Amazing Discoveries

Amazing Discoveries

Dick Tripover

Amazing Discoveries Exposing Deceptions Restoring the Truth

Prophecy 8 Faith 8 Health 8 Spiritualism


God wants you to trust His love, power and faithfulness and believe He will answer your prayers. When doubts creep in, bring them honestly to God. Be like the man who told Jesus, "Lord, I believe help my unbelief" (Mark 9:24 NKJV) Often the Lord increases our faith by answering our prayers, even though our faith is weak. But He wants us to pray with a growing faith, not just with wishes and hopes. Beware of doubting that you want God's way and help. "That [double minded] man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord" (James 1:7) "To believe that the Lord will hear my prayer honors His truthfulness, His power, His love and generosity, His wisdom. If you wish to dishonor every attribute of God, pray with unbelief. But if you want to put a crown on the head of Him who has saved you, believe that if you ask He will give" (C H Spurgeon) Notice how Daniel identified with God's people as he prayed for them using "we" prayers rather than "they" prayers (Daniel 9:4-19) And Jesus taught His disciples pray "us" prayers- "Lead us not into temptation" (Matthew 6:13 NIV) Moses prayed a fresh and simple "us" prayer in Psalm 90:14 "Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love" (NIV) As you pray, your "us" can start with you and your spouse or closest friend, then you and your family, then in a widening circle finally encompass all believers.


Praise and thanksgiving

He does so not because He is an egoist with selfish desires, but because He has our best intentions at heart. Praise and Thanksgiving help us to raise above self-centeredness to Christ-centeredness. They focus our hearts and minds on the Lord and make us more like Him. We cheat ourselves when we neglect them, for they are a tonic that promotes joy and spiritual vigor." The Bible sparkles with praise passages that express in inspired words the wonders of our God Some Old Testament favorites 1 Chronicles 16:27-29. Psalm 68:32-35, 73:25-26.

Try using photographs or a map of the world to prompt your prayers. Occasionally pray for people, places and needs far outside your usual range of concerns. Or carry your day's requests around with you on a slip of paper to use in spare moments or on a prayer walk.

Lord of love. You are the one Source of perfect, unfailing love. Love that is sacrificed impartial, and permanent! Work in me a growing love and affection for all people, and especially for all believers- a love like Yours: merciful, compassionate, ready to forgive, patient, considerate, deeply concerned about others' well-being. Show me if there's anything in my heart that would keep me from praying with Your love. Do You see grievances there? Anger? An unforgiving spirit? Resentment towards anyone in my past, or in my present? Envy or jealousy? Critical attitudes? Selfishness or pride? Anything else that hinders love? Show me. And give me grace to repent and ask You to forgive me. Help me take the initiative in restoring any broken or damaged relationships with others in my family, at work, or at my church. My the spirit flood my heart with Your love, washing away any unloving attitudes. Then may Your pure, warm love motivate me as I pray and flow through me towards every person my life touches day by day. I plead with You for this! And I believe You will do it. And Lord do these same things for all who partner with You in prayer, wherever they may be.

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