Alone With Mommy

Alone With Mommy


Alone With Mommy
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Rated: 18+ ยท Interactive ยท Adult ยท # 2024892
You were living happily in your new home, one day, your mother then mails you a gift.
Created: January 7th, 2015 at 12:42 am
Modified: September 20th, 2022 at 3:04 am
Jake's life was finally turning around. He had finally left his parent's house and is now on his own. "Hah, the fresh air of freedom." Jake said as he brought in the last packed box. "This place is awesome." He surveyed the living room of his new home. Most people wouldn't expect someone who'd just left home to have enough money for an apartment. But Jake was different. He had played his cards right with his job and has a way above average pay rate. Not to mention that his parents were kind enough to pay for the first years of college until Jake is able to pay for it himself.

"Ah, thanks mom and dad. Without your help, I'd never have been able to afford this place." Jake thought to himself. Having only a younger sister, his parents have always been able to focus on both of their children with ease, and finances were never a problem. Mostly because Andrew,Jake's father, is a manager at a nearby retailer that is very successful. He's never screwed up with his job once. Meanwhile Sheila, Jake's mother, was great as a stay at home mom. Luckily for her, she never really had much chores to worry about since she had taught her children how to wash their dishes, clothes, etc. when they were young. Since she didn't spend so many years overly stressing about a clean house, she looks really young. Despite being 37, she has the face of a 25 year old and has a very fit, and curvy body. Large breasts, firm butt, smooth skin, the works. And even the way she dressed screamed youth. Always wore tight clothing and fancy shoes and sandals. Even Jake had caught himself staring at his mom in the past.

"I wonder if mom or dad will want me to call them? They'll probably want to know how things are going here." Jake said. He pulled out his cellphone and noticed a text from his mother. Opening it, it read "Jake, I'm gunna check up on you soon. Cya then." Sheila was a bit of a worrywart about her first born being out on his own now, but she knew not to overdue with the caution. So she decided that one check in should be enough to quell her worries. Of course she did this in an unusual way... A couple knocks boomed from Jake's front door. He went over and opened it to find...
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This is the first episode of Total drama resort in the intro we showed you how all the woman of Total Drama. Although Chris will have to deal with the disgusting messes these girls have but each episode one or two girls by choice will have him as their own personal slave. In this episode that lucky girl is evil genius Scarlett. Scarlett: now I will have my have my revenge. Scarlett has a special surprise she invented a ray that can alter his form, it can either shrink him or transform him into an inanimate object where he keeps his senses and a serum that makes someone's gas, sweat and body odor twice as bad. She zaps him with the ray making him an inch tall and chugs the serum. She heads over to the buffet where they are serving Indian food and she wants the extra spicy curry. She drops Chris in the back of her panties where it already stinks, she jogs to make it super sweaty, she makes it to the buffet where she eats a lot, but she holds in all of her gas so it builds up and gets even worse, and then. PPPPPFFFFFTTTTTPPPPPFFFFFTTTTTPPPPPFFFFFTTTTT PPPPPFFFFFTTTTTPPPPPFFFFFTTTTT PPPPPFFFFFTTTTTPPPPPFFFFFTTTTTPPPPPFFFFFTTTTT It felt so good to let out the giant fart but now it's time for the main event. She heads over to the bathroom hangs. She pulls down her underwear but chris is stuck to her ass from all the sweat and slowly slides down then she uses her ray for something else she points it at the toilet then at chris, it was a painful process but Chris had transformed to a toilet. Scarlett would've just told everyone that Chris was a toilet but that would only get most of the girls to use him since there are some nice ones, so she hung out of order signs on all the others. She sat down on toilet Chris and unleashed foul wet and disgusting logs of shit into what would be his mouth, and he can still taste it all. SSSSSPPPPPLLLLLRRRTTTSSSSSPPPPPLLLLLRRRTTT SSSSSPPPPPLLLLLRRRTTTSSSSSPPPPPLLLLLRRRTTT SSSSSPPPPPLLLLLRRRTTTSSSSSPPPPPLLLLLRRRTTT She was finally done then when she walked out there was a line of all the girls in desperate need of a shit. After hours of absolute torture every girl had finally gone in Chris, this brought great satisfaction to Scarlett, but the day wasn't over she turned him back to his shrunk self and told him that he would stay like that until the days over so he'd have to do all of his regular disgusting task while an inch tall. Scarlett: have fun Chris and by the way I sure you'll make a great sweat sponge in the gym but first. She used him as a sweat sponge for her feet, body and armpits and toilet paper for her unwiped ass, she was done with him but he'd have to be used as a sweat sponge for the sweaty ladies in the gym.
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Ian is a 18 year old man it was finally summer vacation he had completed high school and was on his way home but he was a little too excited because he was speeding so Ian got pulled over and this wasn't his first time but he was still nervous he eased up a bit when when he saw the cop she was very hot almost like one you'd see in an adult movie with her nice ass and her uniform buttoned down enough so he could see just a bit of cleavage then to my luck she bended over to the car and he could look down her shirt he thought her badge said Beth or something with a B as you can tell he was focused on something else.
Beth: Do you have any idea how fast you were going?
Ian: I thought I was going the speed limit.
Beth: Well you were going about 10 over buddy I'm going to have to see a license please.
Ian looked in the car looking for his license but he couldn't find it. It was his own fault since all he could focus on was Beth's breast he noticed she was kind of sweaty but it was summer so it was probably 90 degrees.
Beth: Well then if your operating a vehicle without a license and that added to the speeding ticket I that adds up to $500
Ian: what Oh come on isn't that a bit much.
Beth: That's the law and you broke it and by the way this is for staring at my breast since I pulled you over.
Beth grabbed Ian by the back of his head and put right in between her sweaty breast.
Beth: I think you should know I was on a three day stake out and haven't gotten a chance to shower yet and man do I stink.
After nearly suffocating Ian in her breast Beth let go, gave him the ticket and let him drive away.
Oh man mom's gonna kill me if she finds out I got another ticket this is my ninth one this week. I thought to himself as he pulled up on his driveway when he got up to the to the house he opens the door after looking around the house he realized that his mom (Patty) was in the basement doing her daily workouts she comes up absolutely drenched in her sweat rubbing her sweaty body with a towels she used often but was rarely washed.
Patty was 6'6 she was a lot taller than Ian she was a single mother in her 40s but she was very attractive she had beautiful a beautiful face, she was fat but only in where it counts as in her breast and ass she had an older daughter that was a sophomore in college who shared her features but Ian on the other hand took after his dad which means he was only 5'9.
Although his mom was very pretty she also had a problem she stunk which is why Ian's dad left he just couldn't take it any more especially when she was pregnant with him at that time her stink was really bad. Sometimes she would forget to shower and she works out everyday which made her sweat a lot and she had a gas problem and worse of all she was lactose intolerant but she didn't let that stop her from eating dairy and Ian was stuck dealing with it.
Patty: Ian is that you come what was the hold up did you get another ticket?
He gives his mom the ticket and her eyes widened with anger as she yelled
Patty: $500 dollars how could it be so much.
Ian: I didn't have my license it's no big deal now leave me alone.
Patty: Oh that's it I have had it with your tickets and your attitude you need to be punished.
Ian you can't punish me I'm 18 years old dammit.
Patty got mad after that so she did something she didn't want to do she hit Ian in the back of his head hard.
Patty: Now if you don't want to get hit again you will rub my feet they hurt from my workout and make sure to get a big whiff.
After finding out the strength his mom Ian had no choice but to rub his mom's smelly feet. They were hard and crusty as if she never wore socks.
After what felt like an hours Ian finished rubbing Patty's feet. He was gonna walk away but then she clamped his nose right in between her toes.
Patty: take a nice long whiff right in between my toes there then I make dinner for you.
Ian took a nice long sniff at hisoms feet and gagged at the smell being pleased with his work she let go and he could breath the relatively fresh air.
After about 20 minutes in the kitchen Patty was done cooking and called Ian in. She made a nice omelet which looked delicious.
Patty: Well what do you think of the food.
Patty: hold on baby it's not done yet I need to add the special flavors for you.
Those words worried Ian as she put her foot over your food and took she was quite flexible.
Patty: your omelet needs some seasoning.
She grabs a her foot scraper and starts grinding all her foot dust in his food than she grabs her sock and puts it in your sprite which it made all dark and misty it almost looked like a Pepsi.
Patty: I hope you enjoy it and by the way you can't leave till you finish your dinner hehe.
Chills went down Ian's spine when he saw what he had to drink but since he didn't want to get hit again he tried to eat his dinner he started with foot dust omelet it was crunchy and it tastes like I'm eating a combination of sand and rotten eggs than hopefully to wash it down he got is sweat sprite he tried to chug it Patty insisted he drank it slowly to savor the tastes tasted like salty bathwater.
He ran to the sink to throw up but Patty had a better idea she took off her other sock and shoved it in Ian's mouth so he couldn't vomit than she took it out.
Patty: Now don't you just love my cooking I'm gonna make sure you don't eat or drink anything unless it has any parts of my disgusting body on it Oh which reminds me.
She reached down her pants and pulled out what I thought used to be some toast it was flat and soggy.
Patty: this slice of toast has been between my ass cheeks since I started cooking it is the main course now ear it slowly.
She put it in Ian's hands "Oh God it's all soggy and warm" Ian thought to himself before he put the disgusting ass bread in his mouth and ate his eyes started watering due to the foul taste then patty ate her food in less than a minute.
Patty: uh oh I think I accidentally put dairy in this food and you know what is gonna happen next you know what I know you hate my lactose farts so why don't you just put your head right into my ass.
She pull down her sweat pants showing that she was wearing no panties because they they dig into her butt when she does squats then she forced Ian's head in between her cheeks than with a heavy push she let rip.
Patty: Oh my that felt so hot I thought I was gonna.... grrrrrrrr oh no I think I put a little too much.
She pulled Ian towards the bathroom where she could relieve herself. Then she planted her massive ass on the toilet and then it happened.
Patty: Oh my God that has to be one of the most dangerous shits I have ever taken this smells even for me I can only imagine how it must be for you Hey while I'm sitting down for while how about you lick my armpits I didn't put deodorant on today so there extra ripe and not to mention hairy, and if you don't want to do it then I guess you can just wipe me instead because we are out of toilet paper.
Smell of her shit alone was the worst thing that happened today there was no way in hell Ian was going anywhere near her shit so he pointed at his choice.
Patty: I don't blame for making that choice.
She takes off her shirt with nothing but a what used to be white sports bra it had turned to light yellow then she raised her underarm revealing a disgusting sweaty hairy armpit but than Ian's looked at the toilet and started licking and after patty spent the better half of 5 hours on toilet his mouth was full of pit hair.
Patty: you know I've never had so much fun I think this will be your summer job serving your mommy 24/7 for the whole summer and I think I'll invest your sister to spend the summer with us won't that be fun not that you have a choice.
Patty finally got up from the toilet and went to her room Ian was headed up to his room to until.
Patty: where do you think you're going mister after all that I don't want to smell my farts the whole night so your gonna be my fart filter so come on already oh and by the way I'm a nude sleeper;)
Ian doesn't go in his mom's room that much and for good reason it's full of his mom's dirty clothes she doesn't open the windows cause she gets cold so the smell can't escape and worse of all is her night gas is more frequent than her regular gas because she always drinks a tall glass of warm milk before bed so thus night will be hell.
Ian got into bed and put his face in is mom's poorly wash ass than didn't sleep at all due to all the stink.
WOW! I love a cruel mom using stink to torture her son

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All signs pointed toward me being gay, but to my mom and relatives I was just a kid having fun. I was fabulous that night and I knew it; that is, until my father walked in and saw me.
Oral Fixation is a live true, personal storytelling series for adults dedicated to community building and social change.
Feb 19, 2014, 02:42 PM EST | Updated Dec 6, 2017
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