All Pollen, No Petal. Behind the Flower 🌻 Farming 🧺 Dream

All Pollen, No Petal. Behind the Flower 🌻 Farming 🧺 Dream

👓 Ralph Thurston
All Pollen, No Petal. Behind the Flower 🌻 Farming 🧺 Dream

All Pollen, No Petal. Behind the Flower 🌻 Farming 🧺 Dream

✅ Disruption is striking everywhere, including the cut ✂️ flower 🌻 industry 👨‍🏭️, where small 📐🦐 local growers are trying to upend the decades-long rule of megafarm oligopolies. With disruption comes ⤵️ chaos though, with mimickers and ➕ charlatans to obfuscate the efforts of the earnest and ➕ honest, the inept and ➕ unprepared crowding out the able and ➕ cluttering the pathways to success. Straightforward and ➕ no-nonsense, All Pollen, No Petal sorts through the misinformation to 🎁➡️ give clear and ➕ realistic advice to prospective growers and ➕ those already on their flower 🌻 farming 🧺 journey.


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