


Allenina is an Asian Transsexual woman. She got into the porn industry while still studying Fine Art at the University of Southern California. Her best friend in college was in the industry and she decided that it would be a sensible yet fun idea to get paid and get laid... well, typical college kid's thinking right? At school, she was studying ... See full bio »
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 2009/I Pure (Video)
Gallery Patron (as Allenina)
 2007 Surprise! It's a Shemale (Video) (as Allenina)
 2003 She-Male Strokers (Video) (as Allenina)
 2000 Debbie Does New Orleans (Video) (as Allenina)
 1998 Dr. She Male M.D. (Video) (as Allenina)
 1999 Секс: История Аннабель Чонг (Documentary)
Self (as Alan Wong)
Publicity Listings:
1 Interview | 1 Article | 1 Pictorial | 1 Magazine Cover Photo | See more »
Alternate Names:
Allenina | Allen | Alan Wong

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Work Search: tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson"
"so you're blackmailing me to help you do whatever you're planning?"
"and to clear your conscience, i suppose."
in which sunoo makes a mistake and has to pay for it.
In which Shen Yuan gets transmigrated as Shen Jiu in his childhood and learns the truth the hard way.
It's the blackening of the protagonist.
When twenty-two years old Shen Yuan suddenly dies, he decides to take his next life with as much chill as possible.
Having to survive as a weak side character who is destined to die just for a tragic backstory? Check.
Taking care of two emotionally stunted brats? Check!
Resisting the urge to throttle an intangible (yet incredibly annoying) System? Check, check, check!!
Wooing the protagonist? Check!... Wait, what.
Seeking the sort of affection he had glimpsed in that other world, Luo Binghe decides to find his own Shen Yuan and kidnap him back to his world. There, he’ll be kept and treated like any of his other wives, and in return Luo Binghe will get to experience the soft love he so desperately craves.
Or, that had been the plan, until Shen Yuan spat in his face and refused to cooperate unless Luo Binghe said please and thank you.
Luo Binghe retaliates with messy attempts at dates, demonic courting gifts, and slow progress towards learning how to be a decent person.
As it says on the tin, original rough drafts for Dear Future Husband.

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