Alisa Amore

Alisa Amore


Alisa Amore
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Moved to Redondo Beach, CA, when she was nine years old.

Signed with Jill Kelly Productions in January 2003.

Attended a Christian high school in Hermosa Beach, CA, where she was a cheerleader.

Was at one time a model for Nordstroms, a department store chain in Southern California.


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Peruvian-born Alexis Amore moved with her family to the US when she was nine and they settled in Redondo Beach, CA. When she was in high school she got a job modeling in advertisements for a local department store. One day she went to an audition for a modeling job and the agent suggested she try modeling for "Playboy". She took his advice and was soon hired as a model on Playboy TV. In the course of her work she met several adult-film stars and, curious about the business, got in touch with Vivid Video. One thing led to another and in 1999 she made her debut in the adult-film industry.

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December 29 ,


in Lima, Peru

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