Alpine climbing gear

Alpine climbing gear

MCS AlexClimb

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MCS AlexClimb Mountain Climbing School

Mountain climbing gear rent, professional consultations, individual selection of equipment for mountain climbing

On that page you will be able to find necessary information concerning equipment for mountaineering, rockclimbing and iceclimbing.

The choice of the correct equipment is not as easy as it seems but it is very important for your comfort and safety in the mountains. Your health, and sometimes - and even your life depends on the quality of equipment which you use in the mountains. Therefore, all questions concerning the using of equipment in our mountain climbing programs deserve the utmost attention.

Being professional consumers of high-quality mountain equipment for more than 10 years, we are ready to share our experience with you. On the pages of this section you will find useful information which you can need irrespective whether you goto a climbing trip with our School Team, or use services of other travel agencies, or just go in independent travel.

Equipment rent in MCS AlexClimb - information on the possibility and prices of the rent of mountain climbing equipment.

Recommended Gear Lists - information about what, proceeding from our experience, you will need of mountain equipment for different mountain trips and climbs.

Professional consultations for the use of equipment, professional selection of equipment, recommendations about correct purchase.

The author of the text and photos - Alex Trubachev
Your professional technical mountain guide


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