Alice Spanked

Alice Spanked


Alice Spanked
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Alice hates school and her teachers, and is regularly in trouble for rudeness, inattentiveness and repeated failure to do her homework. She does love her busy working mother though, and it is Alice who prepares the evening meal when she gets home from school. Life would likely have continued on this basis had it not been for Martin, her mum's new boyfriend. Martin is charming and kind, but when Alice is rude to her mum, Charles becomes very stern. Alice is happy when her mom and Martin marry, and even starts attending church, where quite a number of attendees practice domestic discipline - something which Martin heartily approves of. But on the suggestion of the Reverend Moreland, Alice finds herself on a cruise with Martin, where Martin is instructed how to take his misbehaving daughter in hand and spank her properly with various implements. This regime continues when they return home, with harsh bare bottom punishments to be endured on Thursday evenings. Alice has an increasingly sore bottom... and yet the threat of corporal punishment is a deterrent and helps to improve her behaviour. Martin becomes the loving father she never had; no longer rebellious, she makes friends and begins to excel at school, to the surprise and admiration of her teachers. Ultimately, Alice becomes motivated, hard-working and happy, appreciating the benefits of a spanked bottom and a loving family.

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Trusted disciplinarian Miss Roberts returns, so do the young women who bend over her desk.
On the ball, self-reliant, and sharp as nails, streetwise Sarah is in total control of her life, until she gambles on a strict future with no idea of the woman she'll become.
Playful, smart, and powerful under pressure, police officer Melody is decisive, but sandwiched between friends and the law, she must negotiate tough punishments to satisfy both.
Brave, imaginative, and becoming brilliant, law student Carly is punished by her renowned boss Anya, until a moment of madness delivers classmate Curtis who knows nothing of her strict regime.
Creative, rational, and back in a job, former cheerleader Rebecca is an elite personal assistant but neglecting her discipline in favor of a date raises the stakes for both.
Separated by careers, but joined by discipline, they're heading to the top, and no girl makes it alone.
Modern girl Alice knows the power of punishment. So do the readers of her explosive bestseller.
Passionate, bold and deadly-smart marketing executive Hannah is oversexed after reading the book, but must agree a tough penance with boyfriend Tom when she forgets her responsibilities.
Headstrong, shrewd, and reliably punished, sales VP Ella is a confident risk-taker, but when she crosses friend Hannah her tough discipline from husband Karl isn't tough enough.
Visionary, fearless, hotel owner Zoe is an overachiever, but must exchange her position of power for solid punishment from husband Ryan when she lets her standards slip.
Suddenly threatened by a sea of publicity, Alice is alone, until her army of modern girls all stand up.
Super-yacht stewardess Amy knows strict discipline counts. So do the friends she makes on board.
Smart, inventive, and stunningly beautiful, cabin-mate Bianca knows Amy doesn't have the monopoly on strict men, but must negotiate hard punishment to prove it.
Sharp, motivated, and born to lead, regular guest Christina is routinely punished by her old headmaster, until a crisis at work demands she bend over her own desk.
Sassy, perceptive, and adored by the crew, heiress Francesca chases bad boys, but when they don't deliver the tough discipline she deserves, turns to Amy to discover who will.
Divided by station, but joined by discipline, they're united while oceans apart.
Loyal friend Alison trusts in strict discipline. So do the friends she doesn't yet know and the one she's never forgotten.
Innovative, focused, and used to discipline, VIP personal trainer Sam adds punishment to her services, but must face hard lessons from boyfriend Josh to perfect it.
High-energy pop-superstar Carrie pumps passion into hearts and her body to the limit with Sam, but nobody has called her on her attitude in a very long time.
Confident, brilliant, and missing punishment, game designer Nina has a hit on her hands, but needs a favor from college roommate Alison, and they haven't spoken in over three years.
Empowered by trust, but defined by discipline, together they forge new paths.
Talented teen star Charlotte knows good manners. So do the friends she doesn't yet know and the one she's never given up on.
Passionate, instinctive, and a full-on wild-child, fashion buyer Amelia reins herself in for ruthless Nick and lands on his penthouse floor, but a late night call puts their strict relationship in jeopardy.
Fearless, spirited, and with flawless etiquette, Swiss finishing school graduates Imogen and Takisha embrace an awe-inspiring destiny, but must take hard consequences from their new boss.
Feisty, ambitious, and on her way to the nearest stage, college girl Kat finds a route to stardom, but it demands perfect etiquette and hard punishment for every single mistake.
Marked out by manners, but driven by discipline, their talents explode onto the world stage.
Co-founder Kate knows strict discipline works, so do the colleagues she meets and the friends she trusts.
Tough, versatile, and earning her stripes in outback Australia, commercial pilot Diane is aiming for success, but distance from boyfriend Neil's hard discipline knocks her off course, jeopardizing her airline career.
Strong, bright, and with discipline in sight, commercial pilot Tamsin targets tough laborer Jake, but his powerful past threatens her only taste of strict obedience.
Classy, tenacious, and regularly punished, star salesgirl Louise is outshining corporate wives beside boyfriend Andrew until a demanding punishment places her in a precarious position.
Sharp, curious, and quick on the uptake, marketing manager Jenna is coasting until a punishing wake up call from her strict boss produces the painful piece missing from her love life.
Distanced by dreams, but united by discipline, they gather to save one girl's future.

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