Amazing World Of Gumball Nicole Sexy

Amazing World Of Gumball Nicole Sexy


Amazing World Of Gumball Nicole Sexy
Darwin is my favorite character in TAWOG, definitely. Not because he sung my favorite song in the show, Without You, (Which I've listened to like 10000000 times) or not because his character is cute (what can I say?!) Mainly, it's because of his love for his family. In my opinion, he makes the show more funny, and he is very kind and compassionate. I felt bad in "The Sidekick" because he thinks he is just "Gumball's shadow" or "Gumball's sidekick". But he is much more than that. Honestly, he's the only reason why I watch the show. I haven't watched much of TAWOG, but what I've learned is that this fish is definitely unique and a fun character in the show!
In my opinion, Darwin is my favorite character because he is so inquisitive in the world around him. He also apparently teaches people that it is okay to enjoy things and that it's okay to feel like the opposite gender you are because you just need to happy. I also like him because he always is looking for happiness. As in the "The Origins" he is determined to find young Gumball no matter how much pain it will go under his skins and gills. He is very selfless and compassionate and it makes a fun character but it isn't just the normal traits that make him a fantastic character. It's the feeling of emotion. I grew up very soft and he just makes me feel not alone anymore. And now, let's bring his family to the conversation. Gumball sometimes tell jokes that are very rude on purpose, but Darwin tries to tell very kind and jokes that actually have humor. He wants his family to flow together and not break apart like they usually do. Now his school. He wants what is best for his school. He ... more
He's such a unique and sweet character, what's not to be astonished by this family bringing fish? He always makes the show a little more cuter and hilarious, EVEN though this show is more faced on Gumball Watterson, I would consider him being like the leading character would be great but still, I feel like he is also great in any position EXEPT for being an outsider. He erases all of the bad stuff in some lives and bring joy and the family back together, but with Gumball, I think he sometimes bring laughter but can hurt some types of feelings. Hope you enjoy reading this and love Darwin!
I think Darwin is the best character because he brings comedy, good songs and also good positive messages. He is smarter and wiser than Gumball (except for season 1 and 2). He is also very friendly to other people and caring for others and feelings.
I wouldn't mind seeing him in a show called Left 4 Dead War, Gumball, Tobias, Penny, and Rocky are the four survivors, they go through a portal cause they are the chosen ones, and get grown up, now the Wattersons and the rest of Elmore, go watch a live movie which is filmed by a robot camera that's invisible. Yes, Gumball is still the main character, but his new name is Tristopher, and the others have the same name, now they must survive the zombie apocalypse, 20 years old show.
Gumball is one of my favourite characters because, unlike most cartoon protagonists, he's not a "Mary Sue" because he does have some flaws in his personality that in my opinion make him unique! He is friendly and loving but he can be self-centered at times. He is also pretty scared easily but he's also very strong >:3 Not as good as Darwin, and his old voice was better but he deserves to be up there!
I don't mean to be like literally any other comment on this one, but Gumball is just so...relatable. He has many flaws, unlike some main characters in other animated shows, and he has some of the best one-liners and roasts I've ever heard, lol. His relationship with Penny was beautiful and was built up to the amazing episode The Shell. I just love his character so much.
I like all of them, but if I had to choose one it would be Gumball. Ever since I watched this show he has always been my favourite. He is funny, and although he can be stupid at times, that makes me laugh. Gumball will forever be my favourite.
At first I liked her but she wasn't my favorite character. However after watching Nicole centered episodes like "the choices' and "the parents" I realized that she is the most relatable character in tawog.
Pretty much the most powerful character on the show, William is the second most powerful. But either way, don't MESS WITH HER.
Such a melting pot of personality and great representation of the overprotective mom. Although irrationally strict she's rightious and kind in the end.
Because the way she freaks out is hilarious and she's more responsible than the others.
Why doesn't anyone like this character? I mean she's the best sidekick for Gumball and Darwin (due to being the smartest) and keeps them on their toes. What's there not to like?
This smart girl is most likely the smartest person on the show. She has brains and seems to be entwined with Gumball and Darwin's life and fate with the possibility of being in danger with endless ghost hunts, map hunts, and any other weird thing that pops up.
Although fifth place is high, Anais should really be higher on this list. She is sensible and hilarious and almost as tough as her mom! Anais is my fourth favorite behind Darwin Nicole Gumball and Richard.
Anais is funny, smart, and when she's mad it makes her even more relatable. The way Gumball and Darwin treat her, she reminds me of Squidward sometimes. That's also why I love her.
I love penny as a character. Her unshelled fairy shapeshifter form is awesome and beautiful. She is dating gumball. She is smart and kind. What is there NOT to love about her?
This sexy gal is the lover of Gumball and the loveable peanut we all know. She has made her way into my list. Now, in 6th place, she's known for her cheering abilities.
I thought that she was a Mary-Sue until the episode where her and her family have an argument over her shell and I realized that that's one of her flaws; her family. Her shapeshifting is pretty cool, too.
Not penny in her shell penny with no shell on she can be a wolf a bunny or my favorite her dragon transformation om my god is amazing and her real self is a fairy the shell one of the best episodes ever!
He's a dumb, but very lucky, rabbit. He is married to Mom. He has kids that can back him up at times. He also has a lot of retarded stuff that he shares with two of his kids. Maybe that's why Gumball and Darwin are most likely stupid.
Richard Watterson is my second favorite after Darwin, because he is the most hilarious character on the show.
I can't help but to love this silly chubby rabbit. And when he sings, my heart melts.
Most hilarious character EVER! I love everything he does, and how Nicole has to care for him like a baby
Carrie is a great character! She is pretty and I prefer Carrie and Gumball too. She has a great personality. I prefer above Penny and Richard and so as Joe. Because she Is cute and ghostly. She gives them facts and has the demon powers. Ooh I would love if TAWOG is an anime
Carrie became my third favorite in "The Matchmaker" when she putted Darwin's feelings for Terri first, I'm so glad she's with Darwin.
Considered emo by Darwin but she expresses many emotions that say otherwise. She is caring towards others as shown in the mirror as she defended Gumball and Darwin even though they weren't close friends and when she attempted to hug her dad. In my opinion Darwin + Carrie is better since they both stick out as social outcasts with Darwin being a pet that grew legs and even admitting to Gumball that he doesn't understand things like emojis and Carrie having her mother trapped in a mirror unable to truly contact her, her grandmother just a hand, and her father being cursed with loneliness most of his life, they both sort of work better than gumball's super social behavior, which would ultimately pull them apart as characters.
She's so cute! I'm making a sticker of her and putting it in a scrapbook.
This mental fruit has made himself the craziest person on the show. He has proven that he should be on my list.
He gets the funniest jokes with the funniest faces. Especially when he sees Gumball molt out of a his skin, or when he gets... stuck... in his banana suit and makes that amazing face.
How to do comic relief characters well.
Mr. Small is a nice teacher. Certainly not my favorite, but he makes me laugh. In season 1 he certainly seemed intense. But after that he seems really kind.
He doesn't deserve 19th... What, he deserves something like FIRST PLACE! I mean he's the best character from Elmore High (in my opinion of course) Haters gonna hate. Lovers gonna love. And I'm gonna go watch "The Sock". Mr. Small is weird, hilarious and a tiny bit psycho, but that's just exactly why his fans like him. And remember, when the monkey looks at the mountain, he's looking for bananas.
He's just a big adorable dork! And he's got a beautiful singing voice. I always end up laughing in any episode that has him. I wish he was my guidance counselor because I love him so much.
I think Mr. Small is the only good teacher in elmore junior high, not like Ms. Simmian. I also think that he is kinda adorable and funny.
This colorful person has made 7th place in my list of best Amazing World of Gumball characters. This guy has practically been on the show forever.
What a loser, though. I love him so much because of some of the jokes that are made about his stupidity and such.
I know a lot of people don't like him, but he is kind and achieving. I truly wish I had a friend like that! I know Gumball hates him, but I don't have to hate him.
He is eloquent and empathetic and absolutely the best looking. And look what he achieves without hands.
At first he comes off as a goody-two-shoes (even if he doesn't have feet) but his character develops much more.
He is my favorite character. He is funny and friendly. I like him to help friends.
Tina was a complete bully in season 1 but only because people expected her to because she is a T-Rex and some of it wasn't bullying it was her T-Rex instinct telling her to play like that in season 2 she was a bully but less a d only bullying people non physically or when they did something to her. Season 3 and onwards she isn't a bully at all, but will still slap people if they hurt her, and will fight back against people, but that might just be because of Gumball's plot to get Molly to have a better story. She will fend off others to get to something, too, like a birthday gift to Masami.
This dinosaur has gotten on the list with her bully ways and her... Well she's on the list.
An amazing character to teach kids about bullying.
Why do you guys think she's a bully? Have you NOT seen one of the FIRST episode of tawog!
Rob is an amazing and interesting antagonist. Before in the void, he looks ordinary making me can't predict that he will be the antagonist in the serie. He is thrown into the void, nobody can remember him, doesn't have a friend nor family, which is making me put a sympathy on him. Many cartoon villain is just a plain evil, but rob, it's a no. He still have a heart, like in "the re-run" by the way, I like his design (after escaping the void) and his voice
Honestly, I feel sorry for him. He started out as a boring background character. He was erased from existence, and lost whatever relationships he might have had. When he escaped the void, he became broken and disfigured. He doesn't have a home or a family. Honestly, I want to hug this poor guy.
Absolutely love his design, both pre and after void, and is such an interesting character overall. I honestly think he's one of the best characters in the show, I'm amazed he has ranked so low.
Rob is, in my opinion, one of the best. His story actually makes sense, he's relatable, and his episodes are so full of action I can't forget about them for a week! I easily say he is one of the best.
This robot is the best! He's really cute in my opinion. I agree with everyone who says they like this character. Shout out to the one who says they want to squeeze him, I would do the same. Seriously, he's HOT. Even though I like all characters, HE NEEDS TO BE #1, GUYS!
This guy is the perfect example of a school nerd and I like it. Also, he's the only character who hasn't suffered seasonal rot. Yep you heard me. The newer episodes are just BAD! Fight me.
He is okay. The things that I don't like him is to steal Penny from Gumball and trying to kill William.
Bobert is so funny. I wish robots like these actually exist.
I didn't really care about this character at first, but he is a really funny and great character. (Even though it's a little weird he eats doughnuts because he is a doughnut)
Sussie is an awesome character. A chin of wisdom with words of inspiration. She taught Gumball and Darwin what the true meaning of life is. She doesn't care about getting heavily bullied. She is free - spirited and only acts weird and creepy because she wants to live her life to the fullest as she can give it. She is also very wise. She doesn't care what people think of her and her decisions are what makes the world her vision. So that is why I think Sussie is the best Amazing World of Gumball characters. And I think, she is amazing
Sussie is the best! She surely deserves number 1! I mean, who wouldn't love a hilarious chin! If she was real we would be best friends. And plus, she's so weird! And I love weirdos!
The world is waiting, the world is waiting, the world is waiting, the world is waiting, the world is waiting...
Haha, sussie is great! I love her, she is my absolute favorite!
He is bad. He makes Gumball's and Darwin's life worse. He should be in the last list.
Mr. Robinson reminds me of Squidward from Spongebob.
He is super funny! He is always filled with comedy
I love this guy. He was funny and mean.
She is funny and cute. She should be in the top list. She is the best. She is kind. She is good friend with William. I like her.
She's adorable! And since we're living during virus epidemic, she's kinda relatable.
Why is sh scared of doorknobs and keeps saying they're has germy has "Toilet seats?
I don't know what it is about Teri, but for some reason I find her adorable.
He can do anything you can do in any video games there ever were
I feel like Larry is just one of those characters that the fandom never recognizes but for some reason in my opinion is just amazing. The poor guy does every single job in the town and no one even considers him a person. Oh well, I recognize you as a character Larry.
Deserves to be WAY higher in the list! He has a job everywhere, he's so done with everything yet he still does his job.
Why isn't he in the top list. He is the best and funniest character. He is better than the worst St. Small.
The workforce is made up of one Percent of the residents of Elmore. Larry is the workforce.
Cutie ;3. If I was a Tawog character, I would be a white and blue tomboy cat of same height as Penny (In real life I am 5'6 tall). He deserves more screentimes and major roles.
Juke will have a major role in the episode The BoomBox, great!
Love her character from the party want to see more of her personality!
I like how Anton is a nice and good guy while having good opinions and reasoning.
OH COME ON! Sarah should be much higher. She is so funny and relatable. And unlike most middle schoolers, she doesn't crush on people. She just makes fan fiction!
She is beautiful and icy. I like her. She is the best character in TAWOG. I like her when she appears sad and cute.
She is older than what she claims to be.

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