Aku Doing Squats

Aku Doing Squats


Aku Doing Squats
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Which would you choose for getting fit through cross country Rucking/Tab’ing before joining?
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Don't bother much with rucking/tabbing before joining. Its meant to be progressive and the PTI's of every branch know best how to do that.
Once you're in though, if you can choose what type of pair stores will issue you, go Altbergs imo. AKU is more comfrotable for when you're on camp but I found them a pain in the arse to clean after coming back from the field compared to Altbergs in which I couldn't notice a comfot difference.
Thanks Ligma. With the Tab’ing I’ve been progressing very slowly - 2.5 kilos extra only after 4 weeks. I do 4 miles every morning and I’m on 10kg now. Is that still a bad idea? Cheers
I really wouldn’t bother tabbing before you go, just focus on strength training and running, you’ll be fine, everyone starts at 0 with tabbing so you won’t be behind.
If you want to you could probably do so hill walking which would be good training and make sure your doing heavy squats in the gym. Both of those will be infinitely more useful to you.
Cheers Harrier. With the weights I do squats, deadlifts & sled pushing & pulling.
I do weighted pull ups, barbell rows, harder push up variations & military presses. Usually 3 to 5 reps. I naturally have loads of endurance but I’m not that strong so I’ve been working on that.
If you hurt your knee preparing for the army, you've fucked yourself over.
If you hurt your knee in the army, you've still fucked yourself over but you'll be compensated because it was during service.
Do build up exercises in the gym for leg/core strength, give the PTis something to work with rather than something they need to build from the bottom up.
And I despise AKUs with a passion, Altbergs have gotten progressively worse in the last few years so probably won't be much better. See what you get, and go with what you like most.
Most in my section were issued both altbergs and AKUs -- former for field exercises, latter for tabbing and camp-based stuff. I'd personally agree both are good for the aforementioned reasons. I have flat feet and AKUs help loads on tabbing
Not sure if it's the same boots as in the navy but I have some alterbergs and they're great. Very comfy and easy to clean and polish. Solid boots imo.
If you're going regular, yeah just go fit and healthy.
If you're going reserve then yes you'll need to be doing your own training. AKU supposedly nicer in hot weather but I'd much rather be cleaning Altbergs.
Don't buy either. If you want to improve tabbing just get out with weight on and any footwear. MOD Brown boot are expensive and both will set you back £150-200 not worth it IMO. Likelihood is you'll have to wear issue boots in basic so any gains in breaking them in will be for nothing and AKUs are issued anyway. Just wait till you're in if you absolutely feel like the options available aren't up to it.
Looking at you other posts, consider cycling, low impact but the consistent lengthy physical sessions help with tabbing massively. Tabbing with boots and weight more than a couple of times a week can cause serious damage to knees, ankles and hips. Cycling gets most of the CV benefits without the pesky injuries.
If you absolutely must though: my preference is Altbergs, they're slightly higher and feel better but AKUs do wear like trainers but are Goretex and can make you sweat more than necessary its completely preference and what you're use to. I like the Altberg Sneakers personally but its been a few years since I owned a set.
I have both and still use the patrol boots . Much faster
Neither they’re both kinda expensive. Just get some solid normal shoes/boots that are appropriate
Anyone tried the newer AKU Pilgrim 2 yet? How good is the Goretex in them?
Altberg (Defender) for me are spot on comfy out of the box. Not had any wet feet despite not having a liner.
What’s with this calling it rucking bollocks?! It’s fucking tabbing. We’re British for fucks sake, fucking use British terms.
I thought rucking was the civvy term not a foreign term 😁
Tabbing has become a bit of a civi fitness fad in the states because of GoRuck and it’s starting to bleed over here.
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Rasanya dalam dua tiga hari ni memang penat giler la. Jadual aku sekarang, hujung minggu hari Sabtu pergi training basketball, tapi biasanya siang hari aku pergi gym dulu sebelum training. Ahad pulak ada training handball dan pada kebiasaanya training malam. Aku fed up gak kalau training malam ni sebab Isnin kelas aku pagi, so confirmlah dalam kelas aku ‘angguk-angguk geleng-geleng’ masa dengar lecture.
Hari Isnin lepas, aku pergi gym. Saje nak try program baru, Stronglifts 5×5 . Basically training ni nak bina kekuatan fizikal seluruh badan, so rutin dia semua tertumpu pada core muscles dan bukan spesific musle macam biceps & triceps sahaja. Benda yang paling penat nak buat confirm la squats tu. Disebabkan aku baru start dengan program ni, boleh la handle lagi berat yang kena angkat, tunggu 2-3 round lagi siaplah memang merana hamstring aku everytime lepas balik gym.
Habis tu semalam aku jadi terlebih rajin dan pergi gym lagi. Kalau nak ikut program ni, tak boleh pergi hari-hari. Seelokknya pergi selang 3 hari untuk kasi badan tu rehat dan bina balik otot-otot tu semua. Bangun pagi ni baru terasa penat dan sakit-sakit badan. Rasa nak pengsan pun ada gak tadi.
Minggu depan dah nak bertolak pergi Kursk games . Dalam kepala aku sekarang fikir pasal tu je. Nak gak bawa balik pingat seketul dua. Mungkin seketul kot, tapi kalau aku dapat 2, aku nak nazar la. Aku nak pakai pingat tu tiap-tiap hari selama seminggu. hahaha~
Beli rumah, invest MY/US equity, manage unit trust client, tukang kira duit syarikat dan simpan crypto on the side.

Pernah bekerja di beberapa MNC dari SG, CH & US dalam industri aviation sebelum Covid. M.Eng Moscow Aviation Institute, Russian Federation.

Currently pursuing Certified Financial Planner (CFP) qualification.
Good Luck Ariff..Mesti gempak ariff bersukan..
.-= Cerita terbaru eyriqazz.. Ikan Celup Tepung Pantai Batu Buruk, Kuala Terengganu =-.
kalau kau dapat pingat, tak pakai siap kau Ariff~
mesti pakai punya.. tapi kalau pingat plastik standard budak tadika, tak pakai la.
komfem taf ni..tiap2 ari g gym..huhu
.-= Cerita terbaru aizuddin.. Basic Pasal Nuffnang Yang Patut Anda Tahu =-.
Belum lagi taf. Tunggu setahun dua nanti boleh kot
slamat berpenat lelah
.-= Cerita terbaru joegrimjow.. macam ni la baru boleh maju beb! =-.
sesekali tu berehat seketika dgn kit kat!! :)
.-= Cerita terbaru tedi.. PenDaPaTan NuFFnanG : IanyA TiDak akaN DaTanG BerGoLek =-.
haha..dapat 2 ketul pingat betul2, terpisat2 g class pakai pingat tu..
.-= Cerita terbaru iyllienaz.. sunyi sepi bersama kek cawan =-.
hahahaha.. takpe2. dah lama pun tak dapat pingat. Tahun ni dapat ok gak
baguih aa ko. rajin ke gym…aku harap je beli kasut jogging segala benda, 2 minggu pertama je pakai.
lepas tu hampeh..
gym toksah cakap..tak penah melawat pun..haha
.-= Cerita terbaru FTN.. Jangan Lupa Tonton Lisa Surihani dalam Drama Adamaya di TV3, 6.30 petang nanti! =-.
bina badan kasi ketul2 yer…hehehe =p
nazar pelik2..sok kena kutuk..haha
work out jangan over do sudey..injured sok apa pon tak dapat
.-= Cerita terbaru Azizuan.. ACEF 2010 : Peluang Kerjaya Sebagai Akauntan =-.
GOod Luck Ariffshah… :D
.-= Cerita terbaru Dauspozi.. Rafiqin Darwisy Menang ABHPP 2010 =-.
bila dapat pingat jangan lupa nazar tu…
.-= Cerita terbaru aboi.. Youtube dah mula kurang ajar.. =-.
ngeh.Jaybee dah seminggu hujan. lame x work out.gyme jauh T_T. ala..mula2 lenguh la badan.lame2 biasa weh ….. aku dulu bagi badan sebulan baru bleh biasa nak work out hari2
.-= Cerita terbaru bukan kisah cinderella.. Putus fius bile Soalan Final Exam Keluar pasal FACEBOOK. =-.
selama ni memang pergi pun, tapi program baru nih lagi susah. Tu baru awal2 dah sakit2 badan. Program ni everytime buat, level kesusahan dia lagi meningkat
Ariff Shah Welcomes Saiful Nang to Moscow

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A NOTORIOUS muscle-obssessed "bogeyman" dubbed “Purple Aki” has been spotted squeezing a man’s bicep in Manchester city centre, only three years after a 10-year ban stopping him from doing it was lifted.
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Akinwale Arobieke, aka “Purple Aki”, has been spotted getting up to his old tricks again.
He was slapped with a 10-year ban in 2006 stopping him touching people’s muscles after he was released from prison for indecent assault and harassment.
The 6ft, 5in-tall bodybuilder from Liverpool is famous in the North West area for approaching young men in public places and harassing them to show off their physiques by doing exercise.
He also hangs around gyms or sports halls, asking people to do squats or measure muscles.
But he has been spotted again as Facebook page “Stockport Memes” posted a snap of Purple Aki feeling a man’s muscle at the tram stop in Manchester centre with the caption: “Purple Aki at it again in Piccadilly.”
People reacted with shock on social media, with one saying: “Got to love the commitment of the man.”
And another warned: “He’ll be coming for you next.”
Aki first became notorious in 1986 after the death of 16-year-old Gary Kelly, who was electrocuted on a railway line in Wirral, Merseyside, when he was allegedly running away from him.
The muscle obsessive was convicted of manslaughter in 1988, but the decision was later overturned after judges rules he’d not acted unlawfully.
He was also the subject of a BBC documentary called “The Man who squeezes muscles”.
Aki was described as a “modern-day bogeyman” and an “internet sensation”.
It is claimed parents would tell their children not to stay out after dark otherwise Aki would get them.
He was also the subject of graffiti, football banners referenced him and he has appeared on flags at Glastonbury.
In 2001, the bodybuilder pleaded not guilty to 50 indecent assault and harassment charges against more than a dozen teens between February 1995 and September 2000, but was convicted of threatening behaviour and banged-up for two-and-a-half years.
Just months after his release, he was charged with 15 counts of harassment and sexual assault following a massive investigation by Merseyside Police and given a six-year jail term after being branded a “danger to young men”.
It was after his latest release from jail in 2006 that Merseyside cops took the unusual decision of applying for the muscle-ban Sexual Offences Prevention order, despite the fact he’s never actually been convicted of a sex offence.
Continuing his creepy ways, he was arrested and jailed for 15 months in 2007 for approaching a man in a Preston shopping centre and commenting on and touching his biceps without permission.
But despite numerous convictions for breaching his order – including caressing a 16-year-old lad’s calf and quadricep muscles in 2010, Arobieke has accused Merseyside and Greater Manchester Police of a witch-hunt, saying he’s been arrested for loads of things he has not been convicted of.

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The AKU-94 was a bullpup conversion kit made for standard AK rifles by K-Var a while back. They were never particularly popular, probably because in stock form they weren’t particularly good. The sights are wobbly and mediocre, the triggers were awful, the magazine was a very tight fit, and the furniture seemed pretty cheesy. Here’s what they were supposed to look like:
In theory, they are sort of copying the short-lived Norinco 86S bullpup, but those were actually built from the ground up as bullpups, and a better design than this conversion.
A friend of mine recently took one of these AKU conversions as a project to see what he could fix, and made some pretty remarkable – and simple – improvements. With a better trigger and a good red dot optic, the AKU-94 really became a fairly nice gun, especially considering the cost relative to other bullpups. Of course, it will still knock your teeth out with the charging handle if fired left-handed, but hey, nothing’s perfect.
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Tactically and psychologically, bullpups generally suck.
Tactically, the inabiity of most bullpups to be safely fired off the left shoulder is a major handicap, especially in MOBUA and police use. For instance, the old British Army mnual for the L1 (FAL) rifle said regarding shooting around a left-hand corner, “transfer rifle to left shoulder and continue firing”. When the L86 Enfield bullpup replaced the L1, the instruction changed to, “Take two steps out from corner and maintain fire”. Somehow, I don’t see that ever being a viable tactic when the targets are busy shooting back at you.
The FN 2000 of course does not have this problem, because it uses an ejection method previously seen on a couple of tank MGs (ejection “tunnel” running parallel to bore, depositing empty cases in front). But what happens if you drop it in the mud? Like the P90, the 2000 seems better suited to cloak and dagger types with 007ish pretensions than actual combat.
The psychological side is a matter of physics. The bullpup has its chamber right under your ear. Cuddling something like 45,000 (7.62 x 39) to 62,500 (5.56 x 45) PSI up to your cheek is not exactly reassuring when you know that every bit of the “container” was built by the lowest bidder.
The one advantage to a bullpup in an intermediate caliber is that it is generally balanced well enough that in an emergency, it can be fired one-handed, from the hip, with the stock locked in to your side by your elbow, with some chance of hitting. This is roughly the same procedure as the older police method of “point shooting” with a handgun,as opposed to the more recent “shoulder point” method. (The police technique, which I learned many years ago, is mainly about weapon retention, BTW.)
This “body point” method comes in handy when you need you “off” hand for something else (like holding on to a strap, etc., to avoid falling out of the bird when leaving an LZ that has decided to become “hot”). Other than that, a two-hand hold is preferred.
The original intent of the bullpup was to allow a full-length barrel in a weapon short enough to be easily maneuvered in and out of a MICV. What this overlooks is that there’s a limit to how small you can make a MICV in interior volume and still fit in a reasonable percentage of an infantry section in full kit. The OAL of the rifle is not as important a factor as the OAL of the soldier using it in this respect. Even when sitting down inside.
In short, the bullpup combat rifle is an ingenious answer to a question no sensible person ever asked to begin with.
They have longer barrels for a shorter weapon though eon, which I thought was the reason for doing it i.e. a longer barrel is more accurate. Don’t know if it is, but… I’m British, and have had some experience with our SA80 and it is quite short but heavy. I met a SAS guy in Kenya and he had a Colt Commando painted green about a decade ago now, and it was quite an experience because it was so light and small in comparison to our rifles. It had a shorter barrel though, hmmm… We had a variant of the rifle designated as a light support weapon, I didn’t think much of it as a Lsw given it only had the same magazine capacity as the rifle and it was the same calibre but it was very accurate as a rifle and it had a longer barrel.
How would you make a bullpup ambidextrous? I know you could have a manual method of achieving this i.e. via swapping certain parts around like the Israeli Tabor, but a mechanism which facilitated this would be better.
I saw something on this website once which got me thinking about a potential method, it was the ejection system Japanese Type 97 the empties drop through the bolt. I am going to have a look at it again, on this Ak rifle the empties would fall out behind the magazine catch for example using a similar system tweaked to fit etc.
Actually they fall through the operating rod, but Ak’s have operating rods, turn it upside down. The bolt would need to travel further back, actually why bother moving the rod d’oh. Hmmm, think I was thinking about it in conjunction with a sort of An-94 system can’t remember, must be some way of doing it. And that would require the rounds to eject downwards I think…
I don’t really know much about how the An-94 works though, it lost me sort of a rack and pulley or something. Its offset magazine might help with ejecting rounds downwards from a bullpup in order to make it ambidextrous though, given in theory you may be able to put the ejection port next to it.
A longer barrel is not more accurate, per se, as long as it’s long enough to spin the bullet up to RPM (which need only be 5 cm /2 inches or so except for a really fast turn). What a longer barrel gives you (to a point) is more velocity, which means you are closer to your point of aim, vertically, over a longer trajectory. If a barrel is cut down, but crowned properly, it will be as accurate as the longer one, you’ll just have more drop (or to be even more annoyingly pedantic, a deeper parabolic
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