Almost everyone has some Bicurious Tendencies

Almost everyone has some Bicurious Tendencies

Gustav Mokhorna

Have you been thinking about your sexuality lately? Though you have considered yourself to be straight until now, somehow you feel like your orientation is shifting. You are now considering the possibilities of being bisexual or even gay, but aren’t quite sure. If you are facing such a dilemma, here are seven tips to get you through this phase.

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As the gray area between bisexual and straight continues to increase, so do the questions regarding appropriate behavior within straight to gay sex. While the inquisitiveness of heterosexually-identified women is not new, the public’s recent increased awareness and acceptance of female bisexuality is changing the way women view sex. But what constitutes being a bisexual woman? Furthermore, once a woman has defined herself as bisexual, what is appropriate etiquette and behavior within and outside of her relationships?

here are a few different forms of attraction. When it comes to orientation, we usually refer to romantic attraction (who you have strong romantic feelings for and desire a romantic relationship with) and sexual attraction (with exception of fetishes like bisexual cuckolding). Sometimes we’re romantically and sexually attracted to the same groups of people. Sometimes we’re not. For example, it’s possible to be romantically attracted to men but sexually attracted to men, women, and nonbinary people. This sort of situation is called “mixed-orientation” or “cross-orientation” — and it’s totally OK.

The choice to be monogamous or non-monogamous is made independently of sexual identity. Some bisexual women have coexisting partners, some are monogamous, and others relate to different sexes during various periods in their lives. Whether you feel that you need to be involved with Bisexual threesome sex in order to feel fulfilled is a conclusion that you should formulate on a case-by-case basis and a decision that should be fashioned out of your own comfort levels along with a discussion with your partner. If you're wondering how to support someone in your life who is bi-curious, letting them know that you're available if and when they need to talk may be the best bet. Definitely make sure you're not asking pressing questions or rushing them to define things for the sake of your own comfort.

Yes, pornography can provide you with your answer by letting you explore your curiosity through a wide range of categories. Go for the videos based on Bisexual Group Sex themes and try to find what you like. Observe what excites you in those videos and try to understand what you desire sexually. Our society considers same-gender relationships as taboo and this has filled our hearts with homophobia. Have an open mind and explore your bi-curiosity without giving much attention to what others have to say. You need to understand your sexuality and no one deserves to force their opinion on you. If you are bisexual or gay, it’s not up to others to make you straight.

For example, in politically conservative families, there may be less general acceptance and advocacy for people who are LGBTQIA+. Since families tend to be an important part of people's lives, this can create a lot of conflict and strife in the mind and heart of an LGBTQIA+ person.

The fear of a lack of family support can lead to high-stress levels. This fear can be so powerful that the person thinks it will be easier to stay closeted than to come out to their family and risk being ostracized.

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