Alexis Crystal

Alexis Crystal


Alexis Crystal
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Home Alexis Crystal Bio, Net Worth, Wiki, Videos, Photos, Biography, Age and New Updates

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Alexis Crystal is very good at giving great entertainment to her fans who loves what she does. I have listed her full biography, age, relationship, weight and height, wiki, net worth, measurement and more of the things she likes to do which you probably don’t know yet.
Alexis Crystal started as a young determined girl who would want to shine in the future by entertaining others. She did well to have some formal education and also education that comes with life. She believes rising through the ranks of life is the way to go and so she availed herself to lessons that life has to teach her. Alexis Crystal has a lot of life facts and to mention few, she is beautiful no doubt, she is determined, she is outgoing, she likes to engage with her followers and many others.
I know this question is very vital to true fans of Alexis Crystal. Well, same here with me. The first time I watched her perform, I was trilled and the same question how tall is Alexis Crystal came on my mind so I quickly had to do some checks and her weight and height I found she was 110 lbs (50 kg) and 5 ft 7 in (170 cm) respectively.
With the way she turns and acts, making her videos look very vibrant and tempts you to watch more that you anticipated to watch. It probably will keep you wondering, how old is Alexis Crystal? is she still young or old? Well, her age as per her profile on PH, she was born on 1st January, 1993. Which makes her now 28 of age. And in-case if you would want to know if her zodiac sign matches with yours, her zodiac sign is Capricorn.
She is someone that likes to have fun by being around friends, filling her social media profile with amazing photos, watching movies and more.
When it comes to finding celebrities social media accounts, it’s a real challenge and finding Alexis Crystal account is no exception. I know this question might come up so I took it upon myself to find out if Alexis Crystal has any social media account not. Look at the below table to see the social media account names and those she does not have an account on it at all.
Alexis Crystal resides in Czech Republic. Hence, she is believed to be Czech Republican.
A lot of celebrities often have their relationship status hidden from the public. With a few search I conducted it was obvious that Alexis Crystal relationship status is “Single”. Our search is still ongoing to find out about any future update.
Alexis Crystal is quiet a wealthy. per the estimation we have made, even though her real net wort cannot be seen in the public domain. We estimate that she can be within the range of $990,000 to $1100,000.
Alexis Crystal always give out her best to entertain you. I know the support you have for her is the most reason why you are here to view the biography, wiki, age, net wort, height, Husband and weight of Alexis Crystal at this moment and the only thing she also needs from you is keep supporting her to reach the maximum height she would want to reach. Your support will motivate her to do more of what she does and probably spice it more.

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The since quite a while ago haired shocker initially started performing in unequivocal bad-to-the-bone charge at age eighteen in 2011. Among the remarkable organizations, Alexis has shown up in X-evaluated highlights for are Private, Mile High, Eromaxx Films, Diablo Productions, and Video Art Holland. Besides, Crystal has additionally worked for such grown-up sites as Reality Kings, 21 Sextury, Nubile Films, and 21 Naturals.

Alexis Crystal deos not have an Instagram account.

Flawless and flexible 5’5″ strawberry blonde Alexis Crystal was conceived on January 1, 1993, in the Czech Republic.

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Check out our interview with the famous Czech pornstar.
Alexis Crystal is a name that needs no introduction in most cases. One of the most famous Czech porn actresses has been active in this industry for almost 10 years and she's managed to build a very successful career during that time. In this interview, we've discussed why is Czech Republic such a driving force in porn, what's the connection with drugs in this industry and also about her private life.
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You started filming when you were 18. That's quite early, right?
It's the legal age for shooting, so it is early. U need a signed contract for every filming and you also gotta provide a proof of identity to confirm you really are 18 years old. Distributing content with underage girls automatically classifies as selling child pornography. 
I know I felt awful right after that scene. I wondered what I had done.
I got into it by a complete accident. The situation at home wasn't ideal, so I had to get out of the house. It wasn't entirely out of my own will. I was still in school and I had to take care of my own self. I had nobody who could help me financially.  
So I lived with a friend. I was looking for a job, so I can contribute to rent, but it wasn't easy to find while I was still studying. I didn't live in Prague, but I studied there, so the commute took some time as well. I found an ad for a nude photoshoot, so I decided to give it a try. 
However, the nude photoshoot turned out to be an audition for porn. They gave me a questionnaire with standard questions about height and weight. There was also a multiple choice question "what do you do?" with answers such as "sandwich", so I'm looking at it, thinking what could that possibly be. In the brackets, it said "boy-girl-boy". First I said I won't do any pictures or videos with a boy. The photographer there said there's zero opportunities for solo stuff and that it would be better with a boy, but I refused. 
So I've left and I was looking for something else for two weeks. But I couldn't find anything and it didn't feel right at the friends place, because he expected certain things from me and I didn't want to live there. Looking back at it, it might have been the worst time of my life. Two weeks later they've contacted me, offering me a scene with a boy and I didn't know what to do anymore. 
They said I'd get 300 EUR cash right after the shoot, which seemed unreal to me at the time. So I gave in, came there and filmed my first scene. I don't even remember what went on in my head, it was more than 9 years ago. But I know I felt awful right after that scene. I wondered what I had done. 
Aleš from Czech Casting said in a recent interview that a lot of the girls only realize what had happened after leaving the room 
Most definitely. And not just in porn, it probably applies for other people as well, only really realizing what they had done in retrospect. Not only in filming, it's also generally like that with a lot of the mistakes you make in life. You realize you've f*cked something up after it actually happens. I've questioned myself, how could I have done something like that.
Would you change your decision now?
Not anymore, I started to really like the job over the years. It's just work to me, for a lot of people it isn't like that. At the moment, I'd say I don't regret anything, but that's because I'm feeling good by now and I am happy with my life in general. In the future, once I get another job or start a family, I may say that I never should have done it, but right now I'm feeling great. I'm really enjoying my life. 
The lifespan of an actress is different in each case, but if I should make an average, it's realistic to be active in filming for about 4 years. But there's a lot of aspects to it. 
One of our producers has calculated that you've made about 470 films in those 9 years, which yearly comes up to about 50. 
That's nothing, I have done a lot more. But there's a difference between film and a scene. Films are released on DVDs and they're complete pieces including comedy, which is the buildup around the scenes, for it to make sense. There might be 5 scenes in the film. Individual scenes are something else. Czech Casting, for example, is not film. Those are scenes. I've definitely done more than a thousand of those. 
Příspěvek sdílený Alexis Crystal (@realalexiscrystal), Úno 10, 2020 v 9:23 PST
Do you think that Czech Republic is a driving force in porn because it's in the center of Europe? 
Very interesting question. It must be rooted in history, because porn has a tradition here. Prague is currently doing well, cause we've got loads of gorgeous girls, productions that are based here, wonderful locations that are comparable to Paris, but way cheaper, so a lot of foreign productions like to come shoot here. I know about this one production that rented a whole castle with 30 rooms for a million.  
I'm doing 10 to 25 shooting days in a month. But 25 is extreme. That only happens about once a year. 
Yeah, I've played Princess Leia in Star Wars. A lot of people are telling me I kinda look like her.  
How long is it common to stay active?
The lifespan of an actress is different in each case, but if I should make an average, it's realistic to be active in filming for about 4 years. But there's a lot of aspects to it. Some girls find a boyfriend and don't want to keep doing it. As I'm saying, the lifespan is usually not very long. The girls come and go. Some have a long career, though. They build a name, start making their own content, start their own page, build their own production or modeling agency. You gotta have the ambition to do something. Shooting scenes is one thing, but to have your own production is a whole another story. It's a lot of trouble, you gotta really stick with it and be willing to work hard on it. 
Would you like to continue in this direction yourself?
I'm already making my own content, but I don't think I'd like to start my own production. 
If you would live on a budget, could you make all the money by the time you're 30 and then just chill?
If I wouldn't splurge after 30, then probably yes. 
I must have about 100 sets of lingerie.
How many scenes can you do monthly?
I'm doing 10 to 25 shooting days in a month. But 25 is extreme. That only happens about once a year that things pile up into one month. I can be really ecstatic when the last day arrives and some time off is coming up. I don't even have to do anything. All I need is to get up at 11, work out, eat with friends, go home, chill with some Netflix series in the evening and I'm good. Because during those 25 days, all I do is rearrange my suitcase and exchange garments over and over. Then I'm happy to just go to the gym, work out in peace, have some food and I'm perfectly happy. Those 25 days are extreme.  
So the clothes you wear are yours? Aren't there stylists on set? 
Everything is mine. Some productions do have stylists, but they rarely have clothes. The productions that have their own studio for shooting usually have some attire there, but I usually get a text that includes the address and what I should bring to wear. If they want something really specific, like latex or Snoopy pants, I'd just say I ain't got that. But I do have a lingerie fetish. Not that it arouses me, but I just love shopping for it. Last time I checked, I had 68 matching sets of bras and panties, but I've bought at least 20 more since then. So I must have about 100 sets of lingerie.  
It's probably not a cheap hobby, right?
If I had to guess, it could be around €4000 or €5000. But I've been collecting it for quite some time. I buy one set, use it for a shoot and then I forget about it and take the one I've bought later. Sometimes I notice that some of them still have price tags on, I've never actually worn them. 
Do you enjoy matching your underwear in real life as well, or is the shopping part most of the fun for you?
No, no, I never wear a bra. Basically, not at all. I can't remember when was the last time I've worn a bra
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