Alocer Loki

Alocer Loki


Alocer Loki
Story archive is unavailable as of 8 September 2020
 01 October 2016 to 8 September 2020
M/b, rape, humil, tort, scat, ws, snuff
From the moment I saw him, I just had to have him. I had always promised myself that I would never act on impulse if I ever did take one. Whatever made me follow the little boy home, I did not like it; it seemed to be in control of me. My cock was dictating my actions, and it did not care for the consequences. At that moment, neither did I.
He turned down a dead-end road. This must have been where he lived. If I were going to do it, it would have to be now. I took the chance. He had no clue what was happening or what had happened until I had the knife pressed firmly against his slender neck.
“Don’t make a sound,” I hissed into the eight-year-old boy’s ear. The poor child froze up and trembled in my arms. It was just great; the sheer exhilaration of it was perfect. I licked around his ear and whispered, “Is your mommy or daddy home, little boy?” The child shook his head. His answer was a relief. “Good, which one is your house?”
“Number forty-two,” squeaked the boy. “Why are you doing this?”
“Shut it,” I spat and then sucked on his cute little ear for another moment.
I frog-marched the little boy down the street. What was I thinking? Marching an eight-year-old child down the road to his own fucking house, at knifepoint, in broad daylight, but by this time, I was beyond all reason even while my mind screamed it at me.
I reached into the side pocket of the little boy’s knapsack and plucked out the single key connected to a multi-colored plastic ball. I slotted it into the lock and opened the door. Once I had the little cunt boy inside, I felt better for it. I knew that I now had the time to study this magnificent specimen. I pushed him ahead of me, and he stumbled forward.
“Put down your bag and turn around.”
The darling child started to sob and dropped his small school bag.
“Why are you doing this to me?” the pretty schoolboy whined.
“Because you are a beautiful little boy, I love you, and I want to keep you forever.”
“Don’t hurt me,” moaned the little boy.
“If you are a good boy, I won’t have to,” I replied gently.
My cock pressed hard up against the front of my dark-blue jeans. It had to be the hugest erection I had ever had; the little cunt boy’s big green eyes seemed to be glued onto it. He pulled his coat tight around himself, almost as if he expected it to offer protection. The child’s straw-blond hair hung loosely to his shoulders, but his wire-rimmed glasses were perhaps the sexiest addition to this little boy’s outfit. They made this cute little cunt boy irresistible. I needed it.
With a child’s obedience, the little boy dropped to his knees. He stared at me with big puppy-dog eyes as tears ran down his cheeks and dripped off his chin. I approached my new acquisition and took off his glasses. I held them out.
The pretty little boy grasped his glasses and held them in his shaky hands. I took hold of the back of his head and tilted it upwards, and the youngster looked at me with those big emerald eyes. I ran my tongue over my lips and slapped that pretty little face. What a gorgeous little fuckhole he was.
“You will call me sir,” I sneered at him.
The child gasped, and he then closed his eyes and burst into tears.
“Stop hitting me, please,” he wailed.
I slapped him again. “That is, ‘Stop hitting me please, sir,’ ” I hollered at him. “Say it.”
“Stop hitting me, please, sir,” sniveled the little boy.
I gripped his hair with both hands and pressed his face firmly into my crotch. He broke into an uncontrolled burst of sobbing, the whole of his small body trembled, and, through my trousers, felt every tiny twitch of my stiff cock pressed up against his cheek.
“What is your name, cunt boy?” I asked.
“Ja-Ja-Jayden…Le-Lee...sir,” the child stammered.
“Oh, Ja-Ja-Jayden…Le-Lee,” I repeated, mocking him as I rubbed my trouser-covered stiff rod up and down his face.
Besides crying his little eyes out, the child did not do much while I smeared his tears across his gorgeous face with the fat lump extending out of the front of my trousers. I pulled him back a little just to see that face. His bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks only enhanced this child’s beauty. I had never felt as good as this.
The little boy fitted his glasses onto his exquisite face. The little doll’s hands trembled like gelatin. Oh, I could have just eaten him all up. I nudged the schoolboy with my foot.
“Okay, pretty boy,” I said, “go up the stairs.”
“Sir,” sobbed the child. “What are you going to do to me?”
I wiped the tears from under the sweet boy’s eyes with my thumbs. Holding his face in both of my hands, I smiled at him.
“I’m going to do my wee-wee all over your face, and then my poo-poo into your mouth, and then we will give you a nice hot bath, and then I am going to have sex with you,” I told him cheerfully.
“Oh…” whined Jayden-Lee. “Don’t do that, please, sir.”
“All of it,” cried Jayden-Lee. “Please, sir, don’t do it.”
When I slapped the child across the face, Jayden-Lee screwed his eyes up, and his whole body shook with sobs.
“Now, faggot, you need to be a good boy. I’ve already got to punish you. Don’t make it worse for yourself. Now, I want you to repeat this. ‘Please, sir, Jayden-Lee wants his master to do his wee-wee and poo-poo all over his pretty face and into his toliet mouth.’ ”
The child stared at me for several moments without a sound until the natural obedience kicked in.
“Ple-Ple-Please, sir,” he murmured. “Jayden-Lee wants...umm…his master to do his wee-wee and…err…his poo-poo, all over my…my pretty face and…ugh…into my cunt mouth, sir.”
I smiled and stroked the lovely child’s cheek.
“I’m afraid I have to punish you badly since you didn’t say it right. “Come on now into the bathroom.”
Jayden-Lee stood up like a man condemned—or rather, a little boy condemned. When the child spun around, I stuck my hand down his shorts and pressed my fingers to his ass cheeks, feeling the fat fleshy globes through his underpants.
The child pressed his legs together and whined. He moved his hands towards mine, but I slapped them away, which caused Jayden-Lee to moan loudly.
“Don’t be a bad boy,” I warned him. “If I want to touch you here, I will.”
I pushed a finger between his tightly closed legs and poked a little of the cotton into his crack to prove my point. Jayden-Lee twisted, and I was forced to slap his legs with my free hand.
“If you can’t be a good boy, I’ll have to hurt you. Do you want me to hurt you, Jayden-Lee?”
The cute little boy shook his head.
“No, sir,” he murmured. “Don’t hurt me, please.”
“Then, open your legs and let me feel you properly.”
The command produced a new bout of sobbing from the little boy, but he did as he was told. Jayden-Lee parted his legs until they were about shoulder-width, just perfect for me to push my hand in so that I could grab and feel his baby ball sack and pricklet. I rubbed on them roughly, enjoying the embarrassed sobs I brought from his sexy little mouth—such a modest little boy.
“What do you call this place,” I asked him.
“Please don’t do this, sir,” he cried.
“Now, Jayden-Lee, don’t make me punish you,” I said. “What do you call this place?”
I pushed my finger as deep into the ass hole as the little boy’s underpants would allow. The child didn’t like it one bit.
“Do you have other names for it?” I asked.
“Good boy,” I said. “Come on now, up the stairs.”
I followed the child up the stairs with my hand still down his shorts and pressed into his plump, succulent little ass, making me as stiff as a log. Poor little Jayden-Lee hated it. The large bathroom had light green tile walls, and the full suite was pristine. Jayden-Lee’s black school shoes clicked on the tile floor. I pulled my hand out from under his shorts and turned him around. He stared right at me and looked very sorry for himself.
“Pull down your shorts,” I demanded.
The youngster’s head dropped onto his chest. His hands played with the waistband of his shorts for several moments before he pulled them down, letting me see his beautiful cartoon underpants. I extended my arm and pressed my hand into the front of his underpants. He screwed his eyes shut. My cock was now so stiff it hurt, and my balls ached so much I could have cum a gallon right there. Jayden-Lee understood that there was no alternative.
“I want you to pull your underpants down, Jayden-Lee. I want them around your ankles.”
I slapped him across the top of the thighs again, causing the child to yelp in pain. “Don’t be a bad boy, Jayden-Lee,” I cautioned.
Jayden-Lee pulled his underpants and shorts straight down to his ankles with a single quick motion. The child stood back up, his face flared up red, but he remained still. His chest’s rapid rise and fall were the only movement to be seen, other than the tears streaming down his luscious elfin face.
The child’s eyes closed, and his body shook. He slowly took hold of the front of his shirt and lifted it. Oh, it was beautiful. His plump miniature genitals were so pale and white that you could see the dark veins under the skin. I reached forward and placed my fingers against the smooth skin. I tickled the tiny acorn that was his little pricklet. Jayden-Lee gasped audibly and then moaned. I moved my finger away and down to his small tight hole to insert it, but I didn’t get far when I pressed against his baby pucker.
“Please, sir,” he groaned. “Stop it.”
I pulled my finger out of him and stuck it into my mouth to savor the taste. I sat down on the toilet and then patted my knee.
“I want to give you a spanking, so you should bend over me now.”
The child stumbled forward. He did not attempt to remove his underpants and shorts from around his ankles. He fell over my lap, and I was forced to drag him onto me properly. I pulled his shirt up to look at his plump little ass.
“Oh, you have such a beautiful little bottom.”
I squeezed on it and kneaded the little cheeks with my hands. I slapped the wobbly ass cheeks. All the while, the youngster continued to cry from shame. I doubted that he could understand what was happening to him, and he certainly could not comprehend why it was happening to him. All this only served to excite me more. It urged me to molest this little one as much as I could.
The darling Jayden-Lee writhed on my lap, screaming and crying. It was almost as if I was hurting him. He had no way of knowing that I was playing and that I really would hurt him all too soon. However, I was enjoying the action of turning his ass a nice red color for the moment. He deserved nothing less for being such a lovely child.
When I stopped, Jayden-Lee clung onto my leg with both arms, his face was pressed into my trousers, and he was sobbing excessively. I used one hand to open up his buttocks to look at the little pink asshole. I licked the tip of my finger and rubbed the spit around the puckered orifice.
The poor child did not seem to notice what I was doing. I pressed against the little boy’s asshole, testing its tight elasticity, and then I pushed my finger straight through and deep into the little boy. 
Jayden-Lee threw his head back and cried out.
“Ow!” he yelled. “Take it out. Oh…it hurts...please...sir…it hurts…oh…please.”
I could not help but smirk at the child and push my finger deeper still, feeling the soft warmth of his bowels. I pulled out a little, but only to plunge the digit as deep as possible into the child. He yelled, cried, and begged for me to take it out, but I amused myself with him for several moments before pulling my finger out.
I pushed him off of me. The boy dropped like a stone onto the floor, where he curled up into a tight ball and sobbed his little eyes out. Squatting down beside him, I put my hands under his arms and pulled the child up onto his knees. He seemed to get the idea and stayed up when I let go of him.
With his left hand pressed into the floor between his legs, Jayden-Lee sat staring at my shoes. I cupped his chin in my hand and raised his head. His puppy-dog eyes were cum-making. I used a finger in the center of his glasses to push them back onto his face. I grinned and made a show of gathering phlegm in my mouth. Jayden-Lee responded with a series of whining sobs. I spat on his glasses.
The little boy did not even blink. Although he did look revolted. The spit dribbled down his glasses, dripped off in long strings onto his cheeks, and ran down his face. Using my hands, I pried open his mouth. The child seemed to understand what I wanted and offered no resistance as I opened his mouth wide and when I let go, he looked up at me with his mouth gaping. I gathered the saliva again. Jayden-Lee’s eyebrows furrowed. I spat into that wide-open hole, covering his tongue with the white slime.
I pressed my thumb onto the bottom of his chin and pushed his mouth closed. Jayden-Lee swallowed, and he now looked positively ill. I stoked his cheek and smiled at him.
I snickered at him and pulled open the fly of my jeans. The child fell silent, and I reached inside my trousers and pulled my stiff cock out. Jayden-Lee swallowed again. I shuffled forward and laid it across his face.
“Oh…my god…” breathed the little boy.
I rubbed my big fat cock up and down the little boy’s cute little face. I rubbed it across his lips and nose, smearing my spit over his glasses and cheeks until I came to rest over his lips.
Somewhat hesitantly, both of the child’s hands came up to grip the thick shaft of my cock. I clasped my own hands around them and moved them up and down.
I let go of him and let the child wank me. He moved slow and delicately, almost as if he did not want to hurt it, but it felt great nonetheless.
“I want you to open wide and suck on me,” I told him.
The child’s eyes flicked upwards, and a frown crossed his face.
“I…I…” he started, “oh…sir…please…that’s…oh…I….”
I cocked my head and gave him a mournful look.
“Now, now, Jayden-Lee, don’t make me hit you again. It’s just a little blow job. There’s nothing dirty about that.”
Taking a deep breath, Jayden-Lee opened up his mouth and leaned forward to take my cock inside. His mouth was so small that merely the head of my fat and hard cock filled it. I groaned and sighed.
“Lick all around it,” I told him. “Oh…god…yes.”
He sucked on me as if I was a lollipop. His baby tongue ran over and around my fat bulbous head. At least, I was in heaven, my visage of heaven, of an eight-year-old cocksucker being made to suck on my cock. I let him suck on me for several minutes before my impatience took control. I pulled my cock out of his mouth.
“I want you to keep it open,” I warned.
What a gorgeous sight it was. My child cumdump, with its face covered with spit and tears and its mouth wide open ready for me to squirt my filth into it. I rested the tip of the head just inside and started to wank furiously. Keeping perfectly still, the child just waited for me to finish. When I did finish, I erupted. Thick globs of hot white sperm shot from my cock like a fountain and straight into the clueless child’s waiting mouth.
As the first string of sticky spunk struck the roof of the boy’s mouth and dribbled down over his tongue, the child recoiled. The remaining cum shot off over his pretty face. He glared daggers at me for a few moments before he swallowed.
“I think I’m going to be sick,” he squeaked.
“Don’t be silly. It’s only cum. Cum is good for you, got lots of vitamins in it.”
Jayden-Lee did not look convinced. I reached forward and placed my hand on his head, pulling him forward. I smiled at him.
“Now, now, be a good little boy and gobble it all up.”
I scraped an unusually thick lump of cum from the lens of his glasses and held it in front of his lips. It occurred to me that although he was looking at me, he could probably see very little through the saliva and cum that coated his glasses. However, he knew what was expected, and he opened his mouth. Sticking out his little pink tongue, the eight-year-old boy licked the slime from my finger. After the initial taste, he sucked it inside.
Jayden-Lee sniffled. “Thank you, sir,” he mumbled.
“Now, just sit still. There’s still loads more for you to eat,” I chirped.
To be fair to the little cumdump, he sucked all of my cum up each time I put a cum-soaked finger to his lips. He did not seem to enjoy it nearly as much as he should have, but it was an incredible sight.
Almost automatically, his hands went up and clasped onto my legs.
“Are…Are you going to hit me, sir?” he asked.
“Oh...oh…but, sir…I was being a good boy,” the child blubbered.
“No, you were a good boy. Now you’re a naughty boy. You aren’t doing as you were fucking told. Now take your fucking glasses off!”
Panicked into haste, the little boy pulled the glasses from his face and gazed momentarily at the smeared lenses, undoubtedly wondering how he would get them clean. All thoughts he might have had were wrenched from his mind when I grabbed hold of that silky hair and pulled his head backward.
Jayden-Lee took in a sharp breath and let out a small cry. Tears welled and dripped from the corners of his eyes to run down his cheeks. I pulled my hand back, and he screwed his eyes shut just in time for the blow.
The little boy screamed, and I snorted. I hit him again, even more viciously than the first time. The child screamed louder. Dropping his glasses, his hands came up to clutch onto his blazing cheek. I was forced to pull them away to hit him a third time. I was about to deliver a fourth slap when he suddenly yelled out.
“Oh, my god!” Rocking back and forth, he repeated over and over, “I’m sorry...I’m so sorry.”
At first, I was confused, but I soon noticed the yellow puddle forming around his knees. I looked at him with a cruel smirk plastered to my face.
“You dirty little cumdump,” I muttered. “You’re a filthy little boy.”
“I…I…oh…I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to…I couldn’t help it.”
“I think I might be able to forgive you, but only if you stick your face in it and clean all your wee-wee up.”
The little boy swallowed hard and stared down at the puddle. A look of sheer disgust crossed his face, and a hand went up to rub his forehead. He looked up at me, perhaps to see if I was serious, and then back down at the piss. The youngster looked up at me, and his head tilted to the side.
I lashed out with my hand striking him across the face with enough force to send the child toppling over. He moved his hands up to hold onto his face.
“I was going to say yes,” he screamed at me.
“Now, now, no talking, start cleaning the floor.”
Jayden-Lee scrambled around, rolling in his piss until he was presented with it barely inches from his face. I pressed my foot in just below his ribs and nudged him. That seemed to be all the encouragement the child needed, and he pressed his face down and licked at the floor. He gagged almost immediately but kept it up. Taking deep, gasping breaths through his mouth, he sucked and licked all of the piss from the floor. I was disappointed that his school uniform mostly soaked it up, but it was no big deal. I would make sure that he tasted my piss soon.
Looking very pale and sucking on his small pink lips, the eight-year-old boy pushed himself up. Jayden-Lee looked at me and placed a hand to his mouth. I stroked the length of my cock. It was stiff again from watching the boy perform the filthy task. I laid my cock down over his face.
The child was forced to back himself away from me a little to get his glasses up under my cock so that he could put them back on. He squinted to try and see through the cum and saliva smears across the lenses.
“Don’t worry about that. I’ll have them cleaned off in just a moment. Open your mouth.”
“Yes. Do you want me to hit you again?”
“No, sir,” exclaimed the child, and he opened his mouth up wide.
I ran my cock around his lips and then up to his nose.
“Now, Jayden-Lee,” I said. “If an
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