All About Deadbolt Lock For Bedroom Door

All About Deadbolt Lock For Bedroom Door


Deadbolts are very commonly known to be key tools that are affordable in nature. Their primary purpose is to reduce all the odds if someone tries to break into the house through the door. According to research done recently, 60% of the total of 2.1 million burglaries were found forcefully entering the house.

Bolt Lock for Bedroom Door

Components of Deadbolt Lock for Bedroom Door

The deadbolt lock for bedroom door is made up of steel, which is hard. This bolt extends properly and fully into the door-jamb hole, where it reinforces with a strike plate of metal and a 3-inch screw, which is used to secure the metal strike plate into the frame of door studs. Actually depending on the class and type of bold used, the cost to give to a locksmith for the purpose of installing the hardware differentiates, such as:

Single Bolt Systems

These single bolt systems do require a key to actually open from the outside doors and can easily be locked and unlocked from the very inside with a twisted knob.

Double Bolt Systems

Such a bolt system does require the keys actually to open the door either from the outside or inside. Hence, due to this reason that in comparison to a single bolt, a double bolt can be extra problematic or dangerous to use if in case one needs to escape from any of the mishaps such as fire or any other emergency. You will need to keep a key with you always, which is a pain.

One should be extra careful with windows or sidelights which come within the doors and are easily broken to actually allow someone to twist the single-bolt’s knob or end up using a key left, which is near to a double deadbolt system. If this is something that has been your concern for a long time, then it is important and advised that you replace the door altogether. There have been many exterior doors that are designed and come up with different features of security, such as the small windows which are placed or the reinforced glasses actually to prevent the burglars from reaching in early.

It is also advised that before you end up actually hiring a locksmith, one should be very aware of the reputable ones as there have been numerous cases where these locksmiths have taken advantage by duplicating the deadbolt lock for bedroom door and key and try to open the doors. 

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