Alec Leamus Magic Box

Alec Leamus Magic Box


Alec Leamus Magic Box
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Inside Criterion /
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Jan 13, 2020

Inside Criterion /
Sneak Peeks

Dec 13, 2019

Inside Criterion /
Sneak Peeks

Dec 6, 2019

Inside Criterion /
Sneak Peeks

Dec 3, 2019

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N ovelist John Le Carré created one of literature’s most fascinating characters in Alec Leamas , The Spy Who Came in from the Cold ’s main heavy, who is on a final, fateful mission in East Germany. In Martin Ritt’s movie version, now out on Criterion Blu-ray and DVD, Richard Burton embodies Leamas with a morbid gravitas for the ages. In the following short excerpt from an exclusive, exceptionally wide-ranging interview with Le Carré, recorded for Criterion in 2008, he talks about his inspiration for the rueful Leamas. Then watch a clip from the film, in which Burton brilliantly elucidates his character’s philosophy—or rather lack thereof.
Filmmaker and distributor Michael Schlesinger and critic Michael Sragow dive into the pleasures of Holiday, a romantic-comedy classic that has long stood in the shadow of The Philadelphia Story but has a poignancy all its own.
From search engines to all-engrossing handheld devices, the technologies that the German director conjured for his 1991 opus Until the End of the World are now common features of contemporary life.
The veteran cinematographer takes a close look at the highly stylized and atmospheric lighting in one of the most pivotal scenes in pre-Code classic The Story of Temple Drake.
One of the most celebrated Hollywood writer-directors of his time, Joseph L. Mankiewicz offers a window into the way he sees his characters in this illuminating clip from an archival interview.
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A header image that really encapsulates the type of stories at Beyond The Magic Box that transform business women to schoolgirls etc.

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I know this comic has been posted here before; but I wanted it posted here as part of this collection.

This is my very first commission from BoJay. Years prior to this I wrote him a letter asking if he would be interested in creating a special comic for me. This was based on what I had seen of his works in DPF. I used to wait impatiently for the new DPF newsletter. When it arrived I immediately flipped to the comic section. In the beginning I was treated to such comics as: Ideal Playmate, Skirmish in Infantile Space, Curious Concoction and a host of others. All of these comics depicted male age regression with a young beautiful female adopting a motherly role. At the time this fed into many of my fantasies.

Years later Bojay remembered that he did receive a letter from a fan but was too shy about answering. In those days he had no thoughts of commissions. The idea of connecting with another live person concerning this unusual interest was a daunting idea.

Later, after discovering the AR Archive and realizing that a personal commission was a possible reality I contacted his liaison, DonnyG.

The magic dice game is based in part on a variation of a game I used to play with my wife. The idea of random numbers controlling one's age was exciting. We would often employ a number of dice into our role playing which would be rolled and determine our ages. And of course, spanking was also a usual scenario. So when I was deciding on plot for the comic this seemed like a good place to start.

Unusually I requested that BoJay utilize our real life images to create the characters. This was not something that he normally did but after receiving my photos he went after it with gusto. Notably this is also the beginnings of the character Rita which continues to appear in my commissions.

In most panels I think he captured her likeness. However, where I am concerned, I think I look like Bud Abbott in the early panels. The third character is Chloe Jones. I had a real thing for her during that time. And the idea of Chloe Jones spanking my regressed wife over her knee was delightful.

When the comic was done I made another bold request. Instead of having my commission mailed to me (which was the standard practice) I asked to meet BoJay personally and receive my work from his own hands. DonnyG passed along my request to BoJay and whether it be fate (or whatever you choose to call it) something conspired to join us together because BoJay agreed.
He later confessed that he never ever met with clients. I was the first.

We met in a crowded L.A. restaurant. I don't even remember which one. I think it was a hamburger place in Burbank but I am not sure.

The meeting was very pleasant. We got along wonderfully and talked about our various interests. But what made it amazing was that BoJay brought everything. Not only did he bring my commission which I took from with trembling hands but he brought the sketches too. The rough work that helped to create my commission. He also brought huge files in a manila folder full of other sketches of completed and incomplete works. I sat and devoured page after page of beautiful art. None of it I had ever seen before. I was overwhelmed to say the least.

I suppose it was a sense of sharing a common interest. In a fetish that is often misunderstood how wonderful to be able to sit and chat with another person about your particular thoughts.

Further, at that time, prior to the explosion of the internet, how often was BoJay able to share his work another person? In addition, with another person live? Artists crave praise and attention and this was exactly what I gave him as I paged through drawing after drawing of brilliance.

We parted and agreed to meet again. And, we did as is evidenced by the tremendous collection of works posted all across the net. Thank you for reading. Enjoy!

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Dear Community, Does any one have any of my past photo story captions from the old Beyond The Magic Box site or Magic Box site? They would have _title_s like: My Crazy Dream The Magic Box Corporate Downsizing Marilyn's Quick Change Singles Undercover School Girl etc. If you do please email them to me at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
I will reward you. Thank you. And if you haven't checked out my story site go here:

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Have you tried using webarchive? :]

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