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Channing Joseph

Wed., August 10 @ 5:30 P

Jonah Owen Lamb

Wed., August 10 @ 5:30 P

Jessie Schiewe

Wed., August 10 @ 5:30 P

Peter Lawrence Kane

Wed., August 10 @ 5:30 P

Photographs by Michael Hendrickson.
Photographs by Christopher Victorio.

Jonathan Curiel

Wed., August 10 @ 5:30 P

When the ancient Polynesians invented surfing, they often used a paddle to help them navigate. Fast-forward a few millennia, and Stand-Up Paddleboarding, or SUP, finds itself trendy again. Part of its increasing popularity is that standing upright allows surfers to spot waves more easily and thus catch more of them, multiplying the fun factor. Paddling back to the wave becomes less of a strain as well. The ability to cruise along on flat inland water, surveying the sights, is another advantage. Finally, it’s a good core workout. If you’re sold on the idea, schedule an intro SUP lesson, free with board and paddle rental, and you may find yourself riding the waves like a Polynesian king.

Many of us remember coming home from our elementary schools with freshly glazed pinchpots, cups, or whatever else our young imaginations could conjure up. Saturday mornings at the Randall Museum can bring that memory back, or create a new one for the youngsters. Ceramics make great gifts — especially on Mothers' and Fathers' Day. Hop on board for the Randall's once-weekly class, and for $6 and two weeks to have your work fired and glazed, you'll have all the materials you need.

December is almost over - the New Year is coming up and everyone is busy drying off from the rain or holiday shopping. Let's take a look at what's happened this month.
Cirque du Soleil returns to AT&T park with their current production Kurious: Cabinet of Curiosities. Photographs by Richard Haick.

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All photos | Gretchen Robinette

Lady Grace, volunteer stage manager and full-time dominatrix, takes center stage

About The Author

Lois Beckett

Posted by

Donald Sharpe

on 04/26/2018 at 6:14 AM

Posted by


on 03/19/2015 at 3:10 PM

Posted by


on 03/19/2015 at 3:09 PM

Lois Beckett

@ 3:15 PM On Tue, June 1

Erin Sherbert

@ 7:40 AM On Mon, September 26

Brian Rinker

@ 5:27 PM On Mon, November 25

Matt Smith

@ 9:59 AM On Mon, September 21

Max DeNike

@ 12:30 PM On Tue, April 19

Sub Pop recording artists 'clipping.' brought their brand of noise-driven experimental hip hop to the closing night of 2016's San Francisco Electronic Music Fest this past Sunday. The packed Brava Theater hosted an initially seated crowd that ended the night jumping and dancing against the front of the stage. The trio performed a set focused on their recently released Sci-Fi Horror concept album, 'Splendor & Misery', then delved into their dancier and more aggressive back catalogue, and recent single 'Wriggle'.

Opening performances included local experimental electronic duo 'Tujurikkuja' and computer music artist 'Madalyn Merkey.'"

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With a dearth of freshwater swimming spots in the Bay Area, seekers of the aquatic will go to great lengths to discover a hidden watering hole.

Mere blocks from the mob scene that Golden Gate Park becomes on any day when the temperature rises above 65 degrees lies another beautiful patch of land — all but hidden to the masses.

It was 11 a.m. on Sunday morning, and the masturbatorium was quiet. The chairs in the voyeur section were mostly empty, just a few early birds in the front row. I slipped off my flip-flops and crossed behind the rope, into the area of the room that would soon be live-streamed onto the Internet. I had decided I would start with the man in the farthest corner of the room. He was willing to talk, so I settled down on a pillow near his head. I was wearing a dress, so I did this carefully, knees together, like a lady. "You're pretty," the man observed as I opened my laptop. He told me he was glad the paper had sent a young female reporter. Yeah, we did that on purpose, I told him. The man's name, for today, would be "Joe." He had a slight Virginia accent, but right now, he lived in Vegas. He was a white guy, with thin legs, short, gray hair and rosy cheeks. "Joe" hadn't done much to prepare for today, he told me, except take a shower. Typing busily, I asked him to talk about his background and what had brought him here today.
Joe told me he was an exhibitionist. He liked women to watch him masturbate. Like me, for instance. Even though I was clothed, that was okay.
"Am I the first guy you've interviewed while he's 'necking'?" he asked, rubbing his dick enthusiastically.

Turn the page for more tales and pics...

It's too bad the author didn't allow herself to be used as "inspiration." This could have changed the entire event! Everyone loves a beautiful young redhead. Lois Beckett is quite striking!
I'm sure Jerkin' Jesus is happy now that his member has PR.
I'm sure Jerkin' Jesus is happy about his "member" getting PR now.

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It's the hottest day of the summer, and for the first time in years, Anna unexpectedly finds herself alone without her son. She sets out for the day,
roaming the streets of her small desert town, looking for a man who can touch her, even just for one brief moment.
Two platonic friends confront their true feelings for each other at a sex club of all places.
A West Virginia teenager goes on a date with a local drug dealer
Through snaky dildos, setting boundaries and a journey through a mind-bending forest we follow Siro's quest for self-discovery.
A retired teacher confronts some unexpected emotions as she struggles through the discomfort of a heatwave
A young girl worries she shouldn’t have left her mother with a handsome drifter after wandering off with his unreliable daughter.
During a hot Israeli summer day, a young girl is confronted by four Hasidic teenagers over the only water source around.
Inside a cafe while smoking a whole pack of cigarettes, a man poses an ambitious question: "What is Love?" Shortlisted for Oscar, this anticipated film from Alberto Mielgo is a collection of vignettes of rare beauty and style. (Pressing play opens the film in a new window)
Over the course of a theatre workshop for youngsters, a teenager finds himself sexually intimate with a slightly older girl. But did he really mean to? Congratulated or blamed for, everyone has a strong reaction.
**CURRENTLY OFFLINE** - In Tadeusz Lysiak's Oscar-shortlisted film a maid working in a rundown motel in rural Poland longs for intimacy, but will the repeated visits of an intriguing truck driver change the loneliness of her situation? (Link opens in new window)

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[archiveorg 1930sFrenchFetishStagFilmSmWhippingDomination width=560 height=384 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]

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vintage , 30s , fetish , 1930s , stag film , bondage , spanking , spanked , domination , kinky , S&M , BDSM , dominatrix , submissive , slave , sm , s/m , france , whipped , whipping , flogging , flagellation , fetishistic

"Dressage au Fouet" (Raising with the Whip), a remarkable, rare, purely fetishistic film (not porn) of a mistress disciplining her slave. Made by Jacques Biederer (Ostra Studio), a Paris photographer of high-class erotica. In the '20s & 30s he made elegant (and humorous) "French postcard" type nudes - and incredible fetish pictures (spanking, whipping, S&M, pony play, etc.). Was astonished to discover he also dabbled in stag films. He influenced later artists John Willie, Irving Klaw, et al. (Blooper: You can glimpse a still cameraman on the right side for a second, possibly Biederer himself). The more studious can read my article on the Ostra, and Beiderer Studios at: This is part of a series on the history of fetishism in films. More to come, including another Ostra featurette. (You're welcome.) Credit where it's due: This public domain film is available on the Cult Epics compilation dvd "Vintage Erotica anno 1930".

2010-09-02 17:55:43

3 minutes 22 seconds


Run time


PARIS HERE I COME... This film has a certain Jena Se Qua that I just can't quite put my finger on.. gotta love that french music too with that beautiful accordion. It makes me feel like singing & whipping up some great stimulating memories!!
Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted.

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on September 2, 2010

Real Natural Nudes - No Glamour - No Retouch - Real Life Beauty

" Nowadays we are surrounded by images of bodies seemingly perfect. But is that REAL beauty? "
IL VENERDI' DI REPUBBLICA - 11 ottobre 2013
IL VENERDI' DI REPUBBLICA - 11 ottobre 2013


Via Vela, 18 - 20133 Milano



This website contains nudity,
and as such is not safe for all work environments.
It is also not intended to be viewed by minors.

Nowadays the aesthetic of beauty is totally standardized, and where
doesn’t reach reality, we (over)use photo editing.
REALITY PROJECT is born to contrast this distorted view that is
imposed on us daily by the media, and to demonstrate instead that
the true beauty can be found in every body. !
It is a photographic project that portrays normal people, real and
nude, leaving their body to express and convey their natural beauty
without photo retouching, in all its shapes and sizes.
Series of pictures of people that joined the project.
Enjoy natural beauty.
Behind the Project there are two people that live for telling stories Through a 50mm lens.
They are called ALMAPHOTOS .
REALITY PROJECTS started in 2013, and from that date the project stunned a lot of people because it’s so REAL , so PURE
…It’s sincerely pure Beauty. No Glamour. No Retouch. Real Life Beauty
Oggi intervistiamo due persone in un colpo solo, Alessandro Viganò e Matteo Scarpellini aka ALMAPHOTOS. Sono gli occhi fotografici dietro Reality Project, qualcosa di strafico. Sulla loro pagina lo presentano così: “Project about real life beauty. We shoot normal people,
real and nude in all its shapes and sizes. No glamour or retouch”, che dire di più? Godetevi l’intervista e la splendida gallery.
Parlateci un pò di “Reality Project”.
L’idea del progetto è nata per contrastare questo falso ideale di bellezza patinata che ci viene imposto dai media, dove tutti devono essere alti, magri, con la pelle perfetta, gli addominali scolpiti, il seno grosso e sodo e così via…
Con il nostro lavoro vogliamo dimostrare che la vera bellezza la si trova in ogni corpo, indipendentemente dalla forma e dimensioni.
Il progetto è molto intimo, eppure coinvolgente, aperto, pubblico, in continuo divenire. Come mai questa scelta?
Il nostro lavoro vive se viene mostrato a un pubblico. Non avrebbe senso fare tutto questo lavoro e tenerlo nel cassetto.
La gente che partecipa è assolutamente consapevole di questa visibilità.
E lo scopo è proprio quello di raggiungere più persone possibili e dimostrare, come ti ho già detto, che la bellezza si trova in ciascuno di noi.
Che sensazioni provate quando realizzate gli scatti per il progetto? Qualche storia particolare?
Ogni soggetto ha una vita da raccontare.
Purtroppo il poco tempo che condividiamo con queste persone, non sempre ci permette di approfondire queste storie, ma con alcuni siamo diventati molto amici. E allora in seguito sì, si riesce ad andare più a fondo.
Ogni volta è una sfida diversa. Persone sconosciute in luoghi sconosciuti.
Molto difficile e molto stimolante al tempo stesso.
Cosa vi piacerebbe trasmettere a chi guarda le vostre foto?
Ci piace trasmettere dei messaggi positivi.
Cerchiamo di mostrare i soggetti nella loro positività.
E chi partecipa a questo progetto così delicato, di positività ne ha da vendere!
Che sensazioni provate quando scattate foto, in generale? Perchè lo fate, che rapporto avete con la fotografia?
La fotografia per noi è un mezzo di espressione e comunicazione. C’è che scrive, chi parla, chi disegna.
Noi raccontiamo le cose con le foto.
Quali macchine fotografiche usate per i vostri lavori? Ne avete una preferita o a cui siete particolarmente legati?
Negli anni ci siamo accorti di quanto sia ridicola la corsa al megapixel.
I discorsi tecnici li lasciamo ai forum dei fotoamatori.
Certo, avere una bella lente aiuta, ovvio, ma lo sappiamo tutti che avere l’ultimo modello di fotocamera in commercio non serve a fare delle belle foto. Se proprio siete curiosissimi, il 90% delle foto che scattiamo, sono fatte con delle mirrorless.
Per Reality Project usiamo anche una Mamiya degli anni ‘60 con un dorso Polaroid.
State lavorando a qualcos’altro attualmente? Avete progetti futuri a cui vorreste dedicarti?
Parallelamente stiamo lavorando a un progetto che coinvolgerà donne che soffrono di alopecia. Poi uno top secret nel mondo della cucina.
Quest’estate invece saremo in giro per l’Italia con un furgoncino degli anni 70 per fare dei microdocumentari audio-video-fotografici… e perché no, magari riusciremo a scattare anche qualche soggetto per RP.
Quali sono i fotografi che più vi piacciono, che più vi ispirano?
Uno per tutti: Luigi Ghirri.
Vi ringraziamo, potete lasciarci con un pensiero… E, se vi va, anche con una canzone.
Vi lasciamo con una citazione di un amico musicista che però vale sempre e in tutti i campi, compresa la fotografia:
“Alla fine delle note chissenefrega”!
Una canzone che ci accompagna spesso in questi giorni è Stolen Dance del duo Milky Chance.
Questo spazio è vostro, riempitelo come volete.
Reality Project è completamente autoprodotto, e per poter continuare a fotografare abbiamo bisogno anche del vostro aiuto.
Stiamo pensando di pubblicare un libro e lanceremo una campagna di crowdfunding per poterlo realizzare, che altrimenti l’investimento sarebbe trop
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