Amateur Art

Amateur Art


Amateur Art

Where beginners begin.

Amateur-Artists is a group dedicated to the growth of amateurs in any media of art - whether it be drawings, paintings, or even literature. We welcome tutorials, amateur pieces, or anything else you believe might help. We exist only to help amateurs on their way to becoming better artists.
RealMantis 157 Recent Deviations Featured: 4419 The Robin
Crazy-Zoroark 68 Recent Deviations Featured: Mimikyus Halloween
TFSubmissions 31 Recent Deviations Featured: The Panty Thief TG
MalcressArt 25 Recent Deviations Featured: Among The Towers
Meztli72 23 Recent Deviations Featured: Blue Princess
Ruffits 12 Recent Deviations Featured: Mallory
n2n44 12 Recent Deviations Featured: Ice Cream Shop Flyer
rizkirafu 12 Recent Deviations Featured: Red Sonja
MOrestone Joined 1 week and 5 days ago
MbTheGray Joined Jan 3, 2021, 4:19:38 AM
Jordylishious Joined Jan 2, 2021, 3:50:28 AM
Lebenguth Joined Dec 9, 2020, 4:48:53 AM
MultiverseInquisitor Joined Nov 24, 2020, 9:31:52 PM
Behold the awesome affiliates that have... affiliated! You know you wanna click em!… Over there! You should check it out! Totally! *Nods*

People doing a contest? Yep!
April 30, 2011
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PjlinaTheSilense - Members Visited here 13 hours and 28 minutes ago Did something awesome today
MrSmuttyDoodles - Members Visited here 1 day ago Did something awesome yesterday
alex-the-artist01 - Members Visited here 2 days ago Did something awesome 2 days ago
Godzilla2137 - Members Visited here 2 days ago Did something awesome 2 days ago
ranshin06 - Members Visited here 5 days ago Did something awesome 5 days ago

Featured By Owner
Jan 1, 2021
  Student Digital Artist

Featured By Owner
Dec 9, 2020

Featured By Owner
Jun 9, 2020

Featured By Owner
May 2, 2019

Featured By Owner
Jun 25, 2018
  Student Artist

Featured By Owner
Jan 3, 2019
  Student Digital Artist

Almost at the top of the page, right next to where it says "Welcome Home"

Featured By Owner
Jan 5, 2018
  Hobbyist Photographer

Featured By Owner
Dec 23, 2017
  Student General Artist

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Group Founded 11 Years ago Jan 14, 2010
Group Focus Art Creation
1,234 Members

900 Watchers

76,314 Pageviews

Below you will find the name of all, current, official critiquers ((Which, you must admit, sounds a lot better than Critics. Plus, it better describes our intent.)) These Critiquer's are the awesome few who have volunteered their time in order to go through the various pieces of literature, drawing, or, other, in order to offer their own constructive critiques. Any member of DA, whether admin, group member, or simply a watcher, may volunteer. However, anyone asking (rather than getting invited) to be a Contributor to this group must volunteer, or otherwise prove that they're offering something special to the group. If you feel like your art has been overlooked, feel free to note one of those below - but do try to remember that they don't all have as much free time as i do. Literature Critiquers: Picture Critiquers: Other Critiquers:

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The Art of the Hobbit , J . R . R . Tolkien . To celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the publication of The Hobbit , a sumptuous full colour art book containing the complete collection of more than 100 Hobbit sketches , drawings , paintings … Подробнее   Купить за 2109 руб
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amateur — amateur , trice [ amatɶr , tris ] n . • XVe ; lat . amator 1 ♦ Personne qui aime , cultive , recherche ( certaines choses ). Un amateur de musique . Il est amateur de bonne cuisine . « des amateurs et surtout des amatrices de raï » ( Le Monde , 1998 ). Les … …   Encyclopédie Universelle
art — [ ar ] n . m . • Xe , d ab . « science , savoir », puis « moyen , méthode »; lat . ars , artis ; souv . fém . jusqu au XVIe I ♦ Ensemble de moyens , de procédés réglés qui tendent à une fin . 1 ♦ ( 1160 ) Vx Moyen d obtenir un résultat ( par l effet d aptitudes … …   Encyclopédie Universelle
Amateur radio — Amateur radio , often called ham radio , is both a hobby and a service in which participants , called hams , use various types of radio communications equipment to communicate with other radio amateurs for public service , recreation and self training …   Wikipedia
Amateur averti — Amateur Pour les articles homonymes , voir Amateur ( homonymie ). Le mot amateur a au moins deux acceptions   : Au sens propre , un amateur est quelqu un qui aime une ou plusieurs choses , un art . On parle par exemple d amateur de musique , d … …   Wikipédia en Français
Amateur film — is the low budget hobbyist art of film practiced for passion and enjoyment and not for business purposes . OrganizationsThe international organization for amateur film makers is UNICA ( Union International du Cinema Non Professionel ); in the United …   Wikipedia
amateur , novice , neophyte , tyro — Amateur , much the most widely used of these four terms , is applied to someone who follows or pursues any art , study , or other activity simply from love of doing so . In certain activities , especially sports , an amateur is one who , regardless of … …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions
amateur — [ am ′ ə chər , am ′ əchoor΄ ; am ′ ə tʉr΄ , am ′ ə tər ] n . [ Fr < L amator , lover < pp . of amare , to love ] 1 . a person who engages in some art , science , sport , etc . for the pleasure of it rather than for money ; a nonprofessional ; specif ., an athlete … …   English World dictionary
ART . Welten — is an Austrian association for independent artists . It was founded in 2005 by Monja Art , an Austrian film maker and author , with the stated goal of being a place for artists to meet connected only by the love of art . [ cite web |… …   Wikipedia
Art - déco — Flèche du Chrysler Building , New York . De 1920 à 1939 , et en réaction à l Art nouveau d avant la Première Guerre mondiale , l Art déco fut un mouvement artistique extrêmement influent surtout dans l architecture et le design …   Wikipédia en Français
Art Africain Traditionnel — Art africain traditionnel …   Wikipédia en Français
Art Déco — Flèche du Chrysler Building , New York . De 1920 à 1939 , et en réaction à l Art nouveau d avant la Première Guerre mondiale , l Art déco fut un mouvement artistique extrêmement influent surtout dans l architecture et le design …   Wikipédia en Français Квартира 45 м², 5 этаж   Квартира 45 м², 5 этаж   Застройщик ИНКОМ-Недвижимость. Проектная декларация на сайте наш.дом.рф … Скрыть объявление

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