AlphaDroid 1.7 for Apollo

AlphaDroid 1.7 for Apollo


Device Side changes:

13bf5fa0 sm8250-common: wlan: Enable Optimized Power Management

997895e3 sm8250-common: overlay: Set preferred refresh rate on keyguard to 60

7aad74a7 sm8250-common: rootdir: Allow all filesystems for USB-OTG

6c0a308e sm8250-common: rootdir: Drop references for qcrilNr_prebuilt.db

0fba209f sm8250-common: rootdir: Remove useless sensingdaemon

dd75f30f sm8250-common: rootdir: Remove useless ptt_socket_app

e853735c sm8250-common: rootdir: Remove useless ssgqmigd

d9d13eb6 sm8250-common: rootdir: Remove useless qvop-daemon

d1d0e318 sm8250-common: rootdir: Remove useless qseeproxydaemon

752cac34 sm8250-common: rootdir: Remove useless esepmdaemon

d6569b24 sm8250-common: sepolicy: Address IFingerprintEngineering denial

630c2b7c sm8250-common: Drop F2fsRecessModeEnable

029450bb sm8250-common: Disable aosp surfaceflinger

87d34b19 sm8250-common: disable pickup to wake and lidcontrolsleep

1cabe0bb sm8250-common: edit 90hz and 144hz per app refresh rate icons

213b3ed0 sm8250-common: adjust props

d038a99f sm8250-common: Add some Fling Velocity props For better scrolling

101d328c sm8250-common: Compile HWUI for performance * Activates a few optimizing compiler flags for HWUI. * -fno-omit-frame-pointer, -marm, -mapcs

56bf9361 sm8250-common: prop: Compact cached app heaps in the background

a1d6b5f1 sm8250-common: overlay: adjust doze overlay

079a62c8 sm8250-common: config: bring public libs back

17cca748 sm8250-common: Fix

3af90b6c sm8250-common: add 90 and 144hz per app refresh rate option

29cde20c sm8250-common: overlay: remove home app pinning overlay

d998f254 sm8250-common: add dalvik.vm.systemuicompilerfilter

432a39df sm8250-common: overlay: Update pinner configuration

fa0d7169 sm8250-common: Tune Adaptive Suspend parameters

a88c1e99 sm8250-common: overlay: Offload WM shell to another thread Android 12 added this config to offload some window management to a dedicated thread. Enable it to improve performance when the main System UI thread is busy.

67362100 sm8250-common: init: Avoid migrating foreground tasks to prime

5d745849 sm8250-common: init: Move audio-app cpuset to 1-2

343cba94 sm8250-common: Lower down rate limit for prime CPU

37af3bc9 sm8250-common: Boot time tuning

7d56bb9d sm8250-common: init: Avoid migrating foreground tasks to X1

589a0b05 sm8250-common: init: Move background cpuset to CPU0-1

4e0fa04e sm8250-common: rootdir: Remove CAF input boost

83a4ff6e sm8250-common: overlay: Improve signal reception

2686d3e1 sm8250-common: rootdir: Enable ufs powersaving after boot

Kernel Side:
Added 150 MHz GPU level as the minimum step.

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