it like I did,” The monster Jupiter giggled as she clung her fingers around Mercury’s chest and her jewelled bow. The same vines came out of her fingers and dug into her chest, piercing her skin and dyed it a light blue colour. Mercury cried out as the experience felt so draining on her body as she felt her energy, purity and resistance being drained away by her former friend. The jewels on her body begun to flicker as she felt her Sailor Senshi power being tainted by this monstrous influence. “Makoto……please…..stop…” Sailor Mercury begged as it felt like she was being ripped apart, like her mind and body was being separated from one another, being taken over and replaced with something more sinister and evil. The grace, strength and purity she had as a Sailor was starting to go numb and cold, becoming replaced with a deep, pitting sense of sin, lust and evil that was corrupting her mind and body. “Hehe now now Ami, we’ve only just begun. Don’t you want us to be closer than ever before. A part of me will now be inside you. We’ll all be connected to one another in a new wonderful way. You may resist now but soon you’ll understand hahaha,” Makoto teased as her corrupting influence spread through Ami’s body more as her skin became more blue. “Hehe the scared ones are always the most fun to turn,” The Doom and Gloom leader approached with the rest of them eager for their turn on Sailor Mercury. “Come one girls let’s all give her a hand.” They laughed as the rest of the monsters slowly wrapped their vines around Sailor Mercury’s body and assisted in turning her. Sailor Mercury cried out as she felt her body getting invaded by the monster’s vines. She felt the cold blue creep across her skin as she felt everything going dark as her light and energy was leaving her, unable to contain the bombardment from all the monsters on her. She felt her futu getting ripped off her body, exposing her torso more her jewels turned black. As her whole body became a monstrous blue and the vines cocooned her. Ami cursed herself for not being more useful than she hoped, but Makoto was right, this wasn’t so bad, it was a lot better than dying. She felt the burning, evil sensation in her body bringing her back to life in a rush like she never felt before. Before she couldn’t hold on any longer and let go, her last thoughts were of the rest of the Sailors. She may have fallen but hopefully she gave them enough time to complete their goal. “Hahaha welcome, Doom Sailor Blue!” Came the excited voice of Makoto as Ami opened her eyes feeling reborn. Gone was her life as a guardian, defeating monsters and saving humans. Humans were weak, monsters like her were superior and would soon doom humankind. Once the remaining Sailors join them. Sailor Mercury raised herself up with the same evil cackle as the rest of her Doom sisters as she realised in her new form that looked just as good as it felt. Just like Sailor Jupiter, only her boots, gloves and accessories remained, the rest of her body was now only cladded in a black bikini set that worked well with her full light blue skin. Her hair was now curled in a dark shade of blue with her eyes having the same black, evil look as the others as felt wonderful as a monster. “You were right, being a monster is much better than a weak Sailor! It’ll be rude of us not to share this with the rest of them hehehe,” The former Sailor Mercury laughed with the same evil cackle as the rest of the monsters as she wanted to sink her vines into them connect with them, corrupting their purity and making them a monster. “Well come along now Doom Sailors, there’s still three more beauties to catch muhahaha,” Their leader reminded them as the deadly swimsuit wearing monsters turned their attention to where the remaining sailors went, eager to race with who will be the next one.

Ruby opened up one eye, quickly scanning the room. It looked like the coast was clear. She had to contain herself from chuckling, proud of how clever she was as she pulled back her bedsheets, revealing she was wearing her gothic, Huntress outfit. Her teammates were sleeping peacefully, as she slowly got out of her bed, making sure not to disturb them, as it was coming up to midnight, she had to leave now. Making it out of her dorm room, Ruby giggled like a mischievous girl, running through the halls to make her way into the city as quickly as possible. Her favourite band was playing tonight, on a school night of all times, as Yang and Weiss forbid her from going. They were such spoil sports to her. (Although Ruby was failing to acknowledge she flunked her latest exam and this was her punishment) “Reeeeeeeed liiiiiike Roooses daa daa daaaaaa da da daaaaaa huh?” Ruby sang to herself, as she skipped through the academy, when she noticed something off. There was a purple light coming
The mages looked at the collapsed guards and destroyed machines that littered the halls of Geruda, one of the orbital prisons designed to keep dangerous criminals captive. At the moment however they were dealing with a prison break, one woman had managed to successfully escape the base with her current whereabouts unknown. "This criminal...we should inform the TSAB immediately." one of the mages sent to investigate said, the other nodding.

The next day, Hayate Yagami had gotten a few people together. Though Riot Force Six had been disbanded after the JS incident, the brown haired woman was regularly in contact with it's members. Standing bef
She was humming happily to herself as she skipped into the bathroom. It had been such a perfect day, filled with all her favorite things. Now she just had to get ready for bed and look forward to another perfect day.

She ran the water in the sink, wetting her toothbrush before she looked in the mirror. Why hadn't someone mentioned she had some sort of dirt on her forehead? She put the toothbrush down and grabbed her washcloth. She shoved it under the water for a moment and then scrubbed at the mark. The more she rubbed it, the darker and larger it got, until she could see it was a black star.

"No!" she gasped, dropping the cloth in the sink
Chapter 3: Searching for the White Rabbit

“Are you sure this is where the Droid and Sailor Moon were fighting,” Sailor Mars asked Chibi-Usa, who had led the Senshi to the battle via a piggy back ride on Jupiter’s back. The Senshi of Fire glanced around the park, but there didn’t seem to be any traces of porn star reject Droids or their Princess.

The park was for the most part quiet, except for the chirping of some nearby birds. It was peaceful and beauty, yet something warned the miko that something wasn’t right. Even before she had awakened as a Senshi, she had listened to that inner voice that had always guid
Hi Guys, here's the voted story from last month on my Patreon where people wanted a Sailor Moon Corruption story. Still haven't watched the series (as evident by this story probably) but it was clear people wanted to see my spin on it and want Monster Girl I would pick as the transformation type. While I never watched the series, I've seen tons of content about the monster girls and villains but after doing some research in the series I noticed this group that I see never get attention, the Doom and Gloom girls. I could only find a tiny amount of attention to them compared to other villianesses and I guess it's to do with the dark, brutal, sinister reputation they have with the series. So I figured I'd pick them and they time
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