American Vagina

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Actual results of Dr. Paul Vitenas in Houston
Actual results of Dr. Paul Vitenas in Houston
Actual results of Dr. Paul Vitenas in Houston
Actual results of Dr. Paul Vitenas in Houston
Actual Labiaplasty Results of Dr. Wesley Brady, Women's Wellness Institute of Dallas
Actual Labiaplasty Results of Dr. Wesley Brady, Women's Wellness Institute of Dallas
Actual Vaginal Rejuvenation Results of Dr. Wesley Brady, Women's Wellness Institute of Dallas
Actual Vaginal Rejuvenation Results of Dr. Wesley Brady, Women's Wellness Institute of Dallas
These photos depict the results of a labiaplasty. In this procedure, the labia menora are reduced to enhance the vagina's appearance. Read the full article on vaginal rejuvenation. Contact Houston Plastic Surgeon Dr. Paul Vitenas for Labiaplasty, Vaginal Rejuvenation or other aesthetic procedures
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dimensions and shape of the human vagina

^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Barnhart, K. T.; Izquierdo, A.; Pretorius, E. S.; Shera, D. M.; Shabbout, M.; Shaunik, A. (2006). "Baseline dimensions of the human vagina". Human Reproduction . 21 (6): 1618–1622. CiteSeerX . doi : 10.1093/humrep/del022 . PMID 16478763 .

^ Jump up to: a b Anne A. Lawrence. "Notes on Genital Dimensions" . Archived from the original on March 24, 2006 . Retrieved 2012-05-13 .

^ Jump up to: a b Pendergrass, P. B.; Reeves, C. A.; Belovicz, M. W.; Molter, D. J.; White, J. H. (1996). "The shape and dimensions of the human vagina as seen in three-dimensional vinyl polysiloxane casts". Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation . 42 (3): 178–182. doi : 10.1159/000291946 . PMID 8938470 .

^ Jump up to: a b Pendergrass, P. B.; Reeves, C. A.; Belovicz, M. W.; Molter, D. J.; White, J. H. (2000). "Comparison of vaginal shapes in Afro-American, Caucasian and Hispanic women as seen with vinyl polysiloxane casting". Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation . 50 (1): 54–59. doi : 10.1159/000010281 . PMID 10895030 . S2CID 37395321 .

^ "The Social - How much do you know about vaginas?" . . Archived from the original on December 14, 2017 . Retrieved 1 January 2018 .

^ . Pendergrass, P. B.; Belovicz, M. W.; Reeves, C. A. (2003). "Surface area of the human vagina as measured from vinyl polysiloxane casts". Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation . 55 (2): 110–113. doi : 10.1159/000070184 . PMID 12771458 . S2CID 27781106 .

^ Barnhart, Kurt T.; Izquierdo, Adriana; Pretorius, E. Scott; Shera, David M.; Shabbout, Mayadah; Shaunik, Alka (2006). "Baseline dimensions of the human vagina" . Human Reproduction . 21 (6): 1618–1622. doi : 10.1093/humrep/del022 . PMID 16478763 . Retrieved 27 January 2020 .

^ Ding, Jing; Song, Xiao-Chen; Deng, Mou; Zhu, Lan (3 June 2016). "Which factors should be considered in choosing pessary type and size for pelvic organ prolapse patients in a fitting trial?". International Urogynecology Journal . 27 (12): 1867–1871. doi : 10.1007/s00192-016-3051-3 . PMID 27260324 . S2CID 1593002 .

The dimensions and shape of human vagina are of great importance in medicine and surgery ; there appears to be no one way, however, to characterize the vagina 's size and shape. [1] In addition to variations from individual to individual, the size and shape of a single person's vagina can vary substantially during sexual arousal and intercourse . [2] Carrying a baby to term, or parity , is associated with a significant increase in the length of the vaginal fornix . [1] The potential effect of parity may be the result of a stretching and elongation of the birth canal at the time of vaginal birth . [1]

There are a number of studies that have been done into the dimensions of the human vagina, but it has not been as intensively researched as penis size . [1]

A 1996 study by Pendergrass et al. using vinyl polysiloxane castings taken from the vaginas of 39 Caucasian women, found the following ranges of dimensions: [3]

A second study by the same group showed significant variations in size and shape between the vaginas of women of different ethnic groups. [4] Both studies showed a wide range of vaginal shapes, described by the researchers as "Parallel sided, conical, heart, [...] slug" [3] and "pumpkin seed" [4] shapes. Barnhart et al., however, weren't able to find any correlation amongst the race and the size of vagina. They were also unable to characterize the vaginal shape as a "heart, slug, pumpkin seed or parallel sides" as suggested by the previous studies. [1] [5] A 2003 study by the group of Pendergrass et al. also using castings as a measurement method, measured vaginal surface areas ranging from 66 to 107 cm 2 (10.2 to 16.6 sq in) with a mean of 87 cm 2 (13.5 sq in) and a standard deviation of 7.8 cm 2 (1.21 sq in) [6]

Research published in 2006 by Barnhart et al., gave the following mean dimensions, based on MRI scans of 28 women: [1]

A 2006 U.S. study of vagina sizes using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) on 28 volunteers between 18 and 39 years old, with heights ranging from 1.5 to 1.7 metres, and weights between 49.9 and 95.3 kilograms, revealed a greater than 100 percent variation between the shortest (40.8 millimetres) and the longest (95.0 millimetres) vagina length. [7]

Given the large range in vaginal dimensions noted in studies such as the above, many fitted vaginal devices, for example pessaries , do not adhere to a "one-size-fits-all" principle. [8]

Lawrence, citing Masters and Johnson 's Human Sexual Response (1966), states that pages 73 and 74 of that book show that typical vaginal depth in Masters and Johnson's participants ranged from 7–8 cm (2.8–3.1 in) in an unstimulated state, to 11–12 cm (4.3–4.7 in) during sexual arousal with a speculum in place. [2]

Medically Reviewed by Carol DerSarkissian, MD on March 06, 2022
The age-old question of whether or not size matters is typically directed at men. But although they might not talk about it, some women may worry about the size of their vagina and how it affects sexual pleasure, particularly after having a baby .
Not a lot of research has been done in this area. Because so many things affect women’s sexuality, it's hard for researchers to know if vagina size and sexual pleasure are linked.
“Our ability to understand size as it relates to sexual function is poorly understood,” says Christopher Tarnay, MD, director of the division of female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery at the UCLA Medical Center.
The vagina is a very “elastic” organ, says Christine O’Connor, MD, director of adolescent gynecology and well women care at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore.
It's small enough to hold a tampon in place, but can expand enough to pass a baby through. This is because the walls of the vagina are similar to those of the stomach in that they have rugae, meaning they fold together to collapse when unused, then expand when necessary.
“It doesn’t stay one particular size,” O’Connor says. “It changes to accommodate whatever is going on at that time.”
The most commonly used measurements regarding the size of vaginas come from Masters and Johnson’s work from the 1960s. They looked at 100 women who had never been pregnant and found that vagina lengths, unstimulated, range from 2.75 inches to about 3¼ inches. When a woman is aroused, it increased to 4.25 inches to 4.75 inches. Regardless of how long the vagina is, the area that is thought to be important for most women’s sexual response is the outer one-third.
So how does length relate to sexual satisfaction? No one seems to know for sure.
Tarnay says the main issues women report is discomfort during sex. This typically happens if the vagina is too short or tight or if they have a prolapse. In prolapse, the uterus, bladder , or other organs fall out of place, typically after childbirth.
But in general, vaginal length "probably doesn’t matter,” Tarnay says. “There is such a wide range of normal. One can be completely assured that in the absence of prolapse, length has no impact on sexual satisfaction.”
What may make a difference, Tarnay says, is what he calls the genital hiatus -- the vaginal opening. If there's a problem, it typically happens after childbirth.
The vaginal opening likely changes only slightly after birth, Tarnay says. In 1996, doctors began using a measurement called the pelvic organ prolapse quantification system as a way of helping them see how well they were doing repairing that area after childbirth.
This was the first time there was a true before-and-after measurement, Tarnay says. Doctors have used the system to look at populations of women and found that there is a slight increase in the size of the opening after vaginal deliveries. The issue may be more related to muscular weakness or injury in that area, Tarnay says.
“Women who are able to contract the pelvic floor muscles can increase or decrease the size of the hiatus,” he says. “Increasing pelvic floor muscle tone can reduce looseness.”
Kegel exercises can be very effective at strengthening these muscles, Tamay says may generally improve sex .
A study published in the Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2008 found that women who regularly did Kegel exercises reported greater sexual satisfaction than women who didn’t do Kegels.
To find the muscles you use to do Kegels, you can either insert a finger into the vagina and squeeze the surrounding muscles or stop the flow when urinating. After you’ve found the muscles, practice contracting them for five to 10 seconds, and then relax. If you can’t hold for that long, work your way up. Repeat the process 10 to 20 times, three times a day. While doing these exercises, breathe normally and try not to use the muscles in your legs, stomach, or bottom.
Some women sustain nerve injury during birth and can’t feel these muscles. Tarnay says there arephysical therapists who specialize in helping women learn how to do Kegels.
Worrying about vagina size and whether or not it changes over time is the wrong concern, O’Connor says. She notes that other things -- like lubrication, arousal, and having and a good relationship with your partner -- have a much greater impact on sexual enjoyment for women.
A 2010 study published in the International Urogynecology Journal bears out her opinion. Researchers used medical records, an exam, and questionnaire of 500 gynecological patients aged 40 and older to see if there was a correlation between vaginal length and opening size and sexual satisfaction.
The researchers found that desire, arousal, orgasm, pain, and sexual satisfaction weren't linked to vagina size. 
“It is not an exact physical fit you are looking for in terms of sexual function,” O’Connor says. “It is more about the communication between the two partners and making sure both are getting what they need out of the experience and are comfortable.”
Christopher Tarnay, MD, associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology; director, division of female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery, UCLA Medical Center.
Christine O’Connor, MD, director of adolescent gynecology and well women care, Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore.
Schimpf, M. “Does vaginal size impact sexual activity and function?” International Urogynecology Journal , April 2010.
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