Альфа-ПВП Каргат

Альфа-ПВП Каргат

Альфа-ПВП Каргат

Альфа-ПВП Каргат

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Альфа-ПВП Каргат

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После убийства Магтеридона Иллиданом Каргат стал слугой нового хозяина, но не более, чем бездумной марионеткой, окончательно сошедшей с ума под воздействием демонических энергий. Был назначен Иллиданом новым вождём Орков Скверны. Комментарий от вальнул соло прото варом одетым в синьку и зелень но попотеть пришлось. Комментарий от Pyrobro На сайте где представили новый аддон к WoW 'Warlords of Draenor' можно увидеть его до событий бк. Там у него длинные черные волосы и сероватая кожа. Комментарий от romka У гоблинов вообще порой ногу режет. Прежде чем возглавить клан Изувеченной Длани, он был гладиатором. Пока он не нашел освобождения, он жаждал мести. Комментарий от В Дренорских мувиках у Каргата нет левой руки, а на заставке - правой. Близы сами немного запутались с его руками :. Blade Dance — Kargath will begin bouncing around his room cleaving randomly everywhere for physical damage. Strategy Before we get into this encounter the first thing we need to do is double check that no extra Assassins are lurking around. Focus fire should flip between the adds from behind and Kargath, we do not want the adds to get out of control or they will overrun us, but we do not need to focus on them completely either or the fight will take forever. Best way to do this is if there are 3 or more non elites wipe them out then back focus on Kargath or if an Assassin attacks all damage should be redirected to him. As for Kargath he only has 1 special ability but it is nasty, the majority of the time he will not hit anyone aside from the tank during his Blade Dance unless someone is too far in. Healing through this fight is rather relaxed, as long as the adds are under control and no one besides the tank is too close to Kargath not a lot of damage is taken. Комментарий от Just adding to the post above. Special ability: Sweeping strikes. Strategy: position tank in the middle of the room. When he jumps around room he will go down to the entrance usually 1 time and hit the group, maybe 10 percent hp off of 2 members, and the rest of his movements will only hit tank for nearly nothing. We had no melee dps on boss unsure if sweeping strikes will hit targets behind him like on other bosses in game, however I would suggest using melee dps on adds such as second warrior or rogue rather than a caster, and use range on boss, warlocks would work though too with pet control but not hunters because of the assassins. Boss should go down fast and you wont have to worry about healing anyone but the tank much besides a few spot heals on add killer. Комментарий от Me and 4 guild mates just took him down for the first time. The way we did it was simple. Druid was in cat form, primary job to take out the adds, with one mage that helps as need be, then dpses on Kargath. In the southeastern corner of the arena, the priest was healing. Able to hit everyone from there as long as the ramp people backed up after a blade storm. Second mage was in the northeast corner of the arena dpsing the whole time. With me in the middle tanking. With this setup, if kargath did the blade storm it didnt hit everyone at once, and after a blade storm people that needed heals can get them. Worked wonders. Комментарий от His ammount of Health seems to be off by about 75k, he should have about , life. Комментарий от Do NOT fight on the stairs. The damage from the his Blade Dance is nothing compared to the pain that the Assassins cause that you will pick up if you try to stay outside his arena. Everyone run in with the tank and spread out Комментарий от Ideally, you will have a frost mage with you. He can just round up the adds after you get a few 5 or so and then AE them down. Комментарий от Another way of doing this if your healer can handle it, is to have the tank round up all the adds and just heal through it. However, I was able to flash of light heal through the entire thing. Have people bandage after Blade Dance. It is light healing otherwise on the tank. We tried having the DPSadin take the adds but it was not working. We then tried having the rogue do it and it worked out well. The priest almost ran OOM but we got him down. Комментарий от venjur This fight is cake if done right, and if your healer wears more then cloth. We had tank start tanking him at the bridge, rest of group spread out in the arena 2 frost mages and a plate rogue , pally in the middle. The shooter adds are most annoying as they will scattershot, and its bad if they ss the healer at an inopportune time. This draws the fight out a little, but mana was good and paladin had to drink 1 pot, and it was very simple fight. Комментарий от Downed him for the first time last night after like 4 wipes. Finally changed up strategy and got a strat that worked. We had the Warrior run in and tank him on the far end of the platform, just within shot range and heal range, while the rest of the group stayed on the stairs. I DPSed with my hunter while the priest was next to me on the edge of the stairs healing the tank and the 2 others that were DPSing the adds. We never saw any elite adds, they were all non elites, and they went down very quickly. The battle took a while this way, maybe 5 minutes, but the Blade Storm only hit the tank and none of us even came close to dying. I had my hunter pet on stay on the stairs and aggressive, so he assisted with the adds as they came up. Комментарий от doombringer Our group 70 Warlock, 70 Druid, 70 Warrior, 70 Healadin, 70 Hunter tried the 'stairs' tactic with little success. We even subbed a Rogue for the Balance Druid and, although we had an easier time with the adds, we still wiped simply due to the healer being OOM as a result of Kargath repeatedly doing his Blade Dance inside our group on the stairs. Healing through cleaves in a narrow spot stairs plus add attacks ultimately ran him out of mana. Your group has to find a sweet spot when splitting DPS between the adds and Kargath, otherwise this fight will last forever. Комментарий от doombringer I finally put together a group to down this bum. Add control is also important, but you only need to control them long enough to burn them down. HoTs helped between cleaves. Not sure if I imagined it, but it seemed there were less adds this way. Комментарий от We just downed him today and as some people have said, DPS is the key. My first run we kept wiping because our DPS was too poor. Second time around we had plenty and took him down relatively easy, even when I had a 10 second lag spike. Комментарий от bodoron In this party setup Normal difficulty : Rogue, Enhancement shaman, Discipline i think, the most left tree mage, protection tank me and a resto druid. Positions: - Me tanking in the middle. Hope all this benefits someone else. Комментарий от This guy is super annoying and awful to fight if you have a lot of melee DPS due to the blade dance. Unfortunately non-elite adds pour into the area at a steady clip. For most groups and pugs you need to put a melee DPS character on the stairs strictly to take care of these. Try to avoid spending a lot of time on the stairs or floor in front of the stairs because this tends to bring assassins, which are elite. Everyone needs to stay the hell away from eachother. This is a problem if you have a lot of Melee DPS in your group because everyone will be clustered around the tank. This is bad because of He hits about targets from what I can see. Unless the tank barely had aggro on him Kargath will dutifully go back to pummeling the tank after his dance. Adds come, and he does his blade dance regularly. This is a pure DPS check. Heroic mode. As of writing not on the drops list. It was a very simple tank and spank, the blade dancing was no trouble for our healer. All 70s: Rogue me. Shammy She got a nice pair of shoulders off the previous boss Priest did an excellent job too No trouble whatsoever. Was wearing his Demonblood fist :p. You could also consider using Battleshout instead in cases wherein u have more than one melee DPS ur not one of em. Finally when he does his blade dance If ur too close to a party member during this attack the cleave damage directed to you will hit them as well. So stay where u are. Then start the process all over again. Side Note: The party may also consider directing their dps on adds during the dance to maintain aggro on the tank. Комментарий от wasnt an easy or hard fight, we had troubles in the beginning as 2 members hunter and mage were new to the fight, we did just as followed: with a mage, hunter, healadin, tankadin, rogue:me every1 on stairs b4 pull, have healer go into the top left corner, hunter top right and mage bottom right, me and the tankadin stood at the top of the stairs while me, the mage and the hunter dpsd kargath down, every 30 seconds he Blade danced where we all just stood in our spots while healadin healed through it, whenever he did blade dance the tankadin would grab all of the adds with Consecretion and such. Комментарий от after 1 wipe, we cleared the normal instance 3 straight times by having me rogue just on top of stairs with doing adds with occasional assist from mage while tank brings kargath to the middle. Комментарий от This guy is easy-sauce as a Paladin main tank. I had 2 shamans in my group, 1 ele and 1 resto, so I was blessed with Wrath of Air and Windfury. When he spazzes, chill in the middle and toss a spare heal on yourself if you have mana, gift of naaru. Good luck! He just eats cloth wearers for breakfast and the adds when they pile up hit harder then the boss did on me Prot warrior. If people have done him wats the trick? The key is maximum and even distance between everyone. My theory is that the total Blade Dance is distance-based, both on choice of next target and total travel length. Just a theory based on how it seems to work. Regardless of the actual truth of it, any two people being too close together is a fatal mistake on this, T6 or not. Anybody with less than 9K health in cloth is also at risk for immediate termination on a Dance. Then lay into it quick like. Комментарий от So we ran this guy for the Heroic daily tonight Emerald Dream server. PUG group, laugh all you like, but these guys were really good. Party was me prot warrior , hunter, rogue, lock, and pally healer. We were managing to wipe on Kargath a lot anyway, because the lock had a marked propensity to be triple-charged in a blade Dance and die early on. Without his dps, the adds got out of control pretty fast after that. So we did a hail mary. It came down to me dying to the adds a second after Kargath died, and the hunter and rogue avoiding the wipe after the kill and rezzing us with jumpers -- I swear it seemed like everyone except the pally had jumpers that run. So if for whatever reason your dps is rather squishy or the adds end up going out of control, you can still hail mary this fight even on Heroic -- provided you have one HELL of a hunter, and good team coordination with diverting adds. Good god, it was epic. Комментарий от amautor Doing this with a pally tank is pretty easy. Комментарий от i know a guy who finished it in heroic with 3 man. How does this guy pick his nose?! If you have a protection paladin as main tank, with even moderate gear crafted and a few set piece blues , and some strong healing, you can simply plant the tank at the top of the stair, with the party arrayed around the cage. Pull Bladefist to the tank, and consecrate and taunt to hold all the adds. DPS is maximized by keeping the add management simple. On heroic we had: 1 elemental sham 1 resto sham 1 combat rogue 1 beast hunter 1 prot pally Tried almost every strat listed here, and failed. One shotted him with this one. Комментарий от geist just finished on heroic mode. Комментарий от A bit of background on this fugly guy: Prior to the Orcs second invasion on Azeroth, Kargath was a respected member of the Old Horde, what is now knows as the Fel horde in Outland. Some time afterward he came into contact with Magtheridan and was made leader of the Fel Ocs in Helfire Citidel, calling himself the true Warchief of the Horde. The outpost of Kargath in the Badlands was named in his honor. After you kill Kargath for the Horde quest Will of the Warchief, Nazgrel had this to say,'In his prime, Kargath Bladefist was a fine warrior, a hero and example to his people. His death is a blow to us all, but especially to Warchief Thrall. Whatever happened to him in his final days, we should not forget the orc Kargath once was, nor the lessons to be learned from his downfall. Worked well and yes, we still made the timer. Anyway everytime I fight him im Main tank and fight him just at the top of the stairs and have the DPS and heals spread out on the platform along with the healer. We wiped 3 timed due to that. I switched side with the healer, and the healer was not touched at all, instead I got killed in the second blade dance when he bounced between tank and I 4 times. Can anyone confirm or deny that he prefers to charge one side from another, or that we just encoutered a semi-bugged version of him that day. Комментарий от Just tried this on heroic with a pally tank, two rogues, and me the resto druid. When he did his spin attack, all the melee would get hit really hard and it was very difficult keeping everyone up. Once he would start spinning the paladin would blessing of protection me to keep me from taking damage. After the first spin, the next spin would kill us all as I couldnt keep everyone alive. My tip, bring some ranged dps for this fight to make it alot easier on healers, or bring a resto shaman for chainheals! My warrior discovered this the other day when soloing the instance for her Figurine of the Colossus. Only ended up being a minor inconvenience, but other people may find it to complicate the fight a little bit more. Hardest part was getting through that first hallway, until I learned the glory of using a smart seal like light instead of blood :-p Boss is easy enough. I was ret in tank gear. Just keep spamming your attacks and keep conc up. Комментарий от what How does he go to the bathroom! Комментарий от Gunsdelight Can this dude be solod heroic mode? Bad things will happen Комментарий от Pretty tough boss, even on normal. Tank the boss at the staircase so the tank can grab adds easily. Have the healer stand in the middle of the platform where Kargath spawns, so the tank can grab adds off of them because those heals will likely gain aggro. Kill rogues on sight if possible. This is a heavy fight for all of the roles. The heals have a simple yet challenging role of keeping the tank alive. Tanks should use the downtime during his bladestorm attack to get aggro on em from the other adds. Another strategy, which I have not tested, is to have an offtank and one dps stand on the front stair and burn down adds when they come, tank Kargath at the back of his platform, and have the heals stand in the middle to heal both tanks. And the ogre boss before him decided to come when i pulled him, but still manageable. Комментарий от asmodai Easily soloable as a level 80 enhancement Shaman. Just make sure Feral Spirit is available. Went down as the first add started to walk in on us. Комментарий от Gotnov Wonder if this guy will be a boss in Warlords of Draenor. It seems to be a Gladiatorial type fight where you have to gave favor to gain a buff to defeat Kargath. Комментарий от Mattarias A poor fate for such a great warrior. Комментарий от schnizol So, are both of his hands cut off and replaced with blades? That must be inconvenient in toilet Or scratch. Комментарий от LAMM14 I came here to see if this npc got a model upgrade , too sad that this one of a few that didnt got affected by remodel. Посмотреть в 3D Ссылки. Этот NPC может быть найден в следующих зонах: Разрушенные залы. Размашистые удары — Следующая 5 атаки:атак вождя Каргата Острорука в ближнем бою задевают еще одного игрока. Танец клинков — Вождь Каргат Острорук начинает танец клинков, бросаясь к нескольким случайным игрокам и нанося физический урон им самим и всем игрокам рядом с ними. Двойная атака — Вождь Каргат Острорук может нанести дополнительный удар в ближнем бою. Рывок — Вождь Каргат Острорук бросается к игроку, нанося ему физический урон и оглушая его на 2 sec. Охрана вождя Охрана вождя приходит на защиту вождя Каргата Острорука в бою. Страж-язычник Кровожадность — Кровожадность охватывает стражей-язычников, они наносят физический урон, и их следующая 5 атаки ближнего боя восстанавливают:атак ближнего боя восстанавливают им 2 ед. Время действия — 1 min. Стражник-разоритель Рассекающий удар — Стражники-разорители проводят рассекающий удар, нанося физический урон игроку и его ближайшим союзникам. Апперкот — Стражники-разорители бьют игрока апперкотом, нанося ему физический урон и отбрасывая его назад. Меткий стрелок-страж Ошеломляющий выстрел — Меткие стрелки-стражи стреляют с близкого расстояния, нанося физический урон и дезориентируя цель на 4 sec. Зажигательный снаряд — Меткие стрелки-стражи бросают зажигательный снаряд, нанося ед. Вождь Каргат Острорук кричит: Альянс осмелился проникнуть столь глубоко в мою крепость? Привести пленных из Оплота Чести и позвать палача! Они заплатят своими жизнями за это вторжение! И только мы! Вождь Каргат Острорук кричит: Истинная Орда Вождь Каргат Острорук кричит: Меня не зря называют Остроруком! Привести пленников из Траллмара и позвать палача! Они заплатят жизнями за это вторжение! Вождь Каргат Острорук кричит: Я сорву мясо с ваших костей! Перед публикацией комментария просим принять во внимание следующие рекомендации: Комментарий должен быть написан на русском языке — в противном случае он будет удален. Не уверены, как правильно построить комментарий? Ознакомьтесь с нашим замечательным руководством! 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