Amber Spanking

Amber Spanking


Amber Spanking

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She’s an actress and model who was born and raised in Austin, Texas.
Many of us know her face, but not her name. She was the woman who was constantly at the side of actor Johnny Depp. A lot of people learned her name thanks to a very unfortunate assault allegation. However, Amber Heard is more than just a girlfriend or a beautiful face.
She’s an actress and model who was born and raised in Austin, Texas - she lived the typical “country Texas girl” lifestyle (riding horses, hunting, the Southern works, basically.) Tragedy struck a little too close to home when her best friend died in a car accident. Then, Amber moved from Texas to New York City.
In the big city, Amber made her way as a model before jet-setting to Los Angeles in order to give acting a try.
Life hasn't been all smooth sailing for her. Here are 18 pictures that Amber probably regrets.
Before she started dating billionaire Elon Musk, Amber starred in music videos before moving onto the small screen. with parts in now-canceled TV shows (like the WB’s Jack & Bobby and Fox’s The O.C. ) Back then, her love life wasn’t exactly a hot topic because she was just getting started in the Hollywood industry.
Since becoming famous, whenever Amber is seen walking the streets with a new face (like James Franco in the pic above), people always first think there’s someone new in her life. Sometimes, she's just shooting a scene for a new movie or television show. Amber’s love life has now been put under the microscope, which has to be frustrating for the young actress.
Amber’s ex-husband, Johnny Depp, filed a defamation lawsuit against Heard, over her op-ed in The Washington Post , about being a victim of domestic abuse. A bunch of different actresses, including Depp’s own ex-girlfriend, Winona Ryder and Johnny's close friend, Penelope Cruz, have defended the actor. We’re thinking that Heard probably cringes whenever she sees photos from the 'Amber and Johnny' days.
Back in 2016, Heard filed for divorce from Depp and managed to get a temporary restraining order against him, as well. She said that he was verbally abusive toward her and physically abusive, too. She walked out in public with bruises on her face, showing the world what had happened.
Every year, the annual Met Gala has a theme that everyone must abide by - guests dress according to that specific theme. So, everyone pretty much looks AMAZING, but pictures taken out of context can be rather baffling. Like, it’s not every day we see actresses like Heard wear such extravagant headdresses.
After her split from Depp, Heard started dating businessman, Elon Musk, who made his first millions from co-founding PayPal. He became a billionaire by heading Tesla. Is Musk a ladies' man who runs around in high powered circles? Well, he’s been married three times (twice to the same actress) and dated Amber for about a year.
Okay, we’ll admit it – we ALL have clothing malfunctions at some point in our lives. It’s inevitable. The good news is that, for us normal people, it’s not usually caught on camera (unless your friends are particularly mean and post your mistake on social media). If you’re famous, the paparazzi is ever-present and waiting. Just like here, with Amber’s barely-there dress.
You have to admit that Amber has been going through some pretty rough times lately. She’s dealing with rumors that she’s back with her ex-boyfriend, while she and Depp are metaphorically at each other's throats via the press and courtrooms. It’s only fair that she appears fed up with it all while out in public.
Shortly after they supposedly parted ways, it was rumored that Amber and Elon were back together again. They were seen brunching and walking together (they appear to be in a serious conversation in this particular picture) for a couple of months after the split…only to announce they were… splitting yet again?
Since crashing onto the Hollywood scene, Amber seemed like the type of person who never really had to answer to anyone about herself. She was simply just being her most authentic self and she didn’t care what anyone thought. But the more famous she became, the more reserved she seemed to get about the image she was putting out there.
Haven’t we all taken pictures exactly like this one? I wasn’t sure what sort of selfie Amber was aiming to get. Was she trying to capture marks on her person in order to prove a point to the outside world...perhaps the naysayers who claim she made up claims against Johnny Depp? Or did she just want to show the world her nose?
Guaranteed, if you don’t like this happening to you as a normal person who is grocery shopping, you 100 percent hate it if you’re famous and get approached while grocery shopping. The good news here is that Amber appears to be friendly with the person she’s speaking with. The bad news is, well, the paparazzi are everywhere.
Back in 2016, Amber alleged that Depp “launched an iPhone” at her face, leaving her with bruises all along one cheekbone. Shortly after the incident was said to have taken place, Amber was out and about with her friends , smiling and laughing, with no visible bruise on her face. We’re not saying it wasn’t there (makeup, hello) but the pictures are pretty interesting.
Amber, here, is basically every woman who is really just trying to ignore the creepy guy staring weirdly at her. Now, are we saying that actor Rami Malek is creepy? Of course not, that’s just how he usually looks. We’re just talking about the unfortunate timing of this particular shot.
It seems like forever ago when Amber first appeared on the Hollywood scene. This is a shot from the set of Jack & Bobby , a show that follows two young brothers – one of whom goes on to be the President of the United States (we don’t know which, but we can guess if we paid attention in history class).
Do you think that Amber regrets going BACK out with Elon and starting all the buzz that they were seeing each other again? Doubtful, since she has to live her life and has stated before that she was very much in love with Musk. She says they are still very close friends , which is good. Btw, Elon claims Amber dumped him.
The one thing that you know Amber does regret is her marriage to Depp. It’s turning into one giant soap opera right now (as if it wasn’t before), with more people involving themselves in the drama. You have to wonder if she regrets the happy times she had with him...if she even remembers any at this point.
Amber has had her share of ups and downs when it comes to her relationships, but at least, when it came to Elon Musk, she appeared to be really in love, so she MIGHT not really regret this photo of him with her lipstick mark on his face. They both appeared really happy at that moment.

After a spanking my daughter shocked me when she did this.

It all started when he hit me back.
August 5, 2019

© 2015 Rick Malm. All Rights Reserved.
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I couldn’t believe it. Usually my four year old daughter, Charis, was compliant and obedient. But here she was refusing to apologize for something mean she did to an adult friend of ours. “Charis, if you don’t apologize I’m going to have to spank you.”
That usually worked, especially for something as simple as asking for an “I’m sorry”.
But not this time. She silently stood her ground.
I had promised her a spanking and as much as I hated to have to keep my word I knew it was important I do so. I gave her a few gentle swats of the bottom.
She gave a few obligatory whimpers – since these were far too gentle to really hurt.
But she continued to stand her ground – absolutely refusing to apologize.
“Charis, if you don’t apologize, I’m going to have to spank you again. And this time it’s going to be real hard. I don’t want to do that and you don’t want that so you need to go and apologize for being mean.”
Again, I had to keep my word – so I gave a few hard swats on her bottom that would certainly get her attention. This time there were real tears but no change. She absolutely refused to even make a half-hearted attempt at an apology.
This was the first time with Charis that Jana and I had seen open rebellion raise its ugly head. We needed to win this confrontation but at what cost? A hundred thoughts and questions were rushing through me head.
She was just a little girl. I didn’t want to spank her – especially since it seemed so ineffective. If this kept up, at what point would my “discipline” turn into abuse? But I felt like we couldn’t afford to lose this battle. She was openly defiant and when rebellion wins a battle of the wills it’s strengthened, more resilient and more determined to win future conflicts.
I didn’t know what to do but I was committed to principles I had seen in Scripture. Spanking is a God-endorsed form of discipline, especially for cases of rebellion.
Spanking, is something we do for our children not to our children. It’s an act of sacrificial love – I force myself to do what is best for my child even though I don’t want to do it.
Spanking is God’s answer to keeping our children from being enslaved to the foolishness that is bound up in their hearts.
Rebellion is no trivial matter – even in the heart of a four year old. I had no choice but to follow the principles and leave the outcome to the Lord. But first, one last appeal.
Outside I calmly said, “Charis, if you do not apologize I am going to have to spank you again really, really hard.” Inside my heart was screaming, “Please apologize – at least make an effort – so I don’t have to do this!”
As I spanked her a third time I felt like an abusive dad. Was this over the top? Would she have bruises? What am I going to do if she still refuses to obey? After several painful swats I stood her up and asked her again to go and apologize.
With hot tears streaming down her cheeks she walked over to our friend and softly said, “I’m sorry”. What happened next totally shocked me.
She bolted back toward me, jumped up in my lap, threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. I was amazed. It really worked.
I believed Biblically that children somehow knew discipline was a sign of love but here I was seeing it in action. Instead of running to her mom for comfort like she usually did, she ran back into the very arms that had just spanked her so hard. We embraced, now with tears running down both our cheeks. And I assured her of my love for her.
But what do you do if even spanking doesn’t work? I prepared a little ePaper with some ideas that I’m going to send as a “thanks” to all subscribers to this blog. Sign up – middle right hand column of this website – and I’ll send it to you, too.
Parenting can be tough. But you have to decide at which end you want it to be tough. You can make it ‘easy’ on yourself when they’re young, ignore their misbehavior and refuse to deal with it. By doing that you put off the pain until they’re older when you’ll be forced to suffer the consequences of rebellious teens and young adults.
Or you can choose the hard way now and enjoy life with your teens and adult children. Often what appears to be the easy way now turns out to be the hard way in the long run.
Don’t fail to discipline your children. They won’t die if you spank them. Physical discipline may well save them from death.  – Proverbs 23:13, 14 (NLT)
Your daughter isn‘t hugging you because she thinks you love her. She is hugging you to appease you to get you to stop hurting her in the future, and because you have done a horribly unloving thing to her entirely in your own self-interest, you have put the fear in her head that she is without a person to love and protect her in this world. What the little girl never learns is that this makes her father think the beatings are okay, when what the girl is trying to do is make the beatings STOP. It never, ever works. It never worked with my father. The worse he beat me, the more I tried to get him to love me again because I knew he couldn‘t humiliate and hurt me like that and actually love me, even though I needed him to love me for my very survival.
I hate my father. I always have. I would have been beaten if I told him that, but I always held onto this feeling. I don‘t even have the perverse comfort of believing in a god that damns people to hell to make me think that there will be any justice for me. I learned to lie. I learned to say I was sorry when I wasn‘t sorry. In fact, before I became god-free, I couldn‘t forgive anyone, because I was conditioned to believe that saying sorry was just a formality that someone offers to keep from being punished and that no one really meant it.
But congratulations for coercing your daughter into lying to you. May your god be pleased.
Hi Molly –
I really appreciate the vulnerability and openness in your comments. And I’m so very sorry for the abuse you obviously endured as a child. I’m also very sorry for the perspective it has given you on God. I know there is no way I can convince you otherwise but let me just assure you that the god you speak of is a man-made monster, not the real God who revealed Himself when He came to earth to suffer at the hands of evil people who beat him – much worse than you or I have endured – to pay the price for my sins and yours. Jesus Himself said he did not come to condemn (john 3:17). He does not damn people to hell. He is the one who came to rescue folks already going there. In fact, the Bible clearly says hell was not created for people. They have no business being there.
Again, I realize there is no way I’m going to convince you in a short little piece like this but maybe I can at least let you know my daughter, who is now in her 30s is very close to me, loves me, and hardly even remembers this situation that so traumatized me. I obviously did not do a good job of conveying what was happening or you would have understood it was totally different than what you must have endured.
Along that line, I am about to release an ebook entitled – 5 Times You Should Not Spank Your Child . If you are interested in understanding more about the difference between beating a child and proper, loving spanking, would you let me send you a free copy? No need to write back. If you would like to see it – and I wo
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