Ama Nsfw Reddit

Ama Nsfw Reddit


Ama Nsfw Reddit
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In case you haven't come across it, Reddit has a regular feature where people from all walks of life with an interesting story to tell are interviewed by the site's community. AMA stands for "Ask Me Anything," and pretty much anything goes. Here are 15 of the most fascinating AMAs from the last couple of years. Add your own in the comments if you have a favorite that I missed.
You totally just got "Lump" stuck in your head.
This one's just incredibly rewarding. Who knew Ken Jennings was such a badass outside of being surprisingly good at Jeopardy?
Jennings did this AMA, under the username WatsonsBitch, shortly after the IBM supercomputer Watson handed his ass to him on Jeopardy.
WatsonsBitch: Lots of people think it's a Jeopardy reference, but actually I was thinking of that time Watson and I were cellmates in prison, and it kept raping me."
Don Lemon! What a genuinely cool guy. The AMA comes on the heels of this Daily Show segment , in which Jon Stewart points out multiple occasions when Don Lemon shows barely concealed contempt for his colleagues when he's asked to participate in dumb fluff pieces.
This exchange wasn't anywhere near as awkward as I'd hoped it would be, but it's tons of fun, and Chris Poole is a pretty damn interesting dude.
Sure_Ill_Draw_That - the Reddit user who draws people's comments for them - answers questions from the Reddit community solely in the form of hilarious artwork.
This one's kind of depressing. But for some reason, stories about people being terrible, terrible, irredeemable jerks are just endlessly fascinating.
Behind the scenes with one of Rita Repulsa's most miserable henchmen.
"Did the super-putty's look down upon the regular putty's?
putty31 - I got to be a super putty a few times, Yes, we tended to look down upon the lesser puttys."
If you haven't played QWOP , don't. It is the most frustrating game of all time.
"FallenLuckDragon - You go to hell and you die
foddydotnet - the form of a question, please."
"I had made my mind close to the end of the trial. He was not guilty. There was definitely not enough evidence to convict him. The woman had given (a really tearful) testimony but admitted she couldn't identify him. ... The jury hearing looked like it would last less than an hour.
By the 45-minutes mark, most jury member had made their minds: he was guilty. By the 1h15 mark, all jury members decided he was guilty.
The guy from The Oatmeal (whose name is apparently GiantBatFart) tells you everything you've ever wanted to know (about The Oatmeal).
Another depressing one, but with a number of fascinating insights into the way schools are run and teachers are treated.
The incredible story of a Columbine survivor.
The sordid truth about Pimp My Ride. Well, not exactly sordid, but, like, turns out getting your ride pimped isn't quite as awesome as you might have thought.
This one's more heartwarming than you might expect.
AnomalyXY - She was my best friend and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, regardless of whether I was sexually attracted to her. She's the best human being I know."
Depressing, funny, and informative all at once. This is what AMAs were made for.
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Jan 2, 2014, 02:52 PM EST | Updated Dec 6, 2017
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Part of HuffPost News. ©2022 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved.
When you come to a fork in the road, you might be looking at this man naked.
A man with two functioning penises took questions on on Reddit's "Ask Me Anything" and it was unlike any other Q&A you're likely to read.
The man, who calls himself "DoubleDickDude" (DDD), was born with diphallia, a rare congenital condition that causes him to have two sex organs.
Both penises are in the 6-inch range, but DDD says one can get as large as 7 inches if he's really aroused.
DDD also helpfully provided evidence in the form of two extremely graphic photographs that are too explicit to post in the story.
WARNING: What follows is NSFW, and can't be unseen. By clicking on the link below, you will be bringing up an image that some people will find disturbing. This is a graphic image of a man with two penises.
As might be expected, DDD attracted thousands of inquiries from curious men and women about his pitchfork penis. His real name, age and home town remain a mystery, but he is believed to live somewhere in the United States.
There was plenty of other, more titillating information than DDD's basic biographical data.
He said partners were a couple before they started dating him.
"She is straight, and he is bisexual," he wrote. "After four months of them both knowing me, they found out about my cocks. It clicked and we've been together since."
DDD claims he has managed to put both appendages inside a woman at once.
"[It went] very nicely. She complained later though... [But] she kept coming back for more at least for three months," he said.
Although DDD is happy with what God gave him -- twice -- he's had some past issues as a result of being double-pronged.
"I had one issue in my teens. The 'Y' intersection where my urethra splits into two had some tension issues and was ballooning until the pressure was enough to force the urine up and out," he said. "So they did some minor surgery and used catheters to stretch and open up the 'Y' some. No problems since."
However, when he goes commando, which he said "is almost always, except in winter," the two organs take their own sides.
"The seam can be a pain sometimes because the skin between them is a little delicate and sensitive," he explained.
He said exposing his junk to a new partner has had its challenges, and that men and women have reacted very differently.
“Some have been like, THAT’S FAKE! Some have freaked out, like, called me names," he said, according to HuffPost UK. "Most are pretty curious… but for the most part, girls were nervous and some changed their mind at the last minute. Dudes NEVER change their mind, they always want it even if they’re freaked out a little.”

Rafael Alencar
Bdsm Demon

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