Almost everything you should know about USDN ERC-20 and how to get it

Almost everything you should know about USDN ERC-20 and how to get it

  1. Introduction
  2. What is USDN ERC-20?
  3. Smart contracts
  4. How to get USDN
  5. How to transfer USDN to Ethereum

Hey! I think you've heard about successful USDN listing on Curve.Finance


50k APY guys. 50k

What is USDN ERC-20?

Neutrino USD (USDN) is an algorithmic stablecoin, soft-pegged to the US Dollar and collateralized by WAVES. Leveraging the staking model of Waves.Protocol’s underlying consensus algorithm, staking USDN yields a sustainable reward of 8-15% APR.

After year of successful evolving inside Waves blockchain in August'2020 Waves-based USDN was broadcasted to Ethereum network via gateway. All ERC-20 USDN tokens are issuing after transferring to the Gateway, right after that gateway staking them and transferring ERC-20 USDN in Ethereum network. All ERC-20 USDN are backed by Waves USDN and has natural 8-15% APY just for holding it. Rewards arriving daily.

Smart contracts

Waves USDN smart-contract: 3PC9BfRwJWWiw9AREE2B3eWzCks3CYtg4yo

Ethereum USDN smart contract: 0x674C6Ad92Fd080e4004b2312b45f796a192D27a0 (how to add it to Metamask)

Curve pool: 0x4f3E8F405CF5aFC05D68142F3783bDfE13811522

Curve USDN pool official interface:

How to get USDN

Option 1. Buy with Debit/Credit Card

1) Open Waves.Exchange website.

2) Enter amount you want to buy right on the homepage and press Buy USDN.

3) Follow the account creation instructions (Waves.Exchange is a decentralized exchange, so don't forget to save your SEED-phrase!!!).

4) Confirm your amount and press Buy USDN again.

5) If you pay with USD, the fee is 0% (zero).

6) Follow the Adv.Cash instructions. If you did everything right, the process will take you a few minutes.

7) After validation of your data Adv.Cash will process your payment just in seconds.

8) Good job! You've got your USDN!

9) All further payments will take around 1 minute or so.

Min. amount: 10 USDN.

A short video explainer about USDN, buying it with card and staking.

Option 2. OTC Service

You can swap your Tether USD (USDT) ERC-20 to Neutrino USD (USDN) via the special smart contract at rate 1:1.

1) Follow this direct link:

2) Create an account.

3) Read the short description and send your USDT to your personal deposit address:

4) Funds will arrive in 3-5 minutes, depending on Ethereum network load.

5) Enter amount you want to swap. The minimal amount starts from 10k USDT, maximum is unlimited. Press Exchange button.

6) The swap takes 1-3 seconds (it's a smart contract invocation).

7) Here we go! You've got the same amount of USDN.

8) You can swap USDN back to USDT via this OTC Service at any time!

Option 3. Direct swap WAVES to USDN via smart contract

1) Create account at Waves.Exchange.

2) Get some WAVES! You can do it on Binance, Okex or many other exchanges (and Waves.Exchange, ofc. Btw, any trade operation is charged by 0.003 WAVES fixed fee only)!

3) Deposit your WAVES to Waves.Exchange.

4) Follow the Neutrino smart contract swap interface via this link.

5) Or find it with this route: Login -> Investments -> USDN Staking -> Swap:

6) Here we go!

7) The swap takes around 3 minutes.

8) Min. amount is 1 WAVES.

9) Yeah, you can swap back at any time!

Good! Now we have some USDN, let's discuss how to

Transfer USDN to Ethereum network!

That's incredibly simple.

1) Go to the Wallet, find the USDN asset and press the "Send" button.

2) Paste your Ethereum address inside the Recipient input field, it will be recognized as a gateway transfer.

3) Press Continue. That's it!

Important notes:

  1. Gateway fee is 10 USDN.
  2. Min. tx amount is 10 USDN. So you need at least 20 USDN to initiate a transaction.
  3. Transaction may take up to 15 minutes (because in fact it's actually a couple of transactions in different blockchains, so it takes some time to verify and confirm every step).
  4. You can't transfer your USDN to any smart contract from Waves.Exchange. Use your personal Metamask usual address instead.
  5. You can get back from Ethereum to Waves at any time!
  6. You can access Waves.Exchange online customer Service 24/7 to solve any issue you may face. Or just to share a nice joke.

That's all, folks! Good luck!

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