Alex Hawk Asstr

Alex Hawk Asstr


Alex Hawk Asstr

Courier New
Lucida Sans
Gill Sans

A young boy moves to Nebraska and is totally bored until he makes friends with an attractive girl who lives down the road.

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I really liked this story ... the parents sure handlded it well ... its a SWEET story and just in time for VALENTINES DAY ...
Aww, I loved it. I'm fond of teen stories, and this was no exception--in fact, it was one of the best. Keep on writing!

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I was sitting outside on the patio feeling depressed and lonely. I was twelve-years-old and had just moved with my family from Seattle down to Nebraska. We were out in some farming community in the middle of nowhere with a population of about a hundred. It was too hot, too dry and too boring. We'd only been here two days and I was already desperate to leave. If I were stuck here too much longer, I'd probably explode.
As I sat there looking out at the world a girl rode by on her bicycle. She looked at me as she passed and then turned around She rode back my way and stopped in front of my house, sitting there on her bike and looking at me.
After a couple moments of silence I said, "What?"
"Aren't you supposed to say hello when you meet someone new?" she asked.
"You're the one who rode up to me. Aren't you supposed to say hello first?"
The girl shrugged. "Maybe." She scooted forward with the bike and held out her hand. "I'm Kylie."
"I'm Vincent," I said, shaking hands with her. I looked her over as I did so. She was pretty cute. Not great, but cute. I'd only just recently discovered masturbation and started getting interested in girls, but I was still a total virgin.
"Go get it. We can go for a ride together."
I went into the garage and got out my bike. I rode over to Kylie. "Ok, I'm ready."
"Good. Follow me." She started pedaling. I followed after her.
"I thought I'd kind of show you around," she replied.
We rode around talking with each other as she showed me places. I learned that she was twelve, just like me, and was going to the same school I'd be attending in a couple weeks. She was really smart and really nice, which was cool. I wondered if she had a boyfriend.
Finally we came to a stop at a 7-11. She went in and bought a couple candy bars, coming out and giving me one of them.
"Thanks," I said, tearing into it. I hadn't had chocolate in a while.
"So what all do you do for fun around here? I haven't seen that many kids our age."
"There aren't that many. Most everyone seems to be older or younger. There used to be a couple boys who lived in your place, but they moved away, of course."
"Lots of things," she said with a little shrug. "We watched movies, rode our bikes, played video games, fucked, went swimming, went out fishing, stuff like that."
I nodded and then sopped, feeling puzzled. "Wait. You... you guys... fucked?" I blushed a little saying the word in front of a girl.
"Like really for real?" I asked, still stunned.
Kylie rolled her eyes. "Are you always this stupid? Yes, really for real. Like they had their dicks in my pussy."
"Oh," I said weakly, my penis stiffening up. I leaned forward a little to hide it.
Kylie shrugged again. "It's not like it's a big deal. There's not much to do out here, like I said."
"It's fun," she said simply and then looked over at me. "What, haven't you done it before?"
"No, I haven't," I said, feeling a little uncomfortable.
"Ross was thirteen and Brian was fifteen."
We kept riding, and I really wanted to ask her more about having sex, but she started talking about something else. By the time we were done talking and riding it was dark. We went back to my house and stood there near the porch saying goodnight.
"I had fun riding around today," I said to her.
"Bye," I said, watching as she rode off.
I went back into the house after parking my bike in the garage. I had to sit down and talk with my parents about my day and theirs. They were happy that I'd made a new friend. I was happy, too, and promptly jetted upstairs where I jerked off three times before I fell asleep, each time thinking about Kylie being fucked.
I was awakened at a little after nine to the sound of someone knocking at my window. I pulled open the curtain a touch and saw Kylie standing there. She waved at me and said, "Open the window!"
Still under the blanket I opened up the window. Kylie then surprised me by pushing it all the way open and crawling inside, flopping down onto my bed. I pulled the blanket up a little more, acutely aware of the fact that I was naked under it.
"You got your bed the same place Ross had his."
"Yeah. I used to sneak in through his window at night sometimes and we'd fuck."
"Yep." She stood up and looked around. "Your stuff is nicer than his, though."
"So anyhow... you wanna go out riding again?"
Kylie just stood there. Finally I said, "Uh... I need to get dressed."
"So... maybe you should leave the room so I can get some clothes on?"
"Because I'm naked?" I was experiencing an odd sense of deja vu.
"It's not like I haven't seen naked boys before," Kylie said.
"Yeah, but..." I trailed off helplessly.
Kylie said, "Will it help you if I let you see me naked?"
"What?" I asked after a few seconds.
Kylie started undressing before my startled eyes. She tossed her shirt aside, pulled off her shorts and then removed her bra and panties as was now standing naked in my bedroom. She looked really, really hot. Her breasts were just starting to grow and she didn't have any hair between her legs yet. I knew girls grew some, though, from pics I'd seen before. All I could see with Kylie was a small slit. If I hadn't already been rock-hard, this would have done it.
"Right," I said, clearing my throat.
"I've just never been naked in front of a girl before," I managed to say.
"Oh, it's no big deal." Kylie marched over and before I could stop her, she quickly grabbed hold of the blanket and yanked it off me, leaving my naked body exposed.
I squawked and covered my penis with my hands. "Hey!"
"Oh, no, no," Kylie said, sitting on my legs and grabbing at my hands. "Come on, let me see it!"
"If you let me see your dick, I'll let you stick it in my pussy."
This distraction caused my hands to relax just enough for Kylie to pull them apart, exposing my very hard, still hairless, penis.
"There, see? That's not so bad." She looked down at it. "Pretty nice, too."
"Thanks," I mumbled, feeling myself blush.
Kylie took my penis in her hand and started stroking it, moving almost exactly like how I did when I masturbated. "Real nice."
"Ah... thank you..." I whispered, the pleasure flooding through my body.
"Yeah..." I was afraid to move, not knowing what she had planned, but desperately hoping.
Kylie scooted forward a little bit. She lifted herself up and I felt the tip of my erection brush against something. Then she lowered herself down and I watched, eyes wide, as Kylie's hairless twelve-year-old vagina slid slowly down around my hard twelve-year-old virgin penis.
"There," she said in a quiet tone as she settled herself down over me. "Now you're not a virgin anymore."
"Oh, god..." I could barely think. My mind was totally overwhelmed.
"What do you think?" Kylie asked, raising herself up a little and then lowering back down.
"It's incredible," I whispered. I couldn't believe I was doing this. I was actually getting laid! I could feel the warm, wet, wonderful textured tightness of Kylie's vagina caressing my young penis as she moved up and down on me. It was the most wonderful thing I'd ever experienced.
"God, I needed this," Kylie whispered. "I haven't been laid since Ross and Brian moved away..."
"Glad I could help..." I mumbled, lost in pleasure.
Kylie began grinding her pelvis against me and I started almost instinctively thrusting up into her, savoring the sensation of her vagina around my penis. I knew sex would be wonderful, every boy knows that, but I had no idea how wonderful.
Just as I was starting to near my orgasm, Kylie stopped moving and looked down at me, a fine sheen of sweat on her naked body.
"You wanna try being on top for a bit?"
Kylie got off me, a little bit of cold hitting my penis as it left her warm vagina. She lay down on my bed next to me, gave me a kiss on the cheek and spread her legs wide. "Get between my legs and see if you can get it in."
I got on top of Kylie, looking down at her vagina. I saw what looked like a small opening and pushed myself against it, feeling a surge of pleasure and victory as my penis was almost sucked back into her slit. I lowered myself down onto Kylie's naked body, feeling her breasts against my chest.
"Good," she whispered. "Very good..." I felt her hands settle on my bare butt. "Now start moving, but be careful not to slip out."
"Alright," I whispered in return and started fucking slowly. It was really hard at first. I had no idea what the hell I was doing. But I just kept doing what felt good and it seemed to be working. I tried to keep myself as deep inside her as I could, making sure I wasn't going to slip out.
"Wonderful, Vincent... you're doing so good... it feels so good..." Kylie whispered, holding tight onto my ass as we fucked.
I had buried my face in Kylie's shoulder and was quickly losing control of my body. I started making short, sharp, rabbit-like thrusts into her, plunging my young erection in and out and in and out of her liquid warmth. Then my whole body started shaking as the orgasm took hold, and my penis started pulsing inside her vagina, my sperm shooting into her waiting body.
My thrusts began to slow, and eventually stopped entirely. I continued to lay there on top of Kylie, breathing hard, my mind swimming with what I'd just done. My penis was still hard and still inside her vagina, and I never, ever wanted to take it out of her.
Kylie ran a hand through my hair. "You did really good."
Saddened at having to pull out of Kylie, I got off her, watching my penis slide out from inside her vagina. It was covered with a film of wetness, but otherwise didn't look any different from how it did yesterday. I was kind of disappointed. It didn't seem right that it should look the same after I just got laid.
"Is anyone else home?" Kylie asked, sitting up.
"Ok. Be right back." She got off my bed and walked out into the hall, still naked.
For my part I laid back on the bed, feeling very happy. I was only twelve and I'd just fucked my first girl! All my friends back in Seattle would be soooo jealous! I began idly masturbating while I remembered how fantastic her vagina had been.
"Ha. Typical boy," Kylie said, walking back into the room. I started and almost covered up, but then I thought why bother?
"What do you mean?" I asked, continuing to masturbate while I looked at her body.
"You just got laid and already you're horny again."
"Yeah, well," I mumbled, blushing a little. "Can we do it again?" I asked a little shyly.
Kylie laughed. "Typical boy!" she said again. "Not right now. Right now, we're going to go for a bike ride."
"Oh." I was disappointed. "But we can do it again sometime, right?" I persisted.
"Now get dressed," Kylie said, putting her own clothes on.
Fifteen minutes later, after we'd each had a bowl of cereal, we were on our bikes, riding along the narrow street and talking to each other. It was weird. I'd just gotten laid. I'd lost my virginity to this cute girl. But we weren't talking about sex or anything. We were just talking about... stuff. Our favorite music and video games, what kind of foods we liked, etcetera. It was nice and relaxing.
Soon we rounded a small hill and came across a little patch of trees around a small pond. Kylie slowed her bike and then stopped, getting off it. I followed suit.
I rolled my eyes. "I know THAT. Does it have a name or anything?"
"Not really. It's just a nice place to swim."
Kylie started undressing and once she was naked waded out into the water. "Come on, Vincent! It's really nice in here!"
Kylie gave me a look. "You just fucked me about an hour ago. What are you worried about?"
"Good point." Still feeling a little shy I worked my way out of my clothes and, forcing myself not to cover my erection, joined Kylie in the water.
"This is cool," I said, paddling around a little. "I've never gone skinny-dipping before."
The two of us splashed around for a little bit. I don't know how long, but it was fun. After a while, though, Kylie seemed to tire of it. She got out of the water and pulled out a small blanket that she laid down on the ground, spreading it out.
I got out of the water and joined her as she lay down. We both relaxed and lay there enjoying the sun on our naked bodies.
I blinked at how abrupt she was. "Uh... sure!"
"Cool." She got up on all fours and said, "Let's do it doggie-style."
I got up on my knees, dimly aware how this was supposed to work. I moved in behind her and looked around, still not entirely sure what I was supposed to do.
Kylie reached back and pulled her buttocks apart. "See the spot?" she said, touching it with her finger.
I moved close, the tip of my penis brushing against the hole. I pushed and felt myself slide into her vagina. It took some effort to steady myself, but soon I was thrusting slowly, enjoying the feelings not only around my penis but also of her body smacking against my hips as we fucked.
I closed my eyes, feeling myself entirely at peace. I could hear the hum of insects, and the chirp of birds. The sun was shining on my naked body, my penis was in a happy place and I was very content. It was the most perfect moment in my entire life. Nebraska was boring as hell, but obviously it had some good points.
"This is really nice," Kylie said quietly.
"Uh..." I stopped thrusting and simply held myself against her, penis as deep as I could get it. "Maybe. Why?"
Kylie moved forward and I slid out of her. She rolled onto her back and I got on top, this time not even needing to look as I pushed my penis back into her vagina. I began fucking her slowly again, looking into her eyes as I did so.
"You look... really beautiful..." I whispered.
Kylie grinned. "Of course you do. All boys do."
"Yeah..." I smiled at her. "Can I kiss you?"
I moved my mouth down, stopping with my thrusts as I kissed Kylie for the first time. It was very sweet and nice. Eventually I felt her mouth open and her tongue pushing against mine. So this was French kissing, I thought as I started screwing her again.
Soon enough I neared my orgasm. It wasn't a big deal, really, when I came. I mean, it felt really great to cum inside a girl again, and it was very cool feeling my sperm shooting into her, but it wasn't that important somehow. Just the act of having sex with her was more meaningful. Like it was the journey that mattered and not the destination.
When I was done cumming I pulled out and we lay next to each other holding hands. It was another wonderful, sweet moment in a whole day of wonderful, sweet moments. I couldn't ever remember being happier than I was now.
"That was a lot of fun, Kylie," I said to her, giving her a little kiss.
"Thanks," she said, kissing me back. "I liked it to."
"So... does this mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend now?"
Kylie shook her head. "I don't think so. I mean, I had sex with Ross and Brian all the time and I never thought of myself as their girlfriend. We're just friends who have sex, you know?"
I nodded. "Ok. I can live with that."
Kylie looked thoughtful for a bit. "Well... it feels really nice, is all I can say, really. I mean, I like feeling a boy's body on top of me. You know, just having our skin touching all over?" I nodded in response, having already noticed that myself. "But when your penis is inside me... I don't know if I can describe it, but it feels wonderful having a boy in me like that."
"What's it feel like for you, Vincent?" Kylie asked, turning onto her side to look at me.
"Very warm and wet and tight around my penis. Just... really great," I said with a little grin. "I can't imagine anything feeling better."
"Huh... I wish I could turn into a boy and see what it's like."
"I wish I could turn into a girl to see what it's like."
In an ideal world, we would have both suddenly switched bodies. But we lived in reality, so nothing happened.
"You wanna fuck again?" Kylie asked me after a bit.
Over the next couple hours Kylie and I had sex three times. That made five times total, I thought to myself as I rode my bike home with her. I wondered if I'd ever lose count. On the one hand, I hoped not because I desperately wanted to know how many times we were Doing It. On the other hand, I knew that if I lost count it would be because we'd Done It like a thousand times and THAT would be sweet!
When we got back to my place it was getting pretty late in the afternoon. I got off my bike and walked it up to the front door, Kylie trailing behind.
"I had a really good time today," I said, feeling a little shy.
"You wanna meet up again tomorrow?" I asked, hopefully.
Kylie snorted. "What do you think?"
Kylie gave me a very tender hug and a kiss on the cheek and then rode off. I walked into the garage, parked my bike and spent the rest of the day with a really stupid grin plastered across my happy young face.
Most of the rest of the week passed in kind of a happy, sexual blur for me. Every morning I'd wake up to Kylie knocking on the window, I'd let her in, we'd fuck in my bed, eat breakfast, fuck again, go to the pond, swim, fuck, eat something, fuck, ride our bikes for a little, fuck and then I'd go home. I quickly lost track of how many times we'd had sex, and was very pleased to do so.
And of course I made sure to send emails back to all my friends in Seattle, bragging about all the sex I was having. I don't know if they really believed me or not, but that was ok.
One night my parents had let Kylie join us for dinner. They really liked her, which was nice. We'd even gone up to my bedroom after dinner. My parents made us keep the door open, but we still had a very quick fuck while they were watching TV.
Life was incredibly sweet for me right now!
Late one Sunday night I was sleeping and heard a faint tapping on my window. I woke up and looked at the clock. It was just before midnight. I opened the window. Kylie was standing there with a sad smile on her face.
I opened the window up. "What are you doing here?" I hissed.
"I got into a fight with my dad. He was drinking again."
"Oh." I'd learned over the last few days that her father was a raging drunk. "I'm sorry."
"He tried to hit me a couple times," she said, starting to cry a little. "He missed, though and I ran away."
I hesitated for only an instant. She was a friend of mine and I couldn't turn her away. But she was a girl and I knew my parents would be pissed. But I couldn't send her back to her dad.
I opened the window th
Naked Teen Boys
Voluptuous Blonde
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