Allison Palmer

Allison Palmer


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As we begin this fall semester I am learning that there are so many things I want to explore and understand, but for the time being my focus has landed on the use of e-portfolios...

Throughout the last 8 weeks and my continued journey in the Digital Learning and Leading program I have had to ask myself more than once now, what does it mean to contribute? Specifically, what does...

In high school, I was involved with several honors-type courses; Pre-AP Pre-Cal and Calculus, Chemisty, Physics, and even AP Psychology, Engineering, and Texas History. On top of extracurriculars…man, some of those classes were hard! I...

In the classroom that I want to teach in a growth mindset is the foundation on which everything else I want to do is built upon. When you have a growth mindset you can get...

Now that we’re in our 4th ADL class together, we have learned each other’s strengths! Capitalizing on this, and Pedro’s penchant for pulling people together, we have been able to complete this project collaboratively. We...

I am sure all of us middle school teachers know the struggle of trying to keep 11-13 year olds engaged and invested in their learning, especially after this year of online/hybrid learning. I know this...

We all know that our educational system is not working, this system we are working in is broken and a change in curriculum or in use of technology is not going to fix it. The...

CSLE / Growth Mindset / Professional Learning

When you think of professional development I am sure your mind goes to useless handouts, boring PowerPoint slides, and information you’ve heard too many times before. If your mind did not go to this place,...

School is where learning goes to die. Schools try to create environments that are the same for everyone, to me, it seems like a factory line where you go to one grade than the next...

Throughout the last 8 weeks and my continued journey in the Digital Learning and Leading program I have had to ask myself more than once now, what does it mean to contribute? Specifically, what does...
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Growth Mindset
Organizational Change
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I’m a sixth-grade math teacher located in Dallas, Texas with experience in delivering engaging and interactive math lessons.
I am passionate about improving the minds of my students and creating lifelong learners who are looking to learn new things every day.
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allison palmer 💙 (@allisonpalmerx) • Instagram photos and ...
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Allison Ballmer - Senior Vice President Strategy and ...
Allison (Pete) Palmer - Misrepresented scientist denounces ...
Allison Palmer, MD | MaineHealth
Allison Palmer

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