Agoric Testnet Setup & overview of the Community Connect App

Agoric Testnet Setup & overview of the Community Connect App

OmniFlix Network

Agoric is a smart contract framework and run their own network built with the Cosmos SDK. Their JavaScript based smart contract framework can also be utilized by other networks as required.

The blockchain network is powered by the block proposers of the Agoric Network, known as Validators. Validators are incentivized based on the blocks proposed and voting power is decided based on total stake or total delegated or total bonded tokens and in the case of Agoric's DevNet AGSTAKE tokens are to be used.

We have setup our validator following the standard Agoric guide and aim to experiment more with the setup in the break before the next phase.

Connecting Community members through on-chain Activity

During the process of building tools for creators' communities, we realized that there was no way in which Validators could communicate with their delegators directly. Of course, an official Announcement channel helps, but as a Validator, we can never be sure that our message is received by our delegator.

We thought, why not connect accounts of delegators and with Telegram ID so that a group could be created for delegators of a specific validator. But wait, an account has a lot more on-chain activity than just delegation. Maybe a framework to capture all on-chain interactions and use them to connect accounts with specific activity.

For example, someone stops staking to my validator, they can be kicked out of my validator group, but still stay in the group that has every delegator that has ever delegated/bonded tokens with our Validator (but might not be staking currently)

Another example of curating people based on on-chain activity:

  • Telegram Group / Discord Channel that has users who have voted on 5 or more on-chain governance proposals
  • Telegram Group / Discord Channel that has users who have staked x tokens
  • Telegram Group / Discord Channel that has users who have spent x tokens as fees
  • Telegram Group / Discord Channel that has users who have staked for x days/blocks
A fun thought: your next (Tinder) date might be with someone that has voted on a governance proposal along with you ;)

Demo Time

how does it work for Agoric?

Step 1: Connect your Agoric account with Keplr.

Don't have a Keplr account? Download Keplr here and create an account today!

NOT: If you do not have an Agoric account, that's fine and Keplr will automatically create one for you.

The landing page on

Click on 'Connect with Keplr' to add the agorictest-7 chain
Click on Approve to connect the chain to your Keplr account
Landing page after connecting your Agoric account (using Keplr). Connect your Telegram account

Enter your Telegram username
One-time Password or OTP used to verify the Agoric account and the Telegram account. Send a message to the bot to verify in the specified format.

Screenshot of a successful verification (of a different account) after sending a DM to the bot

Finally, once the Telegram account is connected, eligible groups appear and the user can click to join any of them
A gif of the flow, after a user has connected their Telegram account -- OmniFlix Community Connect app

Implementing the OmniFlix SDK at a network level

incentivize on-chain activity with NFTs and bring together the people (as required) behind those accounts

When looking at this from a blockchain network (or protocol) standpoint, a network can choose to incentivize accounts that have a specific on-chain activity using NFTs (that generate dynamic yield, that allow you to use tokens for gas fees from the community pool, etc.).

This provides social capital, reputation and acknowledgement of participation, by the protocol directly instead of people deciding on whether or not specific accounts should receive a drop.

btw, WTF is OmniFlix Network?

please ignore if you just want to focus on what we did for Agoric :)

OmniFlix Network is a decentralized network for content creators to manage, distribute & monetize interchain-assets (NFTs), independently or in collaboration with their communities.

As the first step, we developed the OmniFlix Studio for web2 and web3 Asset creation/minting, management and monetization. Assets from OmniFlix Studio are used to run 24x7 linear broadcasts (or live streams with pre-recorded content) on YouTube, Twitch and more. Cosmos TV is a good example of a 24x7 broadcast.

Assets from OmniFlix Studio can also be distributed to OmniFlix TV (a web3 developed and run by OmniFlix Network to feature content from various creators on the network (currently, only interactive videos). These assets (NFTs or video/audio/images) can also be published independently on a Netflix-like platform (called OmniFlix Nucleus -- a white labeled platform for NFT publishing, curation and for sale) where users or subscribe to the platform (or have token-gated access) can buy, view or interact with the NFTs.

For more information about OmniFlix Network

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