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Alice Wonderbang teen - Free xxx sex porn video streaming


Alice Wonderbang teen - Free xxx sex porn video streaming
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Posted Mon 25 Jul 2016 at 11:02am Monday 25 Jul 2016 at 11:02am Mon 25 Jul 2016 at 11:02am , updated Wed 27 Jul 2016 at 7:28am Wednesday 27 Jul 2016 at 7:28am Wed 27 Jul 2016 at 7:28am
Posted 25 Jul 2016 25 Jul 2016 Mon 25 Jul 2016 at 11:02am , updated 27 Jul 2016 27 Jul 2016 Wed 27 Jul 2016 at 7:28am
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Chilling videos show children gassed, stripped and hooded in NT
Four Corners has obtained a series of chilling videos showing the methods used on at-risk children in youth detention in the Northern Territory.
WARNING: This story contains graphic images.
Dylan Voller is hooded and strapped into a mechanical restraint chair in March 2015 for almost two hours.
Earlier, the video — recorded by guards on duty — showed Voller had chewed on his mattress and threatened to break his own hand after he was put in the restraint chair.
The use of mechanical restraints was legalised in the Northern Territory in 2016.
Three officers enter the room, grab him by the neck, strip him naked and leave him on the floor. The removal of his clothing is part of the centre's "at risk" procedure.
Thirteen-year-old Voller is on the phone. When he refuses to hand it over, a guard rips the phone off him, knees him and knocks him to the ground.
The officer involved was found not guilty in court.
His casual contract was not renewed but a 2015 report found he was later re-employed at the Alice Springs Youth Detention Centre despite objections from the Professional Standards Command.
Thirteen-year-old Voller is being held in isolation again after threatening to self harm.
He is seen playing with a pack of cards before he is grabbed by the neck, thrown onto a mattress and forcefully stripped naked.
The officer involved was twice found not guilty of aggravated assault.
Thirteen-year-old Voller is held up by his neck and thrown into a cell in the behavioural management unit at Don Dale Youth Detention Centre.
The officer involved was charged but found not guilty of assault. The casual officer's contract was not renewed.
Voller was also one of six children are tear gassed in the Don Dale Youth Detention Centre.
They were held in isolation in the Behaviour Management Unit for between six and 17 days before the incident.
After the boys were teargassed, 14 year old Jake Roper, who got out of his cell, was illegally taken to the adult prison. The next day, he is hooded, handcuffed and returned to Don Dale.
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Tue, May 20th 2008 02:24pm -
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It’s amazing how little anyone is willing to accept blame these days. They always find someone else to blame for their actions. For an extreme example, a guy in the UK arrested for having more than 16,000 child porn photos is using the unique defense that it’s all Google’s fault for making it so easy to access the photos. His lawyer noted: “He feels that he would not have committed these offences if this information was not so freely available. He feels if companies like Google did not provide access to such sites, he would not have committed the offences.” It’s tough to see the court buying that kind of argument.
…and here I thought scape-goating was only a national pastime in the United States!
Common misconception. People, especially non-US Citizens, tend to believe Americans are stupid. This is incorrect.
If you get a group of people, say half a dozen to a dozen, you’ll have some nice and interesting conversations most of the time .
Once the group raises above a certain threshold, you can longer consider people as individuals however. Stereotypes set in, and are sadly accurate to an extent in most cases.
As a rule, there are always exceptions.
This is why monarchies can be the greatest form of government. A fair ammount of the time you’ll get some posh toff who actually cares . Not just about his job, but really just cares .
Then of course you get the mad bastards that get married 8 times and keep killing their wives in order to not have to split the kingdom down the middle or something.
Oh and for those of you that didn’t catch it, this is why true democracies are always failures: mob rule. Even the Founding Fathers of the United States knew this.
This is why we’re supposed to be a Representative Democracy.
Of course, the Founding Fathers didn’t make sure to abolish all forms of classes so now the “aristocracy” is just the super wealthy, like it would have been before anyways.
The cynic in me suggests they did have that foresight, but wanted to keep the power for themselves.
Heroes rarely are nice people after all.
“Common misconception. People, especially non-US Citizens, tend to believe Americans are stupid. This is incorrect.
didn’t majority of Americans elect what’s his moronic face….GWB….TWICE!?
i think it’s a common conception nowadays….a pretty strong one. lol
Um, I think the first election, the majority of voters did not vote for him…
I believe it was set up as a democratic republic: slight but significant difference.
Umm maybe if he were arrested for once accidentally seeing it. The fact that he has 16000 pics tells me this was a personal interest that would have come out somehow, regardless of the medium.
how do you get caught with that many pictures. the government must have made a child porn site or something and logged ips that join.. fucked up world
well, if its “so easy to get” then obviously there are plenty of people that don’t think its so wrong to have? I don’t think google is to blame here, either way, but it looks like society has a problem indeed with kiddie porn. Namely… its not really a problem, but everyone loves to make it out to be.
What do you mean, “it’s not really a problem”??? Yes, society HAS a problem with kiddie porn. Because kids do NOT want to be in it. Anyone’s fantasies are their own property, and I can daydream of beheading goats if it gets me any kick (it doesn’t – just mentioning). But if i DO it, or I pay someone to behead goats and picture that – yes, society has a problem with that.
Sorry I have seen girls on yahoo 14 15 an 16 send nude pics out before alot of girls do it at that age an its wrong I dont go to chat rooms anymore over it to me its sad to see what I ask is where are mom an dad while lil becky is at her PC in her room
If many people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.
This extends to your case of many people being ‘ok’ with a perverse thing, which I would submit is not the case regardless.
You are sick. When do you think you’ll be going to jail for the same thing? And what excuse will you come up with? Oh I know you’ll just be like, “what’s the big deal? Somebody thinks its ok because there are so many sites.” Have fun in prison!
Lets face it, rapist have been saying for years “if they didn’t strut round in front of me…..”
Hasn’t worked so far. And more importantly shouldn’t.
I’ve used this defense in the homicide trial i was involved with.
Unfortunately the jury didn’t buy “if the family didn’t conveniently place themselves around their house for me to aim at, I would have never commited murder”.
OK, MOST kiddie stuff is against their will or coerced, but let’s not forget the TINY percentage that do it willingly. The ones who make money from it. Apparently, according to this guy, it’s out there.
That being said, blaming GOOGLE is pathetic and the lawyer who brought it before the judge should be equally fined. I bet if they did that there and here a few times, fewer solicitors would be so willing to even attempt such trivial and pathetic defenses.
Mr. Pedo said “Namely… its not really a problem, but everyone loves to make it out to be.”
I can understand that some might think, that like homosexuality, our culture will just become more tolerant.
The difference is that homosexuality is between adults who are old enough to make informed decisions about who they are and what they are doing with their life.
In the case of a pedophile, they are asking someone who doesn’t have to the right to say yes. They don’t have the right because they are not old enough to manage that kind of decision yet.
This is why there are laws that prevent old guys from nailing 14 year old girls.
With an age difference of that much, you get into issues of power balance. Namely a relationship these days are supposed to be equal. If one partner is old enough to be a parent, you don’t have equality you have a sex slave.
I have to disagree when people who say things like: “It’s amazing how little anyone is willing to accept blame these days.”
The fact is that irresponsibility is nothing new. There has always been, and will always be, a certain percentage of the population made up of people who are strangers to their own free will. These people who abuse their freedom to make choices tend to have that freedom taken away, as this individual certainly will.
Doesn’t anyone have self control these days? I mean, really, this guy is one of the dumbest idiots I’ve heard about in a long time. If this man had any self constraint, then he wouldn’t have the 16k pics that they found. Another thing is, doesn’t the government block those kinds of sites? If they are so easy to find on google, I would beleive that the government would have a problem with that, or maybe they just keep them up to catch pedophiles. Who knows?
It’s been pointed out that censoring the Internet is not an easy thing; even China has a problem accomplishing total control. A government may be able to shut down a site that’s physically resident in their borders, but in the case of a site based elsewhere, the best that can do is to try and block access to the site. This requires the cooperation of telecos, which is unlikely in most areas because being the government’s censor hound doesn’t provide them much benefit for their efforts. Even at that, if they block me from getting directly to machine A, all I need to do is find machine B that I can proxy through to get to machine A. If they ‘block’ access to B, I just find C and so on.
WHat I wouldn’t give to have about 20 minutes alone in a room with this guy. Not only because he had child porn… ok, that is enough reason for me. But, because he is blaming a search engine for making it possible. GUESS WHAT SCUM BAG… it was your own sick mind that found the stuff. Is it your ISPs fault for giving your access to google? Is your employers fault for paying you the money that you pay your ISP with? Pure scum… hope he rots in jail.
“Mr. Pedo said “Namely… its not really a problem, but everyone loves to make it out to be.”
Lol nice way to start off your argument, you assume that because he doesnt think the same way as you he is a pedophile. Witch trials, McCarthy, etc. As you were.
“I can understand that some might think, that like homosexuality, our culture will just become more tolerant.”
To the contrary, the arbitrary age of consent laws in this country have done nothing but increased over the years, not decreased. Even were you to somehow be able to make a defensable argument that girls and boys somehow magically are mature when they turn 18, anyone with half a brain can tell that this isnt an age that was picked for any scientific or reasonable reason, but because rich old white guys with connections ran to their congressmen yelling “they fuckin our girls!!” Hello arbirtary age of consent law.
“The difference is that homosexuality is between adults who are old enough to make informed decisions about who they are and what they are doing with their life.”
You threw in this irrelevant homosexuality argument, take it elsewhere.
“In the case of a pedophile, they are asking someone who doesn’t have to the right to say yes. They don’t have the right because they are not old enough to manage that kind of decision yet.”
You make an elegant, and Im sure unitentended, point. The “RIGHT” to say yes. This country has arbitrary age of consent law in place, in other countries of the world it is normal and acceptable for girls as young as 12-14 to get married and have children. Are you somehow implying that their entire country is fucked up in the head? I guess we should invade them and force them to abide by our rules?
Its hilarious to me the double standards that this country follows. There is a famous movie featuring a nude 12 or 14 year old Brooke Shields, called “Pretty Baby”. You can buy it on dvd pretty much anywhere, I saw it in Wal-Mart. She does full frontal nudity in that movie. Why is it not considered child pornography? Can you explain this dichotomy? Coincidentally, she posed nude in Playboy at the same age.
Another interesting comparison is the case of Webe web, a so-called “child-modeling” site featuring models in the range of 9 to 16. It was 100% non-nude, and the operators and photographers were recently sentenced to jail for child pornography. How exactly can those that created and sell “Pretty Baby” be rewarded and those that created “Lil Amber” be jailed?
“This is why there are laws that prevent old guys from nailing 14 year old girls. With an age difference of that much, you get into issues of power balance. Namely a relationship these days are supposed to be equal. If one partner is old enough to be a parent, you don’t have equality you have a sex slave.”
Oh so its ok if 18 year olds have sex with 12 year olds? Your arguments have more holes than swiss cheese. Im eagerly awaiting your ‘well-reasoned’ response.
Hmmm… you make a few interesting arguments but they’re mainly wrong-headed. First of all, the article is from the UK, where the age of consent is 16, so for a “child porn” crime, you really do tend to be looking at very young children who cannot make mature sexual decisions – usually 14 or below. Unlike the US, where nude pictures of 17 year old seem to get labelled as child porn, if this stuff is prosecuted in the UK, it really is young children being exploited.
FTA: “He indicated that the bulk of this material related to children – male and female – aged between eight and 14 and that he understood that these images were of children being sexually abused”
That’s a hell of a long way from Brooke Shields happening to be naked in Pretty Baby, The Blue Lagoon or Playboy (though you can certainly argue that she was being exploited nonetheless, and such imagery would definitely be illegal now).
…and that’s the point, and the reason why pedophilia is such a hot topic. An 8 year old cannot make an informed decision about sex. They can easily be manipulated into being abused and exploited. This abuse and exploitation is what is really illegal, not necessarily pedophilia itself, and it’s a serious crime because these images cannot be made without abusing a child.
“in other countries of the world it is normal and acceptable for girls as young as 12-14 to get married and have children”
In other countries, it’s OK to stone women to death for being seen in public with a man. In other countries, a woman can be put to death for being the victim of rape. In other countries, you can be legally murdered for “practising witchcraft”.
Just because something is “OK in other countries”, that does not mean it’s something that is, or should be, acceptable in the Western world.
“If one partner is old enough to be a parent, you don’t have equality you have a sex slave.”
“Oh so its ok if 18 year olds have sex with 12 year olds?”
Somehow, I don’t think you read what he said.
I apologize if I don’t have the most rock solid arguments. But let me share where I am coming from.
I know several people who were sexually abused as children. The guilt, shame and humiliation do not just go away. They will never be able to just forget it. 1 in 4 people are sexually abused in the US.
After you have learned the stories of your family, friends or significant other, you cannot help but be outraged.
Why I rbought up homosexuality: Many pedophiles try to pull the argument out that pedophilia is just another form of sexual orientation and that they shouldn’t be persecuted for their beliefs. I felt that “Mr pedo” aka “Old guy” was heading down that line of thought.
As you may or may not know, back in the 1950’s it was a crime to be homosexual. People were sentenced to chemical castration for their crimes. Now we mostly accept homosexuality as a choice, not a mental sickness or defect.
“Oh so its ok if 18 year olds have sex with 12 year olds?” Do you think that the 18 year old is on equal terms as a 12 year old? Do you feel like they have a similar level of mental development? I don’t. Have you ever spoken to an average 15 year old female? The next time you are at the DMV, just note how the girls getting their permits and licenses for the first time are acting. They are children in all senses of the word.
I know that in a majority of the European countries, 16 is the legal age of consent. I know that this age works for some cultures but maybe not for all cultures.
American courts, law makers and citizens have settled on the age of 18 with a plethora of exceptions. It is not a magical number, it is just the age at which most people graduate from high school and pregnant teen drop outs that cannot support themselves are longer an issue.
This is a sensitive issue I understand. But there should be difference between rape and sex with teen that agrees to it (even if it is questionable whether he/she can make that decision). I met my wife when she was 16 and I was 18. We are still together after 20 years and have 2 beautiful children.
I understand that it will be hard for me to accept my daughter to have sex before 18 but it is reality. All I can do is to give her as much info on sexuality as possible so she can make a reasonable decision when she comes to that age. But it is still far from equaling this with rape and child pornography that is very, very much different subject.
There is a significant difference, as I’m sure you’re aware, between two young peers engaging in certain acts and the presumed coersion involved in pedophilia, etc. The ‘magic numbers’ of 16 and 18 are questionable at best, and generally when a young boy is
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