Am Ia Whore

Am Ia Whore


Am Ia Whore

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tales of mystery, horror and suspense
This is not written…this is all coming straight from me as I type it. I am high sitting in the library on a Friday afternoon… I just voted for whom I lost my virginity to. It made me think of a lot of things that I haven’t in some time. I suppose I tried to just forget the whore I once was. Even though she’s been rearing her ugly head around here lately. I have found myself in the position to ponder why I do what I do when and where I do it and who I’m doing it with.!!!
Sometimes, I believe that even I don’t realize the magnitude of being able so say honestly that at 22 years old, I have slept with over 10, over 20, over 30, over 40, over 50.. I’ve slept with over 50 people. In 10 years. That is an average of 5 different men a year.
Except that is not the case.. not at 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 years-old. No, I was not sleeping with 5 men a year. I’ve experience so very many one-night stands that it is amazing. Met many at clubs when I’ve been high or drunk, or fucked up somehow… We’d party, fuck, party, fuck, pass out, wake up, work, shower, party, fuck, party, fuck, pass out… you see the pattern?
Then there were the “Parking Lot fucks”… those I met in the club, fucked in the car (his, hers, mine, friends….) or fucked in between cars in the parking lot. Then the ones I’d have as “Fuck Buddies”… those that I partied with specifically for the fucking. That was our thing. Fucked. Left. Meet up again in a few weeks. But what about those that I cared about? The one’s I did want to know? The one’s who meant something more than sex?
What about them? They’re the ones who want to fuck you, but don’t like the fact that you’d fuck them so soon. Losing respect or some shit.
Whatever, why can’t I be able to fuck whomever whenever and not be judged a whore? What I do with my body is my business…and if a man is going to enjoy that body then how are they going to tell me that I am a whore? It’s a game.
A game that I didn’t choose to play in… so how come I am trapped within it.
But, I’ve rambled off the subject here… that’s the weed talking… sorry about that!
Here’s what I am saying, Yes, I was a whore.. by what most would consider — I fucked for the fun! and Forgot most of them just as easy as they did me. It was all about being where I was, having as much fun as possible.
But I thought I put that in my past. I thought that I was not that person any longer.
Yet, here I am and I can say that I have lived in Florida now for all of 8 months, and I have fucked 5 guys. One was a fuck buddy, one a man on vacation from Ohio, one a one night stand that lasted all weekend long and then disappeared back to the Air Force Base-never to be heard from again, One a guy I was actually dating… I even put it off for 2 or 3 weeks. I even liked him… but that got all fucked up and that is another story altogether.
That was a guy who followed us home from the bar/club (if that’s what you’d call it), and wanted to party, get high, and well, I was on my first roll…needless to say the fucking was inevidable…And fabulous…
So has the whore from the past returned….or did she ever leave in the first place? Who am I? What am I? Why do I do these things?
I suppose this isn't really poetry rather than random thoughts that have to go somewhere other than swimming in my head. Sometimes I just realize the repercusions of things I do to myself and wonder what the fuck is wrong with me... I suppose this isn't really poetry rather than…
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I live on campus in family housing at a large state university in the buckle of the Bible Belt (Tennessee), with my two kids. On May 1, Beltane, I was busted for having pot in my apartment. The campus police came to my door after being called because my older…
Morbid, twisted, crazed, psychotic, insane....driven, strong, determined, powerful...alone, scared, trapped...tired, saddened, stoned...warped, wasted, trashed...tragic, dramatic,, there, everywhere...I am.
No you are not a whore. Humans are sexual beasts by nature, hence the over population. I do see a pattern happening, and it’s not pretty. When I go out drinking with my friends we live by this moto- drink to remember the better times, and to create the good times, not to forget the bad.- And if it really bothers you, you might want to change your perspective or views about youself. My sex life went from zreo, to a little, back to zero. Now if i was in your place I would be extatic.
no, you are not a whore. if you were a whore, you would be getting paid for sex. what is wrong with enjoying sex for its own sake? as long as you are honest about it, you are not hurting anyone, and if someone (yeah, there are a lot of these assholes, i’m sorry to say) willingly participates in or instigates it, and then loses respect for you because you let them, they are applying a pitifully obvious double standard. my only advice would be to use some kind of protection and get tested regularly for vd&hiv and don’t worry about people who try to judge you. you are what you are, but you are not a whore…
The question is not whether some asinine person whom you shared your bed with respects you or even if this community respects you. No, the question is whether you have respect for yourself. After all, you are the one most intimate with you, and must be around yourself 24-7. That being said, I do not think sheer volume qualifies one for whoredom. That is not a question for outsiders to answer, rather the individual (but, I don’t think that one night stands or “fuck buddies” make you a whore, irrespective of the number of times they have occurred).

Any past can come back to haunt us, so asking why do you do these things is giving the past a doorway to the present.

Why are you worrying about living? They are worse ways to be, to be living, many many worse…
I’d say you’re not a whore, but someone who is certainly involved in a pretty self-destructive cycle… all the ‘do what you want’ stuff is more or less true… but at least do yourself this favor… be careful and take care of yourself…
On another note, I’d personally be suprised if any of the ‘enlightened’ thinkers on this site branded you a whore… I mean… consider to whom you’re stating your case… *chuckles* A considerable amount of the fetish population springs from the membership base of this site I imagine
“A considerable amount of the fetish population springs from the membership base of this site I imagine ;)”
Good Point. And we probably like it that way…the more the merrier, I say!
There’s a quote in Enemy of God (Bernard Cornwell) “What kind of man objects to whores? If you’re so against whores, come here and I’ll geld you.”
The word whore is just an idea conjured up by the self-righteous in order to breed guilt .These people will do anything to gain control over you and show you that their way is the only way .Generally they accomplish this through fear and guilt .If you accept the idea that you are a whore ,you have given them power over you to create guilt and self-hatred .There is nothing wrong with having sex all the time .It is a moral issue and hence no one else’s business .Everyone else would be doing this same thing anyway if they were not so bogged down in all there ideas and fears .
This is something I feel very strongly about. One might say it’s my passion. Female sexuality and how it relates to the worlds on personal sexual issue’s.
Shadowgod put it best. Are you a whore? Um, well, it doesn’t matter. All that matter’s is how you feel about yourself.
There are two kinds of “sluts” in the world. Sluts that have sex because they have no self esteem, and sluts that have sex becaues they do.
I’ve gone through both sides of the cycle. Something someone once said was that sexual abuse will do one of two things to you. It will either turn you into a whore, or it will turn you into a nun. I became the former. And you know what? After I got over my own personal issues, I was fine with that. I knew what I wanted. I knew how I felt. And I knew that no matter what anyone else said, I was not a whore.
Generally, the only people that call other people whore’s are the ones with sexual issue’s. The ones that still think that sex is “dirty” and “naughty”. That it’s something you should avoid if at all possible.
Or they are the same ones that aren’t getting any. Many times the usage or the word whore or slut simply comes down to jealousy. Think about high school. (You know those 4 years of living in a dark void *grin*) Now I’m speaking from a woman’s perspective here, but do you remember any of the gossip in high school? A girl would walk by who had the attention of all the guys. Not only that she had probably had all of the guys. And she still could, if she chose to.
Now, think of the girls that used to mutter “slut” or “Ho” (the uneducated form of the word whore). Sure, they felt they were special because they hadn’t had sex, but you know what I find most humerous? Every single one of those girls would do exactly the same thing if they had the chance and if they didn’t any sexual issues. (Ever tried to start a topic on female masturbation in HS with other girls. Learned the hard way. Don’t go there.)
What was also funny, was half of those girls were not virgins. They had sex once or twice. But for some reason they weren’t sluts, because they only had sex because the guy wanted them too, and they didn’t enjoy it anyway.
Ummm…hello? I lost all respect I had for those girls.
There is only one difference between a whore and a good girl. Both open their legs. Both have sex. But the whore is the one who does it because she wants to and because she enjoys it. And she’s the only one who is open about the fact that she enjoys it.
You are not a whore. Not even remotely. You are a woman that knows what you want, and you have no problem expressing it, or getting it. Are you happy with yourself? I’d guess, yes. So, leave it at that. And any one that says otherwise, send them to a sex therapist:)
Something to add though. Remember how they used to tell us that men don’t marry whores, they marry the nice girls? Well, I don’t know where they got that from, because men in this day and age, certainly go looking for frigid women.
Also, some women have a problem with their men having lots of mates. My husband has slept with more women then he can possibly remember. And we got married when he was 21. That’s kind of scary. All he knows is the count is somewhere upwards of 30.
But you know what that means for me:) It means he’s damn good at what he does, and it makes me a happy woman. (Kind of too bad though. Training is SO much fun:)
Your past is only important if you let it interfere with the present. Sure, if I started looking up old one night stands, it would invite trouble in our relationship. But, I don’t. The past is past, and I’ll leave it at that:)
BTW, I met my husband on what was supposed to be a one night stand. Then he called me the next day. Apparently whore’s can find suitable husbands:)
Whores charge money. Do you charge money? or some other favour? If so, then yes, you are a whore. Sex work is one of the oldest exchanges in human history, and there is evidence to support its being used in other animal kingdoms – birds, particularly. Female penguins, for instance, give sex to whichever male presents them with the most stones for their nest.
A slut is not a whore. A slut is a person who has an awful lot of sex with an awful lot of people and enjoys both the sex and the freedom. You appear to be a slut. Be proud of it. There’s nothing wrong with it so long as you remember to worship latex and to always be honest with your partners.
I’ve been a sex worker in the past, at times; and I’ve been a slut since pretty much losing my virginity, although my first year was pretty tame compared to later years.
Funny, that’s how I met my common law husband, too.
don’t have sex, babe. it leads to kissing and pretty soon you’ve got to talk to them.
Should you be?
But honestly, does it troubleyou that much? Then you should deal with it.
But as the saying goes, if it aint broken, dont fix it.
Do what makes you happy in life and if you are happy then have no worries. I believe that you are not a whore just a female who is out to have fun and do what she wants, when she wants, and how she wants. I respect that a lot as do many others.
Yours in Darkness
yes you are a whore, like a big whore. you are the type of person that I dont want my daughter to be like that is if I have a daughter. but im one of the assholes that you talked about in the text, I would probably go home with you and then have no respect for you. I have plenty of issues of my own.
Yep. You’re right. You ARE a cocksucker.
I know where your coming from I am 25 almost and can’t begin to start to count how many men I have had. I have been married and was with my last boyfriend for two years. I have been single for about 6 months or so and hate the dating scene already. It seems that when guys look me they see that sweet smile then their eyes venture down.

I think about having a special guy all the time, but when I am out on that dance floor and temptation gets put in front me…Oh all helll breaks loose and the flirt has her way with him (whomever it may be). I sometimes don’t like the way i feel about myself in the morning, but then i look over as he wakes up and barely looks me and it somehow makes me feel better. The guys I meet in these bars don’t want the relationship, the ties and the chains that go with it, they want a good time. They want to be free. If they came up to me and started playing me for the game of charming me out of my panties, I would follow how they did it. Up front and forward (polite as well) gets points for bravery. The pimp daddy who thinks he just broke the next heart with the first smile his way, gets nothing but attitude.

I guess what i am trying to say is that, to have fun. If your present yourself as a Lady who knows how to keep her cool (so to speak), then all should go well. I would consider myself a slut to a degree, but I’m picky. I would never call myself a whore, just tell others they had no right making me feel like the whore. I expect to be treated with alittle respect for the good time i gave to them. If they don’t they get the red-headed bitch in their face.~Lady Tessa~ I don’t think your a whore, I think your a person that knows what the meaning of fun is.
Then we should have no respect for you. May the Gods help who is born unto you.
as females (males too?), many people base our self worth on our sex appeal, then they have the audacity to call us a whore..
we work consciously for that sex appeal and to be desired, we are chastized for not fitting the “fuckable” standard, and still they feel that they can call us whores..
you are not a whore. just a victim of twisted ideals.
No, a whore is a bich that will sleep with her bestfriends fiance and get knoced-up. That is a whore. If you have not gotten AIDS or anyother STD, or have a kid or nine running around the house, why worry.
I have Fucking Buddies, many may I add are friends since grad school, others guys I call when I need sex. I think nothing of it. I have been with 8 guys and thats since 14. I think of it as causle sex.
If you enjoy it the more to you. Do what you enjoy and fuck society for there comments.
I however, am impressed by the balls it must have taken to post anonymously *grin*
That HAS to be the shortest thing that you’ve ever written
Teach Me this neat trick of brevity!
I think societys view on moral ideals has changed a lot since the days of old. Now days one’s morals is what they believe enough in and wish to hold dear. Only you can class yourself as something. Anyone else who tries to is making a judgment, one which is not theirs to make. if you think your a slut then so be it, but to base that on what society thinks is a slut is wrong. I don’t think society has a clear picture of what a slut/whore is these days..let alone anything else.
“why can’t I be able to fuck whomever whenever and not be judged a whore?” Who said you can’t? If you’re doing something you feel comfortable with then go for it! Don’t let the shallow people that society embraces because their sheep get you down because they’re stuck up no fun asshole who wouldn’t know a good time if it bit them on the ass! Be yourself and love yourself for the person you are. Pay no attention to these people and have as much fun as you can handle.
I bet you leave the landing light on at night too.
I also like the optimism in assuming you will
no you are not a whore.its so fucked up if a guy were to do this then he would not be considerd to be a whore.i am a guy and i dont beleive you are a whore unless you took money for it but then you would be a prostitute.
i dont think that your a whore people should be able to do what they want with their body’s im only 16 still a virgin, =( , and people think that i am a whore i dont see why i have never done anything with a guy and people still judge. people can go fuck themself’s if the’re going to be so judgmental(
Yes you are a whore… the reason I say that is because that is the term you picked. Basicly you called yourself a whore in the past because of your behavior. Now you are saying that you are engaging in the same behavior that prompted you to label yourself in the first place. You used the term whore, which makes me think that you don’t find that particular behavior to be “good”. I won’t say one way or another, because it is not up to me to make that value judgment. Guess what, it’s up to you.
You can never erase the past. You can never undo experience. It is not useful to think of yourself as a different person in the past because it only helps you to avoid responsibility for things you did. The only thing you can do is add more experiences and learn from them. It would appear that you have alot of expierience with sex, and it would also appear that you are concerned that your amount sexual activity is unhealthy. You may ask anyone one you want what they think, but in the end it’s you that has to live your life.
A suggestion: Try to not have sex for 1 year. I’m not promoting celibacy here. I’m making the suggestion because it would (I’m guessing) be a new experience for you. You have plenty of experience with sex. Try experienceing no sex and see if that makes you happy. My guess is that it won’t, because you are a human being. But you might find the experience valuable, and it might help you make decisions in your life that lead to greater happiness.
so in short: you’re doing something and you are unsure whether or not it makes you happy, so do something else instead and see what happens.
If you feel that and you did go home with her what would make you any better?
*sobs* Yes, I know, I have a terrible tendency to run on and on. I can’t help it. My fingers just won’t stop typing, no matter how hard I hell at them to stop. *Grin*
Well thanx for the words of wisdom. I guess i’ve fucked up…because since this was written, I’ve fucked another one or two…i’m not even sure anymore. I just like to get off…but then again, don’t we all!
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