American Whore

American Whore


American Whore
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Original title: American Whore Story
Re-released in shortened form as a 3-part web series by Digital Playground (sister label to Brazzers) in October 2020.
This Brazzers porn parody plays fairly well as a low-budget horror movie, but as so often is the case the performance of Tommy Pistol as the villain drags the show down to his level. The similarity of the porn and horror genres, at least in the lower ranks of either, is clear: you merely have to substitute gore outbursts in horror, delivered like clockwork, for the requisite money shots in porn. Director Brett Brando, responsible for thousands of Brazzers vignettes over the years, tries to fashion what looks like a real movie, but is only moderately successful. Rather than slavishly imitating one of the TV show's plots, he has Danny D as a guy obsessed with a very obscure case of serial murderer Lee Walden Griss, and with pal Tyler Nixon he finds the forgotten small town where it all happened. There with sexy hitchhiker they picked up along the way Katrina Jade they check into Bonnie Rotten's motel, and the horror genre cliches start mounting up rapidly. Pistol as Griss overacts so miserably that his scenes are rendered unwatchable. Fortunately he's absent much of the time, so one can enjoy Danny D wielding his big dick with a cast of overly tattooed femmes, so covered in ink I wondered whether Joanna Angel rather than Brando was in charge of the production. It's fun to see Rotten in a character role rather than her usual Goth tramp persona, and some of the horror stagings play well, even on a threadbare budget. Largely due to fear of censorship Brando downplays the gore outbursts, as the fans paid their money to watch Bonnie squirting, not blood spurting.
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Edward was a weekly contributor at Return of Kings until he passed away unexpectedly after being crushed to death under the weight of his own massive ego. Tall, devastatingly handsome, witty, and successful; the poor lad just couldn’t handle the supreme awesomeness of his own being. May he rest in peace.
Want to learn how to be a good pimp? Tune in to the “This American Whore” podcast.
“[…] her audience now is mainly those in the sex worker community, but [she] hopes this will change: ‘I want the world to be my main audience because I think whores are important and what whores have to say is important.’
This American Whore will be tackling a variety of topics in the next few months, such as how to be a good partner to a sex worker, and with upcoming guests like Kitty Stryker and Carol Queen. Q hopes by humanizing a marginalized community, it will help to end oppression and ignorance.”
Hey, whatever works. More power to her. I’m glad there’ll be a few classy whores around when I’m 80. Read the article here .
So-called nice guy? Meet the so-called friend zone.
According to a recent article at Jezebel, “Obviously; rule number one of being a real nice guy is that you never, ever refer to yourself as a ‘nice guy.’”
That’s funny. I’ve noticed that strong, independent, relevant women never ever refer to themselves as “strong, independent, relevant women” either. That little nugget works both ways. Imagine that.
You can read the strong, independent, relevant article here , or check out the Nice Guys of OKCupid tumblr blog referenced in the article here .
Alimony laws need to be reformed, because they affect women too.
“Alimony is not a gender issue as both men and woman are forced into paying permanent alimony against their economic capabilities and will. Many of the protestors at this event were women who were highly impacted by alimony and who support reform.”
Oh. Em. Gee. I cannot believe this type of nonsense affects women too! If you’re as upset about this as I am, you can read the article here .
Dumb broad solves the “mystery” behind Connecticut gunman’s horrific acts. It was misogyny!
“My hope is that with the call for more responsible gun laws we might in the same courageous breath witness the misogyny of his act because it provides a key for unlocking any sense of “mystery” of how this could have happened and understand that women are often on the receiving end of hatred, however subtle or however much of an “aside” it might seem. This is an important point, I think, because if we are to rid ourselves of misogyny we have to trace it to its root cause; and when we do we find ourselves at the striking at the root of all acts of such violence.”
She reminds me of those retarded kids in Sunday School class who thought the answer to everything was “Jesus.” If you want to read more on why “misogyny” is the answer to everything, click here .
Attention ladies: There are new rules for dating, and they’re not you mother’s rules!
Hey ladies, the unbelievably gifted duo who brought you “The Rules” have followed it up with a book out called “Not Your Mother’s Rules: The New Secrets for Dating.” I suggest you drop whatever you’re doing and pick yourself up a copy . Go ahead! Do something nice for yourself! It’s the perfect Christmas gift for the gal who already has everything but doesn’t know it.
Here’s a little sampling of one of the new and improved rules:
“A woman cannot e-mail, or even wink at a guy’s profile, without becoming the aggressor and possibly getting hurt down the line when the guy dumps her for the woman whose profile he really likes. The only way to be sure that a guy is interested is to let him make the first move.”
Groundbreaking. Before this book was published, my in-box was literally filled with dozens of beautiful women begging to sex me up. But now that the new magna carta of the sexual revolution is on the shelf, I have to send 20 emails just to get one or two responses.
Study shows some black chicks won’t exercise because of their hair.
“This topic certainly bears further research, but McMichael suggests that the amount of time and money some African-American women traditionally invest in frequent salon visits may deter them from sweaty physical activities that could ruin their hair treatments.”
I’m not touching this article with a 10-inch pole. But you can read the article here .
Stop getting tricked by bad girls who are pretending to be good
Our most important article of the year gives you 30 signs that a girl has been with over 100 men. Get instant access by signing up to our informative weekly newsletter below...
I think society has adopted aspects of both Brave New World and 1984, concurrently.
You may be right, luckly our “elites” don’t have even 1% of the Inner Party’s competence and efficiency.
loltacular. The hamster wheel has been upgraded to a circus sized rollcage and the hamster to a MV Agusta F4 RR superbike
Stop getting tricked by bad girls who are pretending to be good
This important article gives you 30 signs that a girl has been with over 100 men. Get instant access by signing up to my useful weekly newsletter below...

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Published: 16:29 BST, 5 September 2018 | Updated: 01:47 BST, 6 September 2018
They pose jauntily before the camera, some draped only in a shawl, some wearing only fancy hosiery, others looking pensive and clad in nothing at all. The women are surrounded by curtains and lace, pictured doing everything from bathing and reading to preening in preparation for male customers. Their barely-dressed ease in front of the lens is remarkable, their calm faces framed either by opulent 1890s hairstyles or left to tumble seductively over their bare shoulders.
This is life inside an 1890s American brothel, an intimate portrait of a segment of society so frequently kept behind closed doors, discussed only in hushed tones. And this extraordinary set of photographs – shot for the private collection of a commercial photographer named William Goldman in Reading, Pennsylvania at the end of the 19th century – was almost lost to history, as well.
Then an art curator happened upon them at a vintage fair in northern California , setting him on a journey to identify the city, the brothel and the photographer who captured them so intimately more than 100 years ago. Now the photos feature in a new book, published this week, titled Working Girls: An American Brothel, Circa 1892 – The Secret Photographs of William Goldman .
The photographs were taken two decades before the famous E. J. Bellocq pictures of 1913 sex workers in Storyville, New Orleans - meaning Goldman's pictures are the earliest known body of work on this subject in the United States.
They were discovered around a decade ago by Robert Flynn Johnson, and his book offers a fascinating insight into the lives of prostitutes in the 1890s. Through research and clues, Johnson figured out that the anonymous photographs depicted women who worked at an upmarket brothel run by single mother Sal Shearer in Reading around 1892 – at a time when the city was teeming with young, unmarried male railroad and factory workers and other laborers.
William Goldman, a commercial photographer in industrial Reading, Pennsylvania, took private photographs in the 1890s of women working at one of the city's more upmarket brothels - an establishment run by a single mother named Sal Shearer, who dressed her girls as upper-middle-class ladies to feed into male laborers' fantasies
The photographs were discovered by author and art curator Robert Flynn Johnson about ten years ago at a vintage paper sale in northern California; he had no information about their origin but noticed one image depicted a prostitute reading a newspaper, the Reading Eagle, from August of 1892 - giving him clues that eventually led him to that Pennsylvania city
Working with local Reading historian George M. Meiser IX - to whom he would eventually dedicate his book - Johnson tracked the photos to Sal Shearer's brothel and identified the man behind the lens as commercial photographer Goldman, who was also a patron of the establishment and kept the pictures in albums for his private collection
Goldman's photos were taken two decades before the famous E.J. Bellocq photographs of 1913 sex workers in Storyville, Louisiana - meaning the Reading photographer's collection marks the earliest known body of work on this subject in the United States
The girls at Sal Shearer’s brothel, Johnson explains, likely charged more for their time than other brothels in town - $3 or $4 as opposed to $1 or $2 – because the establishment catered to a particular fantasy or predilection amongst the male clientele. Many of the men had not yet made enough money to marry and start their own families, and the brothels answered a definite need in the testosterone-laden city.
Reading, located in southeastern Pennsylvania, about 120 miles from New York and 60 miles from Pennsylvania, was an industrial and railroad center throughout much of the 19th Century, especially important for moving coal. The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad (P&R) was one of the first railroads in the US and highly successful, though problems surfaced in the years just before the time period during which Goldman shot his photos, when competition encroached and the railroad company went into receivership before gaining strength again.
Johnson, author and former curator of prints at the Achenbach Foundation at the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, explains that ‘the city fathers considered prostitutes … the necessary evil. They considered it a safety valve for the community, so these men wouldn’t be accosting their own daughters and sisters on the street.’
He explains: ‘At Sal Shearer’s establishment, the men went in there and they didn’t want to sleep with a farm girl or an immigrant woman. That’s who the women were, of course,’ Johnson tells ‘”They wanted to fantasize that they were sleeping with the boss’ daughter, so to speak – so therefore the madam dressed her girls up as upper-middle-class with really nice clothes and stockings and all of that.
‘Not only were the men buying sex, they were buying the fantasy – and so the women were in a situation where they were being protected and not hurt in any way, they were being paid and they were wearing nice clothes and makeup and all that sort of thing … the clothes were a very important aspect of the whole fantasy, the whole illusion.’
It was a different era, Johnson points out, arguing that working at a place such as Sal Shearer’s brothel was not necessarily the worst option.
‘These women in the 1890s, these women didn’t have much prospects,’ Johnson tells ‘They were in an urban environment; they could work at a hotel, where they’d be sexually harassed; they could work at a restaurant and be sexually harassed; they could be a nanny in a household and be sexually harassed by the husband when the wife was away; they could work in a box factory for a dollar a day – or they might become a prostitute, where at least they’d be protected and wear nice clothes and stuff.’
Burlesque star Dita von Teese, who wrote the foreword for the book, echoes the view of brothels as a ‘necessary evil in town, where men with certain desires visited women who would oblige.
‘In this case, it was the desire of a man to capture the beauty and sensuality of the women he befriended,’ she writes.  
Johnson says the photographs ‘reminded me of Degas, reminded me of Rodin. They were beautiful and honest, and that’s why I had enthusiasm for them.' He adds: ‘The thing that struck me, for sure, is that there are photos from around this period or a bit later that you don’t want to touch with a ten-foot pole. Either they’re pornographic pictures or … they’re the kind of French winky postcard – the naughty photographs that were made, especially in France, to monetize to sell. And these photographs were never monetized, as far as we can tell … he never published these photographs. These were his private albums'
Goldman photographed the girls posed and also going about their day-to-day activities at the brothel such as reading, bathing and preparing for male customers; in the late 19th Century, Reading was awash with young, unmarried male workers employed by factories and railroads. Johnson says that 'the city fathers considered prostitutes … the necessary evil. They considered it a safety valve for the community, so these men wouldn’t be accosting their own daughters and sisters on the street’
The brothel was located six or eight blocks from Goldman's studio; Johnson says that the photographer 'became friends with Sal Shearer and he became friends with the girls – and they seemingly were extremely comfortable with him'
Unmarried women faced few prospects at the time, Johnson explains; sexual harassment of women working as domestic help or in restaurants, or they could make $1 a day in a factory - but if they worked as prostitutes, they enjoyed some level of protection and fine clothes
‘There is much to learn and (most of all!) take pleasure in with this discovery. As these lost photographs illustrate more than a century later, one period’s “social problem” is another’s cultural revelation.’
Johnson had no idea about the photos’ backstory when he first caught sight of the images at a vintage fair in Concord, California about ten years ago. 
‘They reminded me of Degas, reminded me of Rodin,’ Johnson tells ‘They were beautiful and honest, and that’s why I had enthusiasm for them.’
The woman displaying the photographs, priced individually, was selling items from the estate of her late collector husband. Johnson – who has published books featuring other artistic photographs of unknown subjects and origin – asked her for a better price if he bought the pictures in bulk, but the pair clashed, and he left with only two. It was a decision he soon regretted.
‘Over the next couple of days, I realized that maybe I’d made a mistake – that her personality had turned me off to the quality of the art,’ he says. ‘So I had [her] card, so I called her up and said, “Well, you know, I bought a couple of these photographs at that fair over the weekend … do you still have any of them?” And she said, “Have them? You’re the only person who’s interested in those.”’
Goldman, pictured, included a naked self-portrait in his collection, which helped Johnson and historial Meiser identify him as the man who photographed the women
So Johnson drove three hours to view more of the collection and purchased about 50 additional photographs, eventually amassing several hundred as he sought to turn the distinctive images into a book – an endeavor which turned into a bit of a detective story as Johnson tried identifying the brothel, the photographer and the women captured by his lens.
‘One of the photographs was the key to everything else,’ Johnson tells ‘Without that photograph, these would have been beautiful, mysterious, anonymous photographs, period. I would not have been able to connect it to a photographer, a brothel or a city – but one of the photographs … had one of the prostitutes reading the Reading Eagle of August of 1892.
‘I called up the historical society in Reading, Pennsylvania from California, and I said, “What was the name of your newspaper in 1892?” And they said, “The same as it is today: The Reading Eagle.”
‘And I said to myself: Bingo,’ Johnson says. ‘That’s where I started my search, and it was like a detective story.’
He made several trips to Reading and enlisted the aid of local historian George M. Meiser IX – to whom the eventual book would be dedicated. Their efforts identified the establishment as that run by Sal Shearer, who had been abandoned by her husband and tried working as a seamstress – unsuccessfully – before opening up the brothel.
Meiser also helped identify the photographer, a local man who worked in commercial photography named William Goldman – whose naked self-portrait within the collection of photographs led to his own identification. Goldman, it turned out, had been a friend of the women, a fan of private and artistic photo shoots and – it seems – a brothel client.
‘Obviously, if these albums had seen the light of day in his community during his lifetime, it would’ve been a scandal,’ Johns
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