All Avatars After Aang

All Avatars After Aang


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The hero of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Aang, was preceded by countless Avatars, but only some of the adept benders have been explored in detail.
By Brad Curran Published Jun 12, 2020
As the young protagonist of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Aang had many predecessors in his role as the Avatar, but how many are fully known? Running on Nickelodeon for three seasons from 2005 to 2008, Avatar hasn't experienced any dip in popularity whatsoever twelve years after its conclusion. Its recent addition to Netflix is certainly testimony to this, becoming the platform's number one show not long after its debut.
On Avatar, "bending" refers to the ability to manipulate either Water, Earth, Fire, or Air, with the titular Avatar being the only person in all of the Four Nations capable of mastering all four elements. Avatar's immense popularity would also lead the creation of sequel show, The Legend of Korra, whose title character becomes Aang's successor as the Avatar seven decades later. Netflix also has a live-action reboot of Avatar in the works, offering the franchise a second chance at live-action life after the 2010 big-screen adaptation The Last Airbender left fans and casual audiences alike completely aghast.
With the Avatar being continually reincarnated through the Avatar Cycle, there are a vast number of Avatars to come before Aang. However, considering how many previous Avatars that comes out to, only a handful in the grand scheme have been depicted in any notable detail within the Avatar franchise. Here are the known Avatars to come before Aang.
Aang’s predecessor as the Avatar, Roku was a native of the Fire Nation. Roku studied Airbending at the Southern Air Temple as part of his training as the Avatar, where he became good friends with the monk Gyatso, who would later become a mentor of Aang's. Roku’s friend Sozin would also become Fire Lord and initiate the Fire Nation’s first attempt at expansion through the rest of the Four Nations, with Roku putting a stop to this. Sozin later let Roku perish in a volcanic eruption on his island, allowing the Fire Nation’s conquest of the world to begin.
Roku’s predecessor as the Avatar, Kyoshi was born in the Earth Kingdom, and was known for being quite tall. Her tough upbringing led her to flee from an Avatar test, with an Earth Kingdom boy named Yun subsequently being falsely identified as the new Avatar. Kyoshi would ultimately be positively identified as the actual Avatar later. She was also the namesake of the Kyoshi Warriors, the protectors of her adoptive home, Kyoshi Island, with their leader on Avatar, Suki, becoming Sokka's girlfriend. Additionally, Kyoshi's life as the Avatar is the subject of the book The Rise of Kyoshi and its upcoming sequel The Shadow of Kyoshi.
The Northern Water Tribe-born Kuruk was among the Avatars seen by Aang in the episode "The Avatar State", in which Aang sees his many past incarnations as Avatar. Kuruk was known to be more laid back in his affairs as the Avatar, while also being cockier and something of a show-off with his bending abilities. His attitude would later lead to tragedy on the night of his wedding when his fiance, Ummi, was pulled into the Spirit World by Koh the Face-Stealer as punishment for Kuruk's conduct as the Avatar.
Like Aang, Yangchen was born into the Air Nomads, and was raised by the Air Nuns of the Western Air Temple. Yangchen’s legacy among Avatars came out of the truce she struck with the spirit of General Old Iron, in which he would cease his attack on a city and never again wage war on humanity, in exchange for the land remaining untouched by humans. Yangchen would also erect a statue in honor of his lost love Lady Tienhai which the Air Nomads would visit annually to pay respects to in a ritual known as Yangchen’s Festival. After her death, Yangchen’s actions resulted in her becoming exalted by both the Air Nomads and the Earth Kingdom.
Little is known about the Fire Nation-born Avatar who came before Yangchen, as evidenced by his lack of a name. However, he was among the Avatars glimpsed by Aang on “The Avatar State”, albeit without any lines, and was shown as being capable of Lavabending. His appearance has been likened to Jafar from Aladdin by many fans, while author of the Kyoshi novels F.C. Yee has said that his name will eventually be revealed.
Another past Avatar, Salai’s nation of origin is unknown, but he is mentioned by Yun in The Rise of Kyoshi. With Yun being described as “a dedicated Avatar scholar” by author F.C. Yee, the full scope of Salai’s identity, including his place within the Avatar cycle, is not fully known.
First introduced in The Legend of Korra, Wan holds the distinction of being the very first Avatar. Growing up in poverty on a city built on the back of a fire lion turtle eons in the past, Wan’s activities led to him being banished into the Spirit Wilds by the turtle, though he was permitted to keep the Firebending the turtle had previously granted him. When Wan freed Vaatu, the Spirit of Dark, from the grasp of Raava, the Spirit of Light, without knowing his true nature, Wan volunteered to help Raava recapture Vaatu. Along the way, Wan was granted the ability to bend Air, Water, and Earth by other lion turtles, and later permanently bonded with Raava in their final battle with Vaatu. Wan ultimately declared that he would be the bridge between man and spirits, thus beginning the Avatar cycle.
With Avatar having such a vast canon under its belt, there's clearly a massive history of Avatars before Aang, any one of whom could be the subject of their own spin-off from the main series. That very idea is currently unfolding with the Kyoshi-centric novels, while The Legend of Korra shows that there's also plenty of fertile ground in Avatars beyond Aang, as well. Hopefully, lovers of Avatar: The Last Airbender have more chances in the future to see the history of Aang's predecessors as the Avatar explored.
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Growing up, Brad developed an innate love of movies and storytelling, and was instantly enamored with the world of adventure while following the exploits of Indiana Jones, Japanese kaiju, and superheroes. Today, Brad channels his thoughts on all manner of movies, from comic book films, sci-fi thrillers, comedies, and everything in between through his writings on Screen Rant. Brad also offers philosophical musings on martial arts and the filmographies of everyone from Jackie Chan to Donnie Yen on Kung Fu Kingdom, where he's also had the privilege of interviewing many of the world's great stunt professionals, and hearing plenty of gripping stories on injuries incurred in their line of work and the intricacies of designing the acts of death defiance he first thrilled to as a youngster. When he's not writing, Brad enjoys going on a ride with the latest action hit or Netflix original, though he's also known to just pop in "The Room" from time to time. Follow Brad on Twitter @BradCurran.

The List of Avatars refers to the complete list of people who have been named as the Avatar, a powerful being who is able to control the four elements of the world. The Avatar is unique due to a reincarnation that allows the Avatar to never truly die, but to also be reborn as another person in the next corresponding group of benders.
The Avatar Cycle was created by the fusion of the human Wan and the primordial spirit Raava during the Harmonic Convergence that occurred on the final day of the Last Era of Raava, while in the midst of the battle between Wan and the dark primordial spirit Vaatu. With the mergence of the souls and bending abilities of Wan and Raava, the Avatar was created.
With the defeat of Vaatu and locking him within the Tree of Time, The Avatar has existed for more than 10,000 years, reincarnating accordingly with another who has the next of the four bending ability originally leant by Wan (Fire, Air, Water, Earth, and so forth). The gender ratio of reincarnation is also in a cycle going: Boy, Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl, Boy, Boy, Girl, etc.
In 100 AG, a fifth element was added to the cycle: Energy. Avatar Aang was given the ability by a Lion turtle in order to combat Firelord Ozai without having to kill the firebender after defeating him, but to instead be able to take his bending away to thus end his plans of extermination.
During the next Harmonic Convergence after the creation of the Avatar, the cycle was temporarily broken when Vaatu, having merged with Chief Unalaq of the Northern Water Tribe and the uncle to the current Avatar Korra, merged to form the Dark Avatar and separated Korra and Raava, before managing to completely destroy Raava and sever the Avatar from her past lives. Though after a lengthily battle and reemergence, the Dark Avatar was destroyed and the Avatar Cycle has been reconnected.
So far there have been 21 cycles spanning over 10,000 years. The current Avatar (as of 174 AG) is the 83rd Avatar, Korra of the Southern Water Tribe, the successor to the 82nd Avatar, Aang of the Southern Air Temple.
Reincarnation is one of the most unique abilities of the Avatar Cycle; when one Avatar dies, the spirit is reincarnated into a being of the next nation in the cycle. But the chosen birth places are not as random as many would believe to think;
The pattern of reincarnation is far from random, with the Avatar Spirit deliberately reincarnating in specific geographical locations from the previous Avatar of the same elemental stage. When the nation began to settle into the landmasses following centuries of conflict for dominance, then the Avatar Cycle started taking an organized reincarnation pattern between the states of each elemental nations:
With the creation of the United Republic of Nations, and the gathering of benders of all nations, certain rules have now been put in place as the migrations have been affected;
key: Isl. = Island, Penin. = Peninsula, EK = Earth Kingdom, FN = Fire Nation, URN = United Republic of Nations
Pozar♂, 185
(2864 - 2679 BG)
Shu Jing Isl., FN
Sherpa♂, 126
(2679 - 2553 BG)
Eastern Air Temple
Indik♀, 184
(2553 - 2369 BG)
Northern Water Tribe
Alumen♂, 163
(2369 - 2206 BG)
Beikou, EK
Tokara♀, 192
(2206 - 2014 BG)
Tupo Lei Isl., FN
Rinpoche♂, 113
(2014 - 1901 BG)
Southern Air Temple
Dakuwaq♂, 151
(1901 - 1750 BG)
Southern Water Tribe
Altar♂, 96
(1603 - 1509 BG)
Shan Hao Isl., FN
Tenpai♀, 172
(1509 - 1337 BG)
Western Air Temple
Sulama♂, 122
(1337 - 1215 BG)
Northern Water Tribe
Vaman♂, 149
(1215 - 1066 BG)
Taku, EK
Lua♀, 150
(1066 - 916 BG)
Huo Penquan Isl., FN
Jamphel♂, 94
(916 - 822 BG)
Northern Air Temple
Imiq♀, 64
(822 - 758 BG)
Southern Water Tribe
Tzenno♂, 122
(612 - 500 BG)
Ember Island, FN
Yangchen♀, 155
(500 - 345 BG)
Eastern Air Temple**
Kuruk♂, 34
(345 - 312 BG)
Northern Water Tribe
Kyoshi♀, 230
(312 - 82 BG)
Wushi Penin.***, EK
Roku♂, 80
(82 - 12 BG)
Capital City Isl., FN
Aang♂, 166
(12 BG - 153 AG)
Southern Air Temple
Korra♀, 21
(153 AG - present)
Southern Water Tribe
-*Wan was born in 9849 BG, becoming the Avatar at the age of twenty.
-**Despite most contemporary sources, Avatar Yangchen was born in the Eastern Air Temple, and was later raised more predominantly at the Western Air Temple, which led to the assumption she was born there.
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-***Wushi Peninsula was later renamed Kyoshi Island after Avatar Kyoshi broke it from the landmass to prevent its invasion by Chin the Conqueror.
Ever since the Avatar has come into existence, the mastery of the elements was always of top concern when the Avatar was told of their identity at the age of sixteen (the same age Avatar Wan was when he set on his quest to master Air, Water and Earth).
Over the millennias, several individuals have taken on the role as the Avatar's masters, a position considered a high honour for anyone to be training the Avatar him/herself. The role of spiritual mentor is also important as they help the new Avatar fulfill their role as the bridge between the physical and spirit worlds.
key: bold - alive / italic - unnamed and/or never seen / () - length of time served as the Avatar's master
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