All About Inline Mode!!
KalyanHey Reader,
I am here to introduce a feature that might prove to be very useful to you in your daily life where Documents are involved
It's Here , Documan now supports Inline Mode

Ever wanted to send a file to someone without opening another chat or your phone storage?
You can now Summon Documan into your chats and make it sends files on your behalf ain't that cool? It sure is...
You can now send files into any chat by using Documan's inline mode
It is only for Registered Users If you are a Un-Registered User/New User
It will prompt you to register yourself
After which Inline mode is for you to use.. Enough talking now let's get to the point
Go into any chat and type @theinhumaneme and wait.. You'll see some articles popup scroll up and see if any one of those articles could help you
Down below is a video for Visual Representation
To Access Files You need something called as a Subject Code
A Subject Code is nothing but a short form of the Subject Name
eg Applied Physics - AP, Digital Design - DD , Data Structures - DS , Circuit Theory - CT
Linear Integrated Circuits - LIC
To access a subject you need to be in that academic year
Example to use Inline mode
"@theinhumaneme_bot DD" using this in the text field will show you all the files from DD
See the video below for a Visual Representation and Inline Mode in Action
The Subject Code for Coursefiles is COURSEFILE
Lets see how to access Coursefiles
Type '@theinhumaneme_bot Coursefile' in text field
You'll see all the Coursefiles that Doucuman has at that particular moment in a instant
Lets see a video that demonstrates it
The videos above aren't sped up that is actually how fast you can summon Documan into your chats and send files without even changing the chat
Now How cool is that?
I hope that the New Inline Mode Will help you and your friends or Classmates
If you like using Documan don't forget to share with others who can miss out the fun
You can Share Documan by following the first example
If you have any further doubts you can contact Admin or Message in the Documan Feedback group, links for which can be found by using /admin to Documan we'd be happy to answer all your questions :D
Thank you for reading till the very end
~~Kalyan Signing off~~