Aligato Creates a Delivery System Using Autonomous Drones

Aligato Creates a Delivery System Using Autonomous Drones


Along with the emergence of the field of ecommerce, a new era of purchasing goods commenced. The convenience, speed of delivery and the huge selection options associated with online shopping were a great breakthrough. The growing technological progress has allowed us to go a step further - to create and integrate artificial intelligence (AI) with trading platforms.

Artificial intelligence Overview

Artificial intelligence allows the user to minimize the time devoted to finding the searched item by adjusting search algorithms, streamlining complaint processes or technical support. However, the owners of e-commerce portals can determine with greater precision which customers are more likely to buy and how to interest them.

Aligato vision

Aligato vision is to make life easier by providing unique, pioneering solutions that the latest technological achievements allow, while maintaining universal and proven methods where they function without any problems. This vision includes the creation of a new-generation auction and commercial platform based on the blockchain technology, in which data decentralization significantly improves the security of stored data, and multi-node verification guarantees only one version of the truth.

Introduction to The Drones

In recent years, as a result of the development of e-commerce, companies and postal companies began to have problems with the processing of shipments. The long waiting time for the delivery of products is the most frequently mentioned problem encountered during online shopping in 2018. A real need has arisen to improve the existing business model. One of the ideas for the existing situation was the implementation of drone technology for the delivery of smaller-size shipments at smaller distances.

Aligato Introduces Drones

  • One of the main assumptions of the fully functioning Aligato 2.0 platform is creation of delivery system using autonomous drones.
  • The system is to operate on the B2C (business to consumer) and C2C (consumer to consumer) lines, delivering shipments up to one hundred kilograms to the customer's door.
  • The created system will be autonomous and collision-free.
  • The “Drone Link” system will allow you to physically take over the shipment in case of technical problems or drone failure.

In order to maintain the efficiency of the mailing system, whose current usage often excludes the possibility of delivering shipments in the short term, new technologies have been taken into consideration, which are coming closer to opening another chapter in this field. The most anticipated improvement is the introduction of drones, which can shorten the shipment time even up to several hours.

In the next year, it will not be possible to implement such a system for international shipments, but nothing prevents the last few kilometers, such as from the sorting plant to the customer, from being traveled by air.

Through increasing globalization, easier access to goods from around the world and convenience, this way of shopping is gaining more and more popularity. Despite the existence of many e-commerce platforms, the use of them is much faster than with traditional stores, the choice of goods is incomparably greater, and shopping cheaper. All this thanks to a more effective and automated cooperation between the various links of online purchasing platforms, which consists of the following elements:

• Internet shops

• trading platforms

• providers

• sources

• distributors

• customers

• payment systems

As in the case of improvements and technological innovations in other areas, in order to be able to apply them, you need to ensure the safety of users and third parties, as well as compliance with existing regulations. Currently, on the way to the full implementation of such an advanced model, there are above all new technological, legal and logistic challenges. So far no collision detection systems have been created that you can trust fully. The problem of the lack of universal regulation of air rights existing in different countries has not been solved either. Success is on the horizon, but requires the cooperation of technology developers and comprehensive legislative changes.

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