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”I probably had porn menus pop up 500 times on my phone,“ says InfoWars chief who was adamant that he wasn’t looking at it on air
Alex Jones took a moment on his show this week to address the images of trans porn that were spotted on his phone during a live broadcast of InfoWars.
“I saw a couple of news articles about that, it’s ridiculous. I was like looking up some reporter we’re trying to hire today and punched in some number and porn popped up on my phone. Everybody has had porn pop-up on their phone hundreds of times,” Jones explained to a caller on Tuesday.
“I probably had porn menus pop up 500 times on my phone,” he added. “There’s two types of people: People who look at porn and people who lie about it. But I wasn’t looking at porn on my phone. I don’t take phones on air that I look at porn on.”
Despite being banned from YouTube and Facebook, professional InfoWars watchers continue to monitor Jones and the moment did not escape them.
So @RealAlexJones had trans porn on his phone. More proof @TeamYouTube hates the LGBT community.
— KEEM ???? (@KEEMSTAR) August 25, 2018
Transgender-themed pornography being among the “500” such porn websites that Jones says regularly pop up on his phone is surprising, given Jones’ frequent criticism of the trans community. Before he was banned from YouTube, he received a community strike from the website over a video that showed him threatening a transgender person, according to NBC .
Jones has a broad dislike of men wearing traditionally female clothing as evidenced by one of his more memorable meltdowns last year after he learned about a program in California where drag queens read to children.
“They dress up like space aliens all over the United States of America and all over the world,” Jones said in a fury. “In horrible demon psychopath outfits that make Pennywise look beautiful. And they show up and they have their way with children, in demon outfits. I mean, if you’ve got men that look like 400-pound goblin demons with your children, there’s nothing you won’t put up with.”
Maybe you'd never heard of right-wing provocateur Mike Cernovich before last week, when he helped get James Gunn fired from the next "Guardians of the Galaxy" film by highlighting Gunn's old Twitter jokes about rape and pedophilia. But Cernovich himself has a long history online, filled with both successes and statements he has since distanced himself from -- for reasons that will be obvious. 
Before gaining fame as a Trump superfan, Cernovich got his start in the men's rights and pick-up artist community. His advice column, published on his blog "Danger and Play," included suggestions on the proper way to "choke" women during sex. This entry from December 2011 has since been deleted: "Choking works because it’s a show of dominance. Women only want to have consensual sex with men they know could rape them."
Cernovich first came to wide public attention over his promotion of a conspiracy theory during the 2016 election that suggested that a pedophile ring was being run out of the basement of a Washington, D.C. pizzeria. The story was bunk, and Cernovich has moved to distance himself from Pizzagate.
Cernovich's biggest score of all probably wasn't James Gunn, but John Conyers. A tip provided by Cernovich to BuzzFeed about accusations of sexual misconduct forced the Democrat to resign his seat in disgrace in December 2017. 
Mike Cernovich targeted the MSNBC contributor over a years-old joke about his daughter being raped. MSNBC dropped Seder in December 2017, but reinstated him after a public backlash.
Cernovich went after New York Times reporter Sopan Deb in March 2017 over a tweeted pun about the rapper Bow Wow. The incident earned Deb an official rebuke from the Times' then-public editor, Liz Spayd.
In November 2017, Cernovich demanded an apology from Josh Barro after the Business Insider Senior Editor made fun of his lisp. Barro swiftly retreated . 
In June 2018, Los Angeles Times freelancer Perry Fein slipped into Cernovich's DMs and wished harm upon him . His relationship with the newspaper was over just hours later. 
Last week, Cernovich helped lead an online campaign highlighting old tweets in which Gunn joked about rape about pedophilia. Gunn offered an apology, but was dropped by Disney from the "Guardians of the Galaxy" franchise. 
Before the James Gunn situation, Cernovich also led a brief and successful campaign to pressure USA Today to drop columnist Cheri Jacobus . The decision from the paper came after Jacobus' bizarre comments about convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.
Cernovich has trained his fire on comedian Michael Ian Black, who has said several times on Twitter that his tweets about pedophilia were only jokes.
Fresh off his victory in ousting Gunn from "Guardians of the Galaxy," Cernovich forced "Rick and Morty" co-creator Dan Harmon and his employers at Adult Swim to apologize over an old sketch that featured Harmon graphically simulating the rape of a baby. (The sketch used a doll, not an actual baby.)
The right-wing provocateur has become a thorn to liberals online
Maybe you'd never heard of right-wing provocateur Mike Cernovich before last week, when he helped get James Gunn fired from the next "Guardians of the Galaxy" film by highlighting Gunn's old Twitter jokes about rape and pedophilia. But Cernovich himself has a long history online, filled with both successes and statements he has since distanced himself from -- for reasons that will be obvious. 
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