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A Year-Long Business Mastermind For Badass Women Who Are Scaling Their Businesses , Stepping Into Their Power , and Fulfilling Their Infinite Potential.
It's Time To Scale Your Business from the Inside Out.
Top 10 Elements of The Successful 7-Figure CEO
 A coach, clinician, trainer, healer, or other service provider who's got a big mission, and is ready to fulfill it.
  A woman whose already proven her offer to the world, but needs support in scaling what she's got through leverage, team, systems, and sustainability.
  A woman who's making between $10-20k/month, wanting to grow to $30-100k+ month.
 A woman who's ready, willing, and excited to do the inner work in connecting to herself, her Truth, and her purpose.
This Is The Mastermind I Wish I'd Had.
On your interview call, we'll have a candid discussion about what's the best fit for you: no pressure.
The Flourish & Conquer Mastermind is a Year-Long Business and Leadership Mastermind for female entrepreneurs ready to make MORE money , build a BIGGER audience , get l everage through SYSTEMS , and live fully in alignment with who they really are.
We believe in the balance of the Goal Line and the Soul Line , the Masculine and the Feminine - the Flourish and Conquer .
You desire to be THRIVING--and right now, you're doing just alright . You've made it this far on your own, but are realizing that you're stuck in mediocrity and you're ready for more.
This doesn't just mean making more money for you.
Yes, you want to grow your business--make more money , be able to feel financially safe and secure, and serve more people with a bigger product suite, team, and systems that run with ease instead of clunkiness.
But you want to be a fuller you. A more whole version of yourself. You feel like there are parts of you that want to come online, be more fully expressed, and embodied in your inner power.
But you aren't totally sure how. A business will be a major part of that, but you as a human wants to feel more of YOU.
Scaling to 1 5k, 20k, 40k, and even 60k months is not unusual with women who join this mastermind.
We teach you everything from organic marketing , efficient systems building, team hiring and management, sales processes, energetic alignment, self- love and spiritual awareness, and more.
In this mastermind, we will also be holding massive space for you to elevate and uplevel in the Woman You Need To Become to have the business of your dreams.
When the leader grows, the business grows--and that's exactly what we plan to support you on.
By applying for this mastermind, you are signing up for a long-term coaching experience that will challenge you to your core, and give you the opportunity to take real responsibility for your Inner Leader.
I see you girl : full speed ahead , building your business, and-- against all odds, might I add --you're making the damn thing happen.
You've seen your business grow before you're eyes , and you honestly can't believe it: yes babe, you've literally built this 6-Figure business from scratch.
But with a new level comes a new devil : long and tiring workdays, feeling the anxiety of never being "caught up," and running on the hamster wheel to keep your machine going.
Rather than feeling free and in control of your own life, you've built something that's controlling your life.
On top of that? You're stepping into a completely new version of yourself , and sometimes you wonder how the hell you're even keeping up.
These growing pains aren't going anywhere, and you're craving mentorship from someone who gets it , and support from a community of women upleveling to the same heights as you are.
I started this Mastermind in 2018 with the dream to bring powerful women together in a container that catalyzes growth they've never seen or felt. 
Building a 7-Figure business before the time I was 25 came truly began with Masterminds. After joining my first Mastermind, I launched my business coaching practice, first group coaching program, and first certificate program for coaches.
In my time, I've built audiences in the hundreds of thousands on all social media platforms, attracted a team of 8 incredibly aligned, powerful members to support this company, and mentored hundreds of entrepreneurs who have gone on to build their own six and multiple six figure businesses.
None of this success came without doing "the work" on myself to release patterns, thoughts, and beliefs that didn't serve who I needed to become -- the CEO of a 7-Figure business, and leader of a mission bigger than myself.
My ultimate goal is to support other women to create similar results. Will you join me?
Big-time TV Producer turned Yogi Turned Business Coach for Conscious Leaders, Melissa excelled in her business within the first three months of starting it. 
Melissa went from $3k months in her first month...
To hitting a $30k month within 6 months ..
And her first $50,000 month within 10 months!!
This woman has power, work-ethic, and energy galore. She's a force to be reckoned with.
Melissa plans on reaching more than $250,000 in 2020 , all while taking three entire moths off to travel (post COVID-19.)
"I decided to hire Amanda and joined her high level mastermind only 3 months after starting my business...Was I ready? Probably not, but I believed in myself and I was willing to take a chance. The next month-- my business TRIPLED. "
Sam is a nutrition and mindset coach (and the funniest human ever) who grew her audience to 60k followers and business to 6-figures on her own. She's now focusing on expanding her brand and self in ways she never thought imaginable.
"You know that icky feeling when you go to sleep at night knowing that there’s something more ...I was stuck in that phase before joining the FCMM . I wasn’t even sure what I needed, I just knew I needed someone to take a deep dive into my business and help me. In the last three months, I have: hired team members, scaled my offers, created a new offer , and I’m in the process of creating a course . Without her guidance, I would probably be talking about doing all these things but not actually be doing them. Having Amanda and Elran by my side has been such a game-changer for me. They ask me hard questions and help me see my Truth: THAT IM A BADASS. I am so grateful that I made this investment in myself. I surely didn’t have the money lying around when I started--but it’s forced me to level up in quantum leaps , and I’m so proud of how far I’ve come in just three months. I went from having consistent $5-7k months to just having my biggest month yet at $15k , while cutting down expenses so that my take-home is even more! I’m on track to hitting more $15k months and soon to be $20k- 25k months . It’s so rewarding being compensated for my hard work. I am beyond blessed to be part of this mastermind, surrounded by a bunch of other badass women , and I can only imagine what the next eight months will bring! CHEERS!”
Artemis is an Online Business Coach and Expert Educator in the Fitness-Business Space.
Having 10+ years of experience running a fitness business, Artemis joined the Mastermind to guide her through a Powerful Pivot into the business space.
Successfully avoiding Pivot Purgatory, she replaced her $10k/month fitness business income quickly with 10k+ business coaching months. Not an easy feat!
Artemis is not only supporting her business clients successfully in the COVID-19 transition but she's also in process of building out specialized Certification Programs to teach other fit pros coaches how to run Lifting Workshops and Hormone Reset Programs-- a true expert and innovator in her field.
Gabrielle (known for her viral Instagram account: @om_therapy_coaching ) is a trained psychotherapist working as a coach for Leaders in the Mental Wellness Space.
Gabby joined the Mastermind to learn how both get more of her time back (and stop being spread so thin) while also developing new offers that allow her to fulfill her mission of helping the world heal.
Since joining, Gabby has made MASSIVE strides and is now running a scalable 6-figure coaching business fulltime , launched an Online Wellness Center called " The Collective " during the COVID-19 crisis, and pivoted to serving other wellness-warriors in her space. She's focused on scaling to $15-20k+ months in Q2!
Isabella (entrepreneur since birth) is known on the Internet as the Instagram Queen, the Biz Evil Genius, and the GuavaBoss. 
Isabella has been consulting for startups since the age of 18, and quickly scaled her own business from $500 months in the summer of 2018, to a $700k year in 2019. She rocks.
" RUN, don't walk , to work with Amanda Bucci. I hired her as my mentor over a year ago, and it was the best decision I've ever made . I used to make $3k/month in my business, and now I'm making consistent 5 and 6-figure months . She is such master of helping women feel good and in alignment while running their business." 
Leading Expert in Type 1 Diabetes and Health, Lauren quickly rose to the top of her industry by serving the T1D community with everything from nutrition programs, to the Diabetic Health Journal, to full-fledged courses and coaching programs.
"There comes a point in your entrepreneurial journey where if you want to scale your business , you can't just continue doing the things you you have been doing up until that point. I came to this realization at the end of 2018 and made the decision to join FCM with Amanda and her team. I had already built a 6-figure business on my own as a Virtual Diabetic Health Coach, but needed specific help with systems, operations, hiring a team, and building out my offers . Before joining, I was turning clients away because I didn't have space (actually and emotionally), wasn't clear on what other offerings besides 1:1 coaching would like look, and I was constantly stressed because I knew where I wanted to go--but didn't have the steps to get there.
Investing in this mastermind was hands down the best decision I've made in my career. Not only did I triple my revenue this year, but I did it in a way that is aligned with my overall vision for my company. I feel like a real CEO vs an entrepreneur . And I have made the most incredible relationships that I am forever grateful for. Over the last 8 months, Amanda and Elran have invested in my best interes t always and they will do that for you, too ." - Lauren Bongiorno
Jess Glazer (founder of Empower University) worked tirelessly as a fitness professional and teacher, making less than $60k/year. 
Once she cracked the code of business, she began showing other burnt-out fitness professionals her methods and scaled her business to $100k/months in 2019. 
"After 6 months working with Amanda (and Elran) I not only doubled my business revenue and scaled to a half million dollar company, but I was finally able to streamline my systems/processes . 
Before joining the F&CMM, I was working in a very reactive state ; constantly putting out fires and hustling my way into burnout. 
Since organizing the backend of my business and tapping into my feminine energy , I've been able to work from a passive aligned state; giving me more space and energy to be creative and flow. 
I can't thank Amanda and the team enough for not just the business growth and clarity, but the personal growth and tribe of like-minded women!"
A high-level overview of your business strategy, plan, timeline, and structure will be set in stone during your 1:1 calls with me. We'll make sure you have everything you need to be 100% on track with your goals by creating the Plan-Of-Attack while also working through any limiting mental or emotional challenges that come up as you expand into this new version of you.
Hearing, listening to, and experiencing what other people are doing in their businesses is one of the most invaluable experiences you can have in a mastermind. The people are everything. Use this space to work through your week to week challenges that arise during launches, pivots, or team challenges.
Over the years of running a business, I've compiled excel and word document templates that make writing sales pages a breeze, tracking finances simple, executing an enrollment call a piece of cake, and building Instagram story templates like a boss. Any template you need to make your life easier, we have it.
Value: $Hours$And$Hours$Of$Your$Time
When you enter the process of scaling to and past six-figures, you don't know what you don't know. When things come up that you can't even think of right now (clients who want refunds, team members who aren't executing fast enough, someone calling you out online, anxiety around your launch) we're right there to support you throughout your process.
Yup: if you're writing copy for a launch, sales page, or anything else that may determine whether you survive or thrive--I'm right there to help make edits and provide marketing-strategy galore.
Heard that right. If you've ever wanted to take one of my courses, you'll be given access to all of them for free. This includes Codes of Content, the Business Starter Codes Kit, and the Exclusive Mastermind Vault of Scaling Training Videos.
The secret weapon of this Mastermind? My right-hand man, Elran . Elran joined the Bucci Team in 2018 as the Head of Enrollment with an extensive sales background, along with a background in personal development and NLP. Elran is now a co-coach in the Mastermind, and is right there when all of our clients need him to show up to audit sales processes , ensure you are finishing your shit and will provide you the most loving kick in the ass you need. I say that I'm why people join, and he's why they stay (lol!) Truth. You will have two coaches who love you so hard right in your corner.
Date will either be in July or August, depending on COVID-19 Restrictions.
Working with mentors and joining masterminds can get tricky.
How do you know what you really want , or how much you're doing something because your mentor suggested it?
How do you break free from your need to achieve higher, harder, and faster -- while still achieving the goals you want?
How do you not burn yourself out from working so hard to achieve the lofty finacial goals you set for yourself while paying for a business coach?
See, the thing is: you might not break free from these potential scenarios stepping into this level-- I know I didn't.
I needed to try things on for size, to show myself that I could do whatever the hell I set my mind to , and that I'd figure it all out as I went.
And what I really needed along the way? A mentor to let me know I wasn't crazy , that this is completely freaking normal, and what the consequences of my decisions would be.
Not one thing is easier than the other.
A membership isn't easier than an in-person retreat , and a course isn't easier than a group coaching program.
Sometimes, we just need guidance as we try things on for size--because these decisions can be big, and to pull it off? Requires us to GO ALL IN with it.
I want to be there for you, while you go all in on your creations--being the realistic, supportive, warm, empathetic, and objective sounding board you need while you do it.
I want to give you every strategy and tool you'd need, while also making sure you're making decisions from your Center.
You deserve to fulfill your potential , and you deserve support from a community of people who won't let you lose yourself in the process.
Please make yourself aware of our REFUND POLICY.
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Mar 7th, 2015

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If someone has their headphones in, a hat on, their hood on, and look
like they are in the middle of a serious workout, chances are - THEY ARE. Stopping someones grind because you need an excuse to stop your grind isn’t cool, man. If you want to chat about the weather, or ask a question, save it for afterwards. We’re begging you :)
C'mon, this should be common knowledge. There have been many a times where I went over to the leg press I needed next and had to re-rack six 45 lb plates of the person who used it before me. Seriously? Don’t be a lazy ass. You’re at the gym, be an athlete and put the heavy shit you just lifted back where it
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