All Day Cock Ring

All Day Cock Ring


All Day Cock Ring

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Finding a cock ring that you can wear all day can be tricky. There are a lot of different types of cock rings of various shapes, sizes and materials. Then depending on on what activities you might be doing during the day you might choose one over another. So it can take a lot of trial and error before you feel comfortable wearing a cock ring all day.
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I prefer to wear metal cock rings over the other types like nitrile, silicone, leather, wood and plastic. Nothing compares to the weight and restriction of metal. Yes, it can be dangerous if you were to try to stuff your junk in a small ring before working your way down from larger sizes. And yes, if you get sweaty your balls can slip through easily but if you find the right size metal is superior.
I started with this thin 50mm metal cock ring (left ring pictured below) and then tried this thicker 50mm ring (right ring below). Both rings were too large which allowed my balls to slip through when my balls constricted. When I wore them I had to adjust the ring throughout the day to make sure it was tight against my skin so my balls were less likely to slip through. I did have a few close calls where I had to excuse myself and go take it off in the bathroom. So my 50mm rings quickly became the rings I only wear around the house, stacked with other rings and sleep with. *I don’t advise sleeping with a cock ring until you know your correct size.
I ultimately found 45mm cock rings were just tight enough to keep my balls from slipping through and also comfortable to wear when hard or flaccid. When hard, the 45mm rings definitely constricts tighter and because of that it did cause some concern when I first tried it on. However, once you get hard the first time and are able to get soft again some of those fears disappear slightly.
The first 45mm ring I purchased was just a smaller size of the 50mm ring pictured above on the left. I can confidently wear it all day without it ever coming off (knock on wood). I wore it for quite some time before purchasing this ergo-curved ring in a size 45mm (Option B). Because of its shape it fits more securely than the round ring. It is slightly tighter on the sides and because of its curve sits tight against my skin. I wear it mowing the grass, grocery shopping and on runs. The restriction and the weight of it compared to the round 45mm ring makes it that much better to wear all day. I don’t need to tell you but it also feels great when having sex with my wife.
This ergo ring is sold on a number of online sites.
*Velv’Or is a different style but very similar so I figured it is worth mentioning. This rings offers a little nub that presses against your perineum.
Wearing a cock ring all day keeps you in this state of horniness. It’s like that feeling of anticipation knowing you are going to have sex and your dick is about to get hard. It just feels great. When wearing it in public it provides a little confidence and a little naughtiness of what you are hiding beneath your clothes.
I am planning to purchase this Omega Ring by Gear Essentials (NSFW Link) or similar size ring in 45mm to try wearing something a little heavier. Nothing compares to a heavy ring when your balls are hanging slightly and the swing between your legs as you walk. It’s like your woman or man is stroking you in public.
To conclude: I haven’t noticed any real issues wearing it all day. Sometimes I get a little chaffing but applying coconut oil in the shower always seems to make it better. Then I don’t always enjoy wearing the 45mm when masturbating because of it being tighter and sometimes I prefer weight over restriction. Please attempt to wear any cock rings at your risk. All men are sized differently so what works for me might not work for you.
What’s your favorite ring to wear all day?
My favorite ring (so far) is the 45mm Donut Ring from . I’ve tried many rings, and this one is the absolute most comfortable ring I’ve ever put around around my cock and balls. I’ve never tried one of the “ergonomic fit“, and that’s the next thing on my list. But I have to say my Donut Ring cock ring, paired with my Donut Ring glans ring, look absolutely incredible together. Extremely comfortable, superbly crafted, and amazingly beautiful.
Can you wear cock rings all day and does it hurt anything to wear it
I’m 7 inches hard, balls aren’t big. How do I choose a size?
I would start with a 50mm ring because that is the largest size most places sell. Then as you get comfortable you can work your way down in size. Here are good directions on how to measure for a cock ring.
I started using a metal cock ring about 6 months ago, i had suffer from e.d for quite a while, after using pills and a pump i thought that i would never see the end of it. But after 2 or 3 weeks of using my metal cock ring on a daily basis, i started seeing real changes. I’m aa bit over 8 inches hard, so size isn’t a particular problem for me. It was more of a functional problem. A friend of mine told me about the benefits and ever since, i feel horny like a 20 year old and im ready for the action, i plus is also kinda kinky when I do get the stares on the bulge you get with cock rings.
I’ve been wearing one now for probably 5 years. Actually heard of this originally from bicycle riders. They really do work well at holding you a little up and out and I find I adjust myself much less during the day. Feels like it belongs there really. Tried some, liked it and wound up making my own from titanium. For sizing help, I’d say I’m upper end of average in length and slightly over average in girth. My ring is right about 47mm to 1 7/8”. About 6.5mm wide. On me that’s a pretty comfortable “2 finger rule” fit. Super light and titanium is completely non reactive with your body. It was a bitch to work to size but doable. Made from a titanium sail rigging ring. Ladies go bonkers over it. Do it
My favorite all day ring is a 56 mm Sea Dragon from King Rings ( ). It is almost 10 ounces. I wear it with my 32 mm glans ring ( ) which is 4 ounces. King Rings sells plastic sizing rings which I highly recommend to get a feel for the right size.
I wear my cockring all day and sometimes to bed. Metal (especially) stainless steel is my favorite! I do however have a nut slip out and have to readjust, no big deal really quick fix. I’m on the smaller side but a 45mm is my go to size, but I would like something just a bit more snug. Any suggestions would be great.
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Any thoughts/opinions about wearing a cock ring (a rubber one) all day around the base of the penis (all day meaning 8 or so hours)?
I have just started doing this a few days ago, and I have been able to maintain an extra 1/8” of girth since. It also helps with your flaccid hang so I definitely recommend it. Since you are wearing it flaccid, you will want to get one that is fairly tight. It can get a bit irritating on your skin which I have noticed, but I am using some aloe vera to help with that. Good luck.
When I wear one, I try to get an erection with it and engorge the penis with blood. Although, since I don’t have 8 hour erections, I’m sure the blood would eventually leave the penis, so, its not really stuck in there all day.
I don’t know if I would wear one that is tight when flaccid, because, what if you get an erection during the day? I mean, the one I wear fits somewhat snug when flaccid (not “cold shower” flaccid, though), so, when hard, it brings out the veins :)
Let’s see put a tourniquet on your penis all day……makes no sense.
Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo

Add another 1/8” gain of girth since I started wearing the cock ring a few days ago. That’s a total of 1/4” in 3 days. Is it permanent? I don’t know. Probably not yet, but if I am measuring this on a day to day basis, that is permanent enough for me. There isn’t any lymph fluid build up. My erection is totally rock hard. Shilow, it makes perfect sense. You are allowing your penis to retain more of the engorgement you got from your pe session, but at a safe level since your dick is flaccid. Therefore, instead of losing all of your engorgement, you keep some of it which will only make your dick expand more permanently into the newly engorged state. Try it sometime.
You two might be needing this later : Injuries / Treatments
You might also want to look into something a bit more benign: ENHANCE YOUR PUMPED/UNPUMPED BULGE - THE VELCRO WRAP
"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws . He's not always to be taken literally.

Two of my thrombosed veins came from similar things. A moderately loose elastic cock ring accidentally worn overnight caused one, and a loose strap worn for about 5 hours caused the other. Both gave me problems for a very long time.
I’m not sure why this would be too dangerous. My dick feels no different since I started doing it. It’s just thicker. I see it as just keeping my dick fluffed up.
Well, wearing it over night is certainly dangerous. I also take mine off at several points during the day. Maybe what this is doing is simply helping cement the gains you make from your pe session. I am going to keep at this and see how it comes along and will post any updates, but so far it seems like I have gotten 1/4 inch of hard girth from wearing this thing.
There was a thread about this awhile back. I’m just too lazy to search right now.
I do it sometimes, especially after pumping or on a day where I really don’t have the time to do any other form of PE .
I think it was agreed on in the other thread that the smart thing to do was to wear the cock ring around the dick AND the balls. Thus preventing strangulation (and death) of the penis. Since you are doing this for long periods, please be careful how tight you make it and ALWAYS listen to your dick, even if it’s just a whisper.
Thanks for the heads up Root. I have a cock ring that is slight larger than the one I wear now. I will try that around my dick and balls. My dick feels fine now, but I will definitely listen to it.
This seems like a very bad idea to me. I only leave my rings on for 10 minutes at a time. Cutting off the circulation of an organ for extended period of time cannot be a good thing. Besides the thing needs to heal, give it a rest.
In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

The circulation is only partially being cut off. If my dick was suffocating, I think it would be telling me.
Thanks for all the help and input, guys :)

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Oct 2, 2012

hi guys, my name is Marvin and I´m from Nicaragua, I have a short Fat dick(6x6). I´ve been jelking for the past 2 years(on and off) and my dick just cant get larger, I must admit I just dont have the privacy time to do anything more than normal jelks for 30 minutes.. I read somewhere that if you wear a cock ring all day you may gain some size, the idea is that if your flacid size is larger and thicker by using a cockring the penis will retain that sized with time, and larger thicker flacid will yield larger erect penis...

well I have been wearing my cock ring everyday for the last 2 weeks(not too tight, I sleep with it) and oh boy, I am naturally a shower than a grower but my flacid size has grown alot and when erect I feel my dick has grown(have not messured yet) but my hands dont lie I have a thicker penis.. I wish for this size to stay..

I have had se 2 times) and the girl I´m usually with, noticed it.. I take the cock ring off while having sex but I put it on just after it..

do you guys think this will be permanent? I wish it is because it means that with time it will grow larger(with different size cockring, as the one wearing now could chock it too much).. but if not I´ll be ok wearing permanently, the first day I was kind of worry about sleeping with it, but sinse its not too tight I was ok the first night, now I sleep with it and just take it off to shower and have sex...

Jun 3, 2003


hi guys, my name is Marvin and I´m from Nicaragua, I have a short Fat dick(6x6). I´ve been jelking for the past 2 years(on and off) and my dick just cant get larger, I must admit I just dont have the privacy time to do anything more than normal jelks for 30 minutes.. I read somewhere that if you wear a cock ring all day you may gain some size, the idea is that if your flacid size is larger and thicker by using a cockring the penis will retain that sized with time, and larger thicker flacid will yield larger erect penis...

well I have been wearing my cock ring everyday for the last 2 weeks(not too tight, I sleep with it) and oh boy, I am naturally a shower than a grower but my flacid size has grown alot and when erect I feel my dick has grown(have not messured yet) but my hands dont lie I have a thicker penis.. I wish for this size to stay..

I have had se 2 times) and the girl I´m usually with, noticed it.. I take the cock ring off while having sex but I put it on just after it..

do you guys think this will be permanent? I wish it is because it means that with time it will grow larger(with different size cockring, as the one wearing now could chock it too much).. but if not I´ll be ok wearing permanently, the first day I was kind of worry about sleeping with it, but sinse its not too tight I was ok the first night, now I sleep with it and just take it off to shower and have sex...

UThe longer we are in a elongated/expanded state, the faster the gains will become permanent.

Jun 3, 2003


Jun 3, 2003


would you say a 6 x6.5(Thick) dick looks bad? I think its getting thicker than longer...

Not at all, I would say it looked like a thick ass dick! There is a guy with about those measurements in a porn I watched the other day, it looks like a freaking tank!

Jun 3, 2003


well guys the girth is still holding and actually getting fatter... who knows maybe 7 inches girth is still possible

Jun 3, 2003


well guys the girth is still holding and actually getting fatter... who knows maybe 7 inches girth is still possible

Jun 3, 2003


I´m just jelqing in the morning and at night(20 minutes each)

And using the cock ring in between?

Do you need to take it off every so often and check everything is ok?

Jun 3, 2003


Do you need to take it off every so often and check everything is ok?

Great efforts! Healing expanded is the fastest way to cementing, it is so amazing how the healing portion of your routone is the main reason you are gaining.

Jun 3, 2003


yeah talk about it, I was jelking for years(on and off) off when no results seen, but on when whatch guys like Diesel, shorty mac and visited sites like Thunders Penis Enlargement forum(could never sign up, dont know why) the longest I went on was 8 months, and shorter was for 3, the longest I went off was 4 months..

Very cool. I really love how your work exemplifies so many of my own hypothesis's about healing. It is what I love to think of as Passive Penis Enlargement. Anyway, your growth has fueled my own commitment to SRT and spreading the word!


I'm already at about 7.5 long and 5.3 girth. I'm trying to hit 6 but I only get that after a workout. I have been using an elastic cock ring all day for a while now and will also hang an original anchor from the glans so I have a nice tug all day to keep my penis elongated. I also noticed an increase in thickness and when I wear it after a workout I stay thicker for days. I've just recently ordered a rubber cock ring which is fitted with magnets that will also help with healing and blood flow. I'm good on length but I'm trying all I can to get my girth up.

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Jan 4, 2015

Still waiting for the Uncle Jim thing so all I have is my cock ring. As a way to condition the penis, could I wear a cock ring all day except when I sleep?

May 10, 2013


I wear mine 24/7 with the exception of when I clean it everyday. I wear it when I sleep too and its like a girth se
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