Akazukin To Mayoi No Mori

Akazukin To Mayoi No Mori


Akazukin To Mayoi No Mori
After Tiana is lost in the Forest of Hesitation she meets various people with all dark secrets. Her own past is also revealed and the curse of the forest has more to do with her than she ever could imagine. [From Yumii's Dream Factory ]
A young lady that came to live with Ookami-san after her stepmother discreetly chased her out. Although somewhat strong-willed and stubborn, at heart, she is emotionally honest, but sometimes struggles to express herself. In the forest, there a few that wish to "eat" her, for which she has mixed feelings about. For some reason, Tiana is the only one that can name herself and be named in the Lost Forest without adverse effect, even though every other resident will meet with misfortune if they do the same. [Taken from the official website ]
The fox that was apparently once Ookami-san's apprentice. Kitsune-san regards Ookami-san as a "man's man", and greatly admires him. After he left Ookami-san's home to live alone, he soon learns that Tiana moved in with him and sees her as annoyance. Simple and frank, he tends to believe everything somebody tells him. One day, he accidentally tells Tiana that she is his type, and begins to get flustered often. Secretly, he is interested in how Tiana "tastes". Currently, he works at Yamaneko-san's restaurant as a cook-in-training. His best dish is omelette. [Taken from the official website ]
You can meet him in the forest's "Grey Flower Field". Hidden behind a mask, you can't see his bare face, but his eyes reflect a certain sadness. Transparent, it's not possible to touch his body. Only Tiana and the Seven Dwarves are able to see Nightmare. Much like the other residents of the cursed Lost Forest, Nightmare's true name is a mystery, and was placed by the dwarves. [Taken from the official website ]
A wolf who let Tiana live with him after finding her wandering around the forest. Saying that the current Tiana is "not ready to eat", he decided to take care of her until she is "ripe". Even though that is what Ookami-san said, the truth is that he wants to "eat" Tiana straight away, and as a result, is quite touchy-feely with her. Calm, composed and somewhat frivolous, because of his strong sense of responsibility, Ookami-san is easy to rely on. According to Kitsune-san, Ookami-san is "a man among men; an alpha male". He doesn't get along with Yamaneko-san. Sometimes, he says things and acts in ways that implies he might have known Tiana before their first meeting... [Taken from the official website ]
A hunter that Tiana saved when he had problems with his traps. Ryoushi-san is taciturn, and doesn't talk about himself much. He makes his livelihood hunting in the Lost Forest, particularly hunting wolves. He calls himself "an old man" and Tiana "a young lady". He has a hidden home in the forest, and doesn't leave until his wounds heal. He tells her of a past incident where a villager was killed by a wolf... but which wolf? [Taken from the official website ]
The owner of the only restaurant in the Lost Forest, "Restaurant Solitude". Though he speaks gently and politely and has a seemingly calm personality, it doesn't feel genuine, but instead, feels cold and impersonal. He shows interest in Tiana, and when the opportunity arises, he tries to "eat" her, but Ookami-san interjects before Yamaneko-san can succeed. Ookami-san claims that something bothers him about Yamaneko-san's restaurant and Yamaneko-san's being in the forest, but cannot provide a reason. [Taken from the official website ]
With the exact same height, face and voice, the seven of them line up next to one another. Treated like the forest's mascots, all seven of them are loved by the citizens. Out of everybody in the forest, they get on with Kitsune-san the most, because he gives them sweets everyday. They also seem to have some knowledge about many things concerning the mysteries of the Lost Forest. [Taken from the official website ]
Only when he sees that you're close to a certain somebody in the story, will Nazo no Seinen make an appearance. He is naive, innocent and cheerful with a bright and carefree personality. Where he lives, what he does and his identity is a mystery. [Taken from the official website ]
The head chef of Restaurant Solitude. As his culinary skills are incredible, he is also Kitsune-san's cooking "teacher". Though a very tall man with a large body structure, Usagi-san is calm, carefree and gentle. He lets the Seven Dwarves play "climb climb", which is where they climb up and around Usagi-san. As Usagi-san allows them climb him to their heart's content, he's popular with the Dwarves. [Taken from the official website ]
赤ずきんと迷いの森 Akazukin to Mayoi no Mori
Red Riding Hood and the Lost Forest


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Red Riding Hood And The Lost Forest


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Red Riding Hood And The Lost Forest

Red Riding Hood And The Lost Forest

Red Riding Hood And The Lost Forest

Red Riding Hood And The Lost Forest

Red Riding Hood And The Lost Forest

Red Riding Hood And The Lost Forest

Red Riding Hood And The Lost Forest

Red Riding Hood And The Lost Forest

Red Riding Hood And The Lost Forest

Red Riding Hood And The Lost Forest

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Anyway, I'll do the review later, this will be just a small rambling along with translation upto the point I've played~~
The game starts with the Protagonist (I gave her the default name Tiana) stabbing someone(O_O) and running away once a person sneaks up on her. Suddenly the scenery shifts and we see her hanging from the edg e of a cliff. Turns out her bitch-as-ho of a stepmother sent her to her death under the pretense of delivering some food to some imaginary uncle. The map was rigged so she would fall off an edge after a certain step.
But she was careful so she survived, then she went into a suicidal rage and decided instead of dying the way her stepmother wanted, she would find a wolf and get eaten by him. Dumbest idea I've ever heard. After some time from setting out on her search, she meets an extremely hawt bishounen wolf (*fangirl switch on!~*) who looks like he belongs in some rock idol group I really liked his looks.
He was unexpectedly nice and refused to eat Tiana, giving the excuse she wasn't mature enough XD Now here popped up the first choice of the game, if you act normal he'll just tease you a bit, but if you're nicer to him and pick the choice for his route, he gets a little pervy and decides to "taste" her to determine whether she's fit to be eaten. You ask me, he's just looking for an excuse to do some random groping :P Since I started playing the game for exactly this type of development, I'm happy ~~ * ω* ~~
I played for a bit more, but I'll take an abrupt break here since I haven't translated that part yet. About the translation, I know horseshit about japanese and can only understand embarrassingly few phrases and words, and frequently have to rely on machine translator to confirm. This isn't supposed to be anything official, I just like having some translated parts when replaying the game later. Expect frequent mistakes her and there, and if you find lines where I completely misunderstood the meaning, please inform me without going ballistic on my ass.
Now, here is the translation upto the first ecchi scene, which would be like 10 minutes into the game T___T I'm sorry for being so slow~~~
Note: I've used "Ookami-san" while addressing the bishonen wolf himself, and "wolf" for referring to the species in general.

Ethereal theme. Theme images by Jason Morrow . Powered by Blogger .

It was a painfully long night with a dazzling moon.
With my hands covered in blood, I thrust the gleaming silver knife into the body lying in front of me.
It is unpleasant, this firm yet soft feeling, as it sinks deep, deep inside the lump of flesh.
The fresh blood which splashes from the gap lands on my cheeks, startling me.
I didn’t know whether I could do such a thing for real.
I panicked, and pulled up the knife with all my might.
The blood that spurts out is like the shower this time, pouring over my head.
I don’t know why, I look up at the moon weakly.
With the tip of my lashes covered with blood, even the moon looked red.
At that time, someone taps on my shoulder.
As if driven back with force, I jump up and started running away from that place, still grasping the knife tightly.
Wherever I go, it runs after me for the whole time.
Making loud sounds on purpose by trampling the withered leaves, I delved deeper into the woods.
The dark-colored scenery was spread indefinitely in front of me.
If I look up, the tall trees piercing through the skies covered me with their thick leaves.
From the little light coming through the gaps, I cannot understand whether it is from the sun or the moon.
It could be either daytime or nighttime, both are equally likely.
However none of that concerns me at this moment.
Not being able to meet him even though I have been looking for a long time, I feel ticked off.
Hey~, come find me quickly, my gentle, gentle Ookami-san.
Eat my soft flesh, sip my blood until there isn’t one drop left, and suck me dry to the bone. I’ll be waiting, so---
This morning, I woke up at the dining room, with the aroma of freshly baked bread.
Mama: Tiana, I want to ask a favor of you today.
Even with her sickly sweet songlike voice, I notice her strained smile.
At times like this, I know that mama usually has some sort of agenda.
But I pretend not to notice and act like I don’t suspect anything.
Tiana: What is it, Mama? I’m okay with anything.
Mama: Good girl. Actually I want you to deliver this to your uncle.
Mama: My Younger brother. I think I talked to you about him.
This is the first time I heard mama say anything about a brother.
But Mama gives me a dirty look when I say that I do not know about it and then does not speak for a while.
So I decided to go along with Mother’s lie.
Tiana: Now that you mention it, I feel like that you did talk about it before.
Then mama nodded contentedly and patted my head.
Mama: Now, this is what you will be delivering.
What was to be delivered was in a big basket, covered with a red checkered cloth.
When I looked into its inside for a moment, there were freshly-baked bread and ripe cheese. There was also a bottle of a red apple and red wine.
… Such a thing, I wonder if there is any need to bother delivering it. This is something which is available anywhere.
Because I’m a good girl, I said so to Mama, hanging the large basket on my hand and left home.
Smiling broadly, I wave to Mama cheerfully.
Sounds of crushed leaves from the feet putting a stop to my monologues, I advance intently towards the depths of the forest.
Hey Mama, could it be that the place shown in this map is the Forest of Illusion?
The place which that is said to be impossible to go out after entering once, so none of the people in the village approaches the place, that Forest of Illusion?
Hey mama, if I got lost in this forest; if I died here, what would you think?
Though there were a lot of things that I wanted to hear from mama, actually I never heard anything.
To tell the truth, whether I was a good girl or a bad girl, I knew Mama would have hated me either way.
However, because if I acted like a good girl Mama became just a little nicer, I chose to be a good girl.
While letting out a small laugh, I expanded the map which I received from Mama.
A little while ago, I went there. To this place on the map where Mama had put a red sign.
Of course, there was no uncle’s house.
I was vaguely aware of it, somehow I had already realized. That there was no uncle’s house.
I walked carefully because I had a bad feeling.
Through the thick foliage of trees which did not even let the light pass, I walked with steady steps while treading cautiously on the ground.
Suddenly, there is no earth below my feet.
Though I avoided the fall and was survievd because I had walked carefully, wouldn’t I have died if one step was wrong?
After laughing for a while, I thoroughly tore the map into pieces and threw them into the sky violently.
The gust of wind, which blew as if according to my wishes, caused the torn paper to dance upwards to fly along with the leaves.
Pure white paper getting sucked into the sky.
The figure resembled particles of light returning to the skies, and I admired it for a while.
But when all of the paper disappeared from my view, I let out a sigh without meaning to, and muttered…
Too bad for mama, because I hate high places, I refuse to die falling off a cliff.
However, I hate returning to that house even more.
It is better to die instead, if I have to continue living with Mama from now on.
However, if I was going to die anyway, let’s do it in a better way than jumping.
Mama could never do such a thing; die such a special death.
After giving it some thought, I chose this method.
The wolf that lives in the forest…until the stomach becomes full, I would have him eat me.
I think this is a much more meaningful way to die than just falling over a cliff.
Though I would die, I would become one with the flesh and blood of a wolf, and become a part of his life force. I got excited just from imagining it.
I did not care if I looked desperate, I did not mind even if I seemed insane.
Even if it is so, I was not satisfied.
The only shame here is that just the wolf and I would know this secret.
Not being known even to Mama and Papa, this is a little bit disappointing.
However, when I would die, I would no longer know anything. Because one becomes free from everything when one dies.
Ookami-san, I've already got tired of walking, come out soon.
I had just found a stump to rest, I tried to sit there.
At that time, from the other side of the dark shade of the trees, I could see someone slowly approaching.
- Two big ears you can see even in the silhouette. With each step, the thick tail shakes.
As soon as those amber almond eyes fell on me, they opened wide.
I thought that he would look scarier. He has gentle eyes, pretty handsome.
The firm big body is very wonderful, too.
I wouldn’t mind being eaten by him.
Standing in front of the wolf, I bow dramatically while picking up the edge of my skirt.
Tiana: Nice to meet you, Ookami-san.
In a slightly rushed gesture, Ookami-san returned my greeting with a slight bow.
Tiana: I came here to be eaten by you.
Ookami-san did not seem to understand my meaning immediately and tilted his head, looking puzzled.
That’s right. Other than me, I wouldn’t know any girl who’d go to a wolf to be eaten voluntarily either.
Tiana: I don’t think I’m very unpalatable, what do you think?
I shifted my red hood off my shoulders, exposing my skin and showing it to him.
At that moment, Ookami-san’s eyes, which had been calm until now, seems to shine with a mysterious gleam.
After thoroughly looking over my skin with narrowed, appraising eyes, he licks his lips.
It’s just a red tongue of another living thing, but it moves so bewitchingly.
When I see it, for some reason my heart throbs, and I get a little excited.
Is this anticipation of being eaten? Or --.
Ookami-san: Then, shall I assume that I am allowed to get a taste?
Ookami-san’s hand grips my shoulder and draws it to his lips.
I prepare myself for the pain to run through my shoulder, and close my eyes tightly.
It’s okay, it will be over soon, I am not afraid.
When I felt it, I thought it was not pain, but a sweet feeling.
Ookami-san’s tongue crawls over my skin.
Carefully, slowly, he confirms my taste.
Every place traced by his tongue sends chills when exposed to the air, raising goosebumps throughout my body.
It is not just the cold, I don't understand... It was a sensation I had never experienced until now.
Although I thought that I was okay with being eaten, I suddenly become afraid and the back of my knees begins to tremble.
When I unintentionally let out a small scream, my eyes have met with the smirking Ookami-san.
Ookami-san: Apparently, you do not seem to be suited for my mouth.
Releasing my body, Ookami-san corrected my hood politely.
Tiana: Wh… What? Are you saying that I taste bad?"
Surprised at his refusal to eat me, I approach Ookami-san with a severe look.
Ookami-san slowly shakes his head from side to side, the corner of his lip moving upward.
Ookami-san: Though your taste does not seem bad, you are still too early for me to eat. Sorry, I have a principle to eat mature adults only .
After finding a human, no wolf would let them escape.
While it is likely for him to attack it even if I keep silent, I waited patiently as I stood before Ookami-san.
Ookami-san stares blankly at me for a while, then turns his face away losing interest.
Panicking, I grab Ookami san’s hand trying to stop him as he passes by in front of me.
Ookami-san: What’s with you, do you have any business with me?
Tiana: Nope, it’s you who has business with me.
Tiana: If you are a Wolf, aren’t you supposed to eat humans? Why aren’t you trying to eat me?
With his “what the hell are you saying” expression, I lose confidence right away and respond in a small voice.
Tiana: …. Wolves eat humans, right?
Ookami-san nods his head casually in reply.
Ookami-san: However … You are still too early for me to eat.
From the edge of his grinning mouth, His red tongue peeped out.
That deep red was so awfully sexy, I fight off the instinctive shiver through my back and ask Ookami-san.
Tiana: What do you mean by ‘too early’?
Ookami-san: Sorry, I have a principle to eat mature adults only .
For branding me as a child completely like that, I got angry and glared at Ookami-san.
Ookami-san: But don’t you look like one in my eyes?
Tiana: How rude. Isn’t it your eyes that are bad?
Ookami-san observed my figure again from top to bottom for a while.
And then laughing with a snort, he stooped his shoulders in a joking gesture.
Ookami-san: Ah, my bad. You are not a child….you are a baby.
It was good, that I did not meet my end from being eaten by such a person.
As I turn around to quickly find other wolves, Ookami-san grabs my arm.
Ookami-san: Well, wait a minute. There must be some circumstances behind a child like you being alone in such a forest. Depending on the situation, I might eat you.
Tiana: I told you, I’m not a child…
Tiana: Agh, enough with the “child” already!
Becoming desperate, I spoke of my situation so far.
My real mother died when I was small. A little while ago, I got a new mama.
It seemed like this new mama did not like me.
Mama bullied me sometimes, treating me like a nuisance.
Because Papa was away for work half the time every month, he was not aware of Mama bullying me.
And today, Mama passed me a fake map along with the goods for an uncle who did not even exist…
Ookami-san: So you decided to run away
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